H-Net* Mesej penuh semangat drp seorang wanita Arab.

2003-04-06 Terurut Topik TigerChan

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As-Salaamu' Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu


All praises belong to ALLAH whom we thank for the victory.  The enemy 
is crazy and desperate spreading all manner of lies and falsehood to 
inflate itself in the eyes of the ignorant.  The Zionists are using 
the news networks to feed the world lies and to show everyone that 
they are abusing Muslims in all kinds of ways, but ALLAH shall have 
the last laugh.

The truth is my children that mighty America is trapped everywhere it 
stands in Iraq.  They are faced with the choice of death or surrender.  
At the moment they still have ammunition but they are running out.  
It is then that we shall see if they are really as 'macho' as they 
claim to be.  They are surrounded on all sides, yet they control the 
reporters to inform the world the opposite.  More than 1,000 US/UK 
troops are lying in the sand but they tell the world that it is they 
who killed thousands of Muslims and captured thousands of prisoners. 
They delight in showing Arabs being rough handled and pushed down to 
their knees but it is the kaffir who receiving the worst of the 

InshaALLAH we will beat them and heap there carcasses mountain high so 
that CNN can show the world the victory that the criminals had in Iraq. 
They don't have the airport, they don't go in and out of central Baghdad 
and less will they capture it. Iraq is the grave of those who invaded

I am exceedingly proud of our brave warriors in Iraq.  May ALLAH 
continue to grant them the victory on all sides. They are an example 
to the whole world of what ALLAH is capable of. ALLAH is QADIR. NOTHING 
is impossible for HIM yet I ask those of who are able bodied and 
disposed to go to Iraq and lend your brothers and sisters a hand. We 
must fight fearlessly for the dignity of our Islam, Arabs and Muslims. 
Fight them with everything at your disposal and know that ALLAH will 
reward in both worlds for your sacrifice on HIS behalf.

ALLAH protect and bless President Saddam Hussein and all the warriors 
who fight so bravely and sacrifice their live in Iraq.  InshaALLAH Iraq 
will be free of the criminals. We anxiously look forward to more news 
from the Ministers in Iraq and hope that they will keep us very 
informed of each development.

I send President Hussein and the Iraqi warriors my love and blessings 
with a salute and a kiss of respect.  Keep up the excellent work and 
crush the criminals who seek your destruction. As much as they are 
denying the casualties eventually they will have to start sending the 
coffins home, and if we kill them all, it is us who send them to the 
Whitehouse- inshaALLAH.



from the servant of ALLAH
Shayhka Maulani Aeisha Muhammad


Iraqi Spokesman Says 'Evil Offensive' on Baghdad

GMP20030405000184 Baghdad 
Iraqi Satellite Channel Television in Arabic 
1828 GMT 05 Apr 03 

[Military statement read by an unidentified Iraqi Army
brigadier general] 

[FBIS Translated Text] 
[Corrected version: Correcting subslug]

A military spokesman has stated the following:

In the name of God, the merciful, the
compassionate.   O great people, O lofty men of our
valiant Armed Forces, O brave fedayeen.   The enemy
this morning [5 April] tried to encroach, defeated, on
the Baghdad of glory, faith, virtue, and sacrifice.  
Iraq's lofty men confronted it and foiled its attack. 
It ran away, defeated, and accursed, licking its
wounds.   Its evil offensive has failed. 

O lofty men, continue to be lying in wait for your
enemy.   God will grant you victory over it.   God
willing, it will eventually fail.   God is Great and
humiliation to the criminals.

[Dated] 5 April 2003
[Description of Source: Baghdad Iraqi Satellite
Channel Television in Arabic -- Government-owned
television station]

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Pengirim: TigerChan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* Laungan Allahu Akbar kedengaran seluruh dunia.

2003-04-06 Terurut Topik TigerChan

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The situation in Iraq has shown the brave Muslims defending Iraq as 
Muslim land, against the non-Muslim invaders. The people are heard 
shouting “Allahu Akbar” not “long live Iraq” or “long live Saddam”. 
Many from the disputing factions - the leadership, the Shia, and the 
Kurds – are calling for Jihad, and urging the people to rally against 
the Crusaders, just as Muslims in the past rallied against the Mongols. 

