Re: H-Net* Marriage to a 'Past'

2001-04-20 Terurut Topik abuhanif

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Kelihatan seperti sebahagian sdr seerah rasul  sahabah.
kita dapati perjuangan menegakkan negara Islam melalui  berbagai ranjau dan derita 
termasuk perpisahan antara suami dengan isteri.

apalah ertinya perkahwinan jika tinggal berjauhan - makkah dan madinah - tetapi ketika 
itu  nabi ada bersama mereka, wahyu masih turun, maka  "potential revert" yang ada 
ketika itu ada yang memalui masa yang panjang.

Hari ini who really care about an islamic state? berpisah tapi bukan dalam keadaan 
berjuang untuk menegakkan islamic state maka apakah erti perpisahan suami isteri itu? 
adakah salah satu spouse akan mendapat redha ALLAh?

tak bernas.

mona mz wrote:

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 minta komen/ulasan bernas berkaitan hal ini..
 Is the hadith hassan ?

 salam, Mona

 Date:  Thu Apr 12, 2001 9:40am
 Subject:  Marriage to a 'Past'

 Asalamo Alaykum,
 There is an excellent article on this subject in the March/April issue of
 Islamic Horizons magazine.  It is written by Ruqqaiyah Waris Maqsood called
 "Marraige to a 'Past' ".  In her article she states several examples of the
 Sahabi of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) who became Muslims long after their wives
 embraced Islam.  Here is a portion of the article in which she discusses

"Many famous early male Companions adopted Islam long after their wives.
 For example, 'Umar's wife Zaynab was the sister of 'Uthman bin Maz'un.  Both
 of them were Muslims.  Hamzah's wife was Salmah and 'Abbas' wife was Lubabah
 (Umm Fadl), daughters of Hind bint Awf by different husbands.  In 'Abbas'
 case, Umm Fadl claimed to be the second woman to revert to Islam, the same day
 as her close friend Khadijah.  Officially, 'Abbas accepted Islam just before
 the fall of Makkah 20 years later!
The Prophet (SAW) did not ask them to divorce their non-Muslim husbands.
 In fact, they gradually entered Islam by being convinced of its truth.
 Incidentally, not only wives brought their husbands into Islam:  Fatimah
 brought her brother 'Umar, Umm Habibah brought her father Abu Sufyan and the
 Prophet's daughter Zaynab brought Abu al-'As.  There are many similar cases.
At the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, Umm Kulthum, daughter of the Prophet's (SAW)
 enemy 'Uqbah bin Abu Mu'ayt, sought asylum with the Muslims when she learned
 that a revelation had said that women seeking the Prophet (SAW) did not, like
 male escapees, have to be returned to their families and men.  Their marriages
 could simply be voided."
"Should a revert spouse divorce or leave the non-revert one?  This issue
 requires great compassion.  When the Prophet abandoned Makkah for Madinah, he
 daughter Zaynab could not bear to leave her non_Muslim husband Abu al-As, and
 was not required to do so until years later under other circumstances.  The
 Prophet (SAW) did not automatically divorce them.  This is an important
 Sunnah, since it involved his own children.
   Such a spouse should be considered a potential revert, and the revert
 should do his or her absolute best to embody Islam's manners effort, charity,
 and so on. "

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H-Net* Marriage to a 'Past'

2001-04-14 Terurut Topik mona mz

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minta komen/ulasan bernas berkaitan hal ini..
Is the hadith hassan ?

salam, Mona

Date:  Thu Apr 12, 2001 9:40am
Subject:  Marriage to a 'Past'

Asalamo Alaykum,
There is an excellent article on this subject in the March/April issue of 
Islamic Horizons magazine.  It is written by Ruqqaiyah Waris Maqsood called
"Marraige to a 'Past' ".  In her article she states several examples of the
Sahabi of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) who became Muslims long after their wives
embraced Islam.  Here is a portion of the article in which she discusses

   "Many famous early male Companions adopted Islam long after their wives. 
For example, 'Umar's wife Zaynab was the sister of 'Uthman bin Maz'un.  Both
of them were Muslims.  Hamzah's wife was Salmah and 'Abbas' wife was Lubabah
(Umm Fadl), daughters of Hind bint Awf by different husbands.  In 'Abbas'
case, Umm Fadl claimed to be the second woman to revert to Islam, the same day
as her close friend Khadijah.  Officially, 'Abbas accepted Islam just before
the fall of Makkah 20 years later!
   The Prophet (SAW) did not ask them to divorce their non-Muslim husbands. 
In fact, they gradually entered Islam by being convinced of its truth.
Incidentally, not only wives brought their husbands into Islam:  Fatimah
brought her brother 'Umar, Umm Habibah brought her father Abu Sufyan and the
Prophet's daughter Zaynab brought Abu al-'As.  There are many similar cases. 
   At the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, Umm Kulthum, daughter of the Prophet's (SAW)
enemy 'Uqbah bin Abu Mu'ayt, sought asylum with the Muslims when she learned
that a revelation had said that women seeking the Prophet (SAW) did not, like
male escapees, have to be returned to their families and men.  Their marriages
could simply be voided."
   "Should a revert spouse divorce or leave the non-revert one?  This issue
requires great compassion.  When the Prophet abandoned Makkah for Madinah, he
daughter Zaynab could not bear to leave her non_Muslim husband Abu al-As, and
was not required to do so until years later under other circumstances.  The
Prophet (SAW) did not automatically divorce them.  This is an important
Sunnah, since it involved his own children.
  Such a spouse should be considered a potential revert, and the revert 
should do his or her absolute best to embody Islam's manners effort, charity,
and so on. "


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Pengirim: mona mz [EMAIL PROTECTED]