[Hol-info] KR 2023 - Extension of Early Registration Deadline

2023-07-30 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

Dear KR participants,

Please note that the Early Registration deadline has been moved to 7 
August, 2023.

Note also that registrations are now open!

Further registration details can be found at:  
hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] KR 2023 - Extension of Workshops Paper Submission Deadlines up to 12 June, 2023!

2023-06-04 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

We are happy to announce that KR 2023 will be accompanied by the 
following high-class Workshops, which have extended their submission 
deadline up to 12 June, 2023!

4th Workshop on Explainable Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (XLoKR 
Franz Baader, Bart Bogaerts, Gerhard Brewka, Joerg Hoffmann, Thomas 
Lukasiewicz, Nico Potyka, Francesca Toni

First International Workshop on Argumentation and Applications (Arg&App 

Oana Cocarascu, Sylvie Doutre, Jean-Guy Mailly, Antonio Rago

The Second Workshop on Knowledge Diversity (KoDis)
Lucía Gómez Alvarez, Rafael Peñaloza, Srdjan Vesic

CME: the 2nd International Workshop on Computational Machine Ethics
Maurice Pagnucco, Yang Song, Louise Dennis

Graphical Reasoning with Imperfect Data (GRID)
Sihem Belabbes, Juergen Landes

The Seventh Image Schema Day (ISD7)
Maria M. Hedblom, Oliver Kutz

AI-driven Heterogeneous Data Management : Completing, Merging, Handling 
Inconsistencies and Query-answering (ENIGMA-2023)

Salem Benferhat, Giovanni Casini, Andrea Tettamanzi, Thomas Meyer

Cognitive Aspects of Knowledge Representation (CAKR)
Jesse Heyninck, Thomas Meyer

Further details can be found at: 
hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] KR 2023: Calls for Applications & Systems Track, Special Session on KR & ML, Doctoral Consortium

2023-03-01 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

Call for Papers - Applications & Systems Track

Systems and applications incorporating Knowledge Representation and 
Reasoning (KR) have made tremendous progress over the last decades and 
become more and more pervasive in scientific, industrial and everyday 
life. Popular knowledge representation formalisms range from databases, 
ontologies, classical, probabilistic and non-monotonic logics to natural 
language, offering rich means to describe a variety of static as well as 
dynamic phenomena. Automated reasoning systems harness machine learning, 
combinatorial search and optimization methods, planning, proving, design 
and diagnosis techniques to provide powerful tools for analyzing and 
deriving conclusions from complex input data. Novel, general and 
interdisciplinary approaches are thus vital contributions at the 
intersection of science, industry and society, aiming to enhance the 
capabilities and outreach of KR principles and technologies.

This year, for the fourth time, KR 2023 will host a track on 
"Applications and Systems". The Applications and Systems Track aims at 
providing researchers and industrial practitioners with a dedicated 
forum for presentation and discussion of new ideas, research experience 
and emerging results on topics related to applications of KR formalisms 
and automated reasoning systems. This track provides the opportunity for 
fostering meaningful connections between researchers from both practical 
and theoretical areas of AI and, at the same time, offers participants 
the possibility to learn about progress made on these topics, share 
their own views and elaborate about approaches that could lead to 
effective cross-fertilisation among research in challenging KR 
applications and new innovative systems for solving them.

Expected Contributions

The Applications and Systems Track at KR 2023 invites submissions of 
papers on all aspects of the development, deployment, and evaluation of 
KR systems to solve significant and challenging application problems, 

● case studies, including suitable descriptions of the problem setting, 
data and tools used, and "lessons learnt",
● use cases, including task specifications, related tasks/approaches, 
challenges, and a sketch of possible KR solution,
● benchmarks, including suitable descriptions of the dataset, reasoning 
tasks, and ideally some "solution set" or gold standard,
● system descriptions, including descriptions of the algorithm, 

● and empirical evaluation on a suitable dataset.

We welcome the above kinds of papers on a wide range of topics, 
including papers describing KR systems, tools, solvers and reasoning 
engines, as well as papers reporting on applications of KR systems in 
solving or supporting tasks related to different application areas and 

Application areas of interest include but are not restricted to: 
computational biology, computer vision and image recognition, creative 
computing, cybersecurity and blockchain, data analysis, databases and 
query answering, decision support, declarative problem solving, 
diagnosis and explanation, game theory and social choice, human-computer 
interaction, intelligent transportation and logistics, intelligent user 
interfaces, internet of things, machine learning, natural language 
processing, digital forensics, robotics and human-robot collaboration, 
semantic web and knowledge graphs, software engineering, and system 
design. We also welcome submissions talking about interdisciplinary 
applications of KR, for example in economics, education, life sciences, 
medicine, and pharmacology, among others.

Submission Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria

The Applications and Systems Track will allow contributions of both 
regular papers (9 pages) and short papers (4 pages), excluding 
references, prepared and submitted according to the authors guidelines 
in the submission page.

The track emphasizes applications of KR and development of KR systems, 
and welcomes contributions showcasing the impact of KR research as well 
as driving future research by presenting challenging data, use cases and 
problems together with observations and insights gained.

Submissions will be rigorously peer reviewed by PC members, who are 
active in applications of KR and/or development of KR systems. 
Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of the overall quality of 
their technical contribution, including criteria such as originality, 
soundness, relevance, significance, reproducibility (including 
that--depending on the nature of the contribution--proofs of main claims 
and/or empirically evaluated implementations of algorithms, empirical 
data and related scripts, etc, must be made available to allow other 
researchers to reproduce the reported results), quality of presentation, 
and understanding of

[Hol-info] 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023: Tutorial and Workshop Proposals

2023-02-24 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

First Call for Tutorial and Workshop Proposals

The 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge 
Representation and Reasoning (KR 2023) solicits proposals for its 
tutorial and workshop program. Tutorials and workshops will be held on 
2nd to 4th of September 2023, prior to the KR main technical program. KR 
will take place physically in Rhodes, Greece. The attendance of 
tutorials is complimentary to all KR registered participants. Workshop 
attendance will be subject to payment of a workshop fee, which is 
separate from that of the main conference.

Important Dates

* Proposal submission deadline: January 31, 2023
* Notification: February 21, 2023
* Workshop paper submission deadline: May 31, 2023
* Workshop paper notification: July 4, 2023
* Workshop registration deadline: TBA
* Tutorial and workshop dates: September 2-4, 2023

Submission Instructions

Each proposal (tutorial or workshop) should be in English and must be 
submitted electronically to the Workshop and Tutorial track of KR 2023 
via EasyChair:


For all accepted proposals, KR will take care of all local arrangements.

Submission Requirements for Tutorial Proposals

KR tutorials are half-day or (exceptionally) full-day events that 
introduce general or special topics in KR and relevant neighboring 
areas. They can be first introductions to an established area or an 
emerging field, but also advanced courses on specialized methods or new 
approaches. The content should be adequately established and balanced, 
and not be limited to advertising an individual research work or 
product. A focus on specific tools and methodologies can still be useful 
to offer concrete examples and hands-on activities to participants.

Each accepted tutorial will entitle a discount on the KR registration 
fee for one tutorial presenter.

Each tutorial proposal should contain the following information:

 	* Title, presenters and proposed length of the tutorial (half-day is 
recommended, but an argument can be made for a full-day tutorial)
 	* A half-page introduction to the tutorial's subject and relevance to 
 	* A half-page on the target audience, prerequisite knowledge, and 
learning goals

* One page outline of the tutorial contents and intended structure
 	* A brief resume of each presenter including name, affiliation, email 
address, and evidence of scholarship in the area, mentioning relevant 
publications or professional experience.

The main duties of tutorial organizers are:

 	* Setup a web-page for the tutorial, which should at least include the 
information from the proposal, tutorial material and related references.
 	* Deliver the tutorial at KR 2023. A future call will provide details 
on the presentation options.

Submission Requirements for Workshop Proposals

Workshops provide a place to exchange ideas in emerging fields in KR 
research and application. They can take many forms, including 
mini-conferences (with peer-reviewed publications), competitions and 
shared tasks, working sessions (discussions, hackathons, etc.), line-ups 
of invited contributions, or a mix of these. Innovative formats are 
welcome, but organizers must provide means of estimating attendance and 
required length up-front (by number of submissions, invited speakers, or 
early registered participants).

Workshop proposals can use up to 4 pages, which should include the 
following information:

 	* Title, acronym of the workshop, proposed duration (half day, one 
day, ...),
 	* Workshop description: goals, format, and expected activities during 
the workshop,
 	* Audience: target audience, research groups in the area, planned or 
confirmed invited speakers, expected number of submissions and 
 	* Related events: history of the workshop (if applicable), 
relationship to recent similar events,

* Tentative list of PC members with their respective affiliations,
 	* A brief resume of each organizer including name, affiliation, 
contact details, and evidence of scholarship in the area, mentioning 
relevant publications or professional experience.

* Appendix: tentative call for contributions.

The main duties of the chair(s) of each accepted workshop are:

* Set up a webpage for the workshop,
 	* Advertise the workshop, distribute its call for papers and call for 

* Coordinate the peer-reviewing of submitted contributions,
 	* If workshop proceedings are desired, it is the duty of the 
organizers to produce and distribute their workshop proceedings,
 	* Organize a schedule for the workshop in collaboration with the local 
organizers and the KR workshop co-chairs, and

* Coordinate and moderate the workshop participation and content.

KR rese

[Hol-info] 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023: Recently Published Research Track

2023-02-24 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

First Call for Papers - Recently Published Research Track

The KR 2023 Recently Published Research Track provides a forum to 
discuss recent research on KR-related topics that may not be easily 
accessible to the KR community. It invites submissions of extended 
abstracts of papers that have appeared or been accepted for publication 
in journals or conference proceedings.

