Re: [HOT] Tajik Hazard - OSM HOT Task

2016-11-29 Thread Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
Hi Yannis,

I looked over the attached shape files.

The 3 smaller areas to the east, close to each other, those are well
mapped in OSM now it looks like and should be a good data source if
anyone is looking for buildings and roads data in those 3 areas.

The larger area SW of those, there is not high resolution imagery.

The larger area at the far SW, that one looks perfect for a mapping
project. It not all easy mapping, but not too difficult either.  It
looks like even small residential roads are mapped in that area, so it
should probably be "buildings only", which is good.

If this works for you, we can get a project set up.

Please let me know if I have misunderstood anything.


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, TM3 Project Manager
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact:
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -

On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 5:52 AM, Yannis Fourniadis
> Dear HOT OSM,
> I am working for Arup, an international engineering consultancy based in
> London. As Arup, we have been active participants to OpenStreeMap (OSM),
> particularly as regards the Missing Maps Project. Employees from Arup
> offices in the UK and the USA have contributed significant time to map parts
> of South Kivu in the Congo.
> I am writing to enquire on the feasibility of initiating a mapping task
> through OSM Tasking Manager ( for the mapping of
> buildings and infrastructure (roads, railways) in the Republic of
> Tajikistan.
> The Republic of Tajikistan is located in a region affected by natural
> hazards (flooding, earthquakes). The World Bank is supporting a project to
> strengthen critical infrastructure in the Republic of Tajikistan against the
> impact of natural hazards. A team led by Arup, and including the University
> of Zurich and consultants based in Tajikistan, have been appointed by the
> World Bank to carry out consultancy services in relation to strengthening
> critical infrastructure in the Republic of Tajikistan.
> We plan to undertake community mapping of exposure data (buildings and
> infrastructure) as part of this project in the Arup offices in London in on
> 16 December 2016. Like in previous occasions (e.g. HOT task #1235
> we would greatly appreciate your help
> to setup an OSM mapping task, through which we could undertake the community
> mapping.
> Could you please advise whether you are able to create an OSM task for us to
> use for exposure mapping at the sites given in the attached Google Earth
> files. These are all sites where critical infrastructure (bridges and flood
> protection levees) are located. The file “Exposure Sites” gives approximate
> extents of the areas where we would like to map the assets at risk.
> It would be great to have this task up and running by 6 December 2016.
> Many thanks.
> Regards,
> Yannis
> Yannis Fourniadis
> Senior Engineering Geologist
> PhD  DIC  CGeol
> Arup
> 13 Fitzroy Street  London  W1T 4BQ  United Kingdom
> d: +44 20 7755 4310
> Electronic mail messages entering and leaving Arup  business
> systems are scanned for acceptability of content and viruses

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[HOT] New, urgent project for MSF

2016-11-29 Thread Pete Masters
Hi all,

Just a heads up in case any of you have time to contribute to a project
requested by MSF in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

It is pretty dense building mapping, so canh be slow going, but your help
would be massively appreciated. They are requesting the data for two week's

>From the MSF team:

The diseases addressed are Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika and the project in
need of geographic data has several components :

   - water and sanitation activities : spraying, larviciding, fumigation in
   order to kill mosquitoes and larva.
   - identification of larva sites in streets and at community level
   - entomologic surveillance
   - health promotion to sensitize and inform about activities
   - cholera surveillance

The maps produced would support decision making processes. Knowledge about
building count would help estimating population.

Additionally the maps will serve to communicate and plan activities

Thanks a lot for your help!!


*Pete Masters*
Missing Maps Project Coordinator
+44 7921 781 518 


HOT mailing list

[HOT] Mapathon au Open Government Partnership - 8 décembre 2016, Paris

2016-11-29 Thread Martin Noblecourt

/[English version below]/

Bonjour à tous,

Dans le cadre de l'Open Government Partnership summit 
 organisé à Paris 
la semaine prochaine, CartONG, HOT et OpenStreetMap France, en 
partenariat avec Missing Maps et Etalab (pour l'instant !) organise un 
mapathon pour rassembler les contributeurs OSM & faire découvrir la 
cartographie aux participants du sommet.

