[hugin-ptx] Quickly add CPs between overlapping images in preview

2011-12-07 Thread Sigma Relief
I am a big fan of the Layout mode in preview as it can give a quick feel 
for where problem areas are.  Unfortunately, I think one if its most 
powerful tools, the gray lines between overlapping but un-connected images 
is missing a key feature.  A 1 click option to add CPs between any pair of 
images by clicking on the same gray line would be very helpful.  The 
current mode of opening the 2 images in the control points tab is useful, 
but does not allow for quick automatic adding of lots of CPs.  (Adding the 
same "auto add between pair" button on this tab would also be nice). 
 Having to navigate to the Images tab, selecting the 2 images that overlap, 
then clicking the auto add button is tedious, especially when it needs to 
be repeated many times.

While I would be happy stopping here, there are further improvements that 
could be made.

- Add calculations to a Queue so multiple pairs could be identified 
quickly, then processed all at once with a go button
- Re-use the initial image analysis of repeat images to avoid doing the 
same calculation multiple times for images that show up in multiple pairs.
-Have a find all button that looks at every overlap to check for CPs.

It seems like there are a lot of shortcuts to already existing 
functionality that could be added to Preview to streamline the process and 
generate better images.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: More image tabs in fast preview window

2011-01-13 Thread Sigma Relief
I am glad this is a common issue and it looks like there are lots of
ideas.  I like the proposed dynamic area that automatically shows all
selected photos, but it should be an option, not a replacement for the
context of seeing where in the sequence images lie.

Allowing the user to adjust the height of the tab section and thus
control how many lines are displayed would solve the how many to show

While on this topic, a more direct way to find a specific image would
be useful.  Many CAD systems let users right click through a stacked
layer of parts to select hidden objects.  A similar right click option
to cycle thru stacked photos, identify the number of a selected photo,
and perhaps most importantly, allow editing of some sort would be

Being able to directly remove a selected image from the project via
the preview pane once selected, either thru the tab at top or a new
right click option is a good first start to weed out bad images.

Allowing masks to be drawn in preview will allow much greater
continuity and speed for tweeking multi row images.  Being able to
crop all the moving heads from the upper row of a pano shot in a crowd
quickly would be nice.  Same goes for moving clouds between rows.
There would obviously need to be some method of selecting which image
or images to apply masks to.

Adding control points would be another obvious feature to add to the
preview tool once images can be directly selected.  A zoom function
would make placement a lot more accurate.  The current scroll wheel
field of view change(when they are selected) is mostly useless as is
is not used often and the manual slider is much more accurate when
needed.  I'm sure zooming is a heavy set of computations, but resizing
the window works like a charm, I don't see why this should be that

An even more exotic control point feature would be an auto find
feature that takes a user selected point on 1 image and searches
nearby areas in all stacked photos for similar points.  A dynamic
threshold that starts lower than normal (after all, these points were
probably not found in the origional search) and increases based on the
angular distance (not pixel distance) from the chosen point.  I have
found selecting the exact same point on stacked photos, especially
architectural ones with hard lines helps mediocre alignment projects,
but gets time consuming when 5 or more images stack. It is these
heavily overlapped corners that such a feature helps with most by
getting everything to converge on 1 point.

Being able to see control points that only tie to a single image could
help root out bad images as the current implementation gets
overwhelmed in large projects.  A feature to sort by worst average
control point distance for an entire image would also point out
trouble images better than the worst pairs list in the control points

Well that got a bit out of hand, I hope I don't kill a good thread.  I
know feature requests are a dime a dozen, but the new fast preview is
so good in my opinion that it deserves a spot in the creation chain,
not just to check results.

On Jan 13, 8:21 am, kevin  wrote:
> On Jan 13, 3:36 am, kfj <_...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > I sympathize. In complex multi-sequence situations with large numbers
> > of images, trying to identify images by looking at 'which number
> > lights up' (or reverse) is a pain, since often the numbers for the
> > image one wants to identify are outside the currently displayed range.
> > This has often annoyed me. But where does one draw a line? 100 images?
> > 200? two rows? three? maybe there's a better way altogether?
> > Kay
> > On 13 Jan., 05:54, Sigma Relief  wrote:
> > > Just a minor request for the GUI on the fast preview feature in
> > > windows; make the numbered tabs closer together when there are more
> > > images.  The old version could fit 50+ on a 1600 pixel wide screen
> > > while fast preview fits 40 with large spacing between tabs.  Reducing
> > > spacing would be a good easy start.  Wrapping to a 2nd or 3rd line
> > > would make identifying images easier as it eliminates having to
> > > continually scroll back and forth when using the identify feature.  At
> > > least in Windows, there is plenty of room for 3 rows of numbers, 1
> > > above the current row and 1 where the horizontal scroll bar is.  A
> > > small vertical scroll bar could be used for more than 3 rows.
> > > Are there any simple variables a user could tweak to improve this?
> > > I'm not sure if there is an official feature request area so any
> > > pointers would be appreciated.
> What about in addition to the row with the scroll bar there's a line
> where the numbers change.  If there

[hugin-ptx] More image tabs in fast preview window

2011-01-12 Thread Sigma Relief
Just a minor request for the GUI on the fast preview feature in
windows; make the numbered tabs closer together when there are more
images.  The old version could fit 50+ on a 1600 pixel wide screen
while fast preview fits 40 with large spacing between tabs.  Reducing
spacing would be a good easy start.  Wrapping to a 2nd or 3rd line
would make identifying images easier as it eliminates having to
continually scroll back and forth when using the identify feature.  At
least in Windows, there is plenty of room for 3 rows of numbers, 1
above the current row and 1 where the horizontal scroll bar is.  A
small vertical scroll bar could be used for more than 3 rows.

Are there any simple variables a user could tweak to improve this?

I'm not sure if there is an official feature request area so any
pointers would be appreciated.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: make: *** [info] Error 258

2011-01-11 Thread Sigma Relief
Ganesh nailed it, my copy of winavr in the root directory contained
the offending files.  A simple rename of the folder is a good

On Jan 10, 8:19 pm, Ganesh  wrote:
> Sorry if this is a repeat.
> But I had the same problem, and fixed it.
> I realized the Cygwin tools in my system path is messing up Hugin
> (that is where it was finding sh.exe and trying to run the Windows
> Batch command echo through it and failing). I fixed the error by
> renaming my Cygwin folder temporarily.

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