[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2009-05-26 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 

From: alfredpreachingthewordof...@juno.com 

daily devotional

Evening ... 
Song of Solomon 1:16 Behold, Thou art fair, my Beloved. 

  From every point our Well-beloved is most fair. Our various experiences are 
meant by our heavenly Father to furnish fresh standpoints from which we may 
view the loveliness of Jesus; how amiable are our trials when they carry us 
aloft where we may gain clearer views of Jesus than ordinary life could afford 
us! We have seen Him from the top of Amana, from the top of Shenir and Hermon, 
and He has shone upon us as the sun in his strength; but we have seen Him also 
from the lions' dens, from the mountains of the leopards, and He has lost 
none of His loveliness. From the languishing of a sick bed, from the borders of 
the grave, have we turned our eyes to our soul's spouse, and He has never been 
otherwise than all fair. Many of His saints have looked upon Him from the 
gloom of dungeons, and from the red flames of the stake, yet have they never 
uttered an ill word of Him, but have died extolling His surpassing charms. Oh, 
noble and pleasant employment to be for ever gazing at our sweet Lord Jesus! Is 
it not unspeakably delightful to view the Saviour in all His offices, and to 
perceive Him matchless in each?-to shift the kaleidoscope, as it were, and to 
find fresh combinations of peerless graces? In the manger and in eternity, on 
the cross and on His throne, in the garden and in His kingdom, among thieves or 
in the midst of cherubim, He is everywhere altogether lovely. Examine 
carefully every little act of His life, and every trait of His character, and 
He is as lovely in the minute as in the majestic. Judge Him as you will, you 
cannot censure; weigh Him as you please, and He will not be found wanting. 
Eternity shall not discover the shadow of a spot in our Beloved, but rather, as 
ages revolve, His hidden glories shall shine forth with yet more inconceivable 
splendour, and His unutterable loveliness shall more and more ravish all 
celestial minds.

Morning ... 

Psalm 138:8 The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me. 

  Most manifestly the confidence which the Psalmist here expressed was a divine 
confidence. He did not say, I have grace enough to perfect that which 
concerneth me-my faith is so steady that it will not stagger-my love is so warm 
that it will never grow cold-my resolution is so firm that nothing can move it; 
no, his dependence was on the Lord alone. If we indulge in any confidence which 
is not grounded on the Rock of ages, our confidence is worse than a dream, it 
will fall upon us, and cover us with its ruins, to our sorrow and confusion. 
All that Nature spins time will unravel, to the eternal confusion of all who 
are clothed therein. The Psalmist was wise, he rested upon nothing short of the 
Lord's work. It is the Lord who has begun the good work within us; it is He who 
has carried it on; and if he does not finish it, it never will be complete. If 
there be one stitch in the celestial garment of our righteousness which we are 
to insert ourselves, then we are lost; but this is our confidence, the Lord who 
began will perfect. He has done it all, must do it all, and will do it all. Our 
confidence must not be in what we have done, nor in what we have resolved to 
do, but entirely in what the Lord will do. Unbelief insinuates- You will never 
be able to stand. Look at the evil of your heart, you can never conquer sin; 
remember the sinful pleasures and temptations of the world that beset you, you 
will be certainly allured by them and led astray. Ah! yes, we should indeed 
perish if left to our own strength. If we had alone to navigate our frail 
vessels over so rough a sea, we might well give up the voyage in despair; but, 
thanks be to God, He will perfect that which concerneth us, and bring us to the 
desired haven. We can never be too confident when we confide in Him alone, and 
never too much concerned to have such a trust.

 Matthew 12:38-40
 (New King James Version) 
a.. Change 
  a.. American Standard Version 
  b.. Amplified® Bible 
  c.. Contemporary English Version 
  d.. Darby English Version 
  e.. Good News Bible 
  f.. King James Version 
  g.. New International Version 
  h.. New King James Version 
  i.. Young's Literal Translation 
 (38) Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, 
“Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.” (39) But He answered and said to 
them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will 
be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. (40) For as Jonah was 
three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of 
Man be three 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2009-05-24 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 

From: alfredpreachingthewordof...@juno.com 

daily devotional

Evening ... 
Lamentations 3:40 Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord. 

The spouse who fondly loves her absent husband longs for his return; a long 
protracted separation from her lord is a semi-death to her spirit: and so with 
souls who love the Saviour much, they must see His face, they cannot bear that 
He should be away upon the mountains of Bether, and no more hold communion with 
them. A reproaching glance, an uplifted finger will be grievous to loving 
children, who fear to offend their tender father, and are only happy in his 
smile. Beloved, it was so once with you. A text of Scripture, a threatening, a 
touch of the rod of affliction, and you went to your Father's feet, crying, 
Show me wherefore Thou contendest with me? Is it so now? Are you content to 
follow Jesus afar off? Can you contemplate suspended communion with Christ 
without alarm? Can you bear to have your Beloved walking contrary to you, 
because you walk contrary to Him? Have your sins separated between you and your 
God, and is your heart at rest? O let me affectionately warn you, for it is a 
grievous thing when we can live contentedly without the present enjoyment of 
the Saviour's face. Let us labour to feel what an evil thing this is-little 
love to our own dying Saviour, little joy in our precious Jesus, little 
fellowship with the Beloved! Hold a true Lent in your souls, while you sorrow 
over your hardness of heart. Do not stop at sorrow! Remember where you first 
received salvation. Go at once to the cross. There, and there only, can you get 
your spirit quickened. No matter how hard, how insensible, how dead we may have 
become, let us go again in all the rags and poverty, and defilement of our 
natural condition. Let us clasp that cross, let us look into those languid 
eyes, let us bathe in that fountain filled with blood-this will bring back to 
us our first love; this will restore the simplicity of our faith, and the 
tenderness of our heart.

Morning ... 
Isaiah 53:5 With His stripes we are healed. 

  Pilate delivered our Lord to the lictors to be scourged. The Roman scourge 
was a most dreadful instrument of torture. It was made of the sinews of oxen, 
and sharp bones were inter-twisted every here and there among the sinews; so 
that every time the lash came down these pieces of bone inflicted fearful 
laceration, and tore off the flesh from the bone. The Saviour was, no doubt, 
bound to the column, and thus beaten. He had been beaten before; but this of 
the Roman lictors was probably the most severe of His flagellations. My soul, 
stand here and weep over His poor stricken body. Believer in Jesus, can you 
gaze upon Him without tears, as He stands before you the mirror of agonizing 
love? He is at once fair as the lily for innocence, and red as the rose with 
the crimson of His own blood. As we feel the sure and blessed healing which His 
stripes have wrought in us, does not our heart melt at once with love and 
grief? If ever we have loved our Lord Jesus, surely we must feel that affection 
glowing now within our bosoms. 
  See how the patient Jesus stands,
  Insulted in His lowest case!
  Sinners have bound the Almighty's hands,
  And spit in their Creator's face.

  With thorns His temples gor'd and gash'd
  Send streams of blood from every part;
  His back's with knotted scourges lash'd.
  But sharper scourges tear His heart. 

We would fain go to our chambers and weep; but since our business calls us 
away, we will first pray our Beloved to print the image of His bleeding self 
upon the tablets of our hearts all the day, and at nightfall we will return to 
commune with Him, and sorrow that our sin should have cost Him so dear.

   Genesis 2:15
  (15) Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of 
Eden to tend and keep it. 

  Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

The Garden of Eden was the environment that God created for a 
relationship with Him to take place. Adam and Eve's responsibility was to dress 
and keep it. They were put there, not to do nothing, not just to pluck fruit 
off a tree, not even merely to receive eternal life, but to take care of the 

Dress means to embellish. This may seem a little strange, but 
Adam and Eve were to take care of it so well that it would become better than 
it was when God gave it to them. We like to think of the Garden as being a 
place of absolute and perfect beauty. Instead, since God told them to dress 
and keep it, it seems that it was not complete. It had only been started. What 
He had done was certainly beautiful, but He wanted them to carry on and finish 

Keep means to guard or to preserve. If they did not work 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2009-05-24 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 

From: alfredpreachingthewordof...@juno.com 

daily devotional

Evening ... 
John 1:14 The only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. 

  Believer, YOU can bear your testimony that Christ is the only begotten of the 
Father, as well as the first begotten from the dead. You can say, He is divine 
to me, if He be human to all the world beside. He has done that for me which 
none but a God could do. He has subdued my stubborn will, melted a heart of 
adamant, opened gates of brass, and snapped bars of iron. He hath turned for 
me my mourning into laughter, and my desolation into joy; He hath led my 
captivity captive, and made my heart rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of 
glory. Let others think as they will of Him, to me He must be the only begotten 
of the Father: blessed be His name. And He is full of grace. Ah! had He not 
been I should never have been saved. He drew me when I struggled to escape from 
His grace; and when at last I came all trembling like a condemned culprit to 
His mercy-seat He said, 'Thy sins which are many are all forgiven thee: be of 
good cheer.' And He is full of truth. True have His promises been, not one 
has failed. I bear witness that never servant had such a master as I have; 
never brother such a kinsman as He has been to me; never spouse such a husband 
as Christ has been to my soul; never sinner a better Saviour; never mourner a 
better comforter than Christ hath been to my spirit. I want none beside Him. 
In life He is my life, and in death He shall be the death of death; in poverty 
Christ is my riches; in sickness He makes my bed; in darkness He is my star, 
and in brightness He is my sun; He is the manna of the camp in the wilderness, 
and He shall be the new corn of the host when they come to Canaan. Jesus is 
to me all grace and no wrath, all truth and no falsehood: and of truth and 
grace He is full, infinitely full. My soul, this night, bless with all thy 
might 'the only Begotten.'

Morning ... 

Matthew 28:20  I am with you alway. 

  It is well there is One who is ever the same, and who is ever with us. It is 
well there is one stable rock amidst the billows of the sea of life. O my soul, 
set not thine affections upon rusting, moth-eaten, decaying treasures, but set 
thine heart upon Him who abides for ever faithful to thee. Build not thine 
house upon the moving quicksands of a deceitful world, but found thy hopes upon 
this rock, which, amid descending rain and roaring floods, shall stand 
immovably secure. My soul, I charge thee, lay up thy treasure in the only 
secure cabinet; store thy jewels where thou canst never lose them. Put thine 
all in Christ; set all thine affections on His person, all thy hope in His 
merit, all thy trust in His efficacious blood, all thy joy in His presence, and 
so thou mayest laugh at loss, and defy destruction. Remember that all the 
flowers in the world's garden fade by turns, and the day cometh when nothing 
will be left but the black, cold earth. Death's black extinguisher must soon 
put out thy candle. Oh! how sweet to have sunlight when the candle is gone! The 
dark flood must soon roll between thee and all thou hast; then wed thine heart 
to Him who will never leave thee; trust thyself with Him who will go with thee 
through the black and surging current of death's stream, and who will land thee 
safely on the celestial shore, and make thee sit with Him in heavenly places 
for ever. Go, sorrowing son of affliction, tell thy secrets to the Friend who 
sticketh closer than a brother. Trust all thy concerns with Him who never can 
be taken from thee, who will never leave thee, and who will never let thee 
leave Him, even Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever. 
Lo, I am with you alway, is enough for my soul to live upon, let who will 
forsake me. 

 1 Corinthians 7:19
 (New King James Version) 
a.. Change 
  a.. American Standard Version 
  b.. Amplified® Bible 
  c.. Contemporary English Version 
  d.. Darby English Version 
  e.. Good News Bible 
  f.. King James Version 
  g.. New International Version 
  h.. New King James Version 
  i.. Young's Literal Translation 
 (19) Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing, but 
keeping the commandments of God is what matters. 

Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. 
 That tells us that we are to keep the Ten Commandments under the 
New Covenant. It cannot be refuted. The Ten Commandments were part of the Old 
Covenant too. That part is not obsolete; we are still using it in the brand new 
model. The moral law is still in force and effect. To break the commandments is 
sin, while to do them is 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2009-01-08 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 

From: alfredpreachingthewordof...@juno.com 

daily devotional


Isaiah 40:5 The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it 

  We anticipate the happy day when the whole world shall be converted to 
Christ; when the gods of the heathen shall be cast to the moles and the bats; 
when Romanism shall be exploded, and the crescent of Mohammed shall wane, never 
again to cast its baleful rays upon the nations; when kings shall bow down 
before the Prince of Peace, and all nations shall call their Redeemer blessed. 
Some despair of this. They look upon the world as a vessel breaking up and 
going to pieces, never to float again. We know that the world and all that is 
therein is one day to be burnt up, and afterwards we look for new heavens and 
for a new earth; but we cannot read our Bibles without the conviction that- 
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
Does his successive journeys run. 
  We are not discouraged by the length of His delays; we are not disheartened 
by the long period which He allots to the church in which to struggle with 
little success and much defeat. We believe that God will never suffer this 
world, which has once seen Christ's blood shed upon it, to be always the 
devil's stronghold. Christ came hither to deliver this world from the detested 
sway of the powers of darkness. What a shout shall that be when men and angels 
shall unite to cry Hallelujah, hallelujah, for the Lord God Omnipotent 
reigneth! What a satisfaction will it be in that day to have had a share in 
the fight, to have helped to break the arrows of the bow, and to have aided in 
winning the victory for our Lord! Happy are they who trust themselves with this 
conquering Lord, and who fight side by side with Him, doing their little in His 
name and by His strength! How unhappy are those on the side of evil! It is a 
losing side, and it is a matter wherein to lose is to lose and to be lost for 
ever. On whose side are you?


Isaiah 7:14 Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his 
name Immanuel. 

  Let us to-day go down to Bethlehem, and in company with wondering shepherds 
and adoring Magi, let us see Him who was born King of the Jews, for we by faith 
can claim an interest in Him, and can sing, Unto us a child is born, unto us a 
son is given. Jesus is Jehovah incarnate, our Lord and our God, and yet our 
brother and friend; let us adore and admire. Let us notice at the very first 
glance His miraculous conception. It was a thing unheard of before, and 
unparalleled since, that a virgin should conceive and bear a Son. The first 
promise ran thus, The seed of the woman, not the offspring of the man. Since 
venturous woman led the way in the sin which brought forth Paradise lost, she, 
and she alone, ushers in the Regainer of Paradise. Our Saviour, although truly 
man, was as to His human nature the Holy One of God. Let us reverently bow 
before the holy Child whose innocence restores to manhood its ancient glory; 
and let us pray that He may be formed in us, the hope of glory. Fail not to 
note His humble parentage. His mother has been described simply as a virgin, 
not a princess, or prophetess, nor a matron of large estate. True the blood of 
kings ran in her veins; nor was her mind a weak and untaught one, for she could 
sing most sweetly a song of praise; but yet how humble her position, how poor 
the man to whom she stood affianced, and how miserable the accommodation 
afforded to the new-born King! Immanuel, God with us in our nature, in our 
sorrow, in our lifework, in our punishment, in our grave, and now with us, or 
rather we with Him, in resurrection, ascension, triumph, and Second Advent 
 Malachi 3:16-17
(16) Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, 
And the LORD listened and heard them;
So a book of remembrance was written before Him 
For those who fear the LORD 
And who meditate on His name. 
(17)  They shall be Mine, says the LORD of hosts, 
 On the day that I make them My jewels.
And I will spare them 
As a man spares his own son who serves him. 

Exodus 19:5
(5) Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My 
covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all 
the earth is Mine. 

Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
  The English word translated as jewels in verse 17 is not 
entirely wrong, but it is not a precise translation of what the Hebrew word, 
segullah (Strong's #5459, transliterated in various ways), really means. The 
simplest usage of segullah is to indicate personal possession. 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2009-01-06 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 

From: alfredpreachingthewordof...@juno.com 

daily devotional


Song of Solomon 1:4 We will be glad and rejoice in Thee. 

  We will be glad and rejoice in Thee. We will not open the gates of the year 
to the dolorous notes of the sackbut, but to the sweet strains of the harp of 
joy, and the high sounding cymbals of gladness. O come, let us sing unto the 
Lord: let us make a joyful noise unto the rock of our salvation. We, the 
called and faithful and chosen, we will drive away our griefs, and set up our 
banners of confidence in the name of God. Let others lament over their 
troubles, we who have the sweetening tree to cast into Marah's bitter pool, 
with joy will magnify the Lord. Eternal Spirit, our effectual Comforter, we who 
are the temples in which Thou dwellest, will never cease from adoring and 
blessing the name of Jesus. We WILL, we are resolved about it, Jesus must have 
the crown of our heart's delight; we will not dishonour our Bridegroom by 
mourning in His presence. We are ordained to be the minstrels of the skies, let 
us rehearse our everlasting anthem before we sing it in the halls of the New 
Jerusalem. We will BE GLAD AND REJOICE: two words with one sense, double joy, 
blessedness upon blessedness. Need there be any limit to our rejoicing in the 
Lord even now? Do not men of grace find their Lord to be camphire and 
spikenard, calamus and cinnamon even now, and what better fragrance have they 
in heaven itself? We will be glad and rejoice IN THEE. That last word is the 
meat in the dish, the kernel of the nut, the soul of the text. What heavens are 
laid up in Jesus! What rivers of infinite bliss have their source, ay, and 
every drop of their fulness in Him! Since, O sweet Lord Jesus, Thou art the 
present portion of Thy people, favour us this year with such a sense of Thy 
preciousness, that from its first to its last day we may be glad and rejoice in 
Thee. Let January open with joy in the Lord, and December close with gladness 
in Jesus.


Colossians 4:2 Continue in prayer. 

  It is interesting to remark how large a portion of Sacred Writ is occupied 
with the subject of prayer, either in furnishing examples, enforcing precepts, 
or pronouncing promises. We scarcely open the Bible before we read, Then began 
men to call upon the name of the Lord; and just as we are about to close the 
volume, the Amen of an earnest supplication meets our ear. Instances are 
plentiful. Here we find a wrestling Jacob-there a Daniel who prayed three times 
a day-and a David who with all his heart called upon his God. On the mountain 
we see Elias; in the dungeon Paul and Silas. We have multitudes of commands, 
and myriads of promises. What does this teach us, but the sacred importance and 
necessity of prayer? We may be certain that whatever God has made prominent in 
His Word, He intended to be conspicuous in our lives. If He has said much about 
prayer, it is because He knows we have much need of it. So deep are our 
necessities, that until we are in heaven we must not cease to pray. Dost thou 
want nothing?Then, I fear thou dost not know thy poverty. Hast thou no mercy to 
ask of God? Then, may the Lord's mercy show thee thy misery! A prayerless soul 
is a Christless soul. Prayer is the lisping of the believing infant, the shout 
of the fighting believer, the requiem of the dying saint falling asleep in 
Jesus. It is the breath, the watchword, the comfort, the strength, the honour 
of a Christian. If thou be a child of God, thou wilt seek thy Father's face, 
and live in thy Father's love. Pray that this year thou mayst be holy, humble, 
zealous, and patient; have closer communion with Christ, and enter oftener into 
the banqueting-house of His love. Pray that thou mayst be an example and a 
blessing unto others, and that thou mayst live more to the glory of thy Master. 
The motto for this year must be, Continue in prayer.

