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> Dear brothers,
> as-Salamou alykum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouh,


    Sekarang ini saya ingin MEMBUKTIKAN betapa FITNAH nya artikel di bawah
ini sebagai rujukan kita.

> Ibn Taymiyya and his disciple ibn aljawziyya (different from the
> great hanbali scholar Ibn alJawzi) are not considered to belong to the
> salafi school. Ibn taymiyya was put in jail because of many of his
> wrong teachings concerning the aqeeda. He was not put in jail by some
> tyranic ruler. He was put in jail to preserve the people from his
> ideas.  (See Rihlat Ibn Battoutah where ibn battoutah said: when i
> came to Damascus there was a man called ibn taymiyya speaking about
> religion science, but there was something strange in his mind...
> Once he was doing "kutbat aljuma'a" and he said yanzilou rabbuna ila
> assam'a adunya, then he went down two steps on the minbar and he said
> "kanuzuli hatha" (like my descending). the people of Damascus jumped
> on him and wanted to kill him. Al-'imam al-mujtahid as-Subkiy wrote
> many books to refute ibn taymiya. This event of ibn Taymiya is
> registered by the bokks of history and they are available and may be
> the Muslims need to read them or some of their contents.  Ibn
> Taymiyah was put in jail by the agreement of the Muslim scholars of
> Egypt and
> ashSham. His imprisonment came as a result of the ijma^ of the
> scholars of his age..

Siapa Ibnu  BAtutoh dan apa taraf buku AR RIHLAT karangannya???.
Tahukah anda bahawa Ibnu Batutoh adalah seorang SUFI. Dan buku Ar Rihlah
adalah catatan beliau sepanjang amalan beliau yang sebahagian dari doktrin
SUFi yang dipanggil sebagai RIHLAH??

Ibnu Batutoh sampai di Damsyik dalam bulan RAMADHAN mrngikut bukunya.
Mengikut Ibnu Katsir dalam Al Bidayah Wan Nihayah, Ibnu Taomiyyah berada
di dalam penjara dalam bulan SYAABAN pada TAHUN YANG SAMA.  Dan mengikut
Ibnu Katsir, Ibnu Taimiyah KEKAL di dalam penjara sehingga beliau
meninggal dunia.

Ertinya Ibnu Batutoh berada di Damsyik dalam keadaan ibnu taimiyyah SUDAH
tidak ada lagi bersama2 dengan masyarakat awam di Damsyik.  Adalah
MUSTAHIL bagi Ibnu Batutoh untuk MENYAKSIKAN peristiwa2 seperti yang
disebut dalam AR RIHLAH.


Anyway, di bawah diberikan PUJIAN IBNU KATSIR terhadap Imam Ibnu

Berkata Ibnu Katseer:

    " And perkara paling kecil yang beliau akan buat apabila mendengar
sesuatu (ilmu) adalah beliau akan menghafalnya dan kemudian beliau akan
mengkaji perkara itu.  Ibnu taimiyyah adalah seorang yang sangat PINTAR
dan kuat hafalannya.  Dia telah menjadi IMAM TAFSEER dan segala yang
berkaitan dengannya.  Dia juga sangat ALIM dalam Ilmu Feqah.  Anda beliau
adalah lebih alim dalam feqah sesuatu madzhab daripada pengikut2 sesuatu
madzhab itu , baik di zaman beliau mahupun bukan di zaman beliau.  Beliau
adlaah alim dalam perkara USOOL da FUROOQ, dalam perkara nahu, lughah dan
segala ilmu yang wujud.  Dan tidak ada alim dalam sesuatu ilmu yang
bercakap dengan Ibn taimiyyah melainkan alim itu akan merasakan bahawa
beliau adalah seorang yang alim dalam bidang itu.  Berkenaan dengan Al
Hadeeth, beliau adalahj pembawa BENDERA Ilmu Hadeeth, seorang Al Hafidh,
berkebolehan untuk mebezakan yang mana kuat dan yang mana lemah dan sangat
maklum tentang para perawi.

> 1) As-Subki in his "aRasae'l as-Subkiyya firrad ala Ibn Taymiyya",
> 2) Ibn Hajar al-Haytami, in al-Fatawa al-Hadithiyya
> 3) Abu Hayyan al-Andaloussi in an-Nahr almaadd
> 4) Ibn Hajar al-Askalani in Fath al-Bari page 410 fascicle 13 kitab
> atawhid.

Inshaallah saya akan membawa REBUTTAL terhadap dakwaan ini. Buat sekaarang
ini cukup dengan saya berkata bahawa Ibn Hajr Asqalani juga MEMUJI IMAM

Adapun kritikan2 biasa, itu adalah BIASA dalam Ilmu Islam.