Ce side-event aura lieu au Liberté Living Lab mardi 8 décembre à partir 
de 18h30. Nous travaillerons sur un projet lancé par CartONG en 
collaboration avec une association locale de coopération entre la France 
et le Burkina Faso  : 
Chambéry-Ouahigouya. Le projet vise à cartographier Ouahigouya pour que 
la commune burkinabé puisse mieux gérer son territoire. Une 2e tâche 
pour validateurs aura lieu sur un projet relativement similaire avec la 
ville de Dianguirdé au Mali, en collaboration avec Ivry-sur-Seine 

Nous souhaitons profiter de la présence de représentants de nombreux 
membres des différentes communautés OSM pour les mettre en valeurs : 
tous ceux qui seront présents et souhaiteraient apparaître comme 
co-organisateurs sont les bienvenus, prévenez moi juste par retour de 
mail et envoyez moi votre logo (pour ne pas faire déborder l'affiche 
nous incluerons uniquement les communautés représentées physiquement au 
mapathon, désolé !). Cela s'adresse tout particulièrement aux 
communautés des pays que nous allons cartographier (Mali et Burkina) ;-)

Les inscriptions ont lieu ici (tous les contributeurs OSM expérimentés 
qui pourront aider sont invités à s'inscrire comme "organisateurs") :

Merci au Liberté Living Lab pour l'accueil, et à MapBox qui nous offre 
généreusement les pizzas !

Merci de partager largement cette invitation ! Les participants à la 
conférence sont également invités à la session Leveraging the Citizen 
Open Mapping Movement organisée par Heather le même jour à 13h15 :

Dear all,

As part of the Open Government Partnership summit 
 organized in Paris 
next week, CartONG, HOT and OpenStreetMap France, in partnership with 
Missing Maps and Etalab (French open data agency) (list to be 
completed...) will organize a mapathon to gather the OSM contributors 
and introduce mapping to the conference's participants.

This side-event will be organized at Liberté Living Lab on Tuesday, 
December 8th at 6.30PM. We will work on a project started by CartONG in 
collaboration with a local NGO working in the French-Burkina Faso 
cooperation : Chambéry-Ouahigouya. 
The project aims at mapping the city of Ouahigouya so that the burkinabé 
city can have a better overview of its territory. A second task for 
validators will run on a relatively similar project with the city of 
Dianguirdé in Mali, in partnership with the French city of 
Ivry-sur-Seine .

We also want to use the presence of many contributors from various OSM 
communities to highlight their diversity: all those coming and willing 
to be featured as co-organizers, just ping me by email and forward me 
your logo (I don't want to overcrowd the poster so we'll only include 
the communities with a member physically present at the mapathon, sorry!).

Registrations are open here (all experimented mappers that can be 
helpers are invited to register as "organizers"):

Thanks to the Liberté Living Lab for hosting us, and to MapBox for 
generously offering us pizzas!

Thanks for sharing ! Participants to the conference are also invited to 
the Leveraging the Citizen Open Mapping Movement session organized by 
Heather on the same day at 1.15PM:


Martin Noblecourt

Phone: +33 (0)4 79 26 28 82
Mobile: +33 (0)6 04 09 74 19
Skype: martin.noblecourt

Humanitarian mapping and information management

Website:  | Twitter: @assocCartONG 
 | Address: Chambéry, France

Lon: 05°55'24'' | Lat: 45°30'20''

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Tajik Hazard - OSM HOT Task

2016-11-29 Thread Yannis Fourniadis

I am working for Arup, an international engineering consultancy based in 
London. As Arup, we have been active participants to OpenStreeMap (OSM), 
particularly as regards the Missing Maps Project. Employees from Arup offices 
in the UK and the USA have contributed significant time to map parts of South 
Kivu in the Congo.

I am writing to enquire on the feasibility of initiating a mapping task through 
OSM Tasking Manager ( for the mapping of buildings and 
infrastructure (roads, railways) in the Republic of Tajikistan.

The Republic of Tajikistan is located in a region affected by natural hazards 
(flooding, earthquakes). The World Bank is supporting a project to strengthen 
critical infrastructure in the Republic of Tajikistan against the impact of 
natural hazards. A team led by Arup, and including the University of Zurich and 
consultants based in Tajikistan, have been appointed by the World Bank to carry 
out consultancy services in relation to strengthening critical infrastructure 
in the Republic of Tajikistan.

We plan to undertake community mapping of exposure data (buildings and 
infrastructure) as part of this project in the Arup offices in London in on 16 
December 2016. Like in previous occasions (e.g. HOT task #1235 we would greatly appreciate your help to 
setup an OSM mapping task, through which we could undertake the community 

Could you please advise whether you are able to create an OSM task for us to 
use for exposure mapping at the sites given in the attached Google Earth files. 
These are all sites where critical infrastructure (bridges and flood protection 
levees) are located. The file "Exposure Sites" gives approximate extents of the 
areas where we would like to map the assets at risk.

It would be great to have this task up and running by 6 December 2016.

Many thanks.


Yannis Fourniadis
Senior Engineering Geologist
PhD  DIC  CGeol

13 Fitzroy Street  London  W1T 4BQ  United Kingdom
d: +44 20 7755 4310 

Electronic mail messages entering and leaving Arup  business
systems are scanned for acceptability of content and viruses

Description: WB_SiteLocations.kmz

Exposure Sites.kmz
Description: Exposure Sites.kmz
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