   1 John 2:27
  (27) But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in 
you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing 
teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as 
it has taught you, you will abide in Him. 

  Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Clearly, he is not saying that these people had no need for someone 
to teach them the difference between truth and error. They did need it! That is 
why John wrote his epistle! What they did not need was for anyone to teach them 
the church's basic doctrines, nor did they need human logic or philosophy to 
help them understand God's nature.

John had known, seen, heard, and touched Jesus Christ personally. 
Christ had taught him intensively for three-and-a-half years, and in turn, the 
aged apostle had taught them the same truth throughout 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] .daily devotional

2008-12-14 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 

From: alfredpreachingthewordof...@juno.com 

daily devotional


Romans 8:23 Even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, 
to wit, the redemption of our body. 

  This groaning is universal among the saints: to a greater or less extent we 
all feel it. It is not the groan of murmuring or complaint: it is rather the 
note of desire than of distress. Having received an earnest, we desire the 
whole of our portion; we are sighing that our entire manhood, in its trinity of 
spirit, soul, and body, may be set free from the last vestige of the fall; we 
long to put off corruption, weakness, and dishonour, and to wrap ourselves in 
incorruption, in immortality, in glory, in the spiritual body which the Lord 
Jesus will bestow upon His people. We long for the manifestation of our 
adoption as the children of God. We groan, but it is within ourselves. It 
is not the hypocrite's groan, by which he would make men believe that he is a 
saint because he is wretched. Our sighs are sacred things, too hallowed for us 
to tell abroad. We keep our longings to our Lord alone. Then the apostle says 
we are waiting, by which we learn that we are not to be petulant, like Jonah 
or Elijah, when they said, Let me die; nor are we to whimper and sigh for the 
end of life because we are tired of work, nor wish to escape from our present 
sufferings till the will of the Lord is done. We are to groan for 
glorification, but we are to wait patiently for it, knowing that what the Lord 
appoints is best. Waiting implies being ready. We are to stand at the door 
expecting the Beloved to open it and take us away to Himself. This groaning 
is a test. You may judge of a man by what he groans after. Some men groan after 
wealth-they worship Mammon; some groan continually under the troubles of 
life-they are merely impatient; but the man who sighs after God, who is uneasy 
till he is made like Christ, that is the blessed man. May God help us to groan 
for the coming of the Lord, and the resurrection which He will bring to us.


Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you. 

  We know of a place in England still existing, where a dole of bread is served 
to every passerby who chooses to ask for it. Whoever the traveller may be, he 
has but to knock at the door of St. Cross Hospital, and there is the dole of 
bread for him. Jesus Christ so loveth sinners that He has built a St. Cross 
Hospital, so that whenever a sinner is hungry, he has but to knock and have his 
wants supplied. Nay, He has done better; He has attached to this Hospital of 
the Cross a bath; and whenever a soul is black and filthy, it has but to go 
there and be washed. The fountain is always full, always efficacious. No sinner 
ever went into it and found that it could not wash away his stains. Sins which 
were scarlet and crimson have all disappeared, and the sinner has been whiter 
than snow. As if this were not enough, there is attached to this Hospital of 
the Cross a wardrobe, and a sinner making application simply as a sinner, may 
be clothed from head to foot; and if he wishes to be a soldier, he may not 
merely have a garment for ordinary wear, but armour which shall cover him from 
the sole of his foot to the crown of his head. If he asks for a sword, he shall 
have that given to him, and a shield too. Nothing that is good for him shall be 
denied him. He shall have spending-money so long as he lives, and he shall have 
an eternal heritage of glorious treasure when he enters into the joy of his 
Lord. If all these things are to be had by merely knocking at mercy's door, O 
my soul, knock hard this morning, and ask large things of thy generous Lord. 
Leave not the throne of grace till all thy wants have been spread before the 
Lord, and until by faith thou hast a comfortable prospect that they shall be 
all supplied. No bashfulness need retard when Jesus invites. No unbelief should 
hinder when Jesus promises. No cold-heartedness should restrain when such 
blessings are to be obtained.

   Hebrews 3:19
  (19) So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief. 

  Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Paul puts his finger on the source of the Israelites' problem, why 
their heart could not be changed, why they consistently and persistently sinned 
and rebelled: So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief. 
Paul later turns this thought into an admonition for us: 

  Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us 
fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it. For indeed the gospel was 
preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit 
them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it. (Hebrews 4:1-2) 

Not only did Israel have the witness 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-11-26 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional


Proverbs 30:26 The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in 
the rocks. 

  Conscious of their own natural defenselessness, the conies resort to burrows 
in the rocks, and are secure from their enemies. My heart, be willing to gather 
a lesson from these feeble folk. Thou art as weak and as exposed to peril as 
the timid cony, be as wise to seek a shelter. My best security is within the 
munitions of an immutable Jehovah, where His unalterable promises stand like 
giant walls of rock. It will be well with thee, my heart, if thou canst always 
hide thyself in the bulwarks of His glorious attributes, all of which are 
guarantees of safety for those who put their trust in Him. Blessed be the name 
of the Lord, I have so done, and have found myself like David in Adullam, safe 
from the cruelty of my enemy; I have not now to find out the blessedness of the 
man who puts his trust in the Lord, for long ago, when Satan and my sins 
pursued me, I fled to the cleft of the rock Christ Jesus, and in His riven side 
I found a delightful resting-place. My heart, run to Him anew to-night, 
whatever thy present grief may be; Jesus feels for thee; Jesus consoles thee; 
Jesus will help thee. No monarch in his impregnable fortress is more secure 
than the cony in his rocky burrow. The master of ten thousand chariots is not 
one whit better protected than the little dweller in the mountain's cleft. In 
Jesus the weak are strong, and the defenceless safe; they could not be more 
strong if they were giants, or more safe if they were in heaven. Faith gives to 
men on earth the protection of the God of heaven. More they cannot need, and 
need not wish. The conies cannot build a castle, but they avail themselves of 
what is there already: I cannot make myself a refuge, but Jesus has provided 
it, His Father has given it, His Spirit has revealed it, and lo, again to-night 
I enter it, and am safe from every foe.


Ephesians 4:30 Grieve not the Holy Spirit. 

  All that the believer has must come from Christ, but it comes solely through 
the channel of the Spirit of grace. Moreover, as all blessings thus flow to you 
through the Holy Spirit, so also no good thing can come out of you in holy 
thought, devout worship, or gracious act, apart from the sanctifying operation 
of the same Spirit. Even if the good seed be sown in you, yet it lies dormant 
except He worketh in you to will and to do of His own good pleasure. Do you 
desire to speak for Jesus-how can you unless the Holy Ghost touch your tongue? 
Do you desire to pray? Alas! what dull work it is unless the Spirit maketh 
intercession for you! Do you desire to subdue sin? Would you be holy? Would you 
imitate your Master? Do you desire to rise to superlative heights of 
spirituality? Are you wanting to be made like the angels of God, full of zeal 
and ardour for the Master's cause? You cannot without the Spirit-Without me ye 
can do nothing. O branch of the vine, thou canst have no fruit without the 
sap! O child of God, thou hast no life within thee apart from the life which 
God gives thee through His Spirit! Then let us not grieve Him or provoke Him to 
anger by our sin. Let us not quench Him in one of His faintest motions in our 
soul; let us foster every suggestion, and be ready to obey every prompting. If 
the Holy Spirit be indeed so mighty, let us attempt nothing without Him; let us 
begin no project, and carry on no enterprise, and conclude no transaction, 
without imploring His blessing. Let us do Him the due homage of feeling our 
entire weakness apart from Him, and then depending alone upon Him, having this 
for our prayer, Open Thou my heart and my whole being to Thine incoming, and 
uphold me with Thy free Spirit when I shall have received that Spirit in my 
inward parts.

   Zephaniah 2:1-3
  (1) Gather yourselves together, yes, gather together,
  O undesirable nation, 
  (2) Before the decree is issued, 
  Or the day passes like chaff, 
  Before the LORD's fierce anger comes upon you, 
  Before the day of the LORD's anger comes upon you! 
  (3) Seek the LORD, all you meek of the earth, 
  Who have upheld His justice. 
  Seek righteousness, seek humility. 
  It may be that you will be hidden 
  In the day of the LORD's anger. 

  Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Looking at this in the light of the larger context, God prophesies 
judgment—only not just on Assyria but on the whole world. With this thought in 
mind, chapter two opens with an appeal to God's people to gather together. This 
is not merely a plea to congregate, which may indeed be implied, but it is not 
the main 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-10-16 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional


Psalm 84:11 He will give grace and glory. 

  Bounteous is Jehovah in His nature; to give is His delight. His gifts are 
beyond measure precious, and are as freely given as the light of the sun. He 
gives grace to His elect because He wills it, to His redeemed because of His 
covenant, to the called because of His promise, to believers because they seek 
it, to sinners because they need it. He gives grace abundantly, seasonably, 
constantly, readily, sovereignly; doubly enhancing the value of the boon by the 
manner of its bestowal. Grace in all its forms He freely renders to His people: 
comforting, preserving, sanctifying, directing, instructing, assisting grace, 
He generously pours into their souls without ceasing, and He always will do so, 
whatever may occur. Sickness may befall, but the Lord will give grace; poverty 
may happen to us, but grace will surely be afforded; death must cone but grace 
will light a candle at the darkest hour. Reader, how blessed it is as years 
roll round, and the leaves begin again to fall, to enjoy such an unfading 
promise as this, The Lord will give grace. The little conjunction and in 
this verse is a diamond rivet binding the present with the future: grace and 
glory always go together. God has married them, and none can divorce them. The 
Lord will never deny a soul glory to whom He has freely given to live upon His 
grace; indeed, glory is nothing more than grace in its Sabbath dress, grace in 
full bloom, grace like autumn fruit, mellow and perfected. How soon we may have 
glory none can tell! It may be before this month of October has run out we 
shall see the Holy City; but be the interval longer or shorter, we shall be 
glorified ere long. Glory, the glory of heaven, the glory of eternity, the 
glory of Jesus, the glory of the Father, the Lord will surely give to His 
chosen. Oh, rare promise of a faithful God! Two golden links of one celestial 
Who owneth grace shall surely glory gain. 


Colossians 1:5 The hope which is laid up for you in heaven. 

  Our hope in Christ for the future is the mainspring and the mainstay of our 
joy here. It will animate our hearts to think often of heaven, for all that we 
can desire is promised there. Here we are weary and toilworn, but yonder is the 
land of rest where the sweat of labour shall no more bedew the worker's brow, 
and fatigue shall be for ever banished. To those who are weary and spent, the 
word rest is full of heaven. We are always in the field of battle; we are so 
tempted within, and so molested by foes without, that we have little or no 
peace; but in heaven we shall enjoy the victory, when the banner shall be waved 
aloft in triumph, and the sword shall be sheathed, and we shall hear our 
Captain say, Well done, good and faithful servant. We have suffered 
bereavement after bereavement, but we are going to the land of the immortal 
where graves are unknown things. Here sin is a constant grief to us, but there 
we shall be perfectly holy, for there shall by no means enter into that kingdom 
anything which defile th. Hemlock springs not up in the furrows of celestial 
fields. Oh! is it not joy, that you are not to be in banishment for ever, that 
you are not to dwell eternally in this wilderness, but shall soon inherit 
Canaan? Nevertheless let it never be said of us, that we are dreaming about the 
future and forgetting the present, let the future sanctify the present to 
highest uses. Through the Spirit of God the hope of heaven is the most potent 
force for the product of virtue; it is a fountain of joyous effort, it is the 
corner stone of cheerful holiness. The man who has this hope in him goes about 
his work with vigour, for the joy of the Lord is his strength. He fights 
against temptation with ardour, for the hope of the next world repels the fiery 
darts of the adversary. He can labour without present reward, for he looks for 
a reward in the world to come.

   Romans 12:1-2
  (1) I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, 
that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, 
which is your reasonable service. (2) And be not conformed to this world: but 
be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that 
good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 

Notice that the days of sacrifice are not over. We are to present 
our bodies a living sacrifice. Sacrificing has been transferred from the 
physical slaughtering of animals to the sacrifice of the self, from the slaying 
of a dumb and uncomprehending beast to the intelligent and deliberate choice of 
an understanding human, made in the image of God.

The principles of the sacrifices given in Leviticus 1-5 and so 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] .daily devotional

2008-09-22 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotinal


Psalm 148:14 A people near unto him. 

  The dispensation of the old covenant was that of distance. When God appeared 
even to His servant Moses, He said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes 
from off thy feet; and when He manifested Himself upon Mount Sinai, to His own 
chosen and separated people, one of the first commands was, Thou shalt set 
bounds about the mount. Both in the sacred worship of the tabernacle and the 
temple, the thought of distance was always prominent. The mass of the people 
did not even enter the outer court. Into the inner court none but the priests 
might dare to intrude; while into the innermost place, or the holy of holies, 
the high priest entered but once in the year. It was as if the Lord in those 
early ages would teach man that sin was so utterly loathsome to Him, that He 
must treat men as lepers put without the camp; and when He came nearest to 
them, He yet made them feel the width of the separation between a holy God and 
an impure sinner. When the gospel came, we were placed on quite another 
footing. The word Go was exchanged for Come; distance was made to give 
place to nearness, and we who aforetime were afar off, were made nigh by the 
blood of Jesus Christ. Incarnate Deity has no wall of fire about it. Come unto 
me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, is the 
joyful proclamation of God as He appears in human flesh. Not now does He teach 
the leper his leprosy by setting him at a distance, but by Himself suffering 
the penalty of His defilement. What a state of safety and privilege is this 
nearness to God through Jesus! Do you know it by experience? If you know it, 
are you living in the power of it? Marvellous is this nearness, yet it is to be 
followed by a dispensation of greater nearness still, when it shall be said, 
The tabernacle of God is with men, and He doth dwell among them. Hasten it, O 


2 Peter 1:4 Partakers of the divine nature. 

  To be a partaker of the divine nature is not, of course, to become God. That 
cannot be. The essence of Deity is not to be participated in by the creature. 
Between the creature and the Creator there must ever be a gulf fixed in respect 
of essence; but as the first man Adam was made in the image of God, so we, by 
the renewal of the Holy Spirit, are in a yet diviner sense made in the image of 
the Most High, and are partakers of the divine nature. We are, by grace, made 
like God. God is love; we become love-He that loveth is born of God. God is 
truth; we become true, and we love that which is true: God is good, and He 
makes us good by His grace, so that we become the pure in heart who shall see 
God. Moreover, we become partakers of the divine nature in even a higher sense 
than this-in fact, in as lofty a sense as can be conceived, short of our being 
absolutely divine. Do we not become members of the body of the divine person of 
Christ? Yes, the same blood which flows in the head flows in the hand: and the 
same life which quickens Christ quickens His people, for Ye are dead, and your 
life is hid with Christ in God. Nay, as if this were not enough, we are 
married unto Christ. He hath betrothed us unto Himself in righteousness and in 
faithfulness, and he who is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. Oh! marvellous 
mystery! we look into it, but who shall understand it? One with Jesus-so one 
with Him that the branch is not more one with the vine than we are a part of 
the Lord, our Saviour, and our Redeemer! While we rejoice in this, let us 
remember that those who are made partakers of the divine nature will manifest 
their high and holy relationship in their intercourse with others, and make it 
evident by their daily walk and conversation that they have escaped the 
corruption that is in the world through lust. O for more divine holiness of 

 Psalms 133:3 
 (3) As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains 
of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore. 
  David ends this psalm by saying God commands the blessing of eternal 
life. Because this is a psalm about unity, unity must be something that we do 
in response to His command. When God commands something to be done, there must 
be some response to accomplish His word. God says in Isaiah 55:11 that He sends 
forth His word, and it does not come back to Him empty, unfulfilled, void. This 
does not mean that hocus-pocus, abracadabra, something gets done. It means a 
work begins and is accomplished, and God receives it back as a completed 
project. He commands and gives everything needed for the work to be done, and 
then someone must respond and do it, presenting it back to God as a finished 

  Unity is such a work, commanded by God. We must respond to His charge 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-09-16 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional


Psalm 101:1  I will sing of mercy and judgment. 

  Faith triumphs in trial. When reason is thrust into the inner prison, with 
her feet made fast in the stocks, faith makes the dungeon walls ring with her 
merry notes as she I cries, I will sing of mercy and of judgment. Unto thee, O 
Lord, will I sing. Faith pulls the black mask from the face of trouble, and 
discovers the angel beneath. Faith looks up at the cloud, and sees that 
'Tis big with mercy and shall break
In blessings on her head. 
  There is a subject for song even in the judgments of God towards us. For, 
first, the trial is not so heavy as it might have been; next, the trouble is 
not so severe as we deserved to have borne; and our affliction is not so 
crushing as the burden which others have to carry. Faith sees that in her worst 
sorrow there is nothing penal; there is not a drop of God's wrath in it; it is 
all sent in love. Faith discerns love gleaming like a jewel on the breast of an 
angry God. Faith says of her grief, This is a badge of honour, for the child 
must feel the rod; and then she sings of the sweet result of her sorrows, 
because they work her spiritual good. Nay, more, says Faith, These light 
afflictions, which are but for a moment, work out for me a far more exceeding 
and eternal weight of glory. So Faith rides forth on the black horse, 
conquering and to conquer, trampling down carnal reason and fleshly sense, and 
chanting notes of victory amid the thickest of the fray. 
All I meet I find assists me
In my path to heavenly joy:
Where, though trials now attend me,
Trials never more annoy.

Blest there with a weight of glory,
Still the path I'll ne'er forget,
But, exulting, cry, it led me
To my blessed Saviour's seat. 


Psalm 84:6 Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well, the rain also 
filleth the pools. 

  This teaches us that the comfort obtained by a one may often prove 
serviceable to another; just as wells would be used by the company who came 
after. We read some book full of consolation, which is like Jonathan's rod, 
dropping with honey. Ah! we think our brother has been here before us, and 
digged this well for us as well as for himself. Many a Night of Weeping, 
Midnight Harmonies, an Eternal Day, A Crook in the Lot, a Comfort for 
Mourners, has been a well digged by a pilgrim for himself, but has proved 
quite as useful to others. Specially we notice this in the Psalms, such as that 
beginning, Why art thou cast down, O my soul? Travellers have been delighted 
to see the footprint of man on a barren shore, and we love to see the waymarks 
of pilgrims while passing through the vale of tears. The pilgrims dig the well, 
but, strange enough, it fills from the top instead of the bottom. We use the 
means, but the blessing does not spring from the means. We dig a well, but 
heaven fills it with rain. The horse is prepared against the day of battle, but 
safety is of the Lord. The means are connected with the end, but they do not of 
themselves produce it. See here the rain fills the pools, so that the wells 
become useful as reservoirs for the water; labour is not lost, but yet it does 
not supersede divine help. Grace may well be compared to rain for its purity, 
for its refreshing and vivifying influence, for its coming alone from above, 
and for the sovereignty with which it is given or withheld. May our readers 
have showers of blessing, and may the wells they have digged be filled with 
water! Oh, what are means and ordinances without the smile of heaven! They are 
as clouds without rain, and pools without water. O God of love, open the 
windows of heaven and pour us out a blessing!