> >From the 12th hegire century:
> 5) Sheikh Ahmad ibn Zayni Dahlan in Fitnat al-Wahhabiyya,
> 6) Sheikh Muhammad ibn Darwish al-Hout from Beirut in his book
>    Rasail fi akidat ahl-esunna waljamaa.
> >From the 20th century:
> 7) Sheikh Muhammad Ouwayss from alAzhar in his book ibn taymiyya
> laysa salafiyyan, and many others.
> In fact, there are many sayings of ibn taymiyya related to TAJSIM, in
> his own books. He pretended in his fatawa, (al-asma'a was-sifat) that
> the ahl-esSunna wal Jamaa did not refute Mujassima (those who
> attributed body to Allah). He even said that there isn't any single
> text from the Salaf to refute mujassima. While in fact, al-'imam
> Ahmad said that the person commits kufr if he says Allah is a body
> (jism)
> even if he says that Allah is a body not like other bodies (jism la
> kalajsam). He was quoted saying that "The terms are taken from
> language and al-'Islam and the people of language have put this term
> (body) on something that has length, width, thickness, image,
> structure and components and it was not narrated in ash-shari^ah
> (Islamic law).

Sekali lagi menunjukkan bahawa semua ulama2 ini adlaah mereka2 yang
terpengaruh dengan

> Therefore, it is invalid and cannot be used" (end of quotation of
> Imam Ahmad).  Al-Bayhaqiyy narrated that about Ahmad in his book
> manaqib Ahmad and az-Zarkashiyy narrated the first saying of Ahmad.
> Notice that Ahmad did not accept the term (body not like other
> bodies) because it does not befit Allah and the language does not
> accept that.  I also quoted the saying of al-Imam al-Ash^ary from
> Kitab An-Nawader:
>   "If someone belives that Allah is a body then he ignores Allah
>   and he is a kafir".
> To be continued..
> In sha'a Allah
> Walid Dabbous
> **********************************************************************
> Ibn Taymiyyah:
> Ibn Taymiyah (d. 728/1328) was a theologian who was sent to the jail
> by the consensus (Ijma'a) of prominent Sunni scholars of his time (in
> Egypt and Damascus) because of his heretical beliefs. He was
> considered an innovator and a heretic and some Sunni scholars went so
> far as to declare his writings as Kufr. Now he has become a Muslim
> scholar for Wahhabis! I don't want to go into the details of the
> charges against Ibn Taymiyah which was raised by prominent Sunni
> scholars about his heretical beliefs such as his idea that Allah has
> limbs and these limbs are physical (Haqiqi) and so on since it needs
> thousands of lines by itself. Among those Sunni scholars who
> denounced him, are Taqi al-Din Subki, Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Ibn
> Hajar al-Asqalani, al-Izz ibn Jama'a, Muhammad Zahid al-Kawthari, Abu
> Hayyan al-Andalusi, Shaykh Ahmad Ibn Zayni Dahlan, Shaykh Mohammad
> Ouwayss from al-Azhar, and many others. In their fatwa, they called
> Ibn Taymiyah as a misguided person who was deserting the Sunni
> tenets. I refer Sunni brothers to their authentic Fiqh book called
> "The Reliance of the Traveller" for a biography of Ibn Taymiyah.
> ************************
> Now, as for Ibn Taymiyyah: A number of prominent Muslim
> scholars of great repute -have- in fact pronounced kufr on Ibn
> Taymiyyah, although the majority of scholars of ahl-al-Sunnah
> have not pronounced kufr on him. Many have, however, criticized
> him for innovation (bid`ah). Among those who criticized him are
> -Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalani (FatH al-Baaree, [Vol 12, p202], [V
> 13, p 410]), -Ibn Hajar al-Haytami ([al-Fataawaa al-Hadeethiyyah
> p116,
> p203], [Haashiyah, p443, p489]) -Taqi al-Deen al-Subki ([al-sayf
> al-Saqeel], [al-durrah al-maDiyyah]
> Others include Taj al-Deen al-Subki, al-Hafiz al-Dhahabi, Ibn
> Daqeeq al-`Eed and Zayn al-Deen al-`Araaqee.
> Firstly, we should realize that those scholars who pronounced
> kufr on him based their verdicts on very real evidence from Ibn
> Taymiyyah's own books. One of the primary contentions of these group
> of scholars was that Ibn Taymiyyah believed in  - eternity of the
> universe, which is that he said that some kind of creation always
> existed.  Also a large number of scholars, of both former and latter
> times, have criticized some of Ibn Taymiyyah's opinions as
> innovations.
> It cannot be denied that in some issues, Ibn Taymiyyah (though he may
> have had good intentions) has contradicted the consensus (ijmaa`) of
> the Muslim scholars. Some of these issues are
> doctrinal (e.g. he believed that Allah can be described with
> (limits), compare this to the mainstream Sunni creed as presented by
> Imam al-Shafi`ee, for example in , p8, or Abu Haneefah (al-fiqh
> al-akbar, p57), al-Tahawi (al-`aqeeedah al-TaHaawiyyah), al-Bayhaqi
> (al-Asmaa' waS-Sifaat, p410), etc), others are related to fiqh
> (jurisprudence) (e.g. his opinion that three divorces pronounced
> together do not all take effect - this fatwaa incidentally was the
> reason that Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali forsook Ibn Taymiyyah).
> Therefore, the claim that indivduals like Ibn Taymiyya, Bin Ba'z and
> al-Albani have the same Aqeedah as Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l Jama'ah is
> blatantly untrue and misleading to Muslims in general.
> salam
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