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Subject: Parallel Programming with HPX, Course: July 4-5, 2019
Resent-Date: Thu, 16 May 2019 05:43:41 -0500 (CDT)
Resent-From: patrickdi...@lsu.edu
Date: Thu, 16 May 2019 12:43:29 +0200 (CEST)
From: Rolf Rabenseifner <rabenseif...@hlrs.de>
Reply-To: Rolf Rabenseifner <rabenseif...@hlrs.de>, Lucienne Dettki
<det...@hlrs.de>, Jose Gracia <gra...@hlrs.de>
To: di...@ins.uni-bonn.de

Dear Madam or Sir / Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Strong scaling is still a real problem in HPC.

Therefore, we provide the second time this course on HPX, which
implements a lightweight threading model that allows both concurrent,
asynchronous, parallel and distributed programming constructs.

Please, can you pass this HPX course announcement also to interested
colleagues.  / Es waere schoen, wenn Sie diese Ankuendigung
auch an interessierte Kollegen weitergeben koennten.


Kind regards / Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Rolf Rabenseifner, Lucienne Dettki and Jose Gracia

PS: Further upcoming courses 2019 that may be of interest for you:

    (*): PRACE Courses

- Scientific Visualization (May 20-21) Stuttgart [English]
- OpenMP GPU Directives for
  Parallel Accelerated Supercomputers  (May 22-23) Stuttgart [Eng] (*)
- Introduction to Hybrid Programming in HPC (Jun 12-13) Vienna [Eng] (*)
- Cluster Workshop (Jun 25-26) Stuttgart [German]
- Node-Level Performance Engineering (Jun 27-28) Stuttgart [Eng] (*)
- Concepts of GASPI and interoperability with
  other communication APIs (Jul 1-2) Stuttgart [English] (*)
- Parallel Programming with HPX (Jul 4-5) Stuttgart [English] (*)
- Advanced C++ with Focus on Software Engineering (Jul 9-12) Stgt.[Ger]
- Deep Learning and GPU programming using OpenACC (Jul 15-17)Stgt.[Eng]
- Porting your Application to Hawk (July 22-26), Stuttgart [Eng] (tbc)
- Parallel Programming with MPI&OpenMP (Aug 19-22) Zurich [English]

                      Call for Participation

        Introduction to Parallel Programming with HPX
                  July 4-5, 2019 (Thu-Fri)
  at HLRS, room Ruehle-Saal, Nobelstr. 19, Stuttgart, Germany

Registration and further information:


The aim of this course is to introduce participants to the HPX library
and demonstrate how it can be used to write task based programs.
The HPX library implements a lightweight threading model that allows
both concurrent, asynchronous, parallel and distributed programming
constructs to coexist within the same application with a consistent API
based on C++ standards and using futures to synchronize between tasks.

The course is aimed at participants with a good understanding of C++.
The material covered will include
 - an introduction to the HPX programming model,
 - asynchronous programming concepts, execution policies and executors,
 - parallel algorithms using tasks (including the parallel STL),
 - writing distributed applications with HPX,
 - profiling and debugging, and
 - a final section introducing heterogeneous programming
   using targets for GPU devices.

Objective: The attendee will gain an understanding of the
           HPX library and task based programming in general.

Lectures will be given by
 - Thomas Heller, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg,
 - John Biddiscombe, CSCS,
 - Mikael Simberg, CSCS.

Registration deadline: June 9, 2019.

The course language is English.
All slides and handouts are also in English.

Kind regards
Rolf Rabenseifner, Lucienne Dettki and Jose Gracia (HLRS)

Further courses can be found at



HLRS Online Courses:

As a member of the HLRS course mailing list, you should have received
the password with an email titled "Get your access to HLRS online courses".

We would appreciate if you could forward this email to interested
colleagues.  If you receive double postings or you would like to
unsubscribe from our mailing list, please visit

Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner .. . . . . . . . . . email rabenseif...@hlrs.de
Lucienne Dettki . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . det...@hlrs.de
High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) . phone ++49(0)711/685-65530
University of Stuttgart .. . . . . . . . . and : ++49(0)711/685-63894
Nobelstr. 19, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany

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