 Exodus 20:4-6 
 (4) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any 
thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in 
the water under the earth. (5) Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor 
serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of 
the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that 
hate me; (6) And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my 
  Many do not perceive the difference between the first and second 
commandments. The first stresses the uniqueness of the Creator God, who is the 
Source of truth, right values, and standards that will produce right 
relationships. It deals with what we worship. An idol is something we make and 
assign value to here on earth, but God comes into our life from beyond this 
physical realm. 

  The second commandment covers a specific area of idolatry, God's 
spirituality. Jesus says we must worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:24). 
God wants us to worship, be devoted, and respond to what 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-08-26 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional

Evening ... 
Psalm 31:4 Pull me out of the net that they have laid privily for me: for Thou 
art my strength. 

  Our spiritual foes are of the serpent's brood, a and seek to ensnare us by 
subtlety. The prayer before us supposes the possibility of the believer being 
caught like a bird. So deftly does the fowler do his work, that simple ones are 
soon surrounded by the net. The text asks that even out of Satan's meshes the 
captive one may be delivered; this is a proper petition, and one which can be 
granted: from between the jaws of the lion, and out of the belly of hell, can 
eternal love rescue the saint. It may need a sharp pull to save a soul from the 
net of temptations, and a mighty pull to extricate a man from the snares of 
malicious cunning, but the Lord is equal to every emergency, and the most 
skilfully placed nets of the hunter shall never be able to hold His chosen 
ones. Woe unto those who are so clever at net laying; they who tempt others 
shall be destroyed themselves. For Thou art my strength. What an 
inexpressible sweetness is to be found in these few words! How joyfully may we 
encounter toils, and how cheerfully may we endure sufferings, when we can lay 
hold upon celestial strength. Divine power will rend asunder all the toils of 
our enemies, confound their politics, and frustrate their knavish tricks; he is 
a happy man who has such matchless might engaged upon his side. Our own 
strength would be of little service when embarrassed in the nets of base 
cunning, but the Lord's strength is ever available; we have but to invoke it, 
and we shall find it near at hand. If by faith we are depending alone upon the 
strength of the mighty God of Israel, we may use our holy reliance as a plea in 
Lord, evermore Thy face we seek: 
Tempted we are, and poor, and weak; 
Keep us with lowly hearts, and meek. 
Let us not fall. Let us not fall. 
Morning ... 

2 Samuel 23:1 The sweet psalmist of Israel. 

  Among all the saints whose lives are recorded in Holy Writ, David possesses 
an experience of the most striking, varied, and instructive character. In his 
history we meet with trials and temptations not to be discovered, as a whole, 
in other saints of ancient times, and hence he is all the more suggestive a 
type of our Lord. David knew the trials of all ranks and conditions of men. 
Kings have their troubles, and David wore a crown: the peasant has his cares, 
and David handled a shepherd's crook: the wanderer has many hardships, and 
David abode in the caves of Engedi: the captain has his difficulties, and David 
found the sons of Zeruiah too hard for him. The psalmist was also tried in his 
friends, his counsellor Ahithophel forsook him, He that eateth bread with me, 
hath lifted up his heel against me. His worst foes were they of his own 
household: his children were his greatest affliction. The temptations of 
poverty and wealth, of honour and reproach, of health and weakness, all tried 
their power upon him. He had temptations from without to disturb his peace, and 
from within to mar his joy. David no sooner escaped from one trial than he fell 
into another; no sooner emerged from one season of despondency and alarm, than 
he was again brought into the lowest depths, and all God's waves and billows 
rolled over him. It is probably from this cause that David's psalms are so 
universally the delight of experienced Christians. Whatever our frame of mind, 
whether ecstasy or depression, David has exactly described our emotions. He was 
an able master of the human heart, because he had been tutored in the best of 
all schools-the school of heart-felt, personal experience. As we are instructed 
in the same school, as we grow matured in grace and in years, we increasingly 
appreciate David's psalms, and find them to be green pastures. My soul, let 
David's experience cheer and counsel thee this day.

   Matthew 13:48-50 
   (48) Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and 
gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. (49) So shall it be at 
the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from 
among the just, (50) And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall 
be wailing and gnashing of teeth. 
Jesus tells us that the bad fish are thrown into the fire. John the 
Baptist says this in a slightly different way in Matthew 3:12: [Jesus] will 
burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. This principle appears somewhat 
differently in the Parable of the Sheep and Goats (Matthew 25:31-46): Christ is 
Judge, and He sets the sheep on His right hand and the goats on His left. He 
judges that the sheep can enter eternal life, while the goats receive the 
destructive judgment of fire.

Although a final judgment is coming for the 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-07-03 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional

Evening ... 

Jeremiah 32:17
Ah Lord God, behold, Thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power 
and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for Thee. 

  At the very time when the Chaldeans surrounded Jerusalem, and when the sword, 
famine and pestilence had desolated the land, Jeremiah was commanded by God to 
purchase a field, and have the deed of transfer legally sealed and witnessed. 
This was a strange purchase for a rational man to make. Prudence could not 
justify it, for it was buying with scarcely a probability that the person 
purchasing could ever enjoy the possession. But it was enough for Jeremiah that 
his God had bidden him, for well he knew that God will be justified of all His 
children. He reasoned thus: Ah, Lord God! Thou canst make this plot of ground 
of use to me; Thou canst rid this land of these oppressors; Thou canst make me 
yet sit under my vine and my fig-tree in the heritage which I have bought; for 
Thou didst make the heavens and the earth, and there is nothing too hard for 
Thee. This gave a majesty to the early saints, that they dared to do at God's 
command things which carnal reason would condemn. Whether it be a Noah who is 
to build a ship on dry land, an Abraham who is to offer up his only son, or a 
Moses who is to despise the treasures of Egypt, or a Joshua who is to besiege 
Jericho seven days, using no weapons but the blasts of rams' horns, they all 
act upon God's command, contrary to the dictates of carnal reason; and the Lord 
gives them a rich reward as the result of their obedient faith. Would to God we 
had in the religion of these modern times a more potent infusion of this heroic 
faith in God. If we would venture more upon the naked promise of God, we should 
enter a world of wonders to which as yet we are strangers. Let Jeremiah's place 
of confidence be ours-nothing is too hard for the God that created the heavens 
and the earth.

Morning ... 

Zechariah 14:8
In summer and in winter shall it be. 

  The streams of living water which flow from Jerusalem are not dried up by the 
parching heats of sultry midsummer any more than they were frozen by the cold 
winds of blustering winter. Rejoice, O my soul, that thou art spared to testify 
of the faithfulness of the Lord. The seasons change and thou changest, but thy 
Lord abides evermore the same, and the streams of His love are as deep, as 
broad and as full as ever. The heats of business cares and scorching trials 
make me need the cooling influences of the river of His grace; I may go at once 
and drink to the full from the inexhaustible fountain, for in summer and in 
winter it pours forth its flood. The upper springs are never scanty, and 
blessed be the name of the Lord, the nether springs cannot fail either. Elijah 
found Cherith dry up, but Jehovah was still the same God of providence. Job 
said his brethren were like deceitful brooks, but he found his God an 
overflowing river of consolation. The Nile is the g reat confidence of Egypt, 
but its floods are variable; our Lord is evermore the same. By turning the 
course of the Euphrates, Cyrus took the city of Babylon, but no power, human or 
infernal, can divert the current of divine grace. The tracks of ancient rivers 
have been found all dry and desolate, but the streams which take their rise on 
the mountains of divine sovereignty and infinite love shall ever be full to the 
brim. Generations melt away, but the course of grace is unaltered. The river of 
God may sing with greater truth than the brook in the poem-- 
Men may come, and men may go,
But I go on for ever. 
  How happy art thou, my soul, to be led beside such still waters! never wander 
to other streams, lest thou hear the Lord's rebuke, What hast thou to do in 
the way of Egypt to drink of the muddy river?

 Ephesians 6:1-3 
 (1) Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. (2) Honour 
thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; (3) That it 
may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. 
  The command to honor parents applies to all of us all our lives. But 
here, as in Colossians 3:20, children should obey their parents in all things 
in the Lord.

  The apostle is not saying a child must break the Ten Commandments if a 
parent orders him to so. Children should obey in the Lord, that is, obey 
commands that agree with the will of God. Most younger children cannot grasp 
whether a parental order conforms to God's will. But as they age, they need to 
understand that they, too, are under the authority of the living Christ.

  Though parents have a huge part in starting children off on the right 
foot regarding this commandment, the greater responsibility for keeping it 
rests with the child. At some point, children need to realize 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-06-16 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional

Evening ... 
Philippians 1:27
Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ. 

  The word conversation does not merely mean our talk and converse with one 
another, but the whole course of our life and behaviour in the world. The Greek 
word signifies the actions and the privileges of citizenship: and thus we are 
commanded to let our actions, as citizens of the New Jerusalem, be such as 
becometh the gospel of Christ. What sort of conversation is this? In the first 
place, the gospel is very simple. So Christians should be simple and plain in 
their habits. There should be about our manner, our speech, our dress, our 
whole behaviour, that simplicity which is the very soul of beauty. The gospel 
is pre-eminently true, it is gold without dross; and the Christian's life will 
be lustreless and valueless without the jewel of truth. The gospel is a very 
fearless gospel, it boldly proclaims the truth, whether men like it or not: we 
must be equally faithful and unflinching. But the gospel is also very gentle. 
Mark this spirit in its Founder: a bru ised reed He will not break. Some 
professors are sharper than a thorn-hedge; such men are not like Jesus. Let us 
seek to win others by the gentleness of our words and acts. The gospel is very 
loving. It is the message of the God of love to a lost and fallen race. 
Christ's last command to His disciples was, Love one another. O for more 
real, hearty union and love to all the saints; for more tender compassion 
towards the souls of the worst and vilest of men! We must not forget that the 
gospel of Christ is holy. It never excuses sin: it pardons it, but only through 
an atonement. If our life is to resemble the gospel, we must shun, not merely 
the grosser vices, but everything that would hinder our perfect conformity to 
Christ. For His sake, for our own sakes, and for the sakes of others, we must 
strive day by day to let our conversation be more in accordance with His gospel.

 John 15:16 
 (16) Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that 
ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that 
whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. 
  In this context, the bearing of fruit is generalized. It includes 
everything produced as a result of their labors of publicly preaching the 
gospel, their service to the church in pastoring, and their personal overcoming 
and growing in the image of God. They all bring honor to God by declaring the 
dramatic change for good that takes place as a result of being connected to the 
Vine and thus able to draw upon Him and His power to produce fruit.

  Verse 16 briefly touches on the quality of fruit God desires. It implies 
that the disciples should be rich in good works and be striving to produce 
fruit that endures. God wants the fruit to endure both within themselves (by 
taking on God's character) and in others (in conversions so that the church 
grows and continues).

  The remainder of the verse ties answered prayer directly to the 
production of fruit. We are all called to participate in the work of the 
church, if only to pray for it. God has not called everyone to work on the 
front lines of evangelizing as apostles. But if God has called and chosen us, 
upon us falls the responsibility of producing fruit within the scope of our 
place in the body that we all glorify God.

  John W. Ritenbaugh 
  From  The Fruit of the Spirit 
daily devotional

Evening ... 

John 5:39
Search the Scriptures. 

  The Greek word here rendered search signifies a strict, close, diligent, 
curious search, such as men make when they are seeking gold, or hunters when 
they are in earnest after game. We must not rest content with having given a 
superficial reading to a chapter or two, but with the candle of the Spirit we 
must deliberately seek out the hidden meaning of the word. Holy Scripture 
requires searching-much of it can only be learned by careful study. There is 
milk for babes, but also meat for strong men. The rabbis wisely say that a 
mountain of matter hangs upon every word, yea, upon every title of Scripture. 
Tertullian exclaims, I adore the fulness of the Scriptures. No man who merely 
skims the book of God can profit thereby; we must dig and mine until we obtain 
the hid treasure. The door of the word only opens to the key of diligence. The 
Scriptures claim searching. They are the writings of God, bearing the divine 
stamp and imprimatur- who shall dare to treat t hem with levity? He who 
despises them despises the God who wrote them. God forbid that any of us should 
leave our Bibles to become swift witnesses against us in the great day of 
account. The word of God will repay searching. God does not bid us sift a 
mountain of chaff with here and there a grain of wheat 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-05-27 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional

Evening ... 

Job 14:14
All the days of my appointed time will I wait. 

  A little stay on earth will make heaven more heavenly. Nothing makes rest so 
sweet as toil; nothing renders security so pleasant as exposure to alarms. The 
bitter quassia cups of earth will give a relish to the new wine which sparkles 
in the golden bowls of glory. Our battered armour and scarred countenances will 
render more illustrious our victory above, when we are welcomed to the seats of 
those who have overcome the world. We should not have full fellowship with 
Christ if we did not for awhile sojourn below, for He was baptized with a 
baptism of suffering among men, and we must be baptized with the same if we 
would share his kingdom. Fellowship with Christ is so honourable that the 
sorest sorrow is a light price by which to procure it. Another reason for our 
lingering here is for the good of others. We would not wish to enter heaven 
till our work is done, and it may be that we are yet ordained to minister light 
to souls benighted in the wilderness of sin . Our prolonged stay here is 
doubtless for God's glory. A tried saint, like a well-cut diamond, glitters 
much in the King's crown. Nothing reflects so much honour on a workman as a 
protracted and severe trial of his work, and its triumphant endurance of the 
ordeal without giving way in any part. We are God's workmanship, in whom He 
will be glorified by our afflictions. It is for the honour of Jesus that we 
endure the trial of our faith with sacred joy. Let each man surrender his own 
longings to the glory of Jesus, and feel, If my lying in the dust would 
elevate my Lord by so much as an inch, let me still lie among the pots of 
earth. If to live on earth for ever would make my Lord more glorious, it should 
be my heaven to be shut out of heaven. Our time is fixed and settled by 
eternal decree. Let us not be anxious about it, but wait with patience till the 
gates of pearl shall open.

Evening ... 

John 5:8
Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. 

  Like many others, the impotent man had been waiting for a wonder to be 
wrought, and a sign to be given. Wearily did he watch the I pool, but no angel 
came, or came not for him; yet, thinking it to be his only chance, he waited 
still, and knew not that there was One near him whose word could heal him in a 
moment. Many are in the same plight: they are waiting for some singular 
emotion, remarkable impression, or celestial vision; they wait in vain and 
watch for nought. Even supposing that, in a few cases, remarkable signs are 
seen, yet these are rare, and no man has a right to look for them in his own 
case; no man especially who feels his impotency to avail himself of the moving 
of the water even if it came. It is a very sad reflection that tens of 
thousands are now waiting in the use of means, and ordinances, and vows, and 
resolutions, and have so waited time out of mind, in vain, utterly in vain. 
Meanwhile these poor souls forget the present Saviour, who bid s them look unto 
Him and be saved. He could heal them at once, but they prefer to wait for an 
angel and a wonder. To trust Him is the sure way to every blessing, and He is 
worthy of the most implicit confidence; but unbelief makes them prefer the cold 
porches of Bethesda to the warm bosom of His love. O that the Lord may turn His 
eye upon the multitudes who are in this case to-night; may He forgive the 
slights which they put upon His divine power, and call them by that sweet 
constraining voice, to rise from the bed of despair, and in the energy of faith 
take up their bed and walk. O Lord, hear our prayer for all such at this calm 
hour of sunset, and ere the day breaketh may they look and live. Courteous 
reader, is there anything in this portion for you?

 Proverbs 12:15 
 (15) The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth 
unto counsel is wise. 
  One who perceives the truth has a force, a beauty of character, which 
creates a favorable impression that opens doors and accomplishes things. Would 
we not rather loan money to a person we know works hard and pays his debts than 
a person with poor work habits who defaults on his obligations?

  A wise person is one who recognizes truth, understands that he must meet 
his obligations and submits to it. This process produces a good witness whether 
the obligation to truth is met verbally or behaviorally. If a person will not 
do this, he deceives himself that he can somehow get away with it, and his 
witness and name will demonstrate his poor character.

  This principle holds true in every area of life upon which a name is 
built, whether in marriage, child training, employment, or health. Many run 
from the truth about themselves. Nothing destroys a reputation quicker and more 
permanently than for a person to be known as a liar or a hypocrite.

  Therefore, the ninth 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-05-26 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional

Evening ... 
Acts 14:22
Continue in the faith. 

  Perseverance is the badge of true saints. The Christian life is not a 
beginning only in the ways of God, but also a continuance in the same as long 
as life lasts. It is with a Christian as it was with the great Napoleon: he 
said, Conquest has made me what I am, and conquest must maintain me. So, 
under God, dear brother in the Lord, conquest has made you what you are, and 
conquest must sustain you. Your motto must be, Excelsior. He only is a true 
conqueror, and shall be crowned at the last, who continueth till war's trumpet 
is blown no more. Perseverance is, therefore, the target of all our spiritual 
enemies. The world does not object to your being a Christian for a time, if she 
can but tempt you to cease your pilgrimage, and settle down to buy and sell 
with her in Vanity Fair. The flesh will seek to ensnare you, and to prevent 
your pressing on to glory. It is weary work being a pilgrim; come, give it up. 
Am I always to be mortified? Am I never to be indulged? Give me at least a 
furlough from this constant warfare. Satan will make many a fierce attack on 
your perseverance; it will be the mark for all his arrows. He will strive to 
hinder you in service: he will insinuate that you are doing no good; and that 
you want rest. He will endeavour to make you weary of suffering, he will 
whisper, Curse God, and die. Or he will attack your steadfastness: What is 
the good of being so zealous? Be quiet like the rest; sleep as do others, and 
let your lamp go out as the other virgins do. Or he will assail your doctrinal 
sentiments: Why do you hold to these denominational creeds? Sensible men are 
getting more liberal; they are removing the old landmarks: fall in with the 
times. Wear your shield, Christian, therefore, close upon your armour, and cry 
mightily unto God, that by His Spirit you may endure to the end.

   Luke 18:9-14 
   (9) And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in 
themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: (10) Two men went up 
into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. (11) The 
Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not 
as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. 
(12) I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. (13) And 
the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto 
heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. (14) 
I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: 
for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth 
himself shall be exalted. 
   Notice Jesus' teaching in verse 9: Also He spoke this 
parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and 
despised others. This specific problem is religious egotism; the Pharisee 
despised others. Despised means to count as nothing or to be contemptuous 
of. Can one have a good relationship with someone he despises? Pride finds 
fertile ground in our process of evaluation and begins to produce corrupt fruit.

