2000-03-03 Terurut Topik Ahmad Chukari

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wa'alaikumussalam. pandangan sdr boleh diterima. tetapi kenapa perlu seorang
ulama besar sepertinya mahu bercakap dalam bahasa yang boleh mencetuskan
syak wasangka?  dalam keadaan dunia Islam yang kelam kelibut ni, para ulama
perlu menggunakan bahasa yang mudah, jelas tanpa meujudkan ruang untuk
disalah tafsir dan diperalatkan. wallahu 'alam. wassalam

kliner wrote:

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 Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt.

 Nampaknya isu tantawi masih lagi diutarakan.
 Saya sebagai bekas student azhar ingin memberi tahu serba ringkas
 perkara yg berlaku.

 Bagi pandangan sayalah kan sebagai insan yg dhoif, kalau kita pandang
 dari segi mereka yang menyatakan bahawa perkataan syeikh tantawi berkata

 1-Adakah kita betul-betul percaya org yg menterjemahkan kepada Bahasa
 Malaysia itu betul-betul mahir dari segi uslub Bahasa Arab Baku  Bahasa
 Arab Kampung. Dan yang saya tahu Syeikh Tantawi tidak semestinya dia
 bercakap 100% Bahasa Arab Baku (Fushah).

 2.Adakah org yg menterjemahkan itu ada unsur-unsur memperpolitikan

 3. Adakah kita mampu menghuraikan dan mendatangkan hujah dan nas
 daripada Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah untuk menolak hujah beliau. Adakah kita
 sampai ke martabat tersebut.

 Saya rasa itu sahaja pandangan saya sekian terima kasih.

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Pengirim: Ahmad Chukari [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-03-01 Terurut Topik ariman abdu

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Today where is our Khalifah and our amir al-jihad?
salam semua.
pendapat saya, khalifah kita akan muncul dari amir2 al-jihad yang sedang
berperang menentang kafir rusia dan hindu dan sekutu2 mereka. Dalam hadis
sohih, Nabi SAW telah memberitau kita kabar2 gembira bahwa jihad ini akan
terus berjalan dan Rom sampa masanya akan dikuasai kembali oleh orang Islam.
Soalannya dengan cara bagaimana.?
Adakah dengan cara ekonomi umat Islam dengan kilang2 kicapnya sampai jadi
begitu canggih sampai berlutut America kepada negeri2 umat Islam. ..Atau,umat2
Islam sekarang sedang berbuat persiapan supaya menjadi tentera2 jihad.
persiapan yang macam mana pula??.. Adakah cukup dengan
pistol2 air sentiasa terhunus sedangkan nabi menghunuskan pedang.?

Asiah Abdullah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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Assalamualaikum ww
My own comment:
Bagi kita di Malaysia, tentu sekali kita masih ingat pernyataan yang
dikeluarkan oleh al-Tantawi semasa lawatannya ke Malaysia: 'malaysia negara
Islam' dan 'Murtad tak perlu dihukum'. Orang² seperti inilah yang sekian lama
mengelirukan minda Islam di sebalik kedudukan dan kelulusan mereka sebagai tok
syeikh! (Termasuk dlm golongan ini: Muhammad Abduh (Mesir), Ali Asghar
Engineer (India), Gus Dur (Indonesia), Hamid Othman (Malaysia) dan banyak
Assalaamu alaykum
What treachery from "Shaykh al-Azhar" thanking the Pope for his honourable
stand vis a vis the Palestinian people! What honourable stand? As far as the
Vatican is concerned, Jerusalem is their holy city which must be
"internationalised" and supervised by Christians, Jews and Muslims. Whereas
Islam says that all of Palestine is uniquely Islamic land which MUST BE UNDER
And does Shaykh al-Azhar forget--or does the kufr regime he serves so
faithfully make him forget!--that this is the second time that the Holy Land
is out of  our hands. The first time was via the Crusades ordered by Catholic
popes who asked their followers to clear Jerusalem of the "infidel barbarians"
i.e. Muslims, which they did with incredible brutality and atrocities (similar
to what the Russians are doing now in Chechnya!). The only solution then to
the occupation of Islamic land, then and now, was the unity of Muslims and the
fighting of jihad to liberate all occupied land from the filth of kufr. Then
there was the Abbasid Khalifah and Salah ud-Deen Al-Ayyubi as "amir al-jihad"
(leader of Islamic army) to do the job. Today where is our Khalifah and our
amir al-jihad?
Wake up, O Muslims!

Aqidah Islamic Information Service

Assalamu aleikum.

" ... There is no difference between Christians and Muslims," said Islam
Abdel Moneim, 11, a Muslim." 

May Allah (S.W.T.) forgive us all for failing to convey even the most
elementary teachings of Islam to the Muslim children, including apparently
even Surah al-Ikhlas.


Middle Eastern Times (Cairo)
25 February 2000 International Edition

Pope denounces violence in religious guise 

Andrew Hammond 

Pope John Paul II, decrying violence under the banner of religion, met
Egypt's top Muslim and Coptic Christian clerics in Cairo Thursday with a
message of peace. 

"To promote violence and conflict in the name of religion is a terrible
contradiction and a terrible offense against God," the pope said at the
start of his three-day visit to Egypt. 

"But past and present history give us many examples of such a misuse of
religion," he said in an arrival address. 

