I have no idea, but I have code from Quake1 with something similar, that
maybe can help you. Unfortunally I dont know much about the .mdl format
and the loading stuff,..

This is a Quake1 function:

//Caches the data if needed
void *Mod_Extradata (model_t *mod) {
        void *r;

        r = Cache_Check (&mod->cache);//already loaded
        if (r)
                return r;

        Mod_LoadModel (mod, true); //Its need to load

        if (!mod->cache.data) //failed?
                Sys_Error ("Mod_Extradata: caching failed");
        return mod->cache.data;

Here its some code that use that function (more Q1 code):

void R_DrawAliasModel (entity_t *ent) {
        int i, anim, skinnum, texture, fb_texture;
        float scale;
        vec3_t mins, maxs;
        aliashdr_t *paliashdr;
        model_t *clmodel;
        maliasframedesc_t *oldframe, *frame;

        extern  cvar_t r_viewmodelsize, cl_drawgun;

        VectorCopy (ent->origin, r_entorigin);
        VectorSubtract (r_origin, r_entorigin, modelorg);

        clmodel = ent->model;
        paliashdr = (aliashdr_t *) Mod_Extradata (ent->model);       //locate 
proper data

( Looks like "extradata" its the workload of models, the tris stuff.. or
whatever similar. )

I think this a problem with the loading/unloading strategy for models.
Your mod are triing to use a model that for some reason can't load, or
has been freed. Freed? maybe because whas load on temporal memory, or
because for some reason the engine thing its not in-use.

If you change your load strategy (change order or whatever similar) you
can avoid your bug. But maybe you are doing something really ugly with
memory, like freeing pointers you are suppose not :D

Black Panther wrote:
Just in advance: this is a HL1 problem :)

After executing a few changelevel commands I am getting an error
message: "Fatal Error: Mod_Extradata: caching failed".
Then the game shuts down.
It's not something map specific and only occurs after changeleveling
through a bunch of maps.

You may try something like this:

changelevel foo

lets help the engine a bit, maybe you are stresing too much


Other people suggested it could be a mdl loading problem (bogus data
filling up the cache) but why doesn't it occur every time I try to load
a map then?

or a corrupt file, unfortunally the sys error its not that informative...


but I guess its not a corrupted file

Regards BlackPanther www.bgmod.com

More Q1 fun reading:

void Mod_ClearAll (void) {
        int i;
        model_t *mod;

        for (i = 0, mod = mod_known; i < mod_numknown; i++, mod++)
                if (mod->type != mod_alias && mod->type != mod_alias3 )
                        mod->needload = true;

//That needload mark ExtraData you really need to load

//Free hunk memory up to host_hunklevel //Can only be called when changing levels! void Host_ClearMemory (void) { D_FlushCaches ();

        //Commenting that line crash the engine
        // reloading levels on some model draw stuff.. on client!
        Mod_ClearAll ();

        // any data previously allocated on hunk is no longer valid
        Hunk_FreeToLowMark (host_hunklevel);

notice the comment "changing levels", ;)

I am sure the work on valve with the original memory handling its very
high quality, but as Its optimized for gaming, the original design its
somewhat.. heee.. arcade? also HL2 its extreme so maybe you are pushing
limits. Something that often you can fix with more memory, a 64 bits
version of windows or a Steam update :D

note: all this source come from ezQuake

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