The Muslims of Iran ignore their leaderships ‘neutral’ position. 
Though they fought a war for eight years against Iraq, they march in 
the streets of Tehran siding with their brothers in Iraq. In Pakistan 
the demonstrations grow larger everyday. Though the secular elite have 
tried to shape Pakistan in the image of the secular west, the Muslims 
have rejected these attempts. 

From Indonesia to Nigeria Muslims are demanding the implementation of 
Islam and the rejection of western laws and  western beliefs. There is 
tremendous pressure on the treacherous rulers, and many of them are 
having trouble coping. This week King Abdullah, expressed his anger 
over the war and called for it to be stopped. Even though he was the 
first to give up hope of avoiding war previous to the conflict starting. 
He claimed he was a Muslim before he mentioned he was an Arab and a 
Hashemite, though the latter have been his pivotal credentials for 
ruling over the Muslims of Jordan for some time. 

The situation in the Muslim countries is surely changing towards Islam. 
It is only a matter of time now before we see the rule of Islam return 
to this world, uniting the entire Muslim Ummah as they should be 
united, and empowering them as they should be empowered, to regain 
their number one place on this earth. 

It seems now an inevitability, by the will of Allah (swt). The mighty 
Khilafah State is returning. 

And Allah (swt) says: “Surely, We have sent down to you (O Muhammad 
(saw) the Book (this Qur'an) in truth that you might judge between men 
by that which Allah has shown you”. [An Nisa:105].

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Pengirim: TigerChan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* Re: Bagi yang tidak faham.

2003-04-06 Terurut Topik Belut Pisang

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Walaupun Iran sebuah republik Islam, tetapi Islam di sini bukan bermakna ianya Milat 
Ibrahim yang dianuti oleh para nabi Allah (Ibrahim, Yaakob, Yusof, Ishak, Musa, Isa 
dan Muhammad). Islam di Iran ialah sebuah agama yang dibina di atas sumber 
hukum-hakam dari kalangan theology mereka di Qum dan Najaf. Walaupun mereka mengaku 
mengikut al-Quran, tetapi ianya hanya di bibir sahaja. Sumber utama hukum agama mereka 
ialah dari kitab-kitab imam mereka serta kompilasi hadith yang kononnya diriwayat oleh 
Ahl al-Bayt(al-Kafy nama hadith mereka, kalau tak silap saya). Sebagai contoh, Iran 
dan Saudi Arabia kedua-duanya dianggap oleh orang awam sebagai negara Islam. Tetapi 
perbezaan di antara dua negara tersebut bagaikan langit dan bumi. Di Saudi Arabia, 
patung-patung dilarang kerana ianya haram. Di Iran, terdapat banyak patung-patung 
tokoh agama mereka dan sebagainya. Di Saudi, mereka yang sujud di kubur-kubur wali 
atau nabi akan ditangkap dan dihukum. Di Iran, sujud dan tawaf di!
  kubur-kubur para imam di Najaf dan Kerbala adalah sebahagian dari upacara agama 
rasmi negara mereka. What I am trying to say is that, perbezaan di antara Syiah dengan 
Sunni bukan hanya kepada perkara furuk, tetapi teras dan core. Bagi kebanyakan ulama 
Sunni, meminta pertolongan kepada manusia yang telah mati (contohnya imam) dengan 
berkata Ya Hussein ! Ya Ali ! dianggap syirik dan merosakkan akidah. Di Iran, 
sticker dan wang pun terdapat slogan Ya Hussein !. Namun begitu, Perbezaan terbesar 
ialah di dalam mengambil sumber hukum agama masng-masing. Sunni menggunakan hadith 
yang ditulis oleh Bukhari/Muslim dan Syiah menggunakan hadith yang ditulis oleh pihak 
lain. Orang Sunni tidak mengiktiraf hadith Syiah dan orang Syiah juga tidak 
mengiktiraf hadith golongan Sunni. Lebih menambahkan parah dan luka lagi, agama syiah 
meletakkan hadith dan kitab imam mereka mengatasi Quran. Di bibir, mereka berkata sama 
taraf, tetapi sebenarnya tidak. Jadi macam mana nak mencapai persetuj!
 uan? Saya rasa mazhab Kristian Protestant ada yang lebih menyerupai ag
ama Islam daripada Syiah. Terdapat golongan Protestant yang tidak menganggap Isa anak 
Tuhan, dan mereka menganggap perbuatan menyebut-nyebut nama Isa di dalam upacara agama 
sebagai idol-worship. They are closer to Islam compared to Syiah. Orang Yahudi, 
Kristian atau Sabian yang tidak mengaitkan (join) sebarang partner kepada Allah, 
percaya kepada hari akhirat adalah lebih dekat kepada agama Islam daripada mereka yang 
mengakui Nabi Muhammad sebagai Rasul, tetapi mengaitkan partner kepada Allah (syirik) 
di dalam ibadat. Jangan marah, al-Quran yang memberitahu kita sedemikian rupa. Ini 
kerana, agama kita adalah Islam (bukan Muhammadiyah). 

