Hi all,
We have a old cryostat (Microm h505 model). It was making some sudden 
vibrating noises for a little while and then smooths it self. There  are no 
temperature alterations every thing was fine but suddenly it stopped working, 
no display more looks like dead :( 
I tried calling the service company which serviced before but I guess the 
company is no more in service (as it was a very old machine). I am very new to 
this maintenance issues , I would be glad if any one of you can help me in 
suggesting a company or person whom I can talk about the issue or some one who 
can come and look at the  instrument and suggest the best advice . I assume 
probably some electric motor is dead inside. 
Any advice will be really helpful.
Thank you,
Sr. research assistant,
Pathology core Lab,
George Washington University,
Washington, DC.

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