Accepted papers to the track will be linked from the conference web 
site. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register 
for the conference to present the work.

Expected Contributions

Submissions should meet the following criteria:

 	* Papers must have been published in a journal or conference 
proceedings (except KR) in 2021 or later.
 	* Papers that are in press may be submitted as long as the final 
camera-ready version is available.

They should also fall into one or both of the following categories:

1) Papers that

 	* bridge KR to other areas of AI, computer science, or to other 
disciplines for which an interface with KR exists (this includes 
database theory, game theory, social choice, logic and philosophy, 
 	* bridge KR to areas that make use of KR, such as multi-agent systems, 
planning, natural language understanding, machine learning, explainable 

* go beyond the commonly-understood boundaries of KR.

2) Papers that are tightly related to KR and

 	* have been published in journals but have not been presented at 
workshops or conferences;
 	* have been presented at conferences that are not typically attended 
by the KR community;
 	* have been accepted at general high-profile AI conferences such as 
IJCAI, ECAI, or AAAI, where the time allotted has not allowed for a full 
discussion of all key aspects of the paper.

Submission Details

Every submission should be in English and should contain:

 	* a cover page (single page) listing the title, the authors, a 
complete reference to the original paper, an accessible URL from which 
the paper can be downloaded, and a list of keywords. The cover page must 
also contain a statement that the work the submission is based on has 
not been already presented to a KR audience in a major forum.
 	* a two-page extended abstract of the paper following the format for 
regular paper KR 2023 submissions. The extended abstract should present 
the main contributions of the paper, discuss the relevance of the paper 
to KR, and explain the significance of the results.

A single pdf file with the materials must be submitted, through the 
EasyChair conference system:


Important Dates

*   Submission: April 30, 2023
*   Notification: May 30, 2023


* Leila Amgoud | IRIT-CNRS, France
* Martin Gebser | Graz University of Technology, Austria___
hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023: Special Session on KR, Robotics & Planning

2023-02-24 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

First Call for Papers - Special Session on KR, Robotics & Planning


The special session on KR and Robotics/Planning emphasizes the 
synergistic interactions between KR and Robotics/Planning, and welcomes 
contributions that extend the state of the art at these intersections.

Expected Contributions

We welcome papers that extend knowledge representation and reasoning 
techniques to cope with the challenges posed by interacting with the 
physical world, such as:

- representing and reasoning about commonsense knowledge;
- dealing with uncertain, incomplete or contradictory information;
- reasoning with time, space and perceptions;
- grounding representations in the physical world;
- combining discrete and continuous, quantitative and qualitative, 
logical and probabilistic representations and reasoning methods (e.g., 
task planning with motion planning);

- reasoning with bounded computational resources;
- trustworthy and accountable robot behaviors; and
- social intelligence and theory of mind for robots in human-centric 

Robots are archetypical integrated cognitive systems. Thus, we welcome 
papers that address the integration of knowledge representation and 
reasoning into whole robotic systems and/or robotic applications, such 

- representing and reasoning about robotic action domains;
- representing and reasoning about ontologies and knowledge graphs for 
robotics applications;

- integrating knowledge representation and machine learning;
- integrating symbolic and sub-symbolic approaches;
- integrating reasoning about actions and control; and
- cognitive robot architectures.

We welcome papers that show concrete examples where real robotic systems 
benefit from knowledge representation and reasoning, for instance, in:

- sensor interpretation and understanding;
- robotic navigation and/or manipulation;
- robotic plan synthesis and verification;
- robotic plan execution monitoring;
- human-robot interaction;
- multi-robot planning and coordination; or
- dealing with errors and unexpected situations.

In addition, we welcome papers that investigate the synergy between 
knowledge representation and reasoning formalisms and methods, and 
planning languages and methods, such as:

- knowledge representation languages for non-classical planning;
- relations between action languages and planning languages;
- representation of actions and change, background knowledge, and 
planning heuristics;

- automated reformulations/revisions of action domain descriptions;
- reasoning for plan computation, synthesis, analysis, verification, 
reuse and repairs; and
- orchestration of planning with other reasoning methods for plan 
execution monitoring.

Submission Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria

The special session on KR and Robotics/Planning emphasizes the 
synergistic interactions between KR and Robotics/Planning. Therefore, 
KR-only and Robotics/Planning-only submissions will not be accepted for 
evaluation in this special session.

Submissions will be rigorously peer reviewed by PC members, who are 
active in KR and Robotics/Planning. Submissions will be evaluated on the 
basis of the overall quality of their technical contribution, including 
criteria such as originality, soundness, relevance, significance, 
quality of presentation, and understanding of the state of the art.

Important Dates

- Submission of title and abstract: March 3, 2023
- Paper submission deadline: March 14, 2023
- Author response period: May 1-3, 2023
- Author notification: May 18, 2023
- Camera-ready papers: June 9, 2023
- Conference: September 2-8, 2023

Submission Instructions

The special session on KR and Robotics/Planning will allow contributions 
of both regular papers (up to 9 pages) and short papers (up to 4 pages), 
including abstract, figures, and appendices (if any) but excluding 
references and acknowledgements, prepared and submitted according to the 
authors guidelines provided in the submission page:


Each submission should be in English and must be submitted 
electronically (in .pdf format) via EasyChair:



Esra Erdem | Sabanci University, Turkey
Shiqi Zhang | SUNY Binghamton, USA___
hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023: Call for Papers

2023-02-24 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis
_* Please note that the deadline for title and abstract submission for 
KR 2023 appearing in WikiCFP website is incorrect! The correct deadline 
for title and abstract submission is March 3, 2023. *_

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

First Call for Papers

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) is a well-established and 
lively field of research within Artificial Intelligence. KR  builds on 
the fundamental thesis that knowledge can be  represented in an explicit 
declarative form, suitable for processing by dedicated symbolic 
reasoning engines. This enables the exploitation of  knowledge that 
would otherwise be implicit through semantically grounded inference 
mechanisms. Consequently, KR has contributed to the theory and practice 
of various areas in AI, including agents, automated planning and natural 
language processing, and to fields beyond AI, including data management, 
semantic web, verification, software engineering, robotics, 
computational biology, and cyber security.

The KR conference series is the leading forum for timely in-depth 
presentation of progress in the theory and principles underlying the 
representation and computational management of knowledge.

KR 2023 will consist of a number of tracks and events: the Main Track, 
the Applications & Systems Track, the special session on KR & ML, the 
special session on KR, Robotics & Planning, the Recently Published 
Research (RPR) Track, the Tutorials & Workshops, the Doctoral 
Consortium, and the Diversity and Inclusion Session. Details about all 
these events will be made available later (possibly in separate calls).

Contributions to the Main Track, the Applications & Systems Track, the 
special session on KR & ML, and the special session on KR, Robotics & 
Planning will take the form of papers that will be published in the 
proceedings of KR 2023. We solicit papers presenting novel results on 
the principles of KR that clearly contribute to the formal foundations 
of relevant problems or show the applicability of results to implemented 
or implementable systems. We also welcome papers from other areas that 
show clear use of, or contributions to, the principles or practice of 
KR. We also encourage "reports from the field" of applications, 
experiments, developments, and tests. Further details about the 
submission guidelines and the selection criteria to be considered for 
the Applications & Systems Track, the special session on KR & ML, and 
the special session on KR, Robotics & Planning will be given later 
(possibly in separate calls).

Submission Guidelines

The Main Track, the Applications & Systems Track, as well as the special 
session on KR & ML and the special session on KR, Robotics & Planning 
will allow contributions of both regular papers (up to 9 pages) and 
short papers (up to 4 pages), including abstract, figures, and 
appendices (if any) but excluding references and acknowledgements, 
prepared and submitted according to the authors guidelines provided in 
the submission page.

Both full and short papers must describe original, previously 
unpublished research, and must not simultaneously be submitted for 
publication elsewhere. These restrictions do not apply to previously 
accepted workshop papers with a limited audience and/or without archival 
proceedings, or to papers uploaded at public repositories (e.g., arXiv).

Papers must be written in English and formatted using the style files 
provided in the submission page. Submissions are not anonymous (i.e., 
reviewing will be single-blind) and must be submitted in PDF format, 
through the EasyChair conference system: 

The paper title, author names, contact details, and a brief abstract 
must be submitted electronically through the EasyChair conference system 
by the abstract submission deadline. It will be possible to make minor 
edits to the title and abstract until the full paper submission 
deadline. Submissions with "placeholder" abstracts will be removed 
without consideration.

Full papers must be submitted through the same site by the paper 
submission deadline. The list of author names provided at submission 
time is final. Authors may not be added to, or removed from, papers 
following submission.

Authors may optionally submit a separate PDF containing additional 
information that substantiates the claims made in their paper, such as 
proof details, additional experimental results, further details on 
experimental design, etc. If authors wish to make such material 
available to reviewers, they should do so by submitting a file through 
EasyChair, rather than by including links or references in their paper. 
The main paper must be self contained, as the supplementary material 
will not be published. Reviewers will have the option, but not the 
obligation, to consult the supplementary mat

[Hol-info] 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023: Tutorial and Workshop Proposals

2023-02-02 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

First Call for Tutorial and Workshop Proposals

The 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge 
Representation and Reasoning (KR 2023) solicits proposals for its 
tutorial and workshop program. Tutorials and workshops will be held on 
2nd to 4th of September 2023, prior to the KR main technical program. KR 
will take place physically in Rhodes, Greece. The attendance of 
tutorials is complimentary to all KR registered participants. Workshop 
attendance will be subject to payment of a workshop fee, which is 
separate from that of the main conference.