This parable reveals the Pharisee to possess a misguided 
confidence that caused him to magnify himself by comparing himself against 
someone he felt to be inferior. It fed his own opinion of himself, causing 
separation from his fellow man. While that was happening, it also brought him 
into war with God! The Pharisee became separated from God because, as the 
parable says, he was not justified.

We need to take warning because, if we begin to feel 
contaminated in the presence of a brother—if we begin to withdraw from him or 
are constantly finding fault with him and being offended by almost everything 
he does—we may well be in very great trouble! The sin of pride may be producing 
its evil fruit, and the division is strong evidence of it.

This parable features a self-applauding lawkeeper and an 
abased publican. One is not simply good and the other evil; both are equally 
sinners but in different areas. Both had sinned, but the outward form of their 
sins differed. Paul taught Timothy that some men's sins precede them and others 
follow later (I Timothy 5:24). The publican's sins were obvious, the Pharisee's 
generally better hidden.

The Pharisee's pride deluded him into thinking he had a 
righteousness he did not really possess. His prayer is full of 
self-congratulation, and like a circle, it keeps him firmly at its center 
(notice all the I's in Luke 18:11-12). He makes no lowly expression of 
obligation to God, he voices no thanksgiving for what God had given him, he 
gives no praise to God's 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-05-13 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional

Evening ... 
Song of Solomon 7:11,12
Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field . . . let us see if the vine 

  The church was about to engage in earnest labour, and desired her Lord's 
company in it. She does not say, I will go, but let us go. It is blessed 
working when Jesus is at our side! It is the business of God's people to be 
trimmers of God's vines. Like our first parents, we are put into the garden of 
the Lord for usefulness; let us therefore go forth into the field. Observe that 
the church, when she is in her right mind, in all her many labours desires to 
enjoy communion with Christ. Some imagine that they cannot serve Christ 
actively, and yet have fellowship with Him: they are mistaken. Doubtless it is 
very easy to fritter away our inward life in outward exercises, and come to 
complain with the spouse, They made me keeper of the vineyards; but mine own 
vineyard have I not kept: but there is no reason why this should be the case 
except our own folly and neglect. Certain is it that a professor may do 
nothing, and yet grow quite as lifeless in spiritual things as those who are 
most busy. Mary was not praised for sitting still; but for her sitting at 
Jesus' feet. Even so, Christians are not to be praised for neglecting duties 
under the pretence of having secret fellowship with Jesus: it is not sitting, 
but sitting at Jesus' feet which is commendable. Do not think that activity is 
in itself an evil: it is a great blessing, and a means of grace to us. Paul 
called it a grace given to him to be allowed to preach; and every form of 
Christian service may become a personal blessing to those engaged in it. Those 
who have most fellowship with Christ are not recluses or hermits, who have much 
time to spare, but indefatigable labourers who are toiling for Jesus, and who, 
in their toil, have Him side by side with them, so that they are workers 
together with God. Let us remember then, in anything we have to do for Jesus, 
that we can do it, and should do it in close communion with Him.

Evening ... 

John 1:14
The only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. 

  Believer, YOU can bear your testimony that Christ is the only begotten of the 
Father, as well as the first begotten from the dead. You can say, He is divine 
to me, if He be human to all the world beside. He has done that for me which 
none but a God could do. He has subdued my stubborn will, melted a heart of 
adamant, opened gates of brass, and snapped bars of iron. He hath turned for 
me my mourning into laughter, and my desolation into joy; He hath led my 
captivity captive, and made my heart rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of 
glory. Let others think as they will of Him, to me He must be the only begotten 
of the Father: blessed be His name. And He is full of grace. Ah! had He not 
been I should never have been saved. He drew me when I struggled to escape from 
His grace; and when at last I came all trembling like a condemned culprit to 
His mercy-seat He said, 'Thy sins which are many are all forgiven thee: be of 
good cheer.' And He is full of truth. True have His promises been, not one 
has failed. I bear witness that never servant had such a master as I have; 
never brother such a kinsman as He has been to me; never spouse such a husband 
as Christ has been to my soul; never sinner a better Saviour; never mourner a 
better comforter than Christ hath been to my spirit. I want none beside Him. 
In life He is my life, and in death He shall be the death of death; in poverty 
Christ is my riches; in sickness He makes my bed; in darkness He is my star, 
and in brightness He is my sun; He is the manna of the camp in the wilderness, 
and He shall be the new corn of the host when they come to Canaan. Jesus is 
to me all grace and no wrath, all truth and no falsehood: and of truth and 
grace He is full, infinitely full. My soul, this night, bless with all thy 
might 'the only Begotten.'

   Acts 2:1-4 
   (1) And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one 
accord in one place. (2) And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a 
rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. (3) 
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon 
each of them. (4) And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to 
speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. 
On the day of Pentecost, AD 31, God sent His Spirit to begin His 
church—to beget and strengthen the firstfruits He was beginning to call into 
His church, symbolically represented by one of the wave loaves. The New 
Testament festival of Pentecost is now a memorial commemorating the founding of 
the New Testament church of God through the receiving of the Holy Spirit.

God's church observes the Feast of Firstfruits as an annual reminder of 
this step in God's 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-05-11 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional

Evening ... 

Psalm 139:17
How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God. 

  Divine omniscience affords no comfort to the ungodly mind, but to the child 
of God it overflows with consolation. God is always thinking upon us, never 
turns aside His mind from us, has us always before His eyes; and this is 
precisely as we would have it, for it would be dreadful to exist for a moment 
beyond the observation of our heavenly Father. His thoughts are always tender, 
loving, wise, prudent, far-reaching, and they bring to us countless benefits: 
hence it is a choice delight to remember them. The Lord always did think upon 
His people: hence their election and the covenant of grace by which their 
salvation is secured; He always will think upon them: hence their final 
perseverance by which they shall be brought safely to their final rest. In all 
our wanderings the watchful glance of the Eternal Watcher is evermore fixed 
upon us-we never roam beyond the Shepherd's eye. In our sorrows He observes us 
incessantly, and not a pang escapes Him; in our toils He marks all our 
weariness, and writes in His book all the struggles of His faithful ones. These 
thoughts of the Lord encompass us in all our paths, and penetrate the innermost 
region of our being. Not a nerve or tissue, valve or vessel, of our bodily 
organization is uncared for; all the littles of our little world are thought 
upon by the great God. Dear reader, is this precious to you? then hold to it. 
Never be led astray by those philosophic fools who preach up an impersonal God, 
and talk of self-existent, self-governing matter. The Lord liveth and thinketh 
upon us, this is a truth far too precious for us to be lightly robbed of it. 
The notice of a nobleman is valued so highly that he who has it counts his 
fortune made; but what is it to be thought of by the King of kings! If the Lord 
thinketh upon us, all is well, and we may rejoice evermore.

Morning ... 

Song of Solomon 5:13
His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers. 

  Lo, the flowery month is come! March winds and April showers have done their 
work, and the earth is all bedecked with beauty. Come my soul, put on thine 
holiday attire and go forth to gather garlands of heavenly thoughts. Thou 
knowest whither to betake thyself, for to thee the beds of spices are well 
known, and thou hast so often smelt the perfume of the sweet flowers, that 
thou wilt go at once to thy well-beloved and find all loveliness, all joy in 
Him. That cheek once so rudely smitten with a rod, oft bedewed with tears of 
sympathy and then defiled with spittle-that cheek as it smiles with mercy is as 
fragrant aromatic to my heart. Thou didst not hide Thy face from shame and 
spitting, O Lord Jesus, and therefore I will find my dearest delight in 
praising Thee. Those cheeks were furrowed by the plough of grief, and crimsoned 
with red lines of blood from Thy thorn-crowned temples; such marks of love 
unbounded cannot but charm my soul far more than pillars of perfume. If I may 
not see the whole of His face I would behold His cheeks, for the least glimpse 
of Him is exceedingly refreshing to my spiritual sense and yields a variety of 
delights. In Jesus I find not only fragrance, but a bed of spices; not one 
flower, but all manner of sweet flowers. He is to me my rose and my lily, my 
heart's ease and my cluster of camphire. When He is with me it is May all the 
year round, and my soul goes forth to wash her happy face in the morning-dew of 
His grace, and to solace herself with the singing of the birds of His promises. 
Precious Lord Jesus, let me in very deed know the blessedness which dwells in 
abiding, unbroken fellowship with Thee. I am a poor worthless one, whose cheek 
Thou hast deigned to kiss! O let me kiss Thee in return with the kisses of my 

 Revelation 6:12-17 
 (12) And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, 
there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, 
and the moon became as blood; (13) And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, 
even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty 
wind. (14) And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and 
every mountain and island were moved out of their places. (15) And the kings of 
the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the 
mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens 
and in the rocks of the mountains; (16) And said to the mountains and rocks, 
Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and 
from the wrath of the Lamb: (17) For the great day of his wrath is come; and 
who shall be able to stand? 
 Mankind has always been fascinated with the heavens: their 
beauties, their mysteries, their movements, and their surprises. Early on in 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-04-21 Terurut Topik pttwr

 daily devotional

Evening ... 
Psalm 28:9
Lift them up for ever. 

  God's people need lifting up. They are very heavy by nature. They have no 
wings, or, if they have, they are like the dove of old which lay among the 
pots; and they need divine grace to make them mount on wings covered with 
silver, and with feathers of yellow gold. By nature sparks fly upward, but the 
sinful souls of men fall downward. O Lord, lift them up for ever! David 
himself said, Unto Thee, O God, do I lift up my soul, and he here feels the 
necessity that other men's souls should be lifted up as well as his own. When 
you ask this blessing for yourself, forget not to seek it for others also. 
There are three ways in which God's people require to be lifted up. They 
require to be elevated in character. Lift them up, O Lord; do not suffer Thy 
people to be like the world's people! The world lieth in the wicked one; lift 
them out of it! The world's people are looking after silver and gold, seeking 
their own pleasures, and the gratification of the! ir lusts; but, Lord, lift 
Thy people up above all this; keep them from being muck-rakers, as John 
Bunyan calls the man who was always scraping after gold! Set thou their hearts 
upon their risen Lord and the heavenly heritage! Moreover, believers need to be 
prospered in conflict. In the battle, if they seem to fall, O Lord, be pleased 
to give them the victory. If the foot of the foe be upon their necks for a 
moment, help them to grasp the sword of the Spirit, and eventually to win the 
battle. Lord, lift up Thy children's spirits in the day of conflict; let them 
not sit in the dust, mourning for ever. Suffer not the adversary to vex them 
sore, and make them fret; but if they have been, like Hannah, persecuted, let 
them sing of the mercy of a delivering God. We may also ask our Lord to lift 
them up at the last! Lift them up by taking them home, lift their bodies from 
the tomb, and raise their souls to Thine eternal kingdom in glory.

Morning ... 

1 Peter 1:19
The precious blood of Christ. 

  Standing at the foot of the cross, we see hands, and feet, and side, all 
distilling crimson streams of precious blood. It is precious because of its 
redeeming and atoning efficacy. By it the sins of Christ's people are atoned 
for; they are redeemed from under the law; they are reconciled to God, made one 
with Him. Christ's blood is also precious in its cleansing power; it 
cleanseth from all sin. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as 
white as snow. Through Jesus' blood there is not a spot left upon any 
believer, no wrinkle nor any such thing remains. O precious blood, which makes 
us clean, removing the stains of abundant iniquity, and permitting us to stand 
accepted in the Beloved, notwithstanding the many ways in which we have 
rebelled against our God. The blood of Christ is likewise precious in its 
preserving power. We are safe from the destroying angel under the sprinkled 
blood. Remember it is God's seeing the blood which is ! the true reason for our 
being spared. Here is comfort for us when the eye of faith is dim, for God's 
eye is still the same. The blood of Christ is precious also in its 
sanctifying influence. The same blood which justifies by taking away sin, does 
in its after-action, quicken the new nature and lead it onward to subdue sin 
and to follow out the commands of God. There is no motive for holiness so great 
as that which streams from the veins of Jesus. And precious, unspeakably 
precious, is this blood, because it has an overcoming power. It is written, 
They overcame through the blood of the Lamb. How could they do otherwise? He 
who fights with the precious blood of Jesus, fights with a weapon which cannot 
know defeat. The blood of Jesus! sin dies at its presence, death ceases to be 
death: heaven's gates are opened. The blood of Jesus! we shall march on, 
conquering and to conquer, so long as we can trust its power!

 Matthew 8:14 
 (14) And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother 
laid, and sick of a fever. 
 Mark 1:30 
 (30) But Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever, and anon they tell him 
of her. 
 Luke 4:38 
 (38) And he arose out of the synagogue, and entered into Simon's house. 
And Simon's wife's mother was taken with a great fever; and they besought him 
for her. 
  The mention of Peter's wife's mother proves that Peter was married. His 
wife was likely still living, as Paul later asks in I Corinthians 9:5, Do we 
have no right to take along a believing wife, as do also the other apostles, 
the brothers of the Lord, and Cephas? This indicates that several of the 
apostles were married during their ministries.

  Erroneously, Roman Catholics claim Peter to be the rock on which the 
church was built, the vicar of Christ, and the first Pope. How can they 
maintain, then, that it is wrong for 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] .daily devotional

2008-04-20 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional

Evening ... 
Acts 27:23
For there stood by me this night the angel of God. 

  Tempest and long darkness, coupled with imminent risk of shipwreck, had 
brought the crew of the vessel into a sad case; one man alone among them 
remained perfectly calm, and by his word the rest were reassured. Paul was the 
only man who had heart enough to say, Sirs, be of good cheer. There were 
veteran Roman legionaries on board, and brave old mariners, and yet their poor 
Jewish prisoner had more spirit than they all. He had a secret Friend who kept 
his courage up. The Lord Jesus despatched a heavenly messenger to whisper words 
of consolation in the ear of His faithful servant, therefore he wore a shining 
countenance and spake like a man at ease. If we fear the Lord, we may look for 
timely interpositions when our case is at its worst. Angels are not kept from 
us by storms, or hindered by darkness. Seraphs think it no humiliation to visit 
the poorest of the heavenly family. If angel's visits are few and far between 
at ordinary times, they shall be frequent in o! ur nights of tempest and 
tossing. Friends may drop from us when we are under pressure, but our 
intercourse with the inhabitants of the angelic world shall be more abundant; 
and in the strength of love-words, brought to us from the throne by the way of 
Jacob's ladder, we shall be strong to do exploits. Dear reader, is this an hour 
of distress with you? then ask for peculiar help. Jesus is the angel of the 
covenant, and if His presence be now earnestly sought, it will not be denied. 
What that presence brings in heart-cheer those remember who, like Paul, have 
had the angel of God standing by them in a night of storm, when anchors would 
no longer hold, and rocks were nigh. 
O angel of my God, be near,
Amid the darkness hush my fear;
Loud roars the wild tempestuous sea,
Thy presence, Lord, shall comfort me. 

Morning ... 

Psalm 22:14
I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint. 

  Did earth or heaven ever behold a sadder spectacle of woe! In soul and body, 
our Lord felt Himself to be weak as water poured upon the ground. The placing 
of the cross in its socket had shaken Him with great violence, had strained all 
the ligaments, pained every nerve, and more or less dislocated all His bones. 
Burdened with His own weight, the august sufferer felt the strain increasing 
every moment of those six long hours. His sense of faintness and general 
weakness were overpowering; while to His own consciousness He became nothing 
but a mass of misery and swooning sickness. When Daniel saw the great vision, 
he thus describes his sensations, There remained no strength in me, for my 
vigour was turned into corruption, and I retained no strength: how much more 
faint must have been our greater Prophet when He saw the dread vision of the 
wrath of God, and felt it in His own soul! To us, sensations such as our Lord 
endured would have been insupportable, and kind un! consciousness would have 
come to our rescue; but in His case, He was wounded, and felt the sword; He 
drained the cup and tasted everydrop. 
O King of Grief! (a title strange, yet true
To Thee of all kings only due)
O King of Wounds! how shall I grieve for Thee,
Who in all grief preventest me! 
  As we kneel before our now ascended Saviour's throne, let us remember well 
the way by which He prepared it as a throne of grace for us; let us in spirit 
drink of His cup, that we may be strengthened for our hour of heaviness 
whenever it may come. In His natural body every member suffered, and so must it 
be in the spiritual; but as out of all His griefs and woes His body came forth 
uninjured to glory and power, even so shall His mystical body come through the 
furnace with not so much as the smell of fire upon it.

 Deuteronomy 14:22-27 
 (22) Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field 
bringeth forth year by year. (23) And thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God, 
in the place which he shall choose to place his name there, the tithe of thy 
corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, and the firstlings of thy herds and of thy 
flocks; that thou mayest learn to fear the LORD thy God always. (24) And if the 
way be too long for thee, so that thou art not able to carry it; or if the 
place be too far from thee, which the LORD thy God shall choose to set his name 
there, when the LORD thy God hath blessed thee: (25) Then shalt thou turn it 
into money, and bind up the money in thine hand, and shalt go unto the place 
which the LORD thy God shall choose: (26) And thou shalt bestow that money for 
whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for 
strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there 
before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, ! and thine household, 
(27) And the Levite that is within thy gates; thou shalt not 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-04-10 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional

Evening ... 
Proverbs 15:33
Before honour is humility. 

  Humiliation of soul always brings a positive blessing with it. If we empty 
our hearts of self God will fill them with His love. He who desires close 
communion with Christ should remember the word of the Lord, To this man will I 
look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at My 
word. Stoop if you would climb to heaven. Do we not say of Jesus, He 
descended that He might ascend? so must you. You must grow downwards, that you 
may grow upwards; for the sweetest fellowship with heaven is to be had by 
humble souls, and by them alone. God will deny no blessing to a thoroughly 
humbled spirit. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of 
heaven, with all its riches and treasures. The whole exchequer of God shall be 
made over by deed of gift to the soul which is humble enough to be able to 
receive it without growing proud because of it. God blesses us all up to the 
full measure and extremity of what it is safe for Him to do. If you do not get 
a blessing, it is because it is not safe for you to have one. If our heavenly 
Father were to let your unhumbled spirit win a victory in His holy war, you 
would pilfer the crown for yourself, and meeting with a fresh enemy you would 
fall a victim; so that you are kept low for your own safety. When a man is 
sincerely humble, and never ventures to touch so much as agrain of the praise, 
there is scarcely any limit to what God will do for him. Humility makes us 
ready to be blessed by the God of all grace, and fits us to deal efficiently 
with our fellow men. True humility is a flower which will adorn any garden. 
This is a sauce with which you may season every dish of life, and you will find 
an improvement in every case. Whether it be prayer or praise, whether it be 
work or suffering, the genuine salt of humility cannot be used in excess.

Morning ... 

Hebrews 13:13
Let us go forth therefore unto Him without the camp. 

