
At the Board face-to-face meeting (2 weekends ago already!), our talks
repeatedly returned to the need for revitalized HOT working groups. In one
session in particular, we chose to focus on the structure and state of
Working Groups. This email shares what we learned and built at that
session, and we hope, imparts some momentum to the WGs. In short, a summary
of the state of play for the working groups, and some simple steps to get
things moving.

Jaakko put it well in his recent email to the voting members:

“Let's face it: Our community and amount of activities have grown by
whatever metric we use to measure. We are already in a situation where it's
not possible for any single person or even the board to stay on top of all
of the things that are happening. We must organize ourselves better,
delegate more, and trust that those who have stepped up to take
responsibility take care of the issues they have signed up for. I would
personally dare say that this is already needed to sustain our current
activities but it is absolutely necessary if we want HOT to continue
growing and reach its full potential.

The board sees that active working groups with clear responsibilities would
be a good way forward. We see that Working groups are also in a key role in
better engagement with the broader HOT community. And without the help of
you all (voting members and the broader community) this is not possible.”

Using our good friends, sticky notes, we started by enumerated all the
current active and quiet Working Groups; the purpose of the group and
status; one Board member who is involved; and one concrete “ask”, a doable
activity for the WG to take on. We also defined a governance framework for
Working Groups, simple guidelines for how WGs form and organize,
communicate and decide.

This spreadsheet is a literal translation of the sticky notes. As such it’s
pretty terse. I’ll explain more below.

We identified 8 working groups, 2 of which are active (Technical and
Activation), the rest have gone quiet, or never really got going. The
“purpose” is a one sentence description of the group, and is just meant as
a summary for the exercise; each working group needs a terms of reference
(ToR), which describes its focus in more detail. Each director was given
“responsibility” for one WG; with 8 directors (7 Board Members, plus
Executive Director), we had an elegant 1 to 1 right now. More below, but
note, responsibility simply means they take on the task to ensure Working
Groups start to meet, not necessarily lead the group.

The “Asks” are straightforward actions we felt the WG could take on at
first, to get into the practice of setting and attaining goals, and
contributing concrete results to HOT. For a few, this simply meant drawing
up the ToR, and others have more involved ideas (like training new
activators). Note, these are offered for consideration, and if a WG thinks
something else makes a good first Ask, they should go for it. The important
thing we believe for revitalization is for WGs to focus on doable actions.

Look out for announcements of Working Group meetings. I believe Kate sent
out a note about the Communications WG. The Tech and Activation groups
should be meeting at their usual time. Other groups will be announced soon.

For WG procedures, here’s the framework/guidelines we came up with:

* HOT’s Bylaws state the Board can organize committees (what we have called
working groups in practice)
* Each WG includes a representative from HOT’s Directors (a Board member or
Executive Director) that is responsible for seeing that meetings happen and
the group is functional. They do not necessarily chair the group. For quiet
groups, that may mean organizing the timing for the first meeting. We can
ask HOT’s administrative assistant for help with setting up a Doodle to
arrange for the time.
* A group should have “appointed members”, who have the expectation to do
focused work in the group. This would include some individual responsible
for chairing the group. The WG itself appoints these.
* Groups are for the most part open to participation from anyone in the HOT
community interested in the topic of the group. The idea is that appointed
members take on a greater burden of work. Any individual cannot reasonably
be an appointed member for every group, but could be part of the
discussions as they wish.
* On occasion, some groups may need to have discussions with a more limited
group of folks. For instance, the fundraising group may need to talk
privately about a particular funding opportunity and restrict the meeting
to the appointed members.
* Working groups communicate their meetings and deliberations to the
broader community in the form of minutes, blog posts, etc.
* A WG should agree on the communication tools it uses for live
communication (IRC, mumble, skype, etc), and the tools for asynchronous
discussion and archiving (wiki, OpenAtrium, etc).
* Good practice to have meetings scheduled at a regular time and interval.
If helpful, HOT’s administrative assistant can help with determining a
schedule and announcing meetings. If there’s a need to cover many time
zones, an oscillating timing is an option.
* Working Groups by necessity and design take decisions and act on their
own accord. In some limited circumstances, they may seek approval from the
Board, for instance, when recommending policy for HOT.
* HOT’s Code of Conduct is guidance for our commitment to each other when
we work together in Working Groups.

Of course, this is our first draft, and up for discussion, and any
questions or comments to improve the frame of WGs is welcome.

Lastly, one concrete step for organizing working groups is to create a
section on the website that succinctly describes each group, and links to
fast moving details of the groups work (like in the wiki). I’ve taken on
responsibility to bring this Ask to the technical working group. If anyone
is interested to help in drawing up the requirements, implementing, and
setting the content for this page on the HOT website, please let me know,
more than welcome!

Mikel, on behalf of the HOT Board
HOT mailing list

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