Important Dates

* Proposal submission deadline: January 31, 2023
* Notification: February 21, 2023
* Workshop paper submission deadline: May 31, 2023
* Workshop paper notification: July 4, 2023
* Workshop registration deadline: TBA
* Tutorial and workshop dates: September 2-4, 2023

Submission Instructions

Each proposal (tutorial or workshop) should be in English and must be 
submitted electronically to the Workshop and Tutorial track of KR 2023 
via EasyChair:


For all accepted proposals, KR will take care of all local arrangements.

Submission Requirements for Tutorial Proposals

KR tutorials are half-day or (exceptionally) full-day events that 
introduce general or special topics in KR and relevant neighboring 
areas. They can be first introductions to an established area or an 
emerging field, but also advanced courses on specialized methods or new 
approaches. The content should be adequately established and balanced, 
and not be limited to advertising an individual research work or 
product. A focus on specific tools and methodologies can still be useful 
to offer concrete examples and hands-on activities to participants.

Each accepted tutorial will entitle a discount on the KR registration 
fee for one tutorial presenter.

Each tutorial proposal should contain the following information:

 	* Title, presenters and proposed length of the tutorial (half-day is 
recommended, but an argument can be made for a full-day tutorial)
 	* A half-page introduction to the tutorial's subject and relevance to 
 	* A half-page on the target audience, prerequisite knowledge, and 
learning goals

* One page outline of the tutorial contents and intended structure
 	* A brief resume of each presenter including name, affiliation, email 
address, and evidence of scholarship in the area, mentioning relevant 
publications or professional experience.

The main duties of tutorial organizers are:

 	* Setup a web-page for the tutorial, which should at least include the 
information from the proposal, tutorial material and related references.
 	* Deliver the tutorial at KR 2023. A future call will provide details 
on the presentation options.

Submission Requirements for Workshop Proposals

Workshops provide a place to exchange ideas in emerging fields in KR 
research and application. They can take many forms, including 
mini-conferences (with peer-reviewed publications), competitions and 
shared tasks, working sessions (discussions, hackathons, etc.), line-ups 
of invited contributions, or a mix of these. Innovative formats are 
welcome, but organizers must provide means of estimating attendance and 
required length up-front (by number of submissions, invited speakers, or 
early registered participants).

Workshop proposals can use up to 4 pages, which should include the 
following information:

 	* Title, acronym of the workshop, proposed duration (half day, one 
day, ...),
 	* Workshop description: goals, format, and expected activities during 
the workshop,
 	* Audience: target audience, research groups in the area, planned or 
confirmed invited speakers, expected number of submissions and 
 	* Related events: history of the workshop (if applicable), 
relationship to recent similar events,

* Tentative list of PC members with their respective affiliations,
 	* A brief resume of each organizer including name, affiliation, 
contact details, and evidence of scholarship in the area, mentioning 
relevant publications or professional experience.

* Appendix: tentative call for contributions.

The main duties of the chair(s) of each accepted workshop are:

* Set up a webpage for the workshop,
 	* Advertise the workshop, distribute its call for papers and call for 

* Coordinate the peer-reviewing of submitted contributions,
 	* If workshop proceedings are desired, it is the duty of the 
organizers to produce and distribute their workshop proceedings,
 	* Organize a schedule for the workshop in collaboration with the local 
organizers and the KR workshop co-chairs, and

* Coordinate and moderate the workshop participation and content.

KR rese

[Hol-info] 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023: Special Session on KR & ML

2023-02-02 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

First Call for Papers - Special Session on KR & ML

The last few years have witnessed a growing interest in AI methods that 
combine aspects of Machine Learning (ML) with insights and methods from 
the field of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR). This trend is 
motivated by the clear complementarity of ML and KR. For instance, the 
popularity and success of ML based systems has put issues such as 
explainability, bias, fairness, sustainability, symbol grounding and so 
forth, firmly in the spotlight, and addressing these issues naturally 
leads to systems in which symbolic representations play a central role. 
On the other hand, ML also offers solutions for long-standing challenges 
in the field of KR, for instance related to efficient, neurally-guided, 
noise-tolerant and ampliative inference, knowledge acquisition, and the

limitations of symbolic representations. The synergy between ML and KR 
has the potential to lead to new advancements in fundamental AI 
challenges including, but not limited to, learning symbolic 
generalisations from raw (multi-modal) data, using knowledge to 
facilitate data-efficient learning, speeding up inference, supporting 
interpretability of learned outcomes and integration of symbolic 
planning and reinforcement learning.

This year, for the third time, KR2023 will host a special session on 
"Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning", which aims at providing 
researchers and practitioners with a dedicated forum for the discussion 
of new ideas and research results at the intersection of these two 
fields. This special session will provide participants with the 
opportunity to make meaningful connections and develop a shared 
understanding of the challenges involved in developing innovative AI 
solutions that rely on a combination of insights and methods from ML and 

Expected Contributions

The Special Session on KR and ML at KR2023 invites submissions of papers 
that combine aspects of KR and ML research, including the use of KR 
methods for solving ML challenges (e.g. knowledge-guided or explainable 
learning), the use of ML methods for solving KR challenges (e.g. 
efficient inference, knowledge base completion), the integration of 
learning and reasoning at modeling or solving side, and the application 
of combined KR and ML approaches to solve real-world problems.

We welcome papers on a wide range of topics, including but not limited 

 	* Learning symbolic knowledge, such as ontologies and knowledge 
graphs, action theories, commonsense knowledge, spatial and temporal 
theories, preference models and causal models

* Logic-based, logical and relational learning algorithms
* Machine-learning driven reasoning algorithms
* Neural-symbolic learning
* Statistical relational learning
* Symbolic reinforcement learning
* Learning symbolic abstractions from unstructured data
* Explainable AI
* Expressive power of learning representations
* Knowledge-driven natural language understanding and dialogue
* Knowledge-driven decision making
 	* Knowledge-driven intelligent systems for internet of things and 
 	* Architectures that combine data-driven techniques and formal 

Submission Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria

The Special Session on KR and ML will allow contributions of both 
regular papers (9 pages) and short papers (4 pages), excluding 
references, prepared and submitted according to the authors guidelines 
in the submission page.

The special session welcomes contributions that extend the 
state-of-the-art at the intersection of KR and ML. Therefore, KR-only or 
ML-only submissions will not be accepted for evaluation in this special 

Submissions will be rigorously peer reviewed by PC members who are 
active in KR and ML. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of the 
originality, soundness, relevance and significance of the technical 
contribution, as well as the overall presentation quality.

Important Dates

* Submission of title and abstract: March 3, 2023
* Paper submission deadline: March 14, 2023
* Author response period: May 1-3, 2023
* Author notification: May 18, 2023
* Camera-ready papers: June 9, 2023
* Conference: September 2-8, 2023

Submission Instructions

Each submission should be in English and must be submitted 
electronically (in .pdf format) via EasyChair:

 https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kr2023 [1]


* Tias Guns | KU Leuven, Belgium
* Luciano Serafini | Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy

[1] https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kr2021___
hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023: Doctoral Consortium

2023-02-02 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

Doctoral Consortium - First Call for Applications

The 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge 
Representation and Reasoning (KR 2023) invites PhD students to apply for 
the Doctoral Consortium program.

Aims and Scope

The Doctoral Consortium (DC) is a student mentoring program bringing 
together PhD students and senior researchers from the area of KR. The 
aims of the consortium are:

 	* to provide a forum for students to present their current research, 
and receive feedback from other students and senior researchers;

* to promote contacts among PhD students working in similar areas;
 	* to support students with information and advice on academic, 
research, and industrial careers.

The DC is intended for PhD students who have a specific research 
proposal and some preliminary results, but who have sufficient time 
prior to completing their dissertation to benefit from the consortium 
experience. Preference will be given to students satisfying these 
criteria, but we also encourage students to apply who are at an earlier 
or more advanced stage of the completion of their thesis. Accepted 
students will participate in several dedicated DC events, which will 
likely consist of a lightning talk session and a poster and mentoring 
session (the precise format of the DC will be finalized closer to the 
conference). Each student will be given ample time to present their work 
and therefore be able to fully benefit from direct feedback from the 
assigned senior researcher mentor and the wider KR conference audience.

Application Submission

Applications must be submitted through the EasyChair conference system:

https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kr2023 [1]

Each application must contain the following elements combined into a 
single PDF document:

 	* Thesis summary. A description of the problem being addressed, your 
motivation for addressing the problem, proposed plan of research, the 
progress to date (what you have already achieved and what remains to be 
done), and related work. The maximum number of pages is four 
(bibliography included) and the same style as for KR paper submissions 
should be used (see https://kr.org/KR2023/ [2]).
 	* Curriculum Vitae. A description of your background and relevant 
experience (research, education, employment), maximum two pages.
 	* Brief letter of recommendation. A brief letter from your thesis 
advisor that states that she/he supports your participation in the DC.
 	* Optionally, a suggestion of some potential mentors with similar 
research interests, who could give good advice on technical aspects 
related to the work, and/or career opportunities.

The selection process will consider the quality of the submitted 
proposal and the stage of the student's PhD project. Doctoral students 
who submit to the DC are permitted to have previously published their 
research, and are encouraged to submit papers to KR 2023 and associated 
conferences and workshops.

