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I am at first disagree with Nik Aziz's comments, but...

I refer to the article written by Ms Susan Loone dated oct 12,2000 on the
woman issue that came out as a results of Tuan Guru Nik Aziz's speech on
woman. Just like Susan and maybe any other reader particularly women reader,
I am at first disagree with Nik Aziz's comments that we, women, are the
caused of social problems by our provocative way of dressing.

...ok, so as a woman who try to be sensible in whatever she do, I went to
www.harakahdaily.com in case there is any explanation at that website to
clarify the matter. True enough, I found an article with some abstract of
his speech for that particular issue. As a muslim lady, I understood clearly
the message that was conveyed by Tuan Guru.

I have no doubt at it at all. Let me clarify first. ! In Islam, it is stated
clearly in Al-Quran that all muslim ladies must NOT wear clothes that can
reveal their aurah except only to show their face and their hands. I do not
find his comments extremist. It is more to an advise from a muslim to
others. It is not a new issue to muslims.

In Susan letter or article, she mentioned this :".. He then told his
students truthfully, perhaps wanting to admit his own weaknesses: "Even a
Tok Guru (reverent teacher) can be weakened watching them." .." When I read
his speech in harakah daily website, it does not sound that Tuan Guru is
implying that (even so, as a muslim I agree that no matter who you are even
a tok guru is prone to commit sins.. but my argument here is on the
interpretation of the words used by Susan not on who can or can't be

Here is the version that I read : "... Orang jantan (lelaki) mana, kalau
tengok orang betina (perempuan) yang berpakaian nampak pusat, tidak! naik
syok. Tok Lebai tua pun kalau tengok pusat orang perempuan demikian naik
syok juga. Orang panggil, iman Pak Lebai pun boleh bergoyang...." I
purposely do not want to translate this to english as I figure the original
version is required for this arguement.

I..fortunately do not have the same assumption that Susan had when I read
those sentences. My point is, as a human, what we hear, we interpret it in
different way. We have our own way to understand something, to the extend
that we will make our own assumption when the real meaning can be something
else. It is also depends on how sensitive the issue are to ourselves.

Bottom line is we are prone to have misconception over a statement. I am a
woman but.. I have to FULLY agree with Nik Aziz on the contents of his
speech (as far as I have read it) as the message that he conveyed does not
come from him but from Al-Quran. There is nothing in his speech that said
against it.
If it is, I am sure I will speak up and protest, because it is my
responsibility as a muslim to speak the truth according to the holy book.
The ruling on how woman should dress in Al-Quran is to protect women not to
destroy them. So, as a muslim and an Islam believer, I have to agree with
the contents of his message. I don't feel that his comments are degrading
women. I am sure I understand it in a positive manner as to what I
understand in Al- Quran.

As for non-muslim women who feel insulted by his comments, I think the best
way to do is to read the full versions of his speech and to understand the
basic principles of Islam. I believe that he made the speech to remind other
brothers and sisters in Islam, so please do not interpret in differently.
The ruling is of course only apply to muslims. but I am sure in every
religion or even culture, we have guidelines or even a self-instinct of how
should we dress in public.

Bu! t I am not going to touch on that issue as the core point in my arguement
is to straighten up the misunderstanding from Tuan Guru's speech. I am an IT
engineer and I work in a well established IT company and hijab has never a
hindrance to me to pursue my career and I feel comfortable wearing what I
wear. Perhaps his advise is to muslims ladies who still find wearing hijab
is dificult but possible. And perhaps he is just doing his job as a Tuan
Guru to remind his people to ask their female families to cover themselves
according to Al-Quran and Sunnah? and perhaps he is just doing his job as a
muslim? and perhaps he is just doing his job as the ruler of the state?

So has he lost his freedom of speech? Enough to say that what Tuan Guru said
is not wrong in the context of Islam and there is no need for him to
apologize to anyone especially to muslim women.

Muslimah IT Professional

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