Happy Thursday folks (from Doha).

Please find the HOT Board Meeting Meetings - March 2015. [1]

As promised, these minutes include details about the Executive Director
Transition Plan and Interim ED Hiring Process. We are working daily to
coordinate with Kate and the current Board. We will have more updates on
the process and next steps. Also, we are looking on where to ask for help.

In the meantime, Can you please share the Interim ED job description with
anyone you think can be a great leader. We realize it is a short time line,
but the goal is to provide training from Kate to the new Interim ED to
ensure stability of the organization supporting projects and staff.

[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Humanitarian_OSM_Team/Meetings#2015
and http://bit.ly/HOTBoardMeetingMarch2015


Thank you,


Heather Leson
Twitter: HeatherLeson
Blog: textontechs.com
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