Doctoral Consortium Chairs

* Tanya Braun, University of Münster (tanya.br...@uni-muenster.de)
* Nico Potyka, Imperial College London (n.pot...@imperial.ac.uk)

[1] https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kr2023
[2] https://kr2022.cs.tu-dortmund.de/submission.php___
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[Hol-info] 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023: Applications & Systems Track

2023-02-02 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

First Call for Papers - Applications & Systems Track

Systems and applications incorporating Knowledge Representation and 
Reasoning (KR) have made tremendous progress over the last decades and 
become more and more pervasive in scientific, industrial and everyday 
life. Popular knowledge representation formalisms range from databases, 
ontologies, classical, probabilistic and non-monotonic logics to natural 
language, offering rich means to describe a variety of static as well as 
dynamic phenomena. Automated reasoning systems harness machine learning, 
combinatorial search and optimization methods, planning, proving, design 
and diagnosis techniques to provide powerful tools for analyzing and 
deriving conclusions from complex input data. Novel, general and 
interdisciplinary approaches are thus vital contributions at the 
intersection of science, industry and society, aiming to enhance the 
capabilities and outreach of KR principles and technologies.

This year, for the fourth time, KR 2023 will host a track on 
"Applications and Systems". The Applications and Systems Track aims at 
providing researchers and industrial practitioners with a dedicated 
forum for presentation and discussion of new ideas, research experience 
and emerging results on topics related to applications of KR formalisms 
and automated reasoning systems. This track provides the opportunity for 
fostering meaningful connections between researchers from both practical 
and theoretical areas of AI and, at the same time, offers participants 
the possibility to learn about progress made on these topics, share 
their own views and elaborate about approaches that could lead to 
effective cross-fertilisation among research in challenging KR 
applications and new innovative systems for solving them.

Expected Contributions

The Applications and Systems Track at KR 2023 invites submissions of 
papers on all aspects of the development, deployment, and evaluation of 
KR systems to solve significant and challenging application problems, 

 	* case studies, including suitable descriptions of the problem 
setting, data and tools used, and "lessons learnt",
 	* use cases, including task specifications, related tasks/approaches, 
challenges, and a sketch of possible KR solution,
 	* benchmarks, including suitable descriptions of the dataset, 
reasoning tasks, and ideally some "solution set" or gold standard,
 	* system descriptions, including descriptions of the algorithm, 

* and empirical evaluation on a suitable dataset.

We welcome the above kinds of papers on a wide range of topics, 
including papers describing KR systems, tools, solvers and reasoning 
engines, as well as papers reporting on applications of KR systems in 
solving or supporting tasks related to different  application areas and 

Application areas of interest include but are not restricted to: 
computational biology, computer vision and image recognition, creative 
computing, cybersecurity and blockchain, data analysis, databases and 
query answering, decision support, declarative problem solving, 
diagnosis and explanation, game theory and social choice, human-computer 
interaction, intelligent transportation and logistics, intelligent user 
interfaces, internet of things, machine learning, natural language 
processing, digital forensics, robotics and human-robot collaboration, 
semantic web and knowledge graphs, software engineering, and system 
design. We also welcome submissions talking about interdisciplinary 
applications of KR, for example in economics, education, life sciences, 
medicine, and pharmacology, among others.

Submission Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria

The Applications and Systems Track will allow contributions of both 
regular papers (9 pages) and short papers (4 pages), excluding 
references, prepared and submitted according to the authors guidelines 
in the submission page.

The track emphasizes applications of KR and development of KR systems, 
and welcomes contributions showcasing the impact of KR research as well 
as driving future research by presenting challenging data, use cases and 
problems together with observations and insights gained.

Submissions will be rigorously peer reviewed by PC members, who are 
active in applications of KR and/or development of KR systems. 
Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of the overall quality of 
their technical contribution, including criteria such as originality, 
soundness, relevance, significance, reproducibility (including 
that--depending on the nature of the contribution--proofs of main claims 
and/or empirically evaluated implementations of algorithms, empirical 
data and related scripts, etc, must be made available to allow other 
researchers to reproduce the reported results), quality of presentation

[Hol-info] 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023: Call for Papers

2023-01-30 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

First Call for Papers

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) is a well-established and 
lively field of research within Artificial Intelligence. KR  builds on 
the fundamental thesis that knowledge can be  represented in an explicit 
declarative form, suitable for processing by dedicated symbolic 
reasoning engines. This enables the exploitation of  knowledge that 
would otherwise be implicit through semantically grounded inference 
mechanisms. Consequently, KR has contributed to the theory and practice 
of various areas in AI, including agents, automated planning and natural 
language processing, and to fields beyond AI, including data management, 
semantic web, verification, software engineering, robotics, 
computational biology, and cyber security.

The KR conference series is the leading forum for timely in-depth 
presentation of progress in the theory and principles underlying the 
representation and computational management of knowledge.

KR 2023 will consist of a number of tracks and events: the Main Track, 
the Applications & Systems Track, the special session on KR & ML, the 
special session on KR, Robotics & Planning, the Recently Published 
Research (RPR) Track, the Tutorials & Workshops, the Doctoral 
Consortium, and the Diversity and Inclusion Session. Details about all 
these events will be made available later (possibly in separate calls).

Contributions to the Main Track, the Applications & Systems Track, the 
special session on KR & ML, and the special session on KR, Robotics & 
Planning will take the form of papers that will be published in the 
proceedings of KR 2023. We solicit papers presenting novel results on 
the principles of KR that clearly contribute to the formal foundations 
of relevant problems or show the applicability of results to implemented 
or implementable systems. We also welcome papers from other areas that 
show clear use of, or contributions to, the principles or practice of 
KR. We also encourage "reports from the field" of applications, 
experiments, developments, and tests. Further details about the 
submission guidelines and the selection criteria to be considered for 
the Applications & Systems Track, the special session on KR & ML, and 
the special session on KR, Robotics & Planning will be given later 
(possibly in separate calls).

Submission Guidelines

The Main Track, the Applications & Systems Track, as well as the special 
session on KR & ML and the special session on KR, Robotics & Planning 
will allow contributions of both regular papers (up to 9 pages) and 
short papers (up to 4 pages), including abstract, figures, and 
appendices (if any) but excluding references and acknowledgements, 
prepared and submitted according to the authors guidelines provided in 
the submission page.

Both full and short papers must describe original, previously 
unpublished research, and must not simultaneously be submitted for 
publication elsewhere. These restrictions do not apply to previously 
accepted workshop papers with a limited audience and/or without archival 
proceedings, or to papers uploaded at public repositories (e.g., arXiv).

Papers must be written in English and formatted using the style files 
provided in the submission page. Submissions are not anonymous (i.e., 
reviewing will be single-blind) and must be submitted in PDF format, 
through the EasyChair conference system: 

The paper title, author names, contact details, and a brief abstract 
must be submitted electronically through the EasyChair conference system 
by the abstract submission deadline. It will be possible to make minor 
edits to the title and abstract until the full paper submission 
deadline. Submissions with "placeholder" abstracts will be removed 
without consideration.

Full papers must be submitted through the same site by the paper 
submission deadline. The list of author names provided at submission 
time is final. Authors may not be added to, or removed from, papers 
following submission.

Authors may optionally submit a separate PDF containing additional 
information that substantiates the claims made in their paper, such as 
proof details, additional experimental results, further details on 
experimental design, etc. If authors wish to make such material 
available to reviewers, they should do so by submitting a file through 
EasyChair, rather than by including links or references in their paper. 
The main paper must be self contained, as the supplementary material 
will not be published. Reviewers will have the option, but not the 
obligation, to consult the supplementary material.

Selection Process

The program committee consists of PC members (reviewers) and Area Chairs 
(ACs), who overview the reviewing and meta-reviewing process.

Selection criteria include the nove

[Hol-info] 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023: Special Session on KR & ML

2022-12-14 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

First Call for Papers - Special Session on KR & ML

The last few years have witnessed a growing interest in AI methods that 
combine aspects of Machine Learning (ML) with insights and methods from 
the field of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR). This trend is 
motivated by the clear complementarity of ML and KR. For instance, the 
popularity and success of ML based systems has put issues such as 
explainability, bias, fairness, sustainability, symbol grounding and so 
forth, firmly in the spotlight, and addressing these issues naturally 
leads to systems in which symbolic representations play a central role. 
On the other hand, ML also offers solutions for long-standing challenges 
in the field of KR, for instance related to efficient, neurally-guided, 
noise-tolerant and ampliative inference, knowledge acquisition, and the

limitations of symbolic representations. The synergy between ML and KR 
has the potential to lead to new advancements in fundamental AI 
challenges including, but not limited to, learning symbolic 
generalisations from raw (multi-modal) data, using knowledge to 
facilitate data-efficient learning, speeding up inference, supporting 
interpretability of learned outcomes and integration of symbolic 
planning and reinforcement learning.

This year, for the third time, KR2023 will host a special session on 
"Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning", which aims at providing 
researchers and practitioners with a dedicated forum for the discussion 
of new ideas and research results at the intersection of these two 
fields. This special session will provide participants with the 
opportunity to make meaningful connections and develop a shared 
understanding of the challenges involved in developing innovative AI 
solutions that rely on a combination of insights and methods from ML and 

Expected Contributions

The Special Session on KR and ML at KR2023 invites submissions of papers 
that combine aspects of KR and ML research, including the use of KR 
methods for solving ML challenges (e.g. knowledge-guided or explainable 
learning), the use of ML methods for solving KR challenges (e.g. 
efficient inference, knowledge base completion), the integration of 
learning and reasoning at modeling or solving side, and the application 
of combined KR and ML approaches to solve real-world problems.