The 79-year-old pontiff appealed for Muslim-Christian harmony and called
for a Middle East peace in which the rights and legitimate aspirations of
all peoples would be respected. 

The pope visited Grand Sheikh Mohamed Sayyed Tantawi of al-Azhar, the
1,000-year-old seat of learning whose influence stretches throughout the
Sunni Muslim world. 

"I thanked the Vatican and his Holiness the Pope for their honorable
position regarding the Palestinian people," Tantawi told reporters after
their 45-minute closed meeting. 

He said he had told the pope that common interests joined Christians and
Muslims, who had lived in Egypt for 14 centuries "under one sky, on 


2000-02-29 Terurut Topik Asiah Abdullah
Assalamualaikum ww
My own comment:
Bagi kita di Malaysia, tentu sekali kita masih ingat pernyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh al-Tantawi semasa lawatannya ke Malaysia: 'malaysia negara Islam' dan 'Murtad tak perlu dihukum'. Orang² seperti inilah yang sekian lama mengelirukan minda Islam di sebalik kedudukan dan kelulusan mereka sebagai tok syeikh! (Termasuk dlm golongan ini: Muhammad Abduh (Mesir), Ali Asghar Engineer (India), Gus Dur (Indonesia), Hamid Othman (Malaysia) dan banyak lagi...)
Assalaamu alaykumWhat treachery from "Shaykh al-Azhar" thanking the Pope for his honourable stand vis a vis the Palestinian people! What honourable stand? As far as the Vatican is concerned, Jerusalem is their holy city which must be "internationalised" and supervised by Christians, Jews and Muslims. Whereas Islam says that all of Palestine is uniquely Islamic land which MUST BE UNDER THE HANDS OF MUSLIMS WHO RULE BY THE SHARI'AH. Can there be any clearer contradiction? And does Shaykh al-Azhar forget--or does the kufr regime he serves so faithfully make him forget!--that this is the second time that the Holy Land is out of our hands. The first time was via the Crusades ordered by Catholic popes who asked their followers to clear Jerusalem of the "infidel barbarians" i.e. Muslims, which they did with incredible brutality and atrocities (similar to what the Russians are doing now in Chechnya!). The only solution then to the occupation of Islamic land, then and now, w!
as the unity of Muslims and the fighting of jihad to liberate all occupied land from the filth of kufr. Then there was the Abbasid Khalifah and Salah ud-Deen Al-Ayyubi as "amir al-jihad" (leader of Islamic army) to do the job. Today where is our Khalifah and our amir al-jihad?Wake up, O Muslims!Aqidah Islamic Information ServiceAssalamu aleikum." ... There is no difference between Christians and Muslims," said IslamAbdel Moneim, 11, a Muslim." May Allah (S.W.T.) forgive us all for failing to convey even the mostelementary teachings of Islam to the Muslim children, including apparentlyeven Surah al-Ikhlas.__source:Middle Eastern Times (Cairo)25 February 2000 International Edition--!
-Pope denounces violence in religious guise Andrew Hammond Pope John Paul II, decrying violence under the banner of religion, metEgypt's top Muslim and Coptic Christian clerics in Cairo Thursday with amessage of peace. "To promote violence and conflict in the name of religion is a terriblecontradiction and a terrible offense against God," the pope said at thestart of his three-day visit to Egypt. "But past and present history give us many examples of such a misuse ofreligion," he said in an arrival address. The 79-year-old pontiff appealed for Muslim-Christian harmony and calledfor a Middle East peace in which the rights and legitimate aspirations ofall peoples would be respected. The pope visited Grand Sheikh Mohamed Sayyed Tantawi of al-Azhar, the1,000-year-old seat of learning whose influence stretches throughout theSunni Muslim world. "I t!
hanked the Vatican and his Holiness the Pope for their honorableposition regarding the Palestinian people," Tantawi told reporters aftertheir 45-minute closed meeting. He said he had told the pope that common interests joined Christians andMuslims, who had lived in Egypt for 14 centuries "under one sky, on oneland and breathing the same air." Tantawi said he had assured the pope that Egyptians, whether Christians orMuslims, enjoyed equality of rights and duties. The two men exchanged gifts, the pope receiving a book on al-Azhar'shistory and Tantawi a religious painting. The pope earlier went to the cathedral residence of Coptic Pope ShenoudaIII, whose Orthodox church has never recognized papal supremacy in nearly2,000 years of existence. Shenouda praised the pope's efforts for peace in the Middle East andharmony among Christians. "We wish all efforts for Christian unity may goforward through your h!
elp," he said. Shenouda reminded his guest that Egypt was a holy land, sanctified by thevisit of Jesus and his parents, said to have spent three years in Egypt toescape King Herod's persecution. President Hosni Mubarak, who greeted the pope at the airport, called him"a man of courage, wisdom and tolerance." In a sign of his increasing frailty the Pope, who once began his foreignvisits by kissing the ground, this time kissed a bowl of Egyptian soilpresented to him by a child. "We should strive together to fight fanaticism, prejudice and hatred. Weshould oppose all discrimination, injustice and double standards if we areto establish a new viable world order. Your voice on these issues is ofenormous value," Mubarak told his visitor. Mystical Sinai Moment The highlight of the pope's visit to Egypt, the