A require server update has been released, and you should be able to
download the update through hldsupdatetool now.
This update marks the end of the Beta and transition into the release version.
The list of changes are below.

- Added Doppler “whoosh” for rocket flybys.
- Added separate cloak sounds for each team.
- Added two new music tracks, the main menu now randomly chooses 1 of
3 on launch.
- Added X-01 tracer flyby sound.
- Added new poison and radiation grenade sounds.
- Added Consortium Stealth character radio sounds.
- Added destruction sounds for each structure.

General Issues
- Changing video options while connected to a server will no longer
require you to rejoin (which was also broken).
- You can no longer sell your last transport gate.
- Apply to be commander on the spawn menu better reflects if you are
currently in the list of commander applicants.
- Added FPS HUD message when you have no commander, and no-one in your
team has applied to become the commander.
- Added a resign button for the commander on the team menu (where
mutiny shows for other players)
- Fixed players not being added to the commander election pool during
a pre-round.
- Fixed flamethrower particles randomly colliding with invisible planes.
- Fixed a bug where part of the flamethrower particle would bleed away
from the stream.
- Fixed rare case where players could command during the pre-round.
- Fixed case where commander applicants would be removed from the
applicant pool after a new round starts.
- Fixed multiple commander applicants being asked if they want to
command, but only the first one to respond will get promoted to
- Fixed a commander applicant from the other team being asked if they
want to command for the other team.
- Fixed various player ragdoll spawning issues.
- Fixed various console spam messages.
- Fixed being able to research things multiple times, and being
charged each time.
- Fixed a bug with grenade launcher shells not impacting properly.
- Fixed the artillery fire sound not playing.
- Fixed the Exo lockdown sounds not playing in first person.
- Fixed cases where turrets would miss or not see some structures.

User Interface
- Added third party audio and video credits to Audio, Video and Voice
options panels.
- Fixed several lines of text in the main menus that were cut off in
some languages.
- Fixed issues with displaying non Latin characters on main menu.
- Added a bit more room at the top of main menu panels to fit some
localized fonts.
- Fixed various menu issues on MacOS
- Fixed build bars extending too far if you hold down shift while
building structures to instantly build another structure of the same
- Enabled the achievements button on the main menu
- Added ragdoll eye death cam.

- Improved performance of Stealth backstab in high latency or fast movement.
- Made a small increase to the health output of the medpack.
- Various Exo balance adjustments.

- Downtown
- - Relocated CT command bunker to make it less exposed
- - Added no-build areas in several locations where the commander
shouldn't be able to build
- - Fixed taxi hat colliding with players
- - Fixed non-solid bushes
- - Fixed various small bugs throughout the level
- - Fixed prop fade distance on lower spec machines

- Metro
- - Moved tertiary in EMP base to make space for main power station
- - Added no-build areas in the metro-station, to fix commanders
building structures inside

- Silo
- - Fixed able to build structures in various props throughout the level
- - Fixed small launch tower blocking bullets/grenades and rockets at
the primary point
- - Added no-build areas in several locations where the commander
shouldn't be able to build
- - Fixed floating light and crates
- - Fixed players getting stuck in garbage bags
- - Added extra entrance for the secondary point at the EMP side

- Hydro
- - Added.

- Oasis
- - Added.

- Clocktower
- - Added.

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