We welcome papers on a wide range of topics, including but not limited 

 	* Learning symbolic knowledge, such as ontologies and knowledge 
graphs, action theories, commonsense knowledge, spatial and temporal 
theories, preference models and causal models

* Logic-based, logical and relational learning algorithms
* Machine-learning driven reasoning algorithms
* Neural-symbolic learning
* Statistical relational learning
* Symbolic reinforcement learning
* Learning symbolic abstractions from unstructured data
* Explainable AI
* Expressive power of learning representations
* Knowledge-driven natural language understanding and dialogue
* Knowledge-driven decision making
 	* Knowledge-driven intelligent systems for internet of things and 
 	* Architectures that combine data-driven techniques and formal 

Submission Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria

The Special Session on KR and ML will allow contributions of both 
regular papers (9 pages) and short papers (4 pages), excluding 
references, prepared and submitted according to the authors guidelines 
in the submission page.

The special session welcomes contributions that extend the 
state-of-the-art at the intersection of KR and ML. Therefore, KR-only or 
ML-only submissions will not be accepted for evaluation in this special 

Submissions will be rigorously peer reviewed by PC members who are 
active in KR and ML. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of the 
originality, soundness, relevance and significance of the technical 
contribution, as well as the overall presentation quality.

Important Dates

* Submission of title and abstract: March 3, 2023
* Paper submission deadline: March 14, 2023
* Author response period: May 1-3, 2023
* Author notification: May 18, 2023
* Camera-ready papers: June 9, 2023
* Conference: September 2-8, 2023

Submission Instructions

Each submission should be in English and must be submitted 
electronically (in .pdf format) via EasyChair:

 https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kr2023 [1]


* Tias Guns KU Leuven, Belgium
* Luciano Serafini Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy

[1] https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kr2021___
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[Hol-info] 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023: First CFP - Apps & Systems Track

2022-12-14 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

First Call for Papers - Applications & Systems Track

Systems and applications incorporating Knowledge Representation and 
Reasoning (KR) have made tremendous progress over the last decades and 
become more and more pervasive in scientific, industrial and everyday 
life. Popular knowledge representation formalisms range from databases, 
ontologies, classical, probabilistic and non-monotonic logics to natural 
language, offering rich means to describe a variety of static as well as 
dynamic phenomena. Automated reasoning systems harness machine learning, 
combinatorial search and optimization methods, planning, proving, design 
and diagnosis techniques to provide powerful tools for analyzing and 
deriving conclusions from complex input data. Novel, general and 
interdisciplinary approaches are thus vital contributions at the 
intersection of science, industry and society, aiming to enhance the 
capabilities and outreach of KR principles and technologies.

This year, for the fourth time, KR 2023 will host a track on 
"Applications and Systems". The Applications and Systems Track aims at 
providing researchers and industrial practitioners with a dedicated 
forum for presentation and discussion of new ideas, research experience 
and emerging results on topics related to applications of KR formalisms 
and automated reasoning systems. This track provides the opportunity for 
fostering meaningful connections between researchers from both practical 
and theoretical areas of AI and, at the same time, offers participants 
the possibility to learn about progress made on these topics, share 
their own views and elaborate about approaches that could lead to 
effective cross-fertilisation among research in challenging KR 
applications and new innovative systems for solving them.

Expected Contributions

The Applications and Systems Track at KR 2023 invites submissions of 
papers on all aspects of the development, deployment, and evaluation of 
KR systems to solve significant and challenging application problems, 

 	* case studies, including suitable descriptions of the problem 
setting, data and tools used, and "lessons learnt",
 	* use cases, including task specifications, related tasks/approaches, 
challenges, and a sketch of possible KR solution,
 	* benchmarks, including suitable descriptions of the dataset, 
reasoning tasks, and ideally some "solution set" or gold standard,
 	* system descriptions, including descriptions of the algorithm, 

* and empirical evaluation on a suitable dataset.

We welcome the above kinds of papers on a wide range of topics, 
including papers describing KR systems, tools, solvers and reasoning 
engines, as well as papers reporting on applications of KR systems in 
solving or supporting tasks related to different  application areas and 

Application areas of interest include but are not restricted to: 
computational biology, computer vision and image recognition, creative 
computing, cybersecurity and blockchain, data analysis, databases and 
query answering, decision support, declarative problem solving, 
diagnosis and explanation, game theory and social choice, human-computer 
interaction, intelligent transportation and logistics, intelligent user 
interfaces, internet of things, machine learning, natural language 
processing, digital forensics, robotics and human-robot collaboration, 
semantic web and knowledge graphs, software engineering, and system 
design. We also welcome submissions talking about interdisciplinary 
applications of KR, for example in economics, education, life sciences, 
medicine, and pharmacology, among others.

Submission Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria

The Applications and Systems Track will allow contributions of both 
regular papers (9 pages) and short papers (4 pages), excluding 
references, prepared and submitted according to the authors guidelines 
in the submission page.

The track emphasizes applications of KR and development of KR systems, 
and welcomes contributions showcasing the impact of KR research as well 
as driving future research by presenting challenging data, use cases and 
problems together with observations and insights gained.

Submissions will be rigorously peer reviewed by PC members, who are 
active in applications of KR and/or development of KR systems. 
Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of the overall quality of 
their technical contribution, including criteria such as originality, 
soundness, relevance, significance, reproducibility (including 
that--depending on the nature of the contribution--proofs of main claims 
and/or empirically evaluated implementations of algorithms, empirical 
data and related scripts, etc, must be made available to allow other 
researchers to reproduce the reported results), quality of presentation

[Hol-info] 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023: Recently Published Research Track

2022-12-14 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

First Call for Papers - Recently Published Research Track

The KR 2023 Recently Published Research Track provides a forum to 
discuss recent research on KR-related topics that may not be easily 
accessible to the KR community. It invites submissions of extended 
abstracts of papers that have appeared or been accepted for publication 
in journals or conference proceedings.

Accepted papers to the track will be linked from the conference web 
site. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register 
for the conference to present the work.

Expected Contributions

Submissions should meet the following criteria:

 	* Papers must have been published in a journal or conference 
proceedings (except KR) in 2021 or later.
 	* Papers that are in press may be submitted as long as the final 
camera-ready version is available.

They should also fall into one or both of the following categories:

1) Papers that

 	* bridge KR to other areas of AI, computer science, or to other 
disciplines for which an interface with KR exists (this includes 
database theory, game theory, social choice, logic and philosophy, 
 	* bridge KR to areas that make use of KR, such as multi-agent systems, 
planning, natural language understanding, machine learning, explainable 

* go beyond the commonly-understood boundaries of KR.

2) Papers that are tightly related to KR and

 	* have been published in journals but have not been presented at 
workshops or conferences;
 	* have been presented at conferences that are not typically attended 
by the KR community;
 	* have been accepted at general high-profile AI conferences such as 
IJCAI, ECAI, or AAAI, where the time allotted has not allowed for a full 
discussion of all key aspects of the paper.

Submission Details

Every submission should be in English and should contain:

 	* a cover page (single page) listing the title, the authors, a 
complete reference to the original paper, an accessible URL from which 
the paper can be downloaded, and a list of keywords. The cover page must 
also contain a statement that the work the submission is based on has 
not been already presented to a KR audience in a major forum.
 	* a two-page extended abstract of the paper following the format for 
regular paper KR 2023 submissions. The extended abstract should present 
the main contributions of the paper, discuss the relevance of the paper 
to KR, and explain the significance of the results.

A single pdf file with the materials must be submitted, through the 
EasyChair conference system:


Important Dates

*   Submission: April 30, 2023
*   Notification: May 30, 2023


* Leila Amgoud, IRIT-CNRS, France
* Martin Gebser, Graz University of Technology, Austria___
hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023: Doctoral Consortium - First Call for Applications

2022-12-09 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

Doctoral Consortium - First Call for Applications

The 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge 
Representation and Reasoning (KR 2023) invites PhD students to apply for 
the Doctoral Consortium program.

Aims and Scope

The Doctoral Consortium (DC) is a student mentoring program bringing 
together PhD students and senior researchers from the area of KR. The 
aims of the consortium are:

 	* to provide a forum for students to present their current research, 
and receive feedback from other students and senior researchers;

* to promote contacts among PhD students working in similar areas;
 	* to support students with information and advice on academic, 
research, and industrial careers.

The DC is intended for PhD students who have a specific research 
proposal and some preliminary results, but who have sufficient time 
prior to completing their dissertation to benefit from the consortium 
experience. Preference will be given to students satisfying these 
criteria, but we also encourage students to apply who are at an earlier 
or more advanced stage of the completion of their thesis. Accepted 
students will participate in several dedicated DC events, which will 
likely consist of a lightning talk session and a poster and mentoring 
session (the precise format of the DC will be finalized closer to the 
conference). Each student will be given ample time to present their work 
and therefore be able to fully benefit from direct feedback from the 
assigned senior researcher mentor and the wider KR conference audience.

Application Submission

Applications must be submitted through the EasyChair conference system:

https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kr2023 [1]

Each application must contain the following elements combined into a 
single PDF document:

 	* Thesis summary. A description of the problem being addressed, your 
motivation for addressing the problem, proposed plan of research, the 
progress to date (what you have already achieved and what remains to be 
done), and related work. The maximum number of pages is four 
(bibliography included) and the same style as for KR paper submissions 
should be used (see https://kr.org/KR2023/ [2]).
 	* Curriculum Vitae. A description of your background and relevant 
experience (research, education, employment), maximum two pages.
 	* Brief letter of recommendation. A brief letter from your thesis 
advisor that states that she/he supports your participation in the DC.
 	* Optionally, a suggestion of some potential mentors with similar 
research interests, who could give good advice on technical aspects 
related to the work, and/or career opportunities.

