Dear Friends,

As you may know, there is an early stage, ongoing outbreak of Ebola in
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Claire Halleux is leading HOT and OSM mapping from on the ground in
collaboration with the national Ministry of Health and others.

The projects are getting mapped quite quickly and by a variety of
folks of all skill levels, which is great!

As always validation is taking a bit more time, but still going well.

However, this is quite time critical data, so the sooner we can get it
validated the more help that data can be.

If you have done validation in the past, especially experienced
validators, if you could please find some time to check the ebola
projects for the next days and help them get to 100% / 100% in
whatever way you can, validating or mapping it would really help
things in the region.

Many of these projects are tightly targeted, so go quickly, if you
check the list and there are none to validate, please check back,
there will be more projects for this outbreak.


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

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