  Jesus, bearing His cross, went forth to suffer without the gate. The 
Christian's reason for leaving the camp of the world's sin and religion is not 
because he loves to be singular, but because Jesus did so; and the disciple 
must follow his Master. Christ was not of the world: His life and His 
testimony were a constant protest against conformity with the world. Never was 
such overflowing affection for men as you find in Him; but still He was 
separate from sinners. In like manner Christ's people must go forth unto Him. 
They must take their position without the camp, as witness-bearers for the 
truth. They must be prepared to tread the straight and narrow path. They must 
have bold, unflinching, lion-like hearts, loving Christ first, and His truth 
next, and Christ and His truth beyond all the world. Jesus would have His 
people go forth without the camp for their own sanctification. You cannot 
grow in grace to any high degree while you are conformed to the world. The life 
of separation may be a path of sorrow, but it is the highway of safety; and 
though the separated life may cost you many pangs, and make every day a battle, 
yet it is a happy life after all. No joy can excel that of the soldier of 
Christ: Jesus reveals Himself so graciously, and gives such sweet refreshment, 
that the warrior feels more calm and peace in his daily strife than others in 
their hours of rest. The highway of holiness is the highway of communion. It is 
thus we shall hope to win the crown if we are enabled by divine grace 
faithfully to follow Christ without the camp. The crown of glory will follow 
the cross of separation. A moment's shame will be well recompensed by eternal 
honour; a little while of witness-bearing will seem nothing when we are for 
ever with the Lord.

 Galatians 5:16-17 
 (16) This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust 
of the flesh. (17) For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit 
against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye 
cannot do the things that ye would. 
  The context in which these verses appear is important to understanding 
the production of the fruit of the Spirit. This immediately precedes the 
listing of the fruit of the Spirit, showing that Paul means that they will be 
produced through much internal conflict.

  This is true because obedience to God's Word is required to produce the 
Spirit's fruit, and the Christian is being pulled or led in two directions. The 
one tries to make us satisfy the desires of our old nature, and the other leads 
us toward producing the fruit of the new. Paul expresses his experience with 
this in Romans 7:15-19.

For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I 
do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. If, then, I do what I will not to 
do, I agree with the law that it is good. But now, it is no longer 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-04-04 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional

Morning ... 

2 Kings 7:3
Why sit we here until we die? 

  Dear reader, this little book was mainly intended for the edification of 
believers, but if you are yet unsaved, our heart yearns over you: and we would 
fain say a word which may be blessed to you. Open your Bible, and read the 
story of the lepers, and mark their position, which was much the same as yours. 
If you remain where you are you must perish; if you go to Jesus you can but 
die. Nothing venture, nothing win, is the old proverb, and in your case the 
venture is no great one. If you sit still in sullen despair, no one can pity 
you when your ruin comes; but if you die with mercy sought, if such a thing 
were possible, you would be the object of universal sympathy. None escape who 
refuse to look to Jesus; but you know that, at any rate, some are saved who 
believe in Him, for certain of your own acquaintances have received mercy: then 
why not you? The Ninevites said, Who can tell? Act upon the same hope, and 
try the Lord's mercy. To perish is so! awful, that if there were but a straw to 
catch at, the instinct of self-preservation should lead you to stretch out your 
hand. We have thus been talking to you on your own unbelieving ground, we would 
now assure you, as from the Lord, that if you seek Him He will be found of you. 
Jesus casts out none who come unto Him. You shall not perish if you trust Him; 
on the contrary, you shall find treasure far richer than the poor lepers 
gathered in Syria's deserted camp. May the Holy Spirit embolden you to go at 
once, and you shall not believe in vain. When you are saved yourself, publish 
the good news to others. Hold not your peace; tell the King's household first, 
and unite with them in fellowship; let the porter of the city, the minister, be 
informed of your discovery, and then proclaim the good news in every place. The 
Lord save thee ere the sun goes down this day.
in unto him. Mark that: pulled her in unto him. She did not fly right in 
hers! elf, but was too fearful, or too weary to do so. She flew as far as sh e 
could, and then he put forth his hand and pulled her in unto him. This act of 
mercy was shown to the wandering dove, and she was not chidden for her 
wanderings. Just as she was she was pulled into the ark. So you, seeking 
sinner, with all your sin, will be received. Only return-those are God's two 
gracious words-only return. What! nothing else? No, only return. She had no 
olive branch in her mouth this time, nothing at all but just herself and her 
wanderings; but it is only return, and she does return, and Noah pulls her 
in. Fly, thou wanderer; fly thou fainting one, dove as thou art, though thou 
thinkest thyself to be black as the raven with the mire of sin, back, back to 
the Saviour. Every moment thou waitest does but increase thy misery; thine 
attempts to plume thyself and make thyself fit for Jesus are all vanity. Come 
thou to Him just as thou art. Return, thou backsliding Israel. He does not 
say, Return, thou repenting Israel (there is such an invitation d! oubtless), 
but thou backsliding one, as a backslider with all thy backslidings about 
thee, Return, return, return! Jesus is waiting for thee! He will stretch forth 
His hand and pull thee in-in to Himself, thy heart's true home.

Morning ... 

1 Corinthians 10:12
Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. 

  It is a curious fact, that there is such a thing as being proud of grace. A 
man says, I have great faith, I shall not fall; poor little faith may, but I 
never shall. I have fervent love, says another, I can stand, there is no 
danger of my going astray. He who boasts of grace has little grace to boast 
of. Some who do this imagine that their graces can keep them, knowing not that 
the stream must flow constantly from the fountain head, or else the brook will 
soon be dry. If a continuous stream of oil comes not to the lamp, though it 
burn brightly to-day, it will smoke to-morrow, and noxious will be its scent. 
Take heed that thou gloriest not in thy graces, but let all thy glorying and 
confidence be in Christ and His strength, for only so canst thou be kept from 
falling. Be much more in prayer. Spend longer time in holy adoration. Read the 
Scriptures more earnestly and constantly. Watch your lives more carefully. Live 
nearer to God. Take the best! examples for your pattern. Let your conversation 
be redolent of heaven. Let your hearts be perfumed with affection for men's 
souls. So live that men may take knowledge of you that you have been with 
Jesus, and have learned of Him; and when that happy day shall come, when He 
whom you love shall say, Come up higher, may it be your happiness to hear Him 
say, Thou hast fought a good fight, thou hast finished thy course, and 
henceforth there is laid up for thee a crown of righteousness which fadeth 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-04-02 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional

Evening ... 

Luke 19:40
I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately 
cry out. 

  But could the stones cry out? Assuredly they could if He who opens the mouth 
of the dumb should bid them lift up their voice. Certainly if they were to 
speak, they would have much to testify in praise of Him who created them by the 
word of His power; they could extol the wisdom and power of their Maker who 
called them into being. Shall not we speak well of Him who made us anew, and 
out of stones raised up children unto Abraham? The old rocks could tell of 
chaos and order, and the handiwork of God in successive stages of creation's 
drama; and cannot we talk of God's decrees, of God's great work in ancient 
times, in all that He did for His church in the days of old? If the stones were 
to speak, they could tell of their breaker, how he took them from the quarry, 
and made them fit for the temple, and cannot we tell of our glorious Breaker, 
who broke our hearts with the hammer of His word, that He might build us into 
His temple? If the stones should cry! out they would magnify their builder, who 
polished them and fashioned them after the similitude of a palace; and shall 
not we talk of our Architect and Builder, who has put us in our place in the 
temple of the living God? If the stones could cry out, they might have a long, 
long story to tell by way of memorial, for many a time hath a great stone been 
rolled as a memorial before the Lord; and we too can testify of Ebenezers, 
stones of help, pillars of remembrance. The broken stones of the law cry out 
against us, but Christ Himself, who has rolled away the stone from the door of 
the sepulchre, speaks for us. Stones might well cry out, but we will not let 
them: we will hush their noise with ours; we will break forth into sacred song, 
and bless the majesty of the Most High, all our days glorifying Him who is 
called by Jacob the Shepherd and Stone of Israel.

Morning ... 

Hebrews 5:7
He was heard in that he feared. 

  Did this fear arise from the infernal suggestion that He was utterly 
forsaken. There may be sterner trials than this, but surely it is one of the 
worst to be utterly forsaken? See, said Satan, thou hast a friend nowhere! 
Thy Father hath shut up the bowels of His compassion against thee. Not an angel 
in His courts will stretch out his hand to help thee. All heaven is alienated 
from Thee; Thou art left alone. See the companions with whom Thou hast taken 
sweet counsel, what are they worth? Son of Mary, see there Thy brother James, 
see there Thy loved disciple John, and Thy bold apostle Peter, how the cowards 
sleep when Thou art in Thy sufferings! Lo! Thou hast no friend left in heaven 
or earth. All hell is against Thee. I have stirred up mine infernal den. I 
have sent my missives throughout all regions summoning every prince of darkness 
to set upon Thee this night, and we will spare no arrows, we will use all our 
infernal might to overwhelm The! e: and what wilt Thou do, Thou solitary one? 
It may be, this was the temptation; we think it was, because the appearance of 
an angel unto Him strengthening Him removed that fear. He was heard in that He 
feared; He was no more alone, but heaven was with Him. It may be that this is 
the reason of His coming three times to His disciples-as Hart puts it- 
Backwards and forwards thrice He ran,
As if He sought some help from man. 
  He would see for Himself whether it were really true that all men had 
forsaken Him; He found them all asleep; but perhaps He gained some faint 
comfort from the thought that they were sleeping, not from treachery, but from 
sorrow, the spirit indeed was willing, but the flesh was weak. At any rate, He 
was heard in that He feared. Jesus was heard in His deepest woe; my soul, thou 
shalt be heard also.

   Matthew 5:8 
   (8) Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. 
Purity of heart is a work in progress in which both God and man share 
responsibility. Many scriptures show that God will cleanse by pardoning sin. 
But our responsibility in cleansing is very important and frequently mentioned 
along with what we must do to be cleansed. Notice how clearly James shows 
purifying is our responsibility: Draw near to God and He will draw near to 
you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you 
double-minded (James 4:8).

How is this purifying done? I Peter 1:22 makes a summary statement: 
Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in 
sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart. 
Obedience to the truth thr! ough the Spirit purifies our character by 
inculcating right habits within it.

After commanding us to clean ourselves up, Isaiah adds, Put away the 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-03-09 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional

Evening ... 

1 Peter 2:7
He is precious. 

  As all the rivers run into the sea, so all delights centre in our Beloved. 
The glances of His eyes outshine the sun: the beauties of His face are fairer 
than the choicest flowers: no fragrance is like the breath of His mouth. Gems 
of the mine, and pearls from the sea, are worthless things when measured by His 
preciousness. Peter tells us that Jesus is precious, but he did not and could 
not tell us how precious, nor could any of us compute the value of God's 
unspeakable gift. Words cannot set forth the preciousness of the Lord Jesus to 
His people, nor fully tell how essential He is to their satisfaction and 
happiness. Believer, have you not found in the midst of plenty a sore famine if 
your Lord has been absent? The sun was shining, but Christ had hidden Himself, 
and all the world was black to you; or it was night, and since the bright and 
morning star was gone, no other star could yield you so much as a ray of light. 
What a howling wilderness is this world without our Lord! If once He hideth 
Himself from us, withered are the flowers of our garden; our pleasant fruits 
decay; the birds suspend their songs, and a tempest overturns our hopes. All 
earth's candles cannot make daylight if the Sun of Righteousness be eclipsed. 
He is the soul of our soul, the light of our light, the life of our life. Dear 
reader, what wouldst thou do in the world without Him, when thou wakest up and 
lookest forward to the day's battle? What wouldst thou do at night, when thou 
comest home jaded and weary, if there were no door of fellowship between thee 
and Christ? Blessed be His name, He will not suffer us to try our lot without 
Him, for Jesus never forsakes His own. Yet, let the thought of what life would 
be without Him enhance His preciousness.

 John 5:39-40 
 (39) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and 
they are they which testify of me. (40) And ye will not come to me, that ye 
might have life. 
  The word search is ereuano in Greek, and means to search, examine 
into. It can imply to search by uncovering; to search minutely; to explore; 
to strip, to make bare; to search by feeling, by touch.

  Homer, in The Iliad, used this word to indicate a lioness and her 
dedication to her cubs. They were lost, and she was on a huge plain searching 
very carefully everywhere. In The Odyssey, he used the same word to picture a 
dog tracking its prey—having its nose on the ground and never losing the scent.

  Metaphorically, it can be used to describe one digging deep for treasure 
and precious metal, breaking every single clod that nothing would be missed. It 
means to shake and to sift until every meaning of every sentence, word, 
syllable, and even every letter may be known and understood.

  Jesus is saying that these people search out every tiny, minute thing in 
striving for eternal life. But they were not willing to come to Him, humble 
themselves, and change so that they would have real, eternal life!

  Can this happen to us today? Sure, it can! We see things that we are 
loathe to change in our lives, or we procrastinate. This is what Jesus is 
illustrating. Luke 18:9-14 gives us an example of a man who thought that he was 
doing wonderfully well. He probably knew more than the tax collector ever 
would. But the tax collector had the humility to humble himself before God and 
to repent.

  John O. Reid 
  From  Don't Take God for Granted 


daily devotional

Evening ... 

Matthew 3:16
He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove. 

  As the Spirit of God descended upon the Lord Jesus, the head, so He also, in 
measure, descends upon the members of the mystical body. His descent is to us 
after the same fashion as that in which it fell upon our Lord. There is often a 
singular rapidity about it; or ever we are aware, we are impelled onward and 
heavenward beyond all expectation. Yet is there none of the hurry of earthly 
haste, for the wings of the dove are as soft as they are swift. Quietness seems 
essential to many spiritual operations; the Lord is in the still small voice, 
and like the dew, His grace is distilled in silence. The dove has ever been the 
chosen type of purity, and the Holy Spirit is holiness itself. Where He cometh, 
everything that is pure and lovely, and of good report, is made to abound, and 
sin and uncleanness depart. Peace reigns also where the Holy Dove comes with 
power; He bears the olive branch which shows that the waters of divine wrath 
are assuaged. Gentleness is a sure result of the Sacred Dove's transforming 
power: hearts touched by His benign influence are meek and lowly henceforth and 
for ever. 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-02-05 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional

Evening ... 

Song of Solomon 1:7
Tell me . . . where Thou feedest, where Thou makest Thy flock to rest at noon. 

  These words express the desire of the believer after Christ, and his longing 
for present communion with Him. Where doest Thou feed Thy flock? In Thy house? 
I will go, if I may find Thee there. In private prayer? Then I will pray 
without ceasing. In the Word? Then I will read it diligently. In Thine 
ordinances? Then I will walk in them with all my heart. Tell me where Thou 
feedest, for wherever Thou standest as the Shepherd, there will I lie down as a 
sheep; for none but Thyself can supply my need. I cannot be satisfied to be 
apart from Thee. My soul hungers and thirsts for the refreshment of Thy 
presence. Where dost Thou make Thy flock to rest at noon? for whether at dawn 
or at noon, my only rest must be where Thou art and Thy beloved flock. My 
soul's rest must be a grace-given rest, and can only be found in Thee. Where is 
the shadow of that rock? Why should I not repose beneath it? Why should I be 
as one that turneth aside by the flocks of thy companions? Thou hast 
companions-why should I not be one? Satan tells me I am unworthy; but I always 
was unworthy, and yet Thou hast long loved me; and therefore my unworthiness 
cannot be a bar to my having fellowship with Thee now. It is true I am weak in 
faith, and prone to fall, but my very feebleness is the reason why I should 
always be where Thou feedest Thy flock, that I may be strengthened, and 
preserved in safety beside the still waters. Why should I turn aside? There is 
no reason why I should, but there are a thousand reasons why I should not, for 
Jesus beckons me to come. If He withdrew Himself a little, it is but to make me 
prize His presence more. Now that I am grieved and distressed at being away 
from Him, He will lead me yet again to that sheltered nook where the lambs of 
His fold are sheltered from the burning sun

   Galatians 4:8 
   (8) Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them 
which by nature are no gods.  
   Prior to God's intervention in their lives, when they did not 
have a relationship with Him, the Galatians (in particular) and the world (in 
general) were in bondage to and slaves of the Babylonish system, even a worship 
of demons—so-called gods (I Corinthians 8:5). 

In the New Testament, there are two Greek words that are 
translated as to know—ginooskein (NT: 1097) and eidenai (NT: 1492). According 
to Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament, ginooskein is knowledge 
grounded in personal experience or apprehension of external impressions. It is 
used to describe relationships, even up to the most intimate of 
relationships—marriage (And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived). 
Eidenai, the word used in Galatians 4:8, is a mental perception in contrast 
with conjecture or knowledge derived from others.

The Jews at least knew of God and knew about God, but they did 
not really know God in terms of having a relationship with Him. He revealed 
Himself to Israel when He brought them out of Egypt and gave them the law, and 
the knowledge that such a God existed never really passed from all of the 
generations. After a remnant of the two southern tribes, Judah and Benjamin, 
returned to Jerusalem from captivity, they restored the proper worship of God 
and began adhering to the law that He had given to them. Later, various sects 
(Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, etc.) arose and began putting their own spin on 
the original God-given law. They wanted to make absolutely certain that they 
would not transgress His law in even the smallest degree, so they would not 
have to go back into captivity.

What developed was Halakhah, which was loosely based on the Old 
Covenant but contained ordinances and judgments that are far from God's 
original ideal. This, in combination with Hellenism, developed into what is now 
called Judaism. So at the base of all this, the Jews at least know that there 
is one true God, but their emphasis on Halakhah made them reject Christ when He 
came as a man. There was at least a mental perception (eidenai), even though 
there was not a real relationship (ginooskein).

The Gentiles, on the other hand, did not even have a concept 
(eidenai) of the true God. They worshipped and served a wide variety of pagan 
deities, and in actuality, this worship was inspired by and centered on demons. 
In the letter to the Galatians, Paul was addressing not only the dangerous 
slide into Judaism, but also the return to pagan rites inspired by Gnosticism.
David C. Grabbe  

daily devotional

2 Samuel 18:23
Then Ahimaaz ran by the way of the plain, and overran Cushi. 


[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-01-30 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional


Romans 3:31
Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the 

  When the believer is adopted into the Lord's family, his relationship to old 
Adam and the law ceases at once; but then he is under a new rule, and a new 
covenant. Believer, you are God's child; it is your first duty to obey your 
heavenly Father. A servile spirit you have nothing to do with: you are not a 
slave, but a child; and now, inasmuch as you are a beloved child, you are bound 
to obey your Father's faintest wish, the least intimation of His will. Does He 
bid you fulfil a sacred ordinance? It is at your peril that you neglect it, for 
you will be disobeying your Father. Does He command you to seek the image of 
Jesus? It is not your joy to do so? Does Jesus tell you, Be ye perfect, even 
as your Father which is in heaven is perfect? Then not because the law 
commands, but because your Saviour enjoins, you will labour to be perfect in 
holiness. Does He bid his saints love one another? Do it, not because the law 
says, Love thy neighbour, but because Jesus says, If ye love Me, keep My 
commandments; and this is the commandment that He has given unto you, that ye 
love one another. Are you told to distribute to the poor? Do it, not because 
charity is a burden which you dare not shirk, but because Jesus teaches, Give 
to him that asketh of thee. Does the Word say, Love God with all your heart? 
Look at the commandment and reply, Ah! commandment, Christ hath fulfilled thee 
already-I have no need, therefore, to fulfill thee for my salvation, but I 
rejoice to yield obedience to thee because God is my Father now and He has a 
claim upon me, which I would not dispute. May the Holy Ghost make your heart 
obedient to the constraining power of Christ's love, that your prayer may be, 
Make me to go in the path of Thy commandments; for therein do I delight. 
Grace is the mother and nurse of holiness, and not the apologist of sin.