Sebenarnya perkara ini bukan terhad untuk Syiah sahaja, sesiapa sahaja yang mengambil 
agama selain dari Islam (seperti yang dianuti oleh nabi Ibrahim sehingga nabi 
Muhammad) dan mempersekutukan Allah, ianya tidak diterima oleh Allah. Walaupun seluruh 
umat manusia memanggil agama tersebut sebagai Islam kerana majoriti umat Islam sudah 
biasa melakukannya, agama ini tetap juga tidak diterima oleh Allah kerana ianya bukan 
yang dianuti oleh Nabi Allah. Orang Sunni juga serupa. Jika kita mengambil sumber 
hukum agama bukan dari kitab Allah, agama itu tetap tidak diterima oleh Allah. 
Walaupun seluruh manusia menggelarkan kita Sunni dan Muslim. 

-Original Message-
koriariff[EMAIL PROTECTED], mujahidin05[EMAIL PROTECTED], 
dr_ismail_ibrahim[EMAIL PROTECTED], abufaqieh[EMAIL PROTECTED], Onn 
Din[EMAIL PROTECTED], Temingat Di Belantara[EMAIL PROTECTED], abuhazim[EMAIL 
PROTECTED], Harun Aminurrashid[EMAIL PROTECTED], TranungKite TranungKite[EMAIL 
Date: Fri Apr 04 20:00:11 PST 2003
Subject: Bagi yang tidak faham.

Oleh kerana kita tidak mendapat fatwa secara resmi drp ayatollah-
ayatollah Syiah di Iran, maka ini menunjukkan Iran sebagai JIRAN
negara terdekat Iraq mempunyai fahaman FEKAH yang berlainan dengan
Sunni. Ini yang mendukacitakan kita, cuma boleh kita kata puak Syiah
tidak bersama ummat Islam, dan tidak dikira mereka sedia berkorban
demi maruah ummat Islam.

Saya perhatikan mereka adalah anti-negara Islam ala sunni. Mereka
cuba mempersenda hukum-hakam dalam kitab-kitab fekah mazhab 4 dan
mengheret kita untuk 

H-Net* Re: [sangkancil] Russian Intelligence Report on Iraq War 56 April 2003

2003-04-06 Terurut Topik msz
Correction on the report for the 5th day. PLease refer to www.aeronautics.ru
msz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If anyone thinks that battle for Baghdad is over, think again. I do not believe the reports by BBC or SkyNews will try to be an objective journalisms, more towards supporting their coalition troops. 
The fact that the Iraqis stood their ground against the most powerful military on Earth for more than 2 weeks amazed me. Shame to the Arabs who lost to Israel in just 6 days during the Arab-Israeli war.

