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Perhaps it has something to do with the fumbling
attempts at leadership we have experienced of late.
You don’t need a Harvard education to see that
something is badly askew at the seat of power these
days. In fact, it is probably only at Harvard that
people could miss it. Current affairs remind of
something a woman told me once, "Everything you know
is wrong!" I just didn’t realize then how right she
was. Americans aren’t as smart as we used to be – but
we are not stupid enough to miss seeing the nonsense
unfolding before our eyes.

Some examples of our current madness include nonsense
like this:

We were gravely warned not to take Cipro unless
actually infected by Anthrax – it can be dangerous to
take antibiotics we were warned. Somehow that changed
when Congress was exposed to Anthrax – now they and
their "wonderful patriotic young men and women" (their
office staff) are drowning in Cipro. 
The postal workers were told to stay on the job – they
are frontline soldiers (we are told) in the war
against terrorism. Congress on the other hand bugged
out so fast it was mind boggling. Postal workers were
not even examined – yet even the police dogs used in
Congress got medical testing. Postal workers have died
from these attacks – no congressmen have been
diagnosed with it so far. 
We’ll soon get to the bottom of this Anthrax attack,
we were told by government. Yet who is sending these
poison pills? One senator wanted to just go ahead and
bomb Iraq. Proof? We don’t need no stinking proof,
quoth that worthy gentleman. Since we can’t seem to
figure out who is doing this, our leaders have decided
to make some political hay while the sun is shining
and blame those pesky right wing militants, whoever
they may be. Maybe there should be a five day waiting
period for buying Anthrax? Or did those rascals get it
at a gun show? 
Is it Weapons grade anthrax? Hmmmm. "Honest Tom" Ridge
says it ain’t. "Honest Tom" Thompson says it is. Other
government clowns are claiming one or the other
position and all points in between. To this observer,
it looks pretty damn lethal and Tom Ridge is pissin’
on my leg and tellin’ me it’s raining. 
The response of government includes the "brilliant"
idea of making a new and improved anthrax, and then
creating a vaccine that will save us from it. But what
about the anthrax that is already killing Americans?
Didn’t they court-martial some soldiers for refusing
their anthrax vaccines just recently? What about that
vaccine guys? Does it work or not? If not, why did you
give it to our soldiers? Remember TEOTWAWKI? That’s
"the end of the world as we know it." It’s what
happens when idiots create new diseases that can’t be
stopped by existing medicines. Only lemmings and human
beings would even consider it. 
Government, which tells us that the "plan" is on
track, has simultaneously asked the public to help
come up with ideas to defeat our enemies, whoever they
are. If there is a plan and it is on track, I’m
unaware of it. A new terrorist alert was just issued –
but no information was given and just what we should
do to prepare. Is that part of the plan or is this
terror thing just becoming like the weather – we check
it before bed and don’t go to work in sky scrapers if
there is an alert? Is this too weird? 
The FBI, contrary to all common sense wants to
consolidate all the Internet servers ostensibly so
they can be monitored for terrorist messages. First
off – this is stupid, criminally stupid, since that
makes the internet much more vulnerable to attack.
It’s called the "one big depot" theory and it was
discredited before Julius Caesar was born. Second,
what about Carnivore? Can’t those bozos already
monitor every email and phone call that goes out? Why
do we suffer these buffoons? 
Government, which has announced that it will not rest
until the world wide phenomena of terrorism is
eradicated, continues to support Islamic terrorists in
the Balkans, where the destabilization of Macedonia is
well under way. Considerable military resources are
tied up assisting these Islamic war criminals in their
ethnic cleansing operation in Kosovo. That gang of
thugs has destroyed thousands of Christian churches
and yet we are supposed to be concerned about fighting
on Fridays, the "traditional Muslim day of prayer."
Well, we sure wouldn’t want to offend anyone’s
Our President speaks often of eliminating "evil doers"
which sounds so silly that many of us are just shaking
our heads in disbelief. The same man professes to be a
practicing Christian yet has only to open his Bible to