Matthew 6:26
Your heavenly Father. 

  God's people are doubly His children, they are His offspring by creation, and 
they are His sons by adoption in Christ. Hence they are privileged to call Him, 
Our Father which art in heaven. Father! Oh, what precious word is that. Here 
is authority: If I be a Father, where is mine honour? If ye be sons, where is 
your obedience? Here is affection mingled with authority; an authority which 
does not provoke rebellion; an obedience demanded which is most cheerfully 
rendered-which would not be withheld even if it might. The obedience which 
God's children yield to Him must be loving obedience. Do not go about the 
service of God as slaves to their taskmaster's toil, but run in the way of His 
commands because it is your Father's way. Yield your bodies as instruments of 
righteousness, because righteousness is your Father's will, and His will should 
be the will of His child. Father!-Here is a kingly attribute so sweetly veiled 
in love, that the King's crown is forgotten in the King's face, and His sceptre 
becomes, not a rod of iron, but a silver sceptre of mercy-the sceptre indeed 
seems to be forgotten in the tender hand of Him who wields it. Father!-Here is 
honour and love. How great is a Father's love to his children! That which 
friendship cannot do, and mere benevolence will not attempt, a father's heart 
and hand must do for his sons. They are his offspring, he must bless them; they 
are his children, he must show himself strong in their defence. If an earthly 
father watches over his children with unceasing love and care, how much more 
does our heavenly Father? Abba, Father! He who can say this, hath uttered 
better music than cherubim or seraphim can reach. There is heaven in the depth 
of that word-Father! There is all I can ask; all my necessities can demand; all 
my wishes can desire. I have all in all to all eternity when I can say, 

 James 3:18 
 (18) And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make 
For the seed which one day produces the reward which righteousness 
brings can only be sown when personal relationships are right and by those 
whose conduct produces such relationships. ( James 3:18; William Barclay's 
Daily Bible Study) 

  In this verse, James is talking about a social situation. God's 
purpose—the fruit that He wants from His way of life, the kind of character 
that He wants in us—has to be produced in peace. It cannot be produced in war.

  Why it cannot be produced in war is obvious. When one is involved in war, 
he is thinking only of himself, which runs 180 degrees counter to God's nature. 
God's nature is outgoing. When one is engaged in war, all one is seeking to do 
is to preserve the self. For God's purpose to be fulfilled to the very best 
degree, peace is required.


[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-01-17 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional

Matthew 14:30
Beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. 

  Sinking times are praying times with the Lord's servants. Peter neglected 
prayer at starting upon his venturous journey, but when he began to sink his 
danger made him a suppliant, and his cry though late was not too late. In our 
hours of bodily pain and mental anguish, we find ourselves as naturally driven 
to prayer as the wreck is driven upon the shore by the waves. The fox hies to 
its hole for protection; the bird flies to the wood for shelter; and even so 
the tried believer hastens to the mercy seat for safety. Heaven's great harbour 
of refuge is All-prayer; thousands of weather-beaten vessels have found a haven 
there, and the moment a storm comes on, it is wise for us to make for it with 
all sail. Short prayers are long enough. There were but three words in the 
petition which Peter gasped out, but they were sufficient for his purpose. Not 
length but strength is desirable. A sense of need is a mighty teacher of 
brevity. If our prayers had less of the tail feathers of pride and more wing 
they would be all the better. Verbiage is to devotion as chaff to the wheat. 
Precious things lie in small compass, and all that is real prayer in many a 
long address might have been uttered in a petition as short as that of Peter. 
Our extremities are the Lord's opportunities. Immediately a keen sense of 
danger forces an anxious cry from us the ear of Jesus hears, and with Him ear 
and heart go together, and the hand does not long linger. At the last moment we 
appeal to our Master, but His swift hand makes up for our delays by instant and 
effectual action. Are we nearly engulfed by the boisterous waters of 
affliction? Let us then lift up our souls unto our Saviour, and we may rest 
assured that He will not suffer us to perish. When we can do nothing Jesus can 
do all things; let us enlist His powerful aid upon our side, and all will be 
January 15


2 Samuel 7:25
Do as thou hast said. 

  God's promises were never meant to be thrown aside as waste paper; He 
intended that they should be used. God's gold is not miser's money, but is 
minted to be traded with. Nothing pleases our Lord better than to see His 
promises put in circulation; He loves to see His children bring them up to Him, 
and say, Lord, do as Thou hast said. We glorify God when we plead His 
promises. Do you think that God will be any the poorer for giving you the 
riches He has promised? Do you dream that He will be any the less holy for 
giving holiness to you? Do you imagine He will be any the less pure for washing 
you from your sins? He has said Come now, and let us reason together, saith 
the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; 
though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Faith lays hold upon 
the promise of pardon, and it does not delay, saying, This is a precious 
promise, I wonder if it be true? but it goes straight to the throne with it, 
and pleads, Lord, here is the promise, 'Do as Thou hast said.' Our Lord 
replies, Be it unto thee even as thou wilt. When a Christian grasps a 
promise, if he do not take it to God, he dishonours Him; but when he hastens to 
the throne of grace, and cries, Lord, I have nothing to recommend me but this, 
'Thou hast said it;' then his desire shall be granted. Our heavenly Banker 
delights to cash His own notes. Never let the promise rust. Draw the word of 
promise out of its scabbard, and use it with holy violence. Think not that God 
will be troubled by your importunately reminding Him of His promises. He loves 
to hear the loud outcries of needy souls. It is His delight to bestow favours. 
He is more ready to hear than you are to ask. The sun is not weary of shining, 
nor the fountain of flowing. It is God's nature to keep His promises; therefore 
go at once to the throne with Do as Thou hast said.

 Exodus 3:7-10 
 (7) And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people 
which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; 
for I know their sorrows; (8) And I am come down to deliver them out of the 
hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land 
and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the 
Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the 
Hivites, and the Jebusites. (9) Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children 
of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the 
Egyptians oppress them. (10) Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto 
Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of 
  God is already calling them, My people. What had they done? Had they 
pledged themselves to God? Had they repented? They had not done a thing yet, 
and God is already calling them his own.

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-01-13 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional


Genesis 1:4
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the 

  Light might well be good since it sprang from that fiat of goodness, Let 
there be light. We who enjoy it should be more grateful for it than we are, 
and see more of God in it and by it. Light physical is said by Solomon to be 
sweet, but gospel light is infinitely more precious, for it reveals eternal 
things, and ministers to our immortal natures. When the Holy Spirit gives us 
spiritual light, and opens our eyes to behold the glory of God in the face of 
Jesus Christ, we behold sin in its true colours, and ourselves in our real 
position; we see the Most Holy God as He reveals Himself, the plan of mercy as 
He propounds it, and the world to come as the Word describes it. Spiritual 
light has many beams and prismatic colours, but whether they be knowledge, joy, 
holiness, or life, all are divinely good. If the light received be thus good, 
what must the essential light be, and how glorious must be the place where He 
reveals Himself. O Lord, since light is so good, give us more of it, and more 
of Thyself, the true light. No sooner is there a good thing in the world, than 
a division is necessary. Light and darkness have no communion; God has divided 
them, let us not confound them. Sons of light must not have fellowship with 
deeds, doctrines, or deceits of darkness. The children of the day must be 
sober, honest, and bold in their Lord's work, leaving the works of darkness to 
those who shall dwell in it for ever. Our Churches should by discipline divide 
the light from the darkness, and we should by our distinct separation from the 
world do the same. In judgment, in action, in hearing, in teaching, in 
association, we must discern between the precious and the vile, and maintain 
the great distinction which the Lord made upon the world's first day. O Lord 
Jesus, be Thou our light throughout the whole of this day, for Thy light is the 
light of men.

 Revelation 16:16 
 (16) And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew 
tongue Armageddon. 
  The nations will marshal their armies at a place called Armageddon. 
Armageddon is not an English word. Rather it comes from the Greek rendering 
of the Hebrew name Har Megiddo. (The Hebrew prefix har means hill or 

  Megiddo was a strong fortification dating from ancient times, situated 
approximately 55 miles north of Jerusalem. The mound that remains is a few 
miles south east of Haifa—a natural port and industrial center providing ideal 
facilities for landing troops. 

  The ruins of Megiddo are located on the edge of the plain of Megiddo, an 
oval-shaped valley once called the Plain of Esdraelon, but now commonly called 
the Valley of Jezreel. It is a large flat area ideal for the assembling of 
military equipment and personnel. 

  The Hill of Megiddo was strongly fortified as long ago as the days of 
King Solomon ( I Kings 9:15). It was a literal fortress rising above the 
surrounding plain. The fortress Hill Megiddo serves as a type, or forerunner, 
of the bristling armaments that shall soon envelope the whole surrounding area. 

  Historians have said that more battles have been fought in the Valley of 
Jezreel that anywhere else on earth. However, when Christ returns, the armies 
will only gather here. From this natural staging area they will advance 
southward toward Jerusalem to fight against Him. The final battle will then 
take place in the environs of Jerusalem ( Zechariah 14:2). 

  From   The Sensational Return of Jesus Christ! 
daily devotional


Genesis 1:4
And God saw the light. 

  This morning we noticed the goodness of the light, and the Lord's dividing it 
from the darkness, we now note the special eye which the Lord had for the 
light. God saw the light-He looked at it with complacency, gazed upon it with 
pleasure, saw that it was good. If the Lord has given you light, dear reader, 
He looks on that light with peculiar interest; for not only is it dear to Him 
as His own handiwork, but because it is like Himself, for He is light. 
Pleasant it is to the believer to know that God's eye is thus tenderly 
observant of that work of grace which He has begun. He never loses sight of the 
treasure which He has placed in our earthen vessels. Sometimes we cannot see 
the light, but God always sees the light, and that is much better than our 
seeing it. Better for the judge to see my innocence than for me to think I see 
it. It is very comfortable for me to know that I am one of God's people-but 
whether I know it or not, if the Lord knows it, I am still safe. This is the 
foundation, The Lord knoweth them that are His. You may be sighing and 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-01-08 Terurut Topik pttwr

 daily devotional

John 10:9
I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in 
and out, and find pasture. 

  Jesus, the great I AM, is the entrance into the true church, and the way of 
access to God Himself. He gives to the man who comes to God by Him four choice 
privileges. 1. He shall be saved. The fugitive manslayer passed the gate of the 
city of refuge, and was safe. Noah entered the door of the ark, and was secure. 
None can be lost who take Jesus as the door of faith to their souls. Entrance 
through Jesus into peace is the guarantee of entrance by the same door into 
heaven. Jesus is the only door, an open door, a wide door, a safe door; and 
blessed is he who rests all his hope of admission to glory upon the crucified 
Redeemer. 2. He shall go in. He shall be privileged to go in among the divine 
family, sharing the children's bread, and participating in all their honours 
and enjoyments. He shall go in to the chambers of communion, to the banquets of 
love, to the treasures of the covenant, to the storehouses of the promises. He 
shall go in unto the King! of kings in the power of the Holy Spirit, and the 
secret of the Lord shall be with him. 3. He shall go out. This blessing is much 
forgotten. We go out into the world to labour and suffer, but what a mercy to 
go in the name and power of Jesus! We are called to bear witness to the truth, 
to cheer the disconsolate, to warn the careless, to win souls, and to glorify 
God; and as the angel said to Gideon, Go in this thy might, even thus the 
Lord would have us proceed as His messengers in His name and strength. 4. He 
shall find pasture. He who knows Jesus shall never want. Going in and out shall 
be alike helpful to him: in fellowship with God he shall grow, and in watering 
others he shall be watered. Having made Jesus his all, he shall find all in 
Jesus. His soul shall be as a watered garden, and as a well of water whose 
waters fail not.

 1 Timothy 2:1 
 (1) I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, 
intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 
 1 Timothy 4:5 
 (5) For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. 
  Intercession is exactly the same Greek word as is translated  prayer 
I Timothy 4:5. It has an interesting etymology that instructs us on an 
important aspect of prayer. The word, a verb, is entugchanein. 

  It began to appear in Greek centuries before Christ, meaning simply to 
meet a person, as if a person would meet another along the way. However, 
through the centuries, the word took on a somewhat different meaning. 
Eventually, it meant, not just to meet, but to meet and converse. This is 
natural because, if a person falls in with another along the way, he usually 
does not ignore the other but strikes up a conversation.

  Then, as time went by, it began to take on yet a different meaning: to 
have intimate fellowship with the person. To this point, the word describes 
how to have a right approach to God. In practical fact, it illustrates that we 
are not conversing with God from a distance. We are so intimately associated 
with Him that we are His children. This word is describing an intimate family 
relationship. God is not way off on the top of a mountain somewhere. Even as 
early as Deuteronomy 30:14, He says, The word is very near you, in your mouth 
and in your heart!

  If we are going to have the right kind of fellowship and relationship 
with God in prayer, we have to understand that we are in His very presence. 
Looking at this as humanly and physically, this is how He can rub off on us. We 
are in His fellowship, in His presence. He is not far off. When Christ did gave 
His life for us, the veil of the Temple was torn from top to bottom, 
symbolizing that access to God was completely open to Him, and now we have this 
same access to the Father through Christ. We are right before His throne when 
we are talking to Him.

  However, entugchanein continued to change. The change shows up in the 
noun form of the word, enteuxis, meaning a petition to a king. It can be used 
in the sense of the king summoning someone into his presence or of someone 
presenting a request to the king. Putting these together, it sugests that we 
have intimate access to petition to the king. We do not merely we have 
intimate fellowship with just anybody, but to the King of all the universe!

  We have both privilege and power in prayer. This is where the concept 
the power of prayer comes from. Because we have the privilege to come before 
the King in intimate fellowship, we have access to His power. It is not that 
prayer itself has the power, but that we have access to the One who has the 

  This means we have to be extra careful what we ask God: He may give us 
what we ask, and we will be sorry. Mighty forces can be unleashed when we ask 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-01-08 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional

2 Samuel 2:26
Knowest thou not that it will be bitterness in the latter end? 

  If, O my reader! thou art merely a professor, and not a possessor of the 
faith that is in Christ Jesus, the following lines are a true ketch of thine 
end. You are a respectable attendant at a place of worship; you go because 
others go, not because your heart is right with God. This is your beginning. I 
will suppose that for the next twenty or thirty years you will be spared to go 
on as you do now, professing religion by an outward attendance upon the means 
of grace, but having no heart in the matter. Tread softly, for I must show you 
the deathbed of such a one as yourself. Let us gaze upon him gently. A clammy 
sweat is on his brow, and he wakes up crying, O God, it is hard to die. Did 
you send for my minister? Yes, he is coming. The minister comes. Sir, I 
fear that I am dying! Have you any hope? I cannot say that I have. I fear 
to stand before my God; oh! pray for me. The prayer is offered for him with 
sincere earnestness, and the way of salvation is for the ten-thousandth time 
put before him, but before he has grasped the rope, I see him sink. I may put 
my finger upon those cold eyelids, for they will never see anything here again. 
But where is the man, and where are the man's true eyes? It is written, In 
hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torment. Ah! why did he not lift up his 
eyes before? Because he was so accustomed to hear the gospel that his soul 
slept under it. Alas! if you should lift up your eyes there, how bitter will be 
your wailings. Let the Saviour's own words reveal the woe: Father Abraham, 
send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my 
tongue, for I am tormented in this flame. There is a frightful meaning in 
those words. May you never have to spell it out by the red light of Jehovah's 

 Matthew 4:8-9 
 (8) Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and 
sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; (9) And saith 
unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship 
 John 14:30 
 (30) Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world 
cometh, and hath nothing in me. 
  This and the other verses we have read clearly show that Satan is the 
ruler of this present evil world, but he retains that power only by God's 
express permission. God has assigned Satan 6,000 years in which to rule over 
mankind. When that time expires, Christ will forcibly intervene in world 
affairs and reestablish the government of God on earth. He will then rule the 
world for the next 1,000 years. Thus God's plan spans a period of one prophetic 
week, since a day is as a thousand years with God, and a thousand years as a 
day ( II Peter 3:8).

  God has said to Satan, in effect: Six 'days' shalt thou labor, and do 
all thy work: but the seventh 'day' is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it 
thou shalt not do any work ( Exodus 20:9-10). The first six days of this 
prophetic week God has turned over to Satan, and given him free reign to 
influence and deceive.

  Satan's work is a labor of deception—of deceiving mankind—of turning 
God's truth upside down—causing honest, sincere people to accept a counterfeit 
for the genuine—deceiving people to sin. And how successfully he has worked at 
his occupation for nearly 6,000 years!

  We are now nearing the end of Satan's six millennial days of work. And 
the coming seventh millennial day shall be the Sabbath of the Lord God. That 
day will not belong to Satan. It belongs to God. In it, Satan shall not do 
any work. He will be chained, restrained, and thrown into the symbolic 
bottomless pit ( Revelation 20:1-3). He will not be allowed to deceive anyone 
during the Millennium.

  When Christ returns to earth, He will seize rulership from the 
archdeceiver who has deceived and swayed humanity. Christ will then restrain 
the builder and ruler of this world's civilization and bind him for 1,000 years!

  From   Is This the Only Day of Salvation? 

daily devotional


Matthew 22:42
What think ye of Christ? 

  The great test of your soul's health is, What think you of Christ? Is He to 
you fairer than the children of men-the chief among ten thousand-the 
altogether lovely? Wherever Christ is thus esteemed, all the faculties of the 
spiritual man exercise themselves with energy. I will judge of your piety by 
this barometer: does Christ stand high or low with you? If you have thought 
little of Christ, if you have been content to live without His presence, if you 
have cared little for His honour, if you have been neglectful of His laws, then 
I know that your soul is sick-God grant that it may not be sick unto death! But 
if the first 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2008-01-01 Terurut Topik pttwr

 daily devotional

Psalm 74:16
The night also is Thine. 