April 6, 2003, 2000hrs MSK (GMT +4 DST), Moscow - By the morning of April 6th an uncertain and quickly changing situation has developed. Coalition divisions are continuing to advance toward the city outskirts. The 22nd and 15th expeditionary marine squadrons are trying to break into the region of military airport “Rashid” from south-east. Iraqis are holding the line along the Diyala river and currently the marines cannot capture beach-heads on the right bank. 
A hard situation has formed near the international airport. The day before yesterday the Iraqi minister of propaganda claimed that the coalition forces in this region would have been eliminated by this morning, and the Iraqi command ordered to storm the airport. At 10am it was attacked by 3 Republican Guards battalions enforced with militia troops. Americans requested artillery and aviation support. The battle lasted for almost 6 hours. After several unsuccessful attacks Iraqis managed to drive Americans back from the second runway to the airport building. Currently the coalition forces control the building itself and the new runway bordering to it. During the day the foes had to increase their strengths and deploy reinforcements. By the evening up to 2 regular Iraqi brigades and 2 thousand militiamen were fighting for the airport. Americans had to use all available forces of the 3rd Mechanized Division and 101st Airborne Division to repulse the attacks. Only assault aircraft and battle helicopters made more than 300 operation flights to this region. 
During the fight Iraqis lost up to 20 tanks, 10 APC, about 200 men killed and up to 300 wounded. The American losses were up to 30 men killed, about 50 wounded, at least 4 tanks, 4 APC and 1 helicopter. But it is impossible to obtain the exact data yet. By this hour there have been more than 20 flights for evacuation of killed and wounded coalition soldiers and the command have requested ambulance aviation again. 
The combat was so intense that commander of the 3rd Mechanized Division general-major Bufford Blunt had to issue an order to organize a false strike. Around 8am from Khan-Azad road junction an attack was organized in order to demonstrate tank vanguards of a large subdivision advancing toward Al-Daura from south. The group was able to reach the outskirts of the town near the Avajridge village. After entering the village the group was met by Republican Guards. In direct combat the group lost 2 tanks, 3 APC, 3 men killed, up to 10 wounded and, after two hours of fighting, withdrew to the main forces. Iraqis lost 4 tanks, 2 APC and up to 30 men killed. 
By the evening the foes reduced their activity and were regrouping during the last night. Americans are rapidly fortifying their defense positions and deploying reinforcements to the airport region, increasing their forces at Khan-Azad and Abu-Harraib. Iraqis are moving anti-armor divisions closer to the city outskirts. 
Despite the exchange of strikes there are no reasons to expect any serious attempts to capture the city in the nearest future. By numerical strength the coalition troops that have reached the city borders do not meet even the minimal requirements for storming and heavy urban fights. Coalition forces by Baghdad number up to 18-20 thousand men and can be enforced with no more than 3-5 thousand men while the minimal force necessary to capture a city like Baghdad equals from 80 to 100 thousand soldiers. 
According to weather forecasts, in the coming day the weather may abruptly change to the worse. The wind is expected to intensify, visibility may reduce to 200-300 m. 
All the claims made by aviation commander of the coalition, general Michael Mosley, about “…Iraqi army, as an organized structure consisting of large units, exists no longer…” are contrary to fact and, according to analytics, are probably connected with severe pressure put on the military command by American financial groups that desperately needed good news from the US-Iraqi front by the end of the financial week. In fact, the Republican Guards defending Baghdad have not lost even 5% of their numerical strength and military equipment. Most of those losses were due to bombardments and not land combats. The total losses of Iraqi army since the beginning of the war have not exceeded 5-8% of their defensive potential. This means the main battles are still to be seen. 
The situation in other sectors of the US-Iraqi front will be summarized closer to this evening. 

H-Net* Russian Intelligence Report on Iraq War 56 April 2003

2003-04-06 Terurut Topik msz
If anyone thinks that battle for Baghdad is over, think again. I do not believe the reports by BBC or SkyNews will try to be an objective journalisms, more towards supporting their coalition troops. 
The fact that the Iraqis stood their ground against the most powerful military on Earth for more than 2 weeks amazed me. Shame to the Arabs who lost to Israel in just 6 days during the Arab-Israeli war.

