Would you close the shortcut if it was full of snakes?
Or would you just let them use it despite you knew about the "safety risk"
there is to use it?

(Didn't they say it was a security issue they closed down?)

>If you provide a road from A to B. But if most people can use a shortcut,
>to save them time, they will use it. After a while you will have a path
>going through that shortcut. Why not simply create a road on that path?
>If all the plugindevelopers want to use the system a certain way. And
>doing it through a nifty hack. Why not just realize that, and include
>those into the SDK?
>The discussion about the menusystem a great couple of month ago, when you
>shut down the ability to use the widely used ingame menu is a good example
>of an option that should be included into the SDK, or give a way to
>accomplish exactly the same thing.
>I can only se benefits for both valve and the community to include such

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