Hi Gabriel,

> I wanted to know how you are able to find  
>> the Y vector which is the expected output of the regression for the  
>> input data? Am I understanding correctly?

You have to run the code with x_1,x_2,...,x_n and measure the y values
for those input values.



On 22/02/18 05:41 PM, Gabriel Laberge wrote:
> Hi,
> I understand but what I meant is that to train a logistic regression  
> you need data that is made of a X matrix which represents the input  
> data. Lets say we have 'm' examples. We also need a Y vector which  
> represent the expected outputs for each of the 'm' training example.  
> The training process is simply fitting the weights of the regression  
> so the output of the regression is almost always outputs the right Y  
> when you give an input X. I wanted to know how you are able to find  
> the Y vector which is the expected output of the regression for the  
> input data? Am I understanding correctly?
> Zahra Khatami <z.khatam...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Gabriel,
>> I am not sure if I understand your concern correctly. The optimal
>> parameters ( chunk size, preferching distance or policies) shouldn’t be
>> found before training data. They are found for each of the hpx loops at
>> runtime based on the loop static and dynamic parameters. That’s a main goal
>> of this research. The candidates of these optimal parameters are chosen
>> when training model. Then the optimal one will be selected between them at
>> runtime, which may be different for each loop with different parameters.
>> Thanks,
>> Zahra,
>> On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 7:51 AM Gabriel Laberge <gabriel.labe...@polymtl.ca>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I had a questions on the way data was generated in order to train the
>>> logistics regressions models talked about in [0]
>>> https://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.01519.pdf
>>> For each of the training examples, the optimal execution
>>> policies,chunk sizes and prefetching distance had to be found before
>>> the training process in order to have good data. I wonder if the
>>> optimal parameters for the training examples were found by trial and
>>> error or if there is another technique.
>>> Thank you..
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>> --
>> Best Regards, Zahra Khatami | PhD Student Center for Computation &
>> Technology (CCT) School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
>> Louisiana State University 2027 Digital Media Center (DMC) Baton Rouge, LA
>> 70803
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