April 6, 2003, 2000hrs MSK (GMT +4 DST), Moscow - By the morning of April 6th an uncertain and quickly changing situation has developed. Coalition divisions are continuing to advance toward the city outskirts. The 22nd and 15th expeditionary marine squadrons are trying to break into the region of military airport “Rashid” from south-east. Iraqis are holding the line along the Diyala river and currently the marines cannot capture beach-heads on the right bank. 
A hard situation has formed near the international airport. The day before yesterday the Iraqi minister of propaganda claimed that the coalition forces in this region would have been eliminated by this morning, and the Iraqi command ordered to storm the airport. At 10am it was attacked by 3 Republican Guards battalions enforced with militia troops. Americans requested artillery and aviation support. The battle lasted for almost 6 hours. After several unsuccessful attacks Iraqis managed to drive Americans back from the second runway to the airport building. Currently the coalition forces control the building itself and the new runway bordering to it. During the day the foes had to increase their strengths and deploy reinforcements. By the evening up to 2 regular Iraqi brigades and 2 thousand militiamen were fighting for the airport. Americans had to use all available forces of the 3rd Mechanized Division and 101st Airborne Division to repulse the attacks. Only assault aircraft and battle helicopters made more than 300 operation flights to this region. 
During the fight Iraqis lost up to 20 tanks, 10 APC, about 200 men killed and up to 300 wounded. The American losses were up to 30 men killed, about 50 wounded, at least 4 tanks, 4 APC and 1 helicopter. But it is impossible to obtain the exact data yet. By this hour there have been more than 20 flights for evacuation of killed and wounded coalition soldiers and the command have requested ambulance aviation again. 
The combat was so intense that commander of the 3rd Mechanized Division general-major Bufford Blunt had to issue an order to organize a false strike. Around 8am from Khan-Azad road junction an attack was organized in order to demonstrate tank vanguards of a large subdivision advancing toward Al-Daura from south. The group was able to reach the outskirts of the town near the Avajridge village. After entering the village the group was met by Republican Guards. In direct combat the group lost 2 tanks, 3 APC, 3 men killed, up to 10 wounded and, after two hours of fighting, withdrew to the main forces. Iraqis lost 4 tanks, 2 APC and up to 30 men killed. 
By the evening the foes reduced their activity and were regrouping during the last night. Americans are rapidly fortifying their defense positions and deploying reinforcements to the airport region, increasing their forces at Khan-Azad and Abu-Harraib. Iraqis are moving anti-armor divisions closer to the city outskirts. 
Despite the exchange of strikes there are no reasons to expect any serious attempts to capture the city in the nearest future. By numerical strength the coalition troops that have reached the city borders do not meet even the minimal requirements for storming and heavy urban fights. Coalition forces by Baghdad number up to 18-20 thousand men and can be enforced with no more than 3-5 thousand men while the minimal force necessary to capture a city like Baghdad equals from 80 to 100 thousand soldiers. 
According to weather forecasts, in the coming day the weather may abruptly change to the worse. The wind is expected to intensify, visibility may reduce to 200-300 m. 
All the claims made by aviation commander of the coalition, general Michael Mosley, about “…Iraqi army, as an organized structure consisting of large units, exists no longer…” are contrary to fact and, according to analytics, are probably connected with severe pressure put on the military command by American financial groups that desperately needed good news from the US-Iraqi front by the end of the financial week. In fact, the Republican Guards defending Baghdad have not lost even 5% of their numerical strength and military equipment. Most of those losses were due to bombardments and not land combats. The total losses of Iraqi army since the beginning of the war have not exceeded 5-8% of their defensive potential. This means the main battles are still to be seen. 
The situation in other sectors of the US-Iraqi front will be summarized closer to this evening. 
(source: iraqwar.ru, 04-06-03, translated by Necroman)
April 6, 2003, 2000hrs MSK (GMT +4 DST), Moscow - By the 

H-Net* Lies all Lies!

2003-04-06 Terurut Topik art jeffries

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The twisted language of war that is used to justify
the unjustifiable
By Robert Fisk in Baghdad - 07 April 2003 


Why do we aid and abet the lies and propaganda of this
filthy war? How come, for example, it's now BBC
style to describe the Anglo-American invaders as the
coalition. This is a lie. The coalition that we're
obviously supposed to remember is the one forged to
drive Iraqi occupation troops from Kuwait in 1991, an
alliance involving dozens of countries – almost all of
whom now condemn President Bush Junior's adventure in
Iraq. There are a few Australian special forces
swanning about in the desert, courtesy of the
country's eccentric Prime Minister, John Howard, but
that's it.

So, who at the BBC decreed this dishonest word
coalition? True, there's a coalition of the
willing, to use Mr Bush's weird phrase, but this is a
reference to those nations that have given overflying
rights to the United States or have given political
but not military support. So the phrase coalition
forces remains a lie.