The selection process will consider the quality of the submitted 
proposal and the stage of the student's PhD project. Doctoral students 
who submit to the DC are permitted to have previously published their 
research, and are encouraged to submit papers to KR 2023 and associated 
conferences and workshops.

Doctoral Consortium Chairs

* Tanya Braun, University of Münster (tanya.br...@uni-muenster.de)
* Nico Potyka, Imperial College London (n.pot...@imperial.ac.uk)

[1] https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kr2023
[2] https://kr2022.cs.tu-dortmund.de/submission.php___
hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023: First Call for Papers

2022-12-09 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

First Call for Papers

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) is a well-established and 
lively field of research within Artificial Intelligence. KR  builds on 
the fundamental thesis that knowledge can be  represented in an explicit 
declarative form, suitable for processing by dedicated symbolic 
reasoning engines. This enables the exploitation of  knowledge that 
would otherwise be implicit through semantically grounded inference 
mechanisms. Consequently, KR has contributed to the theory and practice 
of various areas in AI, including agents, automated planning and natural 
language processing, and to fields beyond AI, including data management, 
semantic web, verification, software engineering, robotics, 
computational biology, and cyber security.

The KR conference series is the leading forum for timely in-depth 
presentation of progress in the theory and principles underlying the 
representation and computational management of knowledge.

KR 2023 will consist of a number of tracks and events: the Main Track, 
the Applications & Systems Track, the special session on KR & ML, the 
special session on KR, Robotics & Planning, the Recently Published 
Research (RPR) Track, the Tutorials & Workshops, the Doctoral 
Consortium, and the Diversity and Inclusion Session. Details about all 
these events will be made available later (possibly in separate calls).

Contributions to the Main Track, the Applications & Systems Track, the 
special session on KR & ML, and the special session on KR, Robotics & 
Planning will take the form of papers that will be published in the 
proceedings of KR 2023. We solicit papers presenting novel results on 
the principles of KR that clearly contribute to the formal foundations 
of relevant problems or show the applicability of results to implemented 
or implementable systems. We also welcome papers from other areas that 
show clear use of, or contributions to, the principles or practice of 
KR. We also encourage "reports from the field" of applications, 
experiments, developments, and tests. Further details about the 
submission guidelines and the selection criteria to be considered for 
the Applications & Systems Track, the special session on KR & ML, and 
the special session on KR, Robotics & Planning will be given later 
(possibly in separate calls).

Submission Guidelines

The Main Track, the Applications & Systems Track, as well as the special 
session on KR & ML and the special session on KR, Robotics & Planning 
will allow contributions of both regular papers (up to 9 pages) and 
short papers (up to 4 pages), including abstract, figures, and (if any) 
but excluding references and acknowledgements, prepared and submitted 
according to the authors guidelines provided in the submission page.

Both full and short papers must describe original, previously 
unpublished research, and must not simultaneously be submitted for 
publication elsewhere. These restrictions do not apply to previously 
accepted workshop papers with a limited audience and/or without archival 
proceedings, or to papers uploaded at public repositories (e.g., arXiv).

Papers must be written in English and formatted using the style files 
provided in the submission page. Submissions are not anonymous (i.e., 
reviewing will be single-blind) and must be submitted in PDF format, 
through the EasyChair conference system: 

The paper title, author names, contact details, and a brief abstract 
must be submitted electronically through the EasyChair conference system 
by the abstract submission deadline. It will be possible to make minor 
edits to the title and abstract until the full paper submission 
deadline. Submissions with "placeholder" abstracts will be removed 
without consideration.

Full papers must be submitted through the same site by the paper 
submission deadline. The list of author names provided at submission 
time is final. Authors may not be added to, or removed from, papers 
following submission.

Authors may optionally submit a separate PDF containing additional 
information that substantiates the claims made in their paper, such as 
proof details, additional experimental results, further details on 
experimental design, etc. If authors wish to make such material 
available to reviewers, they should do so by submitting a file through 
EasyChair, rather than by including links or references in their paper. 
The main paper must be self contained, as the supplementary material 
will not be published. Reviewers will have the option, but not the 
obligation, to consult the supplementary material.

Selection Process

The program committee consists of PC members (reviewers) and Area Chairs 
(ACs), who overview the reviewing and meta-reviewing process.

Selection criteria include the novelty and orig

[Hol-info] 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023: First Call for Tutorial and Workshop Proposals

2022-12-09 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

20th International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023

September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

First Call for Tutorial and Workshop Proposals

The 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge 
Representation and Reasoning (KR 2023) solicits proposals for its 
tutorial and workshop program. Tutorials and workshops will be held on 
2nd to 4th of September 2023, prior to the KR main technical program. KR 
will take place physically in Rhodes, Greece. The attendance of 
tutorials is complimentary to all KR registered participants. Workshop 
attendance will be subject to payment of a workshop fee, which is 
separate from that of the main conference.

Important Dates

* Proposal submission deadline: January 31, 2023
* Notification: February 21, 2023
* Workshop paper submission deadline: May 31, 2023
* Workshop paper notification: July 4, 2023
* Workshop registration deadline: TBA
* Tutorial and workshop dates: September 2-4, 2023

Submission Instructions

Each proposal (tutorial or workshop) should be in English and must be 
submitted electronically to the Workshop and Tutorial track of KR 2023 
via EasyChair:


For all accepted proposals, KR will take care of all local arrangements.

Submission Requirements for Tutorial Proposals

KR tutorials are half-day or (exceptionally) full-day events that 
introduce general or special topics in KR and relevant neighboring 
areas. They can be first introductions to an established area or an 
emerging field, but also advanced courses on specialized methods or new 
approaches. The content should be adequately established and balanced, 
and not be limited to advertising an individual research work or 
product. A focus on specific tools and methodologies can still be useful 
to offer concrete examples and hands-on activities to participants.

Each accepted tutorial will entitle a discount on the KR registration 
fee for one tutorial presenter.

Each tutorial proposal should contain the following information:

 	* Title, presenters and proposed length of the tutorial (half-day is 
recommended, but an argument can be made for a full-day tutorial)
 	* A half-page introduction to the tutorial's subject and relevance to 
 	* A half-page on the target audience, prerequisite knowledge, and 
learning goals

* One page outline of the tutorial contents and intended structure
 	* A brief resume of each presenter including name, affiliation, email 
address, and evidence of scholarship in the area, mentioning relevant 
publications or professional experience.

The main duties of tutorial organizers are:

 	* Setup a web-page for the tutorial, which should at least include the 
information from the proposal, tutorial material and related references.
 	* Deliver the tutorial at KR 2023. A future call will provide details 
on the presentation options.

Submission Requirements for Workshop Proposals

Workshops provide a place to exchange ideas in emerging fields in KR 
research and application. They can take many forms, including 
mini-conferences (with peer-reviewed publications), competitions and 
shared tasks, working sessions (discussions, hackathons, etc.), line-ups 
of invited contributions, or a mix of these. Innovative formats are 
welcome, but organizers must provide means of estimating attendance and 
required length up-front (by number of submissions, invited speakers, or 
early registered participants).

Workshop proposals can use up to 4 pages, which should include the 
following information:

 	* Title, acronym of the workshop, proposed duration (half day, one 
day, ...),
 	* Workshop description: goals, format, and expected activities during 
the workshop,
 	* Audience: target audience, research groups in the area, planned or 
confirmed invited speakers, expected number of submissions and 
 	* Related events: history of the workshop (if applicable), 
relationship to recent similar events,

* Tentative list of PC members with their respective affiliations,
 	* A brief resume of each organizer including name, affiliation, 
contact details, and evidence of scholarship in the area, mentioning 
relevant publications or professional experience.

* Appendix: tentative call for contributions.

The main duties of the chair(s) of each accepted workshop are:

* Set up a webpage for the workshop,
 	* Advertise the workshop, distribute its call for papers and call for 

* Coordinate the peer-reviewing of submitted contributions,
 	* If workshop proceedings are desired, it is the duty of the 
organizers to produce and distribute their workshop proceedings,
 	* Organize a schedule for the workshop in collaboration with the local 
organizers and the KR workshop co-chairs, and

* Coordinate and moderate the workshop participation and content.

KR rese

[Hol-info] KR2020 is about to start!

2020-09-11 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis
The 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge 
Representation and Reasoning (KR2020), to be held virtually on September 
12-18, 2020, is about to start, and welcomes all researchers interested 
in KR to participate!

Virtual participants are kindly requested to send their details (i.e., 
name, email, affiliation, country, events that will be attended, and 
reasons for participation), via email to kr2020.lo...@gmail.com.

Information about full program, registration, as well as the list of 
papers accepted at the main conference and the Doctoral Consortium, can 
be found at the conference webpage:


KR2020 Flyers:

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) is a well-established and 
lively field of research.  In KR, a fundamental assumption is that an 
agent's knowledge is explicitly represented in a declarative form, 
suitable for processing by dedicated reasoning engines. This assumption, 
that much of what an agent deals with is knowledge-based, is common in 
many modern intelligent systems.  Consequently, KR has contributed to 
the theory and practice of various areas in AI, including automated 
planning and natural language understanding, and to fields beyond AI, 
including databases, verification, software engineering, and robotics.  
In recent years, KR has contributed also to new and emerging fields, 
including the semantic web, computational biology, cyber security, and 
the development of software agents.

The KR conference series is the leading forum for timely in-depth 
presentation of progress in the theory and principles underlying the 
representation and computational management of knowledge.


