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Alert #126
Ramadan Media Coverage/McDonald's Disciplines Employees Over Hijab 
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 1/15/97) - Alhamdulillah, the media's response to the 
beginning of Ramadan has been very positive. Several weeks before Ramadan, 
CAIR sent out hundreds of Ramadan press kits to religion editors, feature 
editors, television assignment editors, and other media "gatekeepers" 
throughout North America. CAIR "Ramadan Publicity Resource Kits" also went 
to thousands of mosques, Muslim activists and community leaders. Many of 
these activists and leaders then contacted their local media about Ramadan 
coverage. In response, dozens of local and national media professionals 
contacted CAIR to receive more information about Ramadan and about the 
booklet "An Employer's Guide to Islamic Religious Practices," the 
publication of which was announced at a Washington news conference on 
January 10. (Representatives from newspapers, wire services, television 
stations, and radio outlets attended the news conference.) One highlight - 
CAIR worked with ABC's Good Morning America Sunday to help put together a 
taped package about the history of Islam in America and to arrange a guest 
appearance by an Imam from Ohio who explained the significance of Ramadan. 
"These efforts show the true image of Islam and Muslims and help avoid 
spending millions of dollars on a paid national advertising campaign," said 
CAIR's Executive Director Nihad Awad.
1. Contact ABC to thank them for offering positive coverage of the American 
Muslim community. Send letters to Mr. Bret Marcus, Executive producer, ABC 
Good Morning America Sunday, 147 Columbus Ave., 8th Floor, New York, NY, 
10023 FAX: 212-456-6915 E-MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2. Collect any Ramadan coverage in your area (newspaper clippings, video 
clips, audio tapes of talk shows) and send hard copies or tapes to CAIR. 
Letting other Muslims know of local successes will encourage future efforts.
3. Send thank you notes to local media outlets that covered Ramadan.
4. Begin contacting your local media about coverage of Eid prayers, bazaars 
and Ramadan open houses. (Call CAIR to receive a sample Eid news release or 
other media relations materials, including local media lists.)
5. Call CAIR to order "Welcome to Our Mosque" brochure for distribution to 
media representatives and visitors.
McDonald's Corporation, the world's largest global foodservice retailer 
(19,200 restaurants in 94 countries), has disciplined workers who allegedly 
harassed a female Muslim employee in Ohio. The woman alleged being mocked 
because of her religiously-mandated head scarf and her faith. She also 
alleged that when informed of this and other forms of harassment, local 
supervisors failed to take appropriate action. When informed of the 
allegations, CAIR contacted McDonald's to demand an investigation. The 
employees were disciplined following completion of that investigation. The 
coordinator of the corporate inquiry, Mr. Glenn Price, offered to have the 
Muslim worker return to work at her original job site (she had requested a 
transfer to another site) and told CAIR that "if an individual wears 
(clothing) for religious reasons, we don't have a problem with that." He 
also stated that McDonald's Corporation does not tolerate discrimination or 
harassment based on race, religion or national origin.

W. Bradford Swift ** ---------------------------------------------------- 
WHETHER you consider yourself a highly creative person or not, it is 
possible for all of us to be more creative if we'll take the time to nurture 
that part of ourselves. These simple steps will give you direction in how to 
bring more of your creativity to the surface and to optimize your intuitive 
powers at the same time. Pick the ones that seem to fit for you and give 
them a try. 1. Develop the habit of taking time for regular meditation 
and/or reflection. Meditation doesn't have to be hard or mystical. Start by 
simply setting aside 15-20 minutes once or twice a day to simply sit and be 
quiet. There are several techniques you can try such as concentrating on the 
flame of a candle, or saying a word (commonly referred to as a mantra) over 
and over to yourself. As far as I can tell the method you choose isn't 
nearly as important as simply choosing to sit and be with yourself on a 
regular basis. 2. Surround yourself as much as possible with an environment 
that supports and nurtures you. This can include setting aside a special 
place in your home where you can spend quality time with yourself, or 
finding what I call 'sweet spots,' places nearby that you enjoy spending 
time. 3. Try out different pastimes that energize you and help to get you in 
the creative mood. This will vary for different people, but here are some 
common examples: jogging or other forms of aerobic exercise can have a 
meditative aspect to them; bicycling or swimming are other possibilities; 
taking long walks especially in natural settings; taking long drives through 
the country side, try it with and without soothing or inspirational music; 
or taking a long, soothing bath by candle light. 4. Get plenty of sleep. For 
most people that's more than they may think. While you might be able to do 
okay on 5-6 hours a night, the creative juices will flow more readily with 
7-8 hours. This may require taking certain actions to create a most restful 
environment. (See "Seven Steps to Turning Your Mind Off So You Can Get a 
Good Nights Sleep by coach, Michele Lisenbury. You can request a copy from 
Life On Purpose) 5. Identify and eliminate any habits which tend to 
interfere with your creativity. Some of the common ones to consider would be 
drinking alcohol, doing drugs, watching too much television or consuming 
foods high in caffeine and/or sugar. While none of these are necessarily 
detrimental in small amounts, if it's habitual you're probably not partaking 
in moderation. 6. Treat yourself especially nice at least once a week. 
Creativity specialist Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's Way, encourages 
her students to take themselves out on an 'artist's date', as a way to 
nurture themselves. These dates don't have to be expensive or extravagant 
just as long as their fun and energizing. 7. Exercise your creativity and 
imagination. Like so many other things if you don't use your creativity it 
tends to atrophy, it's the old 'use it or lose it' syndrome. Spontaneous 
brainstorming sessions are one effective way to stimulate your creative 
juices to flow. If you have a problem try writing out a list of ten or more 
different ways you could solve it. Or make a list of the ten most exotic 
trips you could take then take the best ones, at least in your mind just to 
exercise your creativity. 8. Make up life projects so large that they will 
require you to be creative in order to fulfill on them. This is a catchy one 
because if you aren't careful it can backfire. The idea here isn't to 
necessarily fulfill on the projects as much as to have the projects energize 
you to tap into your creativity more. As long as you remember that the 
purpose isn't whether or not the project is accomplished, you'll be fine. 9. 
Take up a hobby or sport just for the fun of it, and have it be something 
that you're not already good at. As we get older we often get 'set in our 
ways,' which can be a real killer to creativity. Taking up something that's 
fun but that you aren't already good at will stretch you to develop yourself 
in new ways. Become a student again at something whether it's ballroom 
dancing, yoga, a martial art, or underwater basket weaving. S-t-r-e-t-c-h 
your creativity muscles. 10. This one is for you to create on your own. Make 
up a tenth way to develop your creativity and intuitive powers. Then send it 
to me and I'll compile the best into a second list, TEN MORE WAYS TO NURTURE 
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