  Yes, Lord, Thou dost not abdicate Thy throne when the sun goeth down, nor 
dost Thou leave the world all through these long wintry nights to be the prey 
of evil; Thine eyes watch us as the stars, and Thine arms surround us as the 
zodiac belts the sky. The dews of kindly sleep and all the influences of the 
moon are in Thy hand, and the alarms and solemnities of night are equally with 
Thee. This is very sweet to me when watching through the midnight hours, or 
tossing to and fro in anguish. There are precious fruits put forth by the moon 
as well as by the sun: may my Lord make me to be a favoured partaker in them. 
The night of affliction is as much under the arrangement and control of the 
Lord of Love as the bright summer days when all is bliss. Jesus is in the 
tempest. His love wraps the night about itself as a mantle, but to the eye of 
faith the sable robe is scarce a disguise. From the first watch of the night 
even unto the break of day the eternal Watcher observes His saints, and 
overrules the shades and dews of midnight for His people's highest good. We 
believe in no rival deities of good and evil contending for the mastery, but we 
hear the voice of Jehovah saying, I create light and I create darkness; I, the 
Lord, do all these things. Gloomy seasons of religious indifference and social 
sin are not exempted from the divine purpose. When the altars of truth are 
defiled, and the ways of God forsaken, the Lord's servants weep with bitter 
sorrow, but they may not despair, for the darkest eras are governed by the 
Lord, and shall come to their end at His bidding. What may seem defeat to us 
may be victory to Him. 
Though enwrapt in gloomy night,
We perceive no ray of light;
Since the Lord Himself is here,
'Tis not meet that we should fear. 

 Proverbs 29:15 
 (15) The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to 
himself bringeth his mother to shame. 

 If a child is left to himself, where is his training coming 
from? Obviously, in this case, mom and dad are not having a great impact on 
their child. The training must then be coming from society, most likely from 
the child's peers. Because foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child 
(Proverbs 22:15), a child left to himself brings shame—he is bound to get into 
trouble if his training is haphazard or undirected, or if he is not drilled or 
disciplined. The flipside of this verse says, But the rod of correction will 
drive it far from him. The rod symbolizes that someone has taken an interest 
in the outcome of this child's life. He is giving direction, correction, 
instruction, to steer this child where he is to go. The training, the teaching, 
makes all the difference in the world.

  An example from the life of David illustrates this proverb. 
And [Adonijah's] father had not rebuked him at any time by saying, 'Why have 
you done so?' He was also a very good-looking man. His mother had borne him 
after Absalom (I Kings 1:6). David was very old and was very shortly to die. 
His family and his close advisors probably knew that he intended to pass his 
crown to Solomon. But Adonijah tried to prevent that. He made a political move 
to grab the throne before Solomon had a secure grip on it. His ploy failed 
because Bathsheba, Solomon's mother, and David's faithful advisors appealed to 
the king, and he made it very clear whom he had chosen to succeed him.

  David, though a man after God's own heart, did not take an 
active hand in teaching Adonijah. In this verse God states why Adonijah 
rebelled. In essence, David actually encouraged his son to rebel by not taking 
an interest in rearing him. David failed to train him in the way he should go, 
so that he would not depart from it. Instead, David trained him in a way that 
was bound to produce rebellion. This flaw of David's shows up in others of his 
children: Absalom, Amnon, and others. It does not matter whether one is a child 
of God having His Spirit or not. If a parent does not carry through with the 
right kind of training, then the results will surface in his children.

  John W. Ritenbaugh 
  From  Guard the Truth! 
daily devotional

Job 1:5
And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent 
and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt 
offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my 
sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually. 

  What the patriarch did early in the morning, after the family festivities, it 
will be well for the believer to do for himself ere he rests tonight. Amid 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2007-12-14 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional

Psalm 24:8
The Lord mighty in battle. 

  Well may our God be glorious in the eyes of His people, seeing that He has 
wrought such wonders for them, in them, and by them. For them, the Lord Jesus 
upon Calvary routed every foe, breaking all the weapons of the enemy in pieces 
by His finished work of satisfactory obedience; by His triumphant resurrection 
and ascension He completely overturned the hopes of hell, leading captivity 
captive, making a show of our enemies openly, triumphing over them by His 
cross. Every arrow of guilt which Satan might have shot at us is broken, for 
who can lay anything to the charge of God's elect? Vain are the sharp swords of 
infernal malice, and the perpetual battles of the serpent's seed, for in the 
midst of the church the lame take the prey, and the feeblest warriors are 
crowned. The saved may well adore their Lord for His conquests in them, since 
the arrows of their natural hatred are snapped, and the weapons of their 
rebellion broken. What victories has grace won in our evil hearts! How glorious 
is Jesus when the will is subdued, and sin dethroned! As for our remaining 
corruptions, they shall sustain an equally sure defeat, and every temptation, 
and doubt, and fear, shall be utterly destroyed. In the Salem of our peaceful 
hearts, the name of Jesus is great beyond compare: He has won our love, and He 
shall wear it. Even thus securely may we look for victories by us. We are more 
than conquerors through Him that loved us. We shall cast down the powers of 
darkness which are in the world, by our faith, and zeal, and holiness; we shall 
win sinners to Jesus, we shall overturn false systems, we shall convert 
nations, for God is with us, and none shall stand before us. This evening let 
the Christian warrior chant the war song, and prepare for to-morrow's fight. 
Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.

 2 Timothy 2:15-18 
 (15) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a 
workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 
(16) But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more 
ungodliness. (17) And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is 
Hymenaeus and Philetus; (18) Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that 
the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some. 
 In this era of the church, the one that we are living 
in, we have our own problems with certain doctrinal matters. The first century 
also had problems with certain doctrines that they had to deal with. The very 
first bridge that they had to cross had to do with 
justification—justification by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ.

  This was a new concept, which is why God commissioned 
the apostle Paul to write so much about justification by faith—not by works, 
not by earning justification, but by faith in what God said and what Jesus 
Christ did. This doctrinal instruction takes up much of the books of Romans and 

  The second bridge they had to cross was law and 
grace. Even today, people like to separate the two, as if a Christian cannot 
believe in law and grace at the same time. The apostles had to convince the 
people that law and grace are not opposed to one another, but work in harmony 
to complete the process of justification and then sanctification. God not only 
forgives us, but He also gives us gifts by His Spirit by which we can be 
sanctified unto holiness, the middle part of the process of salvation, which 
absolutely cannot be left out.

  The third thing is the second coming of Christ. As 
time passed, the pressure mounted and the return of Jesus Christ became 
increasingly important in the minds of people. It naturally led people to 
believe that they had plenty of time to overcome, and it seemed to work to cast 
them adrift. This is why Paul says that the Hebrews were neglecting their 

  In Matthew 24:42, we find that Jesus anticipated 
this. He really understood human nature. Incidentally, do you want to know what 
it is that causes people to go to sleep spiritually, so that you can be aware? 
It is not a hard principle at all to understand. It is having to face so many 
difficulties, so many pressures, that one becomes weary with facing them. This 
is a simplification, but it is true. When people have to face so many stresses, 
they become apathetic and say, What's the use? We need to stir ourselves up 
and recognize that this can happen to us.

  John W. Ritenbaugh 
  From   Don't Be a Prudent Agnostic 


[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2007-11-07 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional

Hosea 13:5
I did know thee in the wilderness, in the land of great drought. 

  Yes, Lord, Thou didst indeed know me in my fallen state, and Thou didst even 
then choose me for Thyself. When I was loathsome and self-abhorred, Thou didst 
receive me as Thy child, and Thou didst satisfy my craving wants. Blessed for 
ever be Thy name for this free, rich, abounding mercy. Since then, my inward 
experience has often been a wilderness; but Thou hast owned me still as Thy 
beloved, and poured streams of love and grace into me to gladden me, and make 
me fruitful. Yea, when my outward circumstances have been at the worst, and I 
have wandered in a land of drought, Thy sweet presence has solaced me. Men have 
not known me when scorn has awaited me, but Thou hast known my soul in 
adversities, for no affliction dims the lustre of Thy love. Most gracious Lord, 
I magnify Thee for all Thy faithfulness to me in trying circumstances, and I 
deplore that I should at any time have forgotten Thee and been exalted in 
heart, when I have owed all to Thy gentleness and love. Have mercy upon Thy 
servant in this thing! My soul, if Jesus thus acknowledged thee in thy low 
estate, be sure that thou own both Himself and His cause now that thou art in 
thy prosperity. Be not lifted up by thy worldly successes so as to be ashamed 
of the truth or of the poor church with which thou hast been associated. Follow 
Jesus into the wilderness: bear the cross with Him when the heat of persecution 
grows hot. He owned thee, O my soul, in thy poverty and shame-never be so 
treacherous as to be ashamed of Him. O for more shame at the thought of being 
ashamed of my best Beloved! Jesus, my soul cleaveth to Thee. 
I'll turn to Thee in days of light,
As well as nights of care,
Thou brightest amid all that's bright!
Thou fairest of the fair! 

 Matthew 16:21-23 
 (21) From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that 
he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief 
priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. (22) 
Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, 
Lord: this shall not be unto thee. (23) But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get 
thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the 
things that be of God, but those that be of men. 
  Like Peter, we could be motivated to believe or disbelieve something, 
accept or reject something, say something or keep silent, depending on the 
circumstance. Additionally, we may have no reaction at all at the moment of 
communication, but the thought is stored and available for later use or 
supplementation. It is entirely possible for a person to go through his entire 
life as a pawn of Satan and never know it.

  This situation reflects a usage of what the Bible's writers term 
spirit. Spirit is the English translation of the Hebrew ruach (Strong's 
#7304), in the Old Testament and the Greek pneuma (Strong's #5141) in the New. 
It can literally mean a current of air, breath, blast, or breeze. 
However, when used figuratively, it indicates vital principle, disposition, 
the rational soul, etc., or an invisible super-being such as God, Christ, an 
angel, or a demon. Whether used literally, as with wind or breath, or 
figuratively, as indicating God, angel, or demon, it describes something that 
is invisible and immaterial and at the same time powerful, even a thing of 
considerable power. The foremost elements of spirit, then, are invisibility, 
immateriality, and power.

  E.W. Bullinger remarks in Appendix 9 of the Companion Bible:

The meaning of the word is to be deduced only from its usage. The one 
root idea running through all of the passages is invisible force. . . . [I]n 
whatever sense it is used, [it] always represents that which is invisible 
except by its manifestations.

  He also shows that ruach is used in nine different ways in the Old 
Testament, while pneuma is used fourteen different ways in the New Testament.

  In John 6:63, Jesus says, It is the Spirit [which] gives life; the flesh 
profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. 
Here is a clear example of the figurative use of spirit. Words are the 
symbols used for communication; they are received into our minds through sight, 
as when reading, or sound, as when hearing. But once in the mind, nothing 
material is packed into our brain. Words-and thus the concepts they carry with 
them-are spirit because they are immaterial, invisible, and of considerable 
power, depending on how we use them. Thus, we can receive spirit in the form 
of words or concepts from a spirit being. In this case, it is in reality 
thought transference because no sound is heard through our ears.

  Just because one is close to Christ does not eliminate the prospect 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2007-11-06 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional


Ruth 2:3
She gleaned in the field after the reapers: and her hap was to light on a part 
of the field belonging unto Boaz, who was of the kindred of Elimelech. 

  Her hap was. Yes, it seemed nothing but an accident, but how divinely was it 
overruled! Ruth had gone forth with her mother's blessing, under the care of 
her mother's God, to humble but honourable toil, and the providence of God was 
guiding her every step. Little did she know that amid the sheaves she would 
find a husband, that he should make her the joint owner of all those broad 
acres, and that she a poor foreigner should become one of the progenitors of 
the great Messiah. God is very good to those who trust in Him, and often 
surprises them with unlooked for blessings. Little do we know what may happen 
to us to-morrow, but this sweet fact may cheer us, that no good thing shall be 
withheld. Chance is banished from the faith of Christians, for they see the 
hand of God in everything. The trivial events of to-day or to-morrow may 
involve consequences of the highest importance. O Lord, deal as graciously with 
Thy servants as Thou didst with Ruth. How blessed would it be, if, in wandering 
in the field of meditation to-night, our hap should be to light upon the place 
where our next Kinsman will reveal Himself to us! O Spirit of God, guide us to 
Him. We would sooner glean in His field than bear away the whole harvest from 
any other. O for the footsteps of His flock, which may conduct us to the green 
pastures where He dwells! This is a weary world when Jesus is away-we could 
better do without sun and moon that without Him-but how divinely fair all 
things become in the glory of His presence! Our souls know the virtue which 
dwells in Jesus, and can never be content without Him. We will wait in prayer 
this night until our hap shall be to light on a part of the field belonging to 
Jesus wherein He will manifest Himself to us.

 Revelation 14:11-12 
 (11) And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and 
they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and 
whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. (12) Here is the patience of the 
saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of 
  The mark of the Beast identifies those who are devoted to the Beast. They 
have given their lives in worship and obedience to him, and have received his 
mark. The Beast will be the leader of the new world order now forming. And 
ironically-tragically-members of God's church are now being led back to that 
world and away from keeping His commandments.

  Our responsibility remains clear, however. God's Word identifies the 
distinctive difference between those who worship Him and those who worship the 
Beast. Those who worship God keep His commandments. We must do everything in 
our power to keep from sinking into the same spiritual vortex that has already 
swallowed so many. Prove all things, hold fast to that which is good! Keep 
God's Ten Commandments-all of them!

  John W. Ritenbaugh 
  From   Damnable Heresies 

daily devotional

The church in thy house.

Philemon 2
Is there a Church in this house? Are parents, children, friends, servants, all 
members of it? or are some still unconverted? Let us pause here and let the 
question go round-Am I a member of the Church in this house? How would father's 
heart leap for joy, and mother's eyes fill with holy tears if from the eldest 
to the youngest all were saved! Let us pray for this great mercy until the Lord 
shall grant it to us. Probably it had been the dearest object of Philemon's 
desires to have all his household saved; but it was not at first granted him in 
its fulness. He had a wicked servant, Onesimus, who, having wronged him, ran 
away from his service. His master's prayers followed him, and at last, as God 
would have it, Onesimus was led to hear Paul preach; his heart was touched, and 
he returned to Philemon, not only to be a faithful servant, but a brother 
beloved, adding another member to the Church in Philemon's house. Is there an 
unconverted servant or child absent this morning? Make special supplication 
that such may, on their return to their home, gladden all hearts with good news 
of what grace has done! Is there one present? Let him partake in the same 
earnest entreaty.

If there be such a Church in our house, let us order it well, and let all act 
as in the sight of God. Let us move in the common affairs of life with studied 
holiness, diligence, kindness, and integrity. More is expected of a Church than 
of an ordinary household; family worship must, in such a case, be more devout 
and hearty; internal love must be more warm and unbroken, 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2007-11-05 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional


Psalm 36:9
In Thy light shall we see light. 

  No lips can tell the love of Christ to the heart till Jesus Himself shall 
speak within. Descriptions all fall flat and tame unless the Holy Ghost fills 
them with life and power; till our Immanuel reveals Himself within, the soul 
sees Him not. If you would see the sun, would you gather together the common 
means of illumination, and seek in that way to behold the orb of day? No, the 
wise man knoweth that the sun must reveal itself, and only by its own blaze can 
that mighty lamp be seen. It is so with Christ. Blessed art thou, Simon 
Bar-jona: said He to Peter, for flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto 
thee. Purify flesh and blood by any educational process you may select, 
elevate mental faculties to the highest degree of intellectual power, yet none 
of these can reveal Christ. The Spirit of God must come with power, and 
overshadow the man with His wings, and then in that mystic holy of holies the 
Lord Jesus must display Himself to the sanctified eye, as He! doth not unto the 
purblind sons of men. Christ must be His own mirror. The great mass of this 
blear-eyed world can see nothing of the ineffable glories of Immanuel. He 
stands before them without form or comeliness, a root out of a dry ground, 
rejected by the vain and despised by the proud. Only where the Spirit has 
touched the eye with eye-salve, quickened the heart with divine life, and 
educated the soul to a heavenly taste, only there is He understood. To you 
that believe He is precious; to you He is the chief corner-stone, the Rock of 
your salvation, your all in all; but to others He is a stone of stumbling and 
a rock of offence. Happy are those to whom our Lord manifests Himself, for His 
promise to such is that He will make His abode with them. O Jesus, our Lord, 
our heart is open, come in, and go out no more for ever. Show Thyself to us 
now! Favour us with a glimpse of Thine all-conquering charms.

 1 John 2:15-17 
 (15) Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. 
If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (16) For all 
that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the 
pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. (17) And the world 
passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth 
for ever.  
 John is not the only apostle who called upon the children of God 
to keep themselves from being spiritually contaminated by the world. James 
urges us to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27). The apostle 
Paul makes a strong appeal in Romans 12:2, saying, And do not be conformed to 
this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove 
what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

  This world is not God's world! Some have such a difficult time 
grasping the practical ramifications of this concept, perhaps because we think 
of God as Creator, Owner, and Ruler and marvel at the staggering beauty of what 
He has made. In that sense it is His world.

  Nonetheless, the systems that operate our cultures are not His. 
The Greek word translated world in I John 2:16 is kosmos, which has a moral 
connotation and means the world apart from God. William Barclay in his 
commentary on this verse writes, To John the world was nothing other than 
pagan society with its false values and its false gods (p. 56).

  The world's systems generate and sustain our government and 
politics, entertainment, fashion, religion, business ethics, medicine and 
health care, culinary tastes, social programs and institutions, education, 
science and technology, economics, and use of power. The world's systems have 
formed much of our belief systems and attitudes, and these in turn have shaped 
our conduct.

  These are the things we must overcome. And this world and its 
systems are so appealing! But God says not to waste our love on them because 
they have no future! In fact, this world is so bad that other prophecies show 
the whole thing will be destroyed and replaced when God invokes the restitution 
of all things (II Peter 3:10-11; Revelation 21:1).

  The basic reason all must be destroyed is because at its very 
foundation is a destroying and antagonistic spirit, Satan the Devil, the god of 
this world. Henry David Thoreau grasped an important principle when he stated, 
Every institution is but the lengthened shadow of one man. As Jesus phrases 
it, A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit (Matthew 7:18). Satan is a 
destroyer, and his way is at best a bad mixture of good and evil. James 
confirms this when he asks this rhetorical question, Does a spring send forth 
fresh water and bitter from the same opening? (James 3:11).  
  John W. Ritenbaugh 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2007-07-19 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional

Evening ... 