* Rachid Alami (LAAS-CNRS, ANITI, France)
* Thomas Eiter (Technische Universität Wien, Austria)
* Mateja Jamnik (University of Cambridge, UK)
* Marta Kwiatkowska (University of Oxford, UK)
* Gary Marcus (Robust AI, USA)
* David Poole (University of British Columbia, Canada)


* Applications and Systems Track
* Recent Published Research Track
* Special Session: KR and Machine Learning
* Special Session: KR and Robotics
* Special Session: Women in KR


* Explainable Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (XLoKR 2020)
* International Workshop on Applications of AI to Forensics 

* KR for All Minds (KR4AMinds)
* Models of Legal Reasoning (MLR)
* Reasoning about ACtions and Events over Streams (RACES)


* Argumentative Explanations in AI, by Francesca Toni (Imperial College 
London, UK) and Antonio Rago (Imperial College London, UK)
* Cognitive Logics – Formal and Cognitive Methods for Reasoning in an 
Uncertain and Dynamic World, by Gabriele Kern-Isberner (TU Dortmund, 
Germany) and Marco Ragni (Universität Freiburg, Germany)
* Dynamic Epistemic Logic and Epistemic Planning, by Andreas Herzig 
(IRIT, Toulouse, France)
* Practical Uses of Existential Rules in Knowledge Representation, by 
David Carral (TU Dresden, Germany), Markus Krötzsch (TU Dresden, 
Germany), and Jacopo Urbani (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The 


* DL 2020 (33rd International Workshop on Description Logics)
* NMR 2020 (19th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning)


Michael Thielscher (University of New South Wales, Australia)

Diego Calvanese (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)
Esra Erdem (Sabanci University, Turkey)

Applications Track:
Chitta Baral (Arizona State University, USA)
Francesco Ricca (University of Calabria, Italy)

Recent Published Research Track:
James Delgrande (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Miroslaw Truszczynski (University of Kentucky, USA)

Special Session: KR and Machine Learning:
Alessandra Russo (Imperial College London, UK)
Guy Van den Broeck (UCLA, USA)

Special Session: KR and Robotics:
Michael Beetz (University of Bremen, Germany)
Fredrik Heintz (Linkoping University, Sweden)

Special Session: Women in KR:
Meghyn Bienvenu (University of Bordeaux, France)
Magdalena Ortiz (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

Workshop and Tutorials:
Anni-Yasmin Turhan (Dresden University of Technology, Germany)
Renata Wassermann (University of Sao Paulo, Brasil)

Doctoral Consortium:
Vaishak Belle (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Rafael Penaloza Nyssen (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)

Local Organization:
Pavlos Peppas (University of Patras, Greece)

Theofanis Aravanis (University of Patras, Greece)
Paolo Felli (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)

Jean Christoph Jung (University of Bremen, Germany)
Victor Gutierrez Basulto (Cardiff University, United Kingdom)

Virtual Conference Arrangements:
Paolo Felli (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)

[Hol-info] CFP - Recent Published Research Track (KR 2020)

2020-06-10 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis



A special track of the 17th Conference on Principles of Knowledge 
Representation and Reasoning (KR2020)

September 12-18th, 2020
Rhodes, Greece

Important Dates
Submission deadline: 15 June 2020
Notification: 13 July 2020
Conference dates: 12--18 September 2020

Web site: 

(For the KR 2020 web site see https://kr2020.inf.unibz.it/ and for the 
KR 2020 CFP see https://kr2020.inf.unibz.it/page/call_for_papers.)

We invite submissions of abstracts of papers previously published in 
journals and conference proceedings for the Recent Published Research 
Track. The track is designed to provide a forum to discuss recent 
research on topics related to KR that may not be immediately familiar or 
easily accessible to the KR community. The track seeks papers that fall 
into one or both of the following two categories:

1) Papers that
-- connect KR to other areas of AI and to other areas of computer 
science such as database theory, game theory, social choice, logic and 
-- connect KR to areas that make use of KR, such as multi-agent systems, 
planning, natural language understanding; or

-- go beyond the commonly-understood boundaries of KR.

2) Papers that are strongly related to KR and
-- have been published in journals but have not been presented at 
workshops or conferences;
-- have been presented at workshops or conferences that are not 
typically attended by the KR community; or
-- have been accepted at general high-profile AI conferences such as 
IJCAI, ECAI, or AAAI, where the time allotted has not allowed for full 
discussion of all key aspects of the paper.


Authors should supply the following materials:

-- A cover page (single page) listing the title, the authors, a full 
reference to the original paper, and a public or privately accessible 
url from which the paper can be downloaded.

-- A one-page (preferred) and no more than two-page extended abstract of 
the paper following the format for regular paper KR 2020 submissions. 
The abstract should present the main contributions of the paper, discuss 
the relevance of the paper to KR, and explain the significance of the 

A single pdf file with the materials should be submitted to the KR 
submission site at EasyChair:


The authors should mark the submission as Recent Published Research.

Submissions must meet the following criteria:

a. Candidate papers must have been published in a journal or a 
conference proceedings in 2018 or later.
b. Papers that are in press may be submitted as long as the final 
camera-ready version is available.
c. Extensions of papers that have been previously presented at a KR 
conference are not eligible for this track.

Extended abstracts of the accepted papers will be linked from the 
conference web site.

Authors of accepted papers will present their work, focussing on its 
significance and relevance to KR. Significant time will be allocated for 
discussion of the interdisciplinary aspects of the work and its 
potential impact on the future research opportunities for KR.


Pedro Cabalar (Corunna University, Spain)
Jim Delgrande (Simon Fraser University, Canada) co-chair
Wiebe van der Hoek (University of Liverpool, UK)
Hector Geffner (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
Andreas Herzig (Université Paul Sabatier, France)
Gerhard Lakemeyer (Aachen University, Germany)
Jerome Lang (Université Paris-Dauphine, France)
Yulia Lierler (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA)
Fangzhen Lin (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
Carsten Lutz (University of Bremen, Germany)
Jochen Renz (Australian National University, Australia)
Francesca Toni (Imperial College, UK)
Leon van der Torre (University of Luxembourg)
Mirek Truszczynski (University of Kentucky, USA) co-chair
Brent Venable (Tulane University, USA)
Toby Walsh (University of New South Wales, Australia)

For any questions regarding suitability of a submission or of any other 
aspect of the track, please email the special track program co-chairs:

Jim Delgrande, j...@cs.sfu.ca
Mirek Truszczynski, mirektruszczyn...@gmail.com

hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] KR2020 - Doctoral Consortium Call for Applications

2020-05-24 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis

KR Doctoral Consortium Call for Applications
September 12-18, 2020
Rhodes, Greece

The 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge 
Representation and Reasoning (KR 2020) invites PhD students to apply for 
the Doctoral Consortium program.


The Doctoral Consortium (DC) is a student mentoring program bringing 
together PhD students and senior researchers from the area of KR. The 
aims of the consortium are:

* to provide a forum for students to present their current research, and 
receive feedback from other students and senior researchers;

* to promote contacts among PhD students working in similar areas;
* to support students with information and advice on academic, research, 
and industrial careers.

The DC is intended for PhD students who have a specific research 
proposal and some preliminary results, but who have sufficient time 
prior to completing their dissertation to benefit from the consortium 
experience. Preference will be given to students satisfying these 
criteria, but well-motivated applications from students who are at 
earlier or later stages of their doctoral studies will still be 

For accepted students there will be a row of dedicated events, including 
DC invited talks on research practice, a lightning talk session, a 
poster session, and a mentoring lunch. Each student will be given ample 
time to present their work and therefore be able to fully benefit from 
direct feedback from the assigned senior researcher mentor and the wider 
KR conference audience.


Applications must be submitted through the EasyChair conference system:

https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kr2020 (start a new submission, 
and choose the checkbox for "Doctoral Consortium").

Each application must contain the following elements combined into a 
single PDF document:

(1) Thesis summary. A description of the problem being addressed, your 
motivation for addressing the problem, proposed plan of research, the 
progress to date (what you have already achieved and what remains to be 
done), and related work. It must be four pages maximum in AAAI style 
(2) Curriculum Vitae. A description of your background and relevant 
experience (research, education, employment), of two pages maximum.
(3) Letter of recommendation. A letter from your thesis advisor that 
states that he/she supports your participation in the DC.
(4) Indication of whether a sponsored studentship is requested, and if 
so, whether the student volunteers to help with local organization 
during KR, DL, and NMR.
(5) Optionally, a suggestion of up to 5 potential mentors with similar 
research interests, who could give good advice on technical aspects 
related to the work, and/or career opportunities.

The selection process will consider the quality of the submitted 
proposal and the stage of the student's PhD project.

Doctoral students who submit to the DC are permitted to have previously 
published on their research, and are encouraged to submit papers to KR 
2020 and associated conferences and workshops.


Application deadline: June 5, 2020
Acceptance notification: June 26, 2020
Doctoral Consortium: September 12-18, 2020 (TBC)

For further information, please contact the DC chairs:

Vaishak Belle, University of Edinburgh (vais...@ed.ac.uk)
Rafael Peñaloza, University of Milano-Bicocca 

hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] CFP - Recent Published Research Track (KR 2020)

2020-05-17 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis



A special track of the 17th Conference on Principles of Knowledge 
Representation and Reasoning (KR2020)

September 12-18th, 2020
Rhodes, Greece

Important Dates
Submission deadline: 15 June 2020
Notification: 13 July 2020
Conference dates: 12--18 September 2020

Web site: 

(For the KR 2020 web site see https://kr2020.inf.unibz.it/ and for the 
KR 2020 CFP see https://kr2020.inf.unibz.it/page/call_for_papers.)

