From: Nigel Verity <>

> On that basis I will certainly submit a review. Perhaps your idea could be
> expanded to include books or even music as well.

I don't see a reason why it couldn't. Certainly, it wouldn't bother me.

From: "Christopher M. Hobbs" <>

> Granted I haven't contributed an episode in a few months but what do
> movies have to do with hackers?
> I don't mean to be a stick in the mud, general inquiry.  I have no
> strong feelings one way or the other about the idea.

I was wondering that, myself, which is was what prompted my question
to Ken, and then the community as a whole: does this qualify as HPR
material? Many of us were friends with Lord D, and it's only natural
to be partial to an idea like this when his name is attached. But,
asked another way, is HPR a decent venue for a general film review
series? If it wasn't "Lord D's Film Reviews", but just "LnB's Film
Reviews", does that leave you with a different feeling entirely?

Personally, I intend to work from categories that call back to other
HPR eps I've done, specifically showing how assessing films ties in
with what I've been talking about. I devised a point system based on
these categories which can be used for most films (art house stuff
might be a challenge).

So, I'm not even sure, myself, if this is a good fit for HPR, or if
it's better off as a show of its own.



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