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Berikut kisah seorang saudara baru di USA yang memeluk Islam melalui 

This is the story of my journey to Islam .. I feel very humble, and full of 
peace. No matter what happens around me in my life, I find I now have the 
deepest peace and joy. It is funny to me now when I think of how I used to 
be afraid of Islam.

I now have the deepest peace and joy
6/25/2002 - Religious Social - Article Ref: IC0206-1662
By: Tabitha Dencer
IslamiCity* -

I am an American from a very religious Christian background. This is the 
story of my journey to Islam. I first heard about Islam from a person I knew 
who was a Muslim by background, but was not practicing it. Being a 
Christian, I actually tried unsuccessfully to convert him. I was very 
skeptical about Islam, because there is a general belief of Christians that 
Muslims are the enemy (even though they don't really know why). In my case I 
was never told much about Islam at all, but I somehow had this negative 
prejudice towards it in my mind. Like many Americans I thought that Muslims 
were a group of extremists who high jacked planes (this was even before 
9/11, around the spring of 2001) to somehow glorify their false God. Now 
looking back at those thoughts I see they were prejudiced and unfounded, but 
they are an example of the terrible misconceptions many Christians, and for 
that matter Americans hold about Islam.

I am a student in college. That same semester that I first heard about Islam 
I was taking a political science class, and the term paper I had to write 
for that class ended up being a critique on the autobiography of Malcolm X. 
I read the book. The story of his conversion to the true Islam and the 
description of the true Muslim attitude conveyed a sense of peace to me that 
I had never felt before. The recount of his Hajj, and the journey to Mecca, 
and his witness of the totally peaceful spirit of other Muslims who did not 
even consider race, or background as an issue was especially meaningful to 
me. The way they seemed, from his account to be full of generosity and 
familial love for each other was very moving to me. It was something I had 
never yet experienced, but it touched me.

After that I could not forget about Islam. It seemed that I could not 
dismiss it as a corrupt religion. I was drawn to it I guess. Over the next 
couple of months I began to research Islam. I went on line and found 
IslamiCity, and a lot of books and information including a book entitled 
What Did Jesus Really Say, by Misha'al ibn Abdullah which explains some of 
the similarities between Islam and Christianity while dispelling many myths 
about Islam. In reading that book, along with the English translation of the 
Quran on line, I was convinced of the truth and the peace that was sent 
through the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him). When I read the Quran for 
the first time I was immediately humbled. I could not shake the feeling that 
it was the word of God. It is unlike any other book I have ever read. There 
is a ring of truth in every word. I said my Shahada (declaration of faith), 
which I learned to say in English to God in private. I didn't know I could 
contact anyone to talk to in person from IslamiCity at that point. I began 
praying to the best of my ability, and fasting some, and reading the English 
translation of the Quran on line.

At first I did not tell my family about my new faith. In fact I tried to 
hide it from them for fear of their reaction, because they are very 
religious evangelical Christians. After a few weeks though they found a book 
of mine about Islam (because I still live at home), and I told them the 
truth. I tried to explain it to them at the time, but as now, they were 
unwilling to even hear about it. It was very hard at first because they were 
so upset with me, but Glory be to Allah they are more calm about it now than 
they were at first and they do not attack me for my belief anymore, although 
they do try to convince me otherwise.

One funny thing they always bring up is the fact that I use the word Allah 
for God. They say that I am worshiping another God besides God which is a 
common misconception about Islam. I tell them the truth that Allah is the 
Arabic word for God, but they don't understand.  My response to them is to 
ask them to research the religion to know more about what they are 
criticizing so that they can more fully argue their points. I remind them 
that even the Bible says that you should love the Lord with all your body, 
all your soul, and all your mind.

Anyway, as a result of the fact that I still live at home, and I do not have 
the support of my family, I have been very isolated from other Muslims until 
very recently. I have also, I guess foolishly, been shy to approach Muslims 
I saw at school out of fear that they would not accept me being an American. 
They just seemed unapproachable, but now I realize that was wrong of me to 
fear. Two weeks ago I found that I could contact IslamiCity directly. I did 
and received a call back the next day. They helped me take my Shahada 
publicly at IslamiCity, and have been extremely supportive. They have put me 
in contact with other Muslim women who live near me. I am going to start 
going to the mosque soon. I am very encouraged by them, and praise Allah for 
their help. While the majority of Muslims are from different cultural 
backgrounds than mine, they are accepting me and have showed no prejudice to 
me at all. In fact they have welcomed me as one of their own family. They 
have shown me a true example of the spirit of Islam: peace and brotherly 
love that is void of any hatred or ill will towards anyone or anything.

This is my story. I am so happy with my decision, and I feel so grateful to 
everyone at IslamiCity, but most of all I thank and praise Allah for 
blessing me by leading me to learn the truth. I feel very humble, and full 
of peace. No matter what happens around me in my life, I find I now have the 
deepest peace and joy. It is funny to me now when I think of how I used to 
be afraid of Islam. The Quran says, God will lead anyone who sincerely wants 
to know the truth in the path that is right. I know that I have a long 
journey ahead of me, and many challenges, but I know He will guide me and 
protect me. I feel that in a way that I have never felt at any other point 
of my life.


By the grace of God, Tabitha Dencer of California, USA declared her Shahada 
(testimony of faith) publicly at IslamiCity on May 6, 2002.  May Almighty 
God always guide and bless her (ameen).


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