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Muslims asked to challenge one-sided Reader's Digest article
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 7/24/97) - An article, entitled "The Global War on 
Christians" in the August issue of Reader's Digest, the world's most widely 
read magazine (circ. 27 million in 19 languages), unfairly associates Islam 
with a number of offensive practices. In a letter to Digest Editor-in-Chief 
Christopher Willcox, CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad wrote: "After 
reading this article, one is left with the impression that Islam somehow 
encourages or permits rape, kidnapping, torture, and forced conversion. The 
writer and his editors must have known that Islam does not condone these 
practices, but failed to offer any balancing information or even a cursory 
disclaimer to that effect."

The letter went on to describe a pattern of unbalanced coverage established 
by Reader's Digest in the recent past. Awad quoted from the new book "Arab 
and Muslim Stereotyping in American Poplar Culture" by Dr. Jack Shaheen, 
Professor Emeritus of Communications at Southern Illinois University:

"Between 1994 and 1997, several Reader's Digest stories perpetuated the myth 
that Arabs and Muslims hate civilized peoples, especially Americans and 
Israelis. Says Ann Bardach in her January 1994 Digest essay, 'All in the 
Name of Islam,' the 'fundamentalist extremists have found nesting sites 
throughout the country [U.S.].' Bardach declares that American Muslims who 
resent 'any kind of scrutiny or criticism of Islam' are censoring the press. 
She alleges that the 'media, scrabbling to be politically correct...have 
cranked out a plethora of feel-good features on Muslim culture.' Her article 
contains no examples of censorship or 'feel-good' essays...The caption 
reads: 'Women are being abused, even mutilated...All in the Name of 

"Fergus M. Bodewich's, 'A Holy War Heads Our Way,' was published in the 
January 1995 Digest. To emphasize that readers have reason to fear Islam...

"In the Digest's March 1996 issue, Brian Eads writes that 'Muslim 
Arabs...300 men on foot, horseback and camels,' are assassins and slavers of 
Sudanese Christians...Eads misleads readers by painting all Muslim Arabs 
with the same disapproving brush...

"The July 1996 Digest features another essay by Bordewich, entitled 'Alarm 
Bells in the Desert.'....Bordewich quotes one Saudi who tells him, 'Teachers 
and students are taken up in an Islamic fervor bordering on madness.' ...In 
the Digest's February 1997 issue, New York Times columnist A.M. 
Rosenthal...says that 'Almost all terrorism directed at the United States 
originates in the Middle East.'"

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