Then there's the historical slippage to justify the
unjustifiable. When Jonathan Charles, an embedded
journalist, reported in the early days of the invasion
that the British army outside Basra was keeping a
watchful eye on the Iranian border because the
Iranians had stirred up an insurrection in the city
in 1991, his dispatch was based on a falsehood. The
Iranians never stirred up an insurrection in Basra.
President Bush Senior did that by calling for just
such a rebellion – and then betraying the Shia Muslims
who followed his appeal. The Iranians did everything
they could to avoid involvement in the uprising.

Then there's the disinformation about the securing
of Basra. This was followed by an admission that
though the British had secured Basra they hadn't
actually captured it – and, indeed, have still not
captured it. The same goes for the US Marines who were
said to have secured Nasiriyah, but didn't capture
it until last week when, given the anarchy that broke
out in the city, they appear to have captured it
without making it secure. The US forces bravely
rescued a captured American female soldier; what
didn't make it into the same story was that they also
rescued 12 Americans, all of whom were already dead.

The Iraqis try to imitate the US Central Command
(CentCom) propaganda operations, though with less
subtlety. An attempt to present an American cruise
missile attack on a secret police office in the
Mansour district last week as the attempted
destruction of a maternity hospital – it was just
across the street but only sustained broken windows –
was straight out of the Huns crucify nuns routine.
Iraqi military communiqués inevitably claim a number
of American and British tanks and personnel carriers
destroyed that is way beyond credibility. At Najaf,
the Iraqi Armed Forces General Command (communiqué
number 16) stated on Friday that Iraqi forces had
destroyed 17 tanks, 13 armoured personnel carriers and
a Black Hawk helicopter. Whoops.

Yesterday, according to the Information Minister,
Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, Iraqi troops destroyed four
US personnel carriers and an American warplane.

Sometimes the communiqués are verifiable. An Apache
actually was shot down by a farmer and CentCom
admitted an F-18 bomber was shot down over Iraq last
week. However, the sheer military detail put out by
the Iraqi authorities, grotesquely exaggerated though
it often is, far outstrips the old bones chucked by
the Americans at the correspondents in their
air-conditioned high-security headquarters in Qatar.

Another enjoyable lie was the American assertion that
the anti-chemical weapons suits issued to Iraqi
soldiers proved that Iraq possessed weapons of mass
destruction. The Iraqis neatly replied that the
equipment was standard issue but that since US and
British forces carried the same equipment, they too
must be in possession of forbidden weapons. The Iraqi
lie – that the country remains united under a beloved
leader – is hardly questioned in press conferences
held by Taha Yassin Ramadan, the Iraqi Vice-President.
Unity may be the one element Iraq will never possess
under US occupiers. But its existence under Saddam
Hussein has been imposed through terror.

Then there's the famous war in Iraq slogan which the
British and American media like to promote. But this
is an invasion, not a mere war.

And isn't it turning into an occupation rather than a
liberation? Shouldn't we be remembering in our
reports that this whole invasion lacks 

H-Net* Rumah untuk disewa.

2003-04-06 Terurut Topik ali adik
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H-Net* Berita perang dari Buletin IslamOnline

2003-04-06 Terurut Topik atok janggut


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Amerika mengumumkan bahawa Pasukannya mengawal Karbala dan 400 Iraqi terbunuh -- Mesyuarat Majlis Keselamatan mengenai Iraq esok -- Britain mengumumkan kemasukkan Pasukannya ke pertengahan Basrah -- Ameriika mengumumkan bahawa salah satu kapal terbang askarnya telah mendarat di Airport Baghdad. -- Seorang Askar Amerika terbunuh dan 8 tercedera didalam pertempuran yang sengit di Karbala -- Kepimpinan Pusat : 6 Askar Amerika menjadi mangsa didalam nahas helikopter di Iraq -- Kuwait memanggil mesyuarat tergempar Majlis Kerjasama Negara Teluk esok -- Pembunuhan seorang Palestine dan 15 tercedera akibar peluru  penceroboh (Israel) -- Demonstrasi anti-perang di Amerika, Jepun, Australia, Mesir dan Sudan -- Pope menyeru agar dipercepatkan penamatan Perang di Iraq -- Amerika : Kita menahan pejuang Mesir dan Sudan di Iraq -- Pertempuran yang sengit berlaku di hujung Baghdad --

dari Buletin IslamOnline (waktu :10:30, tarikh :07/04/2003)

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