We invite submissions of abstracts of papers previously published in 
journals and conference proceedings for the Recent Published Research 
Track. The track is designed to provide a forum to discuss recent 
research on topics related to KR that may not be immediately familiar or 
easily accessible to the KR community. The track seeks papers that fall 
into one or both of the following two categories:

1) Papers that
-- connect KR to other areas of AI and to other areas of computer 
science such as database theory, game theory, social choice, logic and 
-- connect KR to areas that make use of KR, such as multi-agent systems, 
planning, natural language understanding; or

-- go beyond the commonly-understood boundaries of KR.

2) Papers that are strongly related to KR and
-- have been published in journals but have not been presented at 
workshops or conferences;
-- have been presented at workshops or conferences that are not 
typically attended by the KR community; or
-- have been accepted at general high-profile AI conferences such as 
IJCAI, ECAI, or AAAI, where the time allotted has not allowed for full 
discussion of all key aspects of the paper.


Authors should supply the following materials:

-- A cover page (single page) listing the title, the authors, a full 
reference to the original paper, and a public or privately accessible 
url from which the paper can be downloaded.

-- A one-page (preferred) and no more than two-page extended abstract of 
the paper following the format for regular paper KR 2020 submissions. 
The abstract should present the main contributions of the paper, discuss 
the relevance of the paper to KR, and explain the significance of the 

A single pdf file with the materials should be submitted to the KR 
submission site at EasyChair:


The authors should mark the submission as Recent Published Research.

Submissions must meet the following criteria:

a. Candidate papers must have been published in a journal or a 
conference proceedings in 2018 or later.
b. Papers that are in press may be submitted as long as the final 
camera-ready version is available.
c. Extensions of papers that have been previously presented at a KR 
conference are not eligible for this track.

Extended abstracts of the accepted papers will be linked from the 
conference web site.

Authors of accepted papers will present their work, focussing on its 
significance and relevance to KR. Significant time will be allocated for 
discussion of the interdisciplinary aspects of the work and its 
potential impact on the future research opportunities for KR.


Pedro Cabalar (Corunna University, Spain)
Jim Delgrande (Simon Fraser University, Canada) co-chair
Wiebe van der Hoek (University of Liverpool, UK)
Hector Geffner (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
Andreas Herzig (Université Paul Sabatier, France)
Gerhard Lakemeyer (Aachen University, Germany)
Jerome Lang (Université Paris-Dauphine, France)
Yulia Lierler (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA)
Fangzhen Lin (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
Carsten Lutz (University of Bremen, Germany)
Jochen Renz (Australian National University, Australia)
Francesca Toni (Imperial College, UK)
Leon van der Torre (University of Luxembourg)
Mirek Truszczynski (University of Kentucky, USA) co-chair
Brent Venable (Tulane University, USA)
Toby Walsh (University of New South Wales, Australia)

For any questions regarding suitability of a submission or of any other 
aspect of the track, please email the special track program co-chairs:

Jim Delgrande, j...@cs.sfu.ca
Mirek Truszczynski, mirektruszczyn...@gmail.com

hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] CFP - Recent Published Research Track (KR 2020)

2020-03-29 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis



A special track of the 17th Conference on Principles of Knowledge 
Representation and Reasoning (KR2020)

September 12-18th, 2020
Rhodes, Greece

Important Dates
Submission deadline: 15 June 2020
Notification: 13 July 2020
Conference dates: 12--18 September 2020

Web site: 

(For the KR 2020 web site see https://kr2020.inf.unibz.it/ and for the 
KR 2020 CFP see https://kr2020.inf.unibz.it/page/call_for_papers.)

We invite submissions of abstracts of papers previously published in 
journals and conference proceedings for the Recent Published Research 
Track. The track is designed to provide a forum to discuss recent 
research on topics related to KR that may not be immediately familiar or 
easily accessible to the KR community. The track seeks papers that fall 
into one or both of the following two categories:

1) Papers that
-- connect KR to other areas of AI and to other areas of computer 
science such as database theory, game theory, social choice, logic and 
-- connect KR to areas that make use of KR, such as multi-agent systems, 
planning, natural language understanding; or

-- go beyond the commonly-understood boundaries of KR.

2) Papers that are strongly related to KR and
-- have been published in journals but have not been presented at 
workshops or conferences;
-- have been presented at workshops or conferences that are not 
typically attended by the KR community; or
-- have been accepted at general high-profile AI conferences such as 
IJCAI, ECAI, or AAAI, where the time allotted has not allowed for full 
discussion of all key aspects of the paper.


Authors should supply the following materials:

-- A cover page (single page) listing the title, the authors, a full 
reference to the original paper, and a public or privately accessible 
url from which the paper can be downloaded.

-- A one-page (preferred) and no more than two-page extended abstract of 
the paper following the format for regular paper KR 2020 submissions. 
The abstract should present the main contributions of the paper, discuss 
the relevance of the paper to KR, and explain the significance of the 

A single pdf file with the materials should be submitted to the KR 
submission site at EasyChair:


The authors should mark the submission as Recent Published Research.

Submissions must meet the following criteria:

a. Candidate papers must have been published in a journal or a 
conference proceedings in 2018 or later.
b. Papers that are in press may be submitted as long as the final 
camera-ready version is available.
c. Extensions of papers that have been previously presented at a KR 
conference are not eligible for this track.

Extended abstracts of the accepted papers will be linked from the 
conference web site.

Authors of accepted papers will present their work, focussing on its 
significance and relevance to KR. Significant time will be allocated for 
discussion of the interdisciplinary aspects of the work and its 
potential impact on the future research opportunities for KR.

For any questions regarding suitability of a submission or of any other 
aspect of the track, please email the special track program co-chairs:

Jim Delgrande, j...@cs.sfu.ca
Mirek Truszczynski, mirektruszczyn...@gmail.com

hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] CFP: 17th Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2020)

2020-03-05 Thread Theofanis I. Aravanis
17th Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
12-18 September 2020, Rhodes, Greece

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) is a well-established and
field of research.  In KR a fundamental assumption is that an agent's
is explicitly represented in a declarative form, suitable for processing
dedicated reasoning engines.  This assumption, that much of what an
agent deals
with is knowledge-based, is common in many modern intelligent systems.
Consequently, KR has contributed to the theory and practice of various
areas in
AI, including automated planning and natural language understanding, and
fields beyond AI, including databases, verification, software
engineering, and
robotics.  In recent years, KR has contributed also to new and emerging
including the semantic web, computational biology, cyber security, and
development of software agents.

The KR conference series is the leading forum for timely in-depth
of progress in the theory and principles underlying the representation
computational management of knowledge.


We solicit papers presenting novel results on the principles of KR that
contribute to the formal foundations of relevant problems or show the
applicability of results to implemented or implementable systems.  We
welcome papers from other areas that show clear use of, or contributions
the principles or practice of KR.  We also encourage "reports from the
of applications, experiments, developments, and tests.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Applications of KR
- Argumentation
- Belief revision and update, belief merging, information fusion
- Commonsense reasoning
- Computational aspects of knowledge representation
- Concept formation, similarity-based reasoning
- Contextual reasoning
- Decision making
- Description logics
- Explanation finding, diagnosis, causal reasoning, abduction
- Geometric, spatial, and temporal reasoning
- Inconsistency- and exception tolerant reasoning, paraconsistent logics
- KR and autonomous agents and multi-agent systems
- KR and cognitive robotics
- KR and cyber security
- KR and education
- KR and game theory
- KR and machine learning, inductive logic programming, knowledge
- KR and natural language processing and understanding
- KR and the Web, Semantic Web
- Knowledge graphs, virtual knowledge graphs, and open linked data
- Knowledge representation languages
- Logic programming, answer set programming, constraint logic
- Modeling and reasoning about preferences
- Multi- and order-sorted representations and reasoning
- Nonmonotonic logics, default logics, conditional logics
- Ontology formalisms and models
- Ontology-based data access, integration, and exchange
- Philosophical foundations of KR
- Qualitative reasoning, reasoning about physical systems
- Reasoning about actions and change, action languages
- Reasoning about knowledge, beliefs, and other mental attitudes
- Uncertainty, vagueness, many-valued and fuzzy logics

KR2020 will also feature Workshops and Tutorials, solicited by means of
an open
call, and a Doctoral Consortium.


In addition to the main conference track, KR2020 will host the following
and sessions:

* Applications and Systems Track
* Recent Published Research Track
* Special Session: KR and Machine Learning 
* Special Session: KR and Robotics
* Special Session: Women in KR


Submission of title and abstract: 4 March 2020
Paper submission deadline:   11 March 2020
Author response period: 4-6 May 2020
Notification:27 May 2020
Camera-ready papers: 24 June 2020
Conference dates: 12-18 September 2020

Recent Published Research Track, Workshops and Tutorials, and Doctoral
Consortium will have different submission and notification dates, which
will be
announced separately.


All submissions must be written in English and in AAAI style. Papers
must be
submitted in PDF format, through the EasyChair conference system:

https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kr2020 .

For the main conference track and additional tracks/sessions (except for
Recent Published Research track), we invite

- Full papers of up to 9 pages, including abstract, figures, and
  (if any), but excluding references and acknowledgements.
- Short papers of up to 4 pages, excluding references and

Both full and short papers must describe original, previously
research, and must not simultaneously be submitted for publication
These restrictions do not apply to previously accepted workshop papers
with a
limited audience and/or without archival proceedings, and to papers
uploaded at
public repositories (e.g., arXiv).

The accepted full papers and short papers will be published in the