[Hol-info] WiL 2018: Call for talks and papers, *deadline extension to 30 April*

2018-04-16 Thread Amy Felty
  WiL 2018: Women in Logic Workshop
   Call for Talks and Papers
   WiL 2018: Second Women in Logic Workshop
Oxford, UK
   8 July 2018

* NEW: Extended Submission Deadline 30 April 2018
* NOTE: 1-page talk abstracts are welcome!

Affiliated with the Thirty-Third Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in
Computer Science (LICS), 9-12 July 2018 (http://lics.siglog.org/lics18/)
and held as part of the Federated Logic Conference 2018 (FLoC), 6-19
July 2018 (http://www.floc2018.org/).

We are holding the second Women in Logic Workshop (WiL 2018) as a LICS
associated workshop this year. The workshop follows the pattern of
meetings such as Women in Machine Learning (WiML,
http://wimlworkshop.org/) or Women in Engineering (WIE,
http://www.ieee-ras.org/membership/women-in-engineering) that have
been taking place for quite a few years.

Women are chronically underrepresented in the LICS community;
consequently they sometimes feel both conspicuous and isolated, and
hence there is a risk that the under-representation is

The workshop will provide an opportunity for women in the field to
increase awareness of one another and one another's work, to combat
the feeling of isolation. It will also provide an environment where
women can present to an audience comprised of mostly women,
replicating the experience that most men have at most LICS meetings,
and lowering the stress of the occasion; we hope that this will be
particularly attractive to early-career women.

Topics of interest of this workshop include but are not limited to the
usual Logic in Computer Science (LICS) topics. These are: automata
theory, automated deduction, categorical models and logics,
concurrency and distributed computation, constraint programming,
constructive mathematics, database theory, decision procedures,
description logics, domain theory, finite model theory, formal aspects
of program analysis, formal methods, foundations of computability,
higher-order logic, lambda and combinatory calculi, linear logic,
logic in artificial intelligence, logic programming, logical aspects
of bioinformatics, logical aspects of computational complexity,
logical aspects of quantum computation, logical frameworks, logics of
programs, modal and temporal logics, model checking, probabilistic
systems, process calculi, programming language semantics, proof
theory, real-time systems, reasoning about security and privacy,
rewriting, type systems and type theory, and verification.

* Brigitte Pientka (McGill University, Canada)
  POPLMark Reloaded: Mechanizing Logical Relations Proofs
* Perdita Stevens (University of Edinburgh, UK)
  Logic and Software Engineering: Are We Nearly There Yet?
Paper submission deadline:  30 April 2018
Author notification:  15 May 2018
Contribution for Informal Proceedings:  31 May 2018

Contributions should be written in English and can be submitted in the
form of full papers (with a maximum of 10 pages), short papers (with a
maximum of 5 pages), or talk abstracts (1 page).

Formatting instructions: Papers and abstracts should be
prepared using the Easychair style

The submission should be in the form of a PDF file uploaded to the WiL
2018 Easychair page (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wil2018)
before the submission deadline of 30 April 2018, anywhere on Earth.

We plan to publish an informal post conference volume at ENTCS or
other equally visible outlet.

* Valeria de Paiva (Co-Chair, Nuance Communications, USA)
* Adriana Compagnoni (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
* Amy Felty (Co-Chair, University of Ottawa, Canada)
* Anna Ingolfsdottir (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
* Sara Kalvala (University of Warwick, UK)
* Ursula Martin (University of Oxford, UK)
* Valeria Vignudelli (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France)

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[Hol-info] 2nd CfP: AISC 2018 - 13th Intl. Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation

2018-04-16 Thread Petros Papapanagiotou

  AISC 2018 2nd Call For Papers

   13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic 
 Suzhou, China, September 16-19, 2018


AISC is a forum for the exchange of ideas and the presentation of new tools and 
solutions at the
intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation. It aims to 
foster contacts
and collaborations among researchers from different fields related to AI and 
Symbolic Computation.
The conference is concerned with all aspects of research, including theory, 
implementations, and

AISC 2018 takes a broad view of AI that includes non-traditional areas such as 
learning and their interactions with logic and symbolic reasoning. It will also 
have a special track on
Collective Intelligence.

Conferences in this series are usually held every two years. The previous five 
took place in Sevilla
(Spain), Paris (France), Birmingham (United Kingdom), Beijing (China), and Linz 
(Austria). AISC 2018
will take place in Suzhou, China.


Specific topics for AISC 2018 include, but are not limited to:

* Cognitive modelling and symbolic AI
* Machine learning and computational intelligence
* Data modelling and analysis
* Knowledge representation and symbolic computing
* Knowledge acquisition, search, verification, and interoperation
* Automated reasoning and knowledge discovery
* Causal inferences, uncertainty reasoning, and decision support
* Cross-disciplinary knowledge management
* Mechanization of mathematics
* Mechanized program verification and debugging
* Combination of logics and computations
* Integration of logical reasoning and computer algebra
* Symbolic computations for expert systems and machine learning
* Computer vision and computer-aided geometric design
* Computer algebra systems and automated theorem provers
* Computer-based mathematics teaching and didactics
* Programming languages and systems for symbolic computation
* Emerging fields of computational AI

Topics for the special track on Collective Intelligence include, but are not 
limited to:

* Human computation and collective intelligence
* Game theory and crowdsourcing computation
* Crowdsourcing software engineering
* Crowdsourcing publishing, reviewing, and competition systems


Original research papers in English, including experimental work and work in 
progress, are welcome.
The following types of submissions are invited.

* Regular papers: maximum 15 pages.
* Short papers: maximum 5 pages addressing the following aspects explicitly.
- Problem: what is the problem/question/objective?
- Motivation: why are we working on the problem and what is its importance?
- State of the art: what has been done already on the problem?
- Contribution: what is the main original contribution?
- Main idea: what is the main idea underlying the contribution?

Additional information:

* The submissions should indicate whether they are submitted as short or 
regular papers as part of
  their titles (see the AISC webpage for instructions). Aside from this they 
should follow the standard
  Springer LNCS Proceedings format.
* Electronic submission as PDF should be via EasyChair at
* Accepted papers must be presented at the conference.
* If you have any problems with the submission of your paper, or questions 
  AISC 2018 or EasyChair, please contact_aisc2018@easychair.org_ 


All submissions will be formally reviewed by PC members and external referees. 
Decision on the SHORT paper
will be made on a rolling basis, normally about 10-15 days after submission. At 
least one author of each
accepted submission must register at AISC 2018. All accepted SHORT or REGULAR 
papers will appear in a conference
proceedings volume published by Springer in LNCS. In addition, REGULAR papers 
have the opportunity to be considered
for post-conference special issues of some journal.


* Abstract submission deadline: April 27, 2018
* Short/Regular paper submission deadline: May 4, 2018
* Author notification: June 29, 2018
* Camera-ready submission: July 11, 2018
* Early registration: August 18, 2018
* Conference: September 16-19, 2018


* Bruno Buchberger MAE(Johannes Kepler University, Austria)
* Alan Bundy FRS(University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Zhi-Hua Zhou MAE(Nanjing University, China)


* Jacques Calmet (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
* Dongming Wang (Beihang University, China & CNRS, France)


* Jesús Aransay (University of La Rioja, Spain)
* Yves Bertot (Inria, France)
* Francisco Botana (University of Vigo at Pontevedra, Spain)
* Krysia Broda (Imperial College, UK)
* Xiaoyu Chen (Beihang University, China)
* Mnacho Echenim