learn that we are all evil doers and will remain so
until the return of Christ. We are paying this guy big
money to defend us from attack. There are terrorists
all over the place and he bombs Afghanistan. This has
a very strong odor of expediency – what’s the one
country in the world you can bomb (besides Iraq!) and
not offend some business interest or the other? While
he is smiting "evil doers" the terrorists are walking
around laughing at us. 
The most horrifying example of government stupidity
came when some ridiculous air force general, no doubt
of Clinton vintage, announced that those darned
Afghanis just aren’t rollin’ over as quick as "we"
thought they would. His body language was that of a
thoroughly whipped sissy. At first I assumed this was
an aberration but several days later Donald Rumsfield
was blathering on the same topic, and noted how
"dogged" the enemy are for standing up to our
horrendous bombardment for over three weeks. Well,
hello, is anybody in Washington aware of happenings on
the planet Earth? Everybody from the wino on the
corner to the normally ignorant news media have privy
to the state "secret" that Afghanis are among the
toughest fighting men in the world. They fought the
Soviets for ten long murderous years and suffered over
a million deaths without complaint. When no foreign
invader is available they fight each other. To men
like those, fighting is quite natural. We should be
really worried because our leaders apparently went in
there "thinking" that with all our gee whiz gear that
these fuzzy wuzzies would just roll over but it ain’t
gonna happen so now what? 
It was particularly embarrassing to hear that our
special ops guys were pulled out after meeting
"ferocious" resistance and were astonished that the
enemy counterattacked them almost immediately.
Casualties in this "desperate" battle were zero. I’m
guessing that the politicians who are micro managing
this fiasco are more to blame than the men on the
ground. Elite troops expect to take casualties but
politicians think this can be bloodless – yet expect
civilians (other than themselves) to be prepared for
heavy losses. Did someone put magic mushrooms in the
soup at the last state dinner? We better remember that
this special ops guys are all we have, despite what
you’d think from watching Hollywood epics where even
the chef is a Navy Seal waiting to unload on any "evil
doers" that may turn up. Total special ops troops
available? Maybe 2000, maybe a few more if we count
SAS and various Brit commandos. After that folks, it’s
Clinton’s Army, in all its feminized glory. Do you
think Bush changed all that? In nine months? Want to
bet your life on it? 
Islam is the religion of peace. Right. The government
wants us to believe that. The media wants us to
believe that. The real question is why do they want us
to believe that? 
England is our natural ally. Huh? Special
relationship? What?! Who burned the White House? Who
did we fight for eight years for our freedom? Who got
us into the First World War, and by extension, the
second? What has that socialist state done for us a)
ever, and b) lately? 
Israel is our natural ally. Again, Huh? Says who? Why
should we support a socialist government anywhere in
the world? Why should we go to war to defend a country
that can defend itself? 
Government inattention to enforcing the laws of the
land allowed thousands of potential enemies to enter
the country. Yet the first thing government wanted
after the attacks was more laws directed against us
the citizens of this country. We should have given
them something all right – a kick in the butt. 
It is our patriotic duty to fly even though we can
expect that grandma will get the same miserable
treatment as Mohammed the terrorist poster child. Our
money was extorted from us to bail out the very
airlines who routinely abuse us yet are unwilling to
defend us. Just how is it my duty to submit to
humiliating treatment by guards who are obviously
foreigners, obviously incompetent, and obviously
enjoying themselves a great deal? How does this help
the war effort? 
The Pakistanis are our great friends in the war
against terror, and just never you mind what goes on
in Kashmir. But our brilliant leaders, always ready to
reinforce the confidence of an ally, are leaking the
news that there is a joint Israeli / American plan to
snatch the nukes from Pakistan "just in case." How
helpful that news must be to the Pakistani leaders who
are trying to keep the lid on things in their volatile


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