2 Timothy 4:18
His heavenly kingdom. 

  Yonder city of the great King is a place of active service. Ransomed spirits 
serve Him day and night in His temple. They never cease to fulfil the good 
pleasure of their King. They always rest, so far as ease and freedom from 
care is concerned; and never rest, in the sense of indolence or inactivity. 
Jerusalem the golden is the place of communion with all the people of God. We 
shall sit with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in eternal fellowship. We shall hold 
high converse with the noble host of the elect, all reigning with Him who by 
His love and His potent arm has brought them safely home. We shall not sing 
solos, but in chorus shall we praise our King. Heaven is a place of victory 
realized. Whenever, Christian, thou hast achieved a victory over thy 
lusts-whenever after hard struggling, thou hast laid a temptation dead at thy 
feet-thou hast in that hour a foretaste of the joy that awaits thee when the 
Lord shall shortly tread Satan under thy feet, and thou shalt find thyself more 
than conqueror through Him who hath loved thee. Paradise is a place of 
security. When you enjoy the full assurance of faith, you have the pledge of 
that glorious security which shall be yours when you are a perfect citizen of 
the heavenly Jerusalem. O my sweet home, Jerusalem, thou happy harbour of my 
soul! Thanks, even now, to Him whose love hath taught me to long for Thee; but 
louder thanks in eternity, when I shall possess thee. 
My soul has tasted of the grapes,
And now it longs to go
Where my dear Lord His vineyard keeps
And all the clusters grow.

Upon the true and living vine,
My famish'd soul would feast,
And banquet on the fruit divine,
An everlasting guest. 

 Genesis 6:9 
 (9) These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in 
his generations, and Noah walked with God. 
  The second of this verse's two problems, and the crux of the matter, is 
the word perfect. In the Hebrew text, this is tamîm (Strong's #8549), and its 
basic meaning is complete or entire. It does not mean perfect as we think 
of it today, as without fault, flaw, or defect. Other English words that 
translate tamîm better than perfect are whole, full, finished, 
well-rounded, balanced, sound, healthful, sincere, innocent, or 
wholehearted. In the main, however, modern translators have rendered it as 
blameless in Genesis 6:9.

  This does not mean that Noah never sinned, but that he was spiritually 
mature and that he had a wholehearted, healthy relationship with God, who had 
forgiven him of his sins, rendering him guiltless. The thought in Genesis 6:9 
extends to the fact that Noah was head-and-shoulders above his contemporaries 
in spiritual maturity. In fact, the text suggests that he was God's only 
logical choice to do His work.

  The New Testament concept of perfection, found in the Greek word téleios 
(Strong's #5056), is similar to tamîm. Perhaps the best-known occurrence of 
téleios occurs in Matthew 5:48: Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your 
Father in heaven is perfect. Certainly, Jesus desires that we become as 
flawless as we can humanly be, using the utter perfection of the Father as our 
model, but His use of téleios suggests something else. His aim is that a 
Christian be completely committed to living God's way of life, maturing in it 
until he can perform the duties God entrusts to him both now and in His 
Kingdom. In harmony with this idea of spiritual growth toward completion, 
téleios is well translated as mature in I Corinthians 2:6, and in Hebrews 
5:14, it is rendered as of full age.

  In addition, unlike Greek, biblical Hebrew is a rather concrete language, 
expressing itself in colorful, often earthy terms, and emphasizing its meaning 
with repetition and rephrasing. Because his vocabulary was limited by a 
relatively small number of words, a Hebrew writer relied on syntax, metaphors, 
puns, and other figures of speech to make his meaning clear. Perhaps chief in 
his bag of verbal tricks was parallelism.

  Parallelism is similar to the use of appositives in English. When we say, 
Fred Jones, the pharmacist, often rode his bicycle to work, we restate the 
subject of our sentence and add information at the same time. The Hebrew writer 
did the same thing, but he was not limited merely to renaming nouns; he worked 
in phrases, clauses, and whole sentences. For instance, a well-known 
parallelism appears in Psalm 51:2: Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and 
cleanse me from my sin. Many of the proverbs of Solomon also follow this form, 
for example,  pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a 
fall ( Proverbs 16:18).

  In the same way,  perfect in his generations acts as a parallel thought 
to Noah being a just man. Just represents the Hebrew tsaddîq (Strong's 
#6662), meaning 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2007-06-17 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional
Evening ... 
Proverbs 30:8
Remove far from me vanity and lies. 

  O my God, be not far from me. Psalm 38:21. Here we have two great 
lessons-what to deprecate and what to supplicate. The happiest state of a 
Christian is the holiest state. As there is the most heat nearest to the sun, 
so there is the most happiness nearest to Christ. No Christian enjoys comfort 
when his eyes are fixed on vanity-he finds no satisfaction unless his soul is 
quickened in the ways of God. The world may win happiness elsewhere, but he 
cannot. I do not blame ungodly men for rushing to their pleasures. Why should 
I? Let them have their fill. That is all they have to enjoy. A converted wife 
who despaired of her husband was always very kind to him, for she said, I fear 
that this is the only world in which he will be happy, and therefore I have 
made up my mind to make him as happy as I can in it. Christians must seek 
their delights in a higher sphere than the insipid frivolities or sinful 
enjoyments of the world. Vain pursuits are dangerous to renewed souls. We have 
heard of a philosopher who, while he looked up to the stars, fell into a pit; 
but how deeply do they fall who look down. Their fall is fatal. No Christian is 
safe when his soul is slothful, and his God is far from him. Every Christian is 
always safe as to the great matter of his standing in Christ, but he is not 
safe as regards his experience in holiness, and communion with Jesus in this 
life. Satan does not often attack a Christian who is living near to God. It is 
when the Christian departs from his God, becomes spiritually starved, and 
endeavours to feed on vanities, that the devil discovers his vantage hour. He 
may sometimes stand foot to foot with the child of God who is active in his 
Master's service, but the battle is generally short: he who slips as he goes 
down into the Valley of Humiliation, every time he takes a false step invites 
Apollyon to assail him. O for grace to walk humbly with our God!

 Matthew 13:22-23 
 (22) He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the 
word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the 
word, and he becometh unfruitful. (23) But he that received seed into the good 
ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth 
fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. 
  In Matthew 13:22-23, the only difference between the seed sown among 
weeds and the seed sown on good soil is in the action of the hearer. Both heard 
the Word, but only one acts on what he hears. Think about this. The seed sown 
on good soil could easily be overcome and choked out by weeds if action were to 
become inaction. What if spiritual laziness sets in?

  What would happen if, say, a man has a vegetable garden and next to this 
garden is a small patch of kudzu? He cannot spray it with a herbicide because 
of the danger of it drifting onto his plants. What should he do? He must go out 
every day to monitor the situation and take whatever action is appropriate. 
Perhaps he needs to cut the kudzu back, or maybe it will be okay for another 

  The point is that the gardener must stir himself to be diligent. What 
happens if he tries to manage the kudzu from his bed or from the easy chair in 
front of his television? In a few weeks, he would go out to pick some red, 
ripe, juicy tomatoes and find that, not only does he not have any tomatoes, but 
he does not even have a garden!

  The biblical term for someone who is spiritually inactive, or even 
asleep, is Laodicean! What Revelation 3:14-18 describes as a Laodicean is 
nothing more than a Christian choked by weeds. The Laodicean knows that kudzu 
is out there, but his attitude is lethargic. I'll get to it later, he says. 
My favorite show is coming on! The Laodicean says in verse 17, I am rich, 
have become wealthy, and have need of nothing. What did Christ say the weeds 
were? The cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the pleasures 
of this life!

  Every day we have to hoe our spiritual garden. prayer and Bible study 
we all understand about-we know how necessary they are to Christian growth. But 
we need to go even further and fight, root out, the weeds. Is that television 
show, novel, movie, or sportscast an entanglement? Are we spending too much 
time trying to make it or get ahead or keep up with the Joneses? Do we 
allow ourselves to become easily sidetracked by little things? While sleeping 
late instead of getting up early to pray, is kudzu creeping over our fruit?

  Ask yourself, Am I asleep? If you know you are not asleep, ask, Am I 
coasting? You may find that you have allowed other pursuits to crowd out 
higher, spiritual priorities. If so, you need to wade into your overgrown 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2007-06-10 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional

Evening ... 

2 Corinthians 11:22
Are they Israelites? so am I. 

  We have here A PERSONAL CLAIM, and one that needs proof. The apostle knew 
that His claim was indisputable, but there are many persons who have no right 
to the title who yet claim to belong to the Israel of God. If we are with 
confidence declaring, So am I also an Israelite, let us only say it after 
having searched our heart as in the presence of God. But if we can give proof 
that we are following Jesus, if we can from the heart say, I trust Him wholly, 
trust Him only, trust Him simply, trust Him now, and trust Him ever, then the 
position which the saints of God hold belongs to us-all their enjoyments are 
our possessions; we may be the very least in Israel, less than the least of 
all saints, yet since the mercies of God belong to the saints AS SAINTS, and 
not as advanced saints, or well-taught saints, we may put in our plea, and say, 
Are they Israelites? so am I; therefore the promises are mine, grace is mine, 
glory will be mine. The claim, rightfully made, is one which will yield untold 
comfort. When God's people are rejoicing that they are His, what a happiness if 
they can say, So AM I! When they speak of being pardoned, and justified, and 
accepted in the Beloved, how joyful to respond, Through the grace of God, SO 
AM I. But this claim not only has its enjoyments and privileges, but also its 
conditions and duties. We must share with God's people in cloud as well as in 
sunshine. When we hear them spoken of with contempt and ridicule for being 
Christians, we must come boldly forward and say, So am I. When we see them 
working for Christ, giving their time, their talent, their whole heart to 
Jesus, we must be able to say, So do I. O let us prove our gratitude by our 
devotion, and live as those who, having claimed a privilege, are willing to 
take the responsibility connected with it.
June 7

Morning ... 

Psalm 97:10
Ye that love the Lord hate evil. 

  Thou hast good reason to hate evil, for only consider what harm it has 
already wrought thee. Oh, what a world of mischief sin has brought into thy 
heart! Sin blinded thee so that thou couldst not see the beauty of the Saviour; 
it made thee deaf so that thou couldst not hear the Redeemer's tender 
invitations. Sin turned thy feet into the way of death, and poured poison into 
the very fountain of thy being; it tainted thy heart, and made it deceitful 
above all things, and desperately wicked. Oh, what a creature thou wast when 
evil had done its utmost with thee, before divine grace interposed! Thou wast 
an heir of wrath even as others; thou didst run with the multitude to do 
evil. Such were all of us; but Paul reminds us, but ye are washed, but ye are 
sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the 
Spirit of our God. We have good reason, indeed, for hating evil when we look 
back and trace its deadly workings. Such mischief did evil do us, that our 
souls would have been lost had not omnipotent love interfered to redeem us. 
Even now it is an active enemy, ever watching to do us hurt, and to drag us to 
perdition. Therefore hate evil, O Christians, unless you desire trouble. If 
you would strew your path with thorns, and plant nettles in your death-pillow, 
then neglect to hate evil; but if you would live a happy life, and die a 
peaceful death, then walk in all the ways of holiness, hating evil, even unto 
the end. If you truly love your Saviour, and would honour Him, then hate 
evil. We know of no cure for the love of evil in a Christian like abundant 
intercourse with the Lord Jesus. Dwell much with Him, and it is impossible for 
you to be at peace with sin. 
Order my footsteps by Thy Word,
And make my heart sincere;
Let sin have no dominion, Lord,
But keep my conscience clear. 

 Psalms 34:11-14 
 (11) Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the 
LORD. (12) What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he may 
see good? (13) Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. 
(14) Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. 
  David makes an interesting statement here regarding the fear of God. We 
must learn the fear of the Lord; it is not something we have by nature. We find 
the evidence of this in the conduct of all who have lived since Adam and Eve. 
Romans 3:18 is just as true now as it always has been: There is no fear of God 
before their eyes. The reason it must be taught becomes obvious once we 
understand that it arises and grows from one's relationship with God.

  The relationship begins with God's calling. Before that, we may have 
sincerely believed that He exists, but we certainly did not know Him. Respect 
cannot exist between two parties-especially the quality of 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2007-05-27 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional

Evening ... 
Genesis 42:2
There is corn in Egypt. 

  Famine pinched all the nations, and it seemed inevitable that Jacob and his 
family should suffer great want; but the God of providence, who never forgets 
the objects of electing love, had stored a granary for His people by giving the 
Egyptians warning of the scarcity, and leading them to treasure up the grain of 
the years of plenty. Little did Jacob expect deliverance from Egypt, but there 
was the corn in store for him. Believer, though all things are apparently 
against thee, rest assured that God has made a reservation on thy behalf; in 
the roll of thy griefs there is a saving clause. Somehow He will deliver thee, 
and somewhere He will provide for thee. The quarter from which thy rescue shall 
arise may be a very unexpected one, but help will assuredly come in thine 
extremity, and thou shalt magnify the name of the Lord. If men do not feed 
thee, ravens shall; and if earth yield not wheat, heaven shall drop with manna. 
Therefore be of good courage, and rest quietly in the Lord. God can make the 
sun rise in the west if He pleases, and make the source of distress the channel 
of delight. The corn in Egypt was all in the hands of the beloved Joseph; he 
opened or closed the granaries at will. And so the riches of providence are all 
in the absolute power of our Lord Jesus, who will dispense them liberally to 
His people. Joseph was abundantly ready to succour his own family; and Jesus is 
unceasing in His faithful care for His brethren. Our business is to go after 
the help which is provided for us: we must not sit still in despondency, but 
bestir ourselves. Prayer will bear us soon into the presence of our royal 
Brother: once before His throne we have only to ask and have: His stores are 
not exhausted; there is corn still: His heart is not hard, He will give the 
corn to us. Lord, forgive our unbelief, and this evening constrain us to draw 
largely from Thy fulness and receive grace for grace

  May 22

  Morning ... 

  Psalm 107:7
  He led them forth by the right way. 

Changeful experience often leads the anxious believer to enquire Why is it 
thus with me? I looked for light, but lo, darkness came; for peace, but behold 
trouble. I said in my heart, my mountain standeth firm, I shall never be moved. 
Lord, thou dost hide Thy face, and I am troubled. It was but yesterday that I 
could read my title clear; to-day my evidences are bedimmed, and my hopes are 
clouded. Yesterday I could climb to Pisgah's top, and view the landscape o'er, 
and rejoice with confidence in my future inheritance; to-day, my spirit has no 
hopes, but many fears; no joys, but much distress. Is this part of God's plan 
with me? Can this be the way in which God would bring me to heaven? Yes, it is 
even so. The eclipse of your faith, the darkness of your mind, the fainting of 
your hope, all these things are but parts of God's method of making you ripe 
for the great inheritance upon which you shall soon enter. These trials are for 
the testing and strengthenin g of your faith-they are waves that wash you 
further upon the rock-they are winds which waft your ship the more swiftly 
towards the desired haven. According to David's words, so it might be said of 
you, so He bringeth them to their desired haven. By honour and dishonour, by 
evil report and by good report, by plenty and by poverty, by joy and by 
distress, by persecution and by peace, by all these things is the life of your 
souls maintained, and by each of these are you helped on your way. Oh, think 
not, believer, that your sorrows are out of God's plan; they are necessary 
parts of it. We must, through much tribulation, enter the kingdom. Learn, 
then, even to count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. 
  O let my trembling soul be still,
  And wait Thy wise, Thy holy will!
  I cannot, Lord, Thy purpose see,
  Yet all is well since ruled by Thee. 
   Romans 4:19-21 
   (19) And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body 
now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of 
Sarah's womb: (20) He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but 
was strong in faith, giving glory to God; (21) And being fully persuaded that, 
what he had promised, he was able also to perform. 

  Go to this verse on Bible Tools 
   Hebrews 11:17-19 
   (17) By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and 
he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, (18) Of 
whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called: (19) Accounting that 
God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received 
him in a figure. 

  Go to this verse on Bible Tools 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2007-04-25 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional

Morning ... 

Job 19:25
I know that my Redeemer liveth. 

  The marrow of Job's comfort lies in that little word My-My Redeemer, and 
in the fact that the Redeemer lives. Oh! to get hold of a living Christ. We 
must get a property in Him before we can enjoy Him. What is gold in the mine to 
me? Men are beggars in Peru, and beg their bread in California. It is gold in 
my purse which will satisfy my necessities, by purchasing the bread I need. So 
a Redeemer who does not redeem me, an avenger who will never stand up for my 
blood, of what avail were such? Rest not content until by faith you can say 
Yes, I cast myself upon my living Lord; and He is mine. It may be you hold 
Him with a feeble hand; you half think it presumption to say, He lives as my 
Redeemer; yet, remember if you have but faith as a grain of mustard seed, that 
little faith entitles you to say it. But there is also another word here, 
expressive of Job's strong confidence, I know. To say, I hope so, I trust 
so is comfortable; and there are thousands in the fold of Jesus who hardly 
ever get much further. But to reach the essence of consolation you must say, I 
know. Ifs, buts, and perhapses, are sure murderers of peace and comfort. 
Doubts are dreary things in times of sorrow. Like wasps they sting the soul! If 
I have any suspicion that Christ is not mine, then there is vinegar mingled 
with the gall of death; but if I know that Jesus lives for me, then darkness is 
not dark: even the night is light about me. Surely if Job, in those ages before 
the coming and advent of Christ, could say, I know, we should not speak less 
positively. God forbid that our positiveness should be presumption. Let us see 
that our evidences are right, lest we build upon an ungrounded hope; and then 
let us not be satisfied with the mere foundation, for it is from the upper 
rooms that we get the widest prospect. A living Redeemer, truly mine, is joy 

 Romans 8:29-30 
 (29) For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to 
the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. (30) 
Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, 
them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. 
  Paul actually left one step out here; he could have added sanctified. 
Sanctification is the period between justification and glorification during 
which we become holy, when the growth takes place-between begettal and birth 
(even as it is with a child).

  Everything in regard to this issue exposes a process. We are to consider 
ourselves pilgrims heading toward the Kingdom of God, gradually being 
transformed into the image of God along the way. The qualities of character, 
whether human or godly, are not produced instantaneously but through the 
everyday gathering of information, weighing it, making the necessary choices, 
setting our wills, and watching to see the results.

  Even as Israel had to walk out of Egypt and across the wilderness to the 
Promised Land-or there never would have been a change in their situation-so 
must we live this process to grow to become like God and be in His Kingdom. The 
laws of God are written on our hearts ( Hebrews 8:10; Jeremiah 31:33) by life's 
experiences while we have a relationship with God. Like everything else in 
life, it is a process that has a beginning and end.

  Like every educational system, it moves from simple to complex. It moves 
from that which is clearly stated in the letter of the law to what is less 
apparent and depends upon a background of instruction, experience, and results. 
It depends on faith in and love for God and love for man that have grown in a 
person to aid him in properly understanding, applying, and practicing the 
spirit of the law.
  John W. Ritenbaugh 
  From   The Covenants, Grace and Law (Part 19) 


daily devotional

Morning ... 
Hebrews 2:14
That through death He might destroy him that had the power of death. 

  O child of God, death hath lost its sting, because the devil's power over it 
is destroyed. Then cease to fear dying. Ask grace from God the Holy Ghost, that 
by an intimate knowledge and a firm belief of thy Redeemer's death, thou mayst 
be strengthened for that dread hour. Living near the cross of Calvary thou 
mayst think of death with pleasure, and welcome it when it comes with intense 
delight. It is sweet to die in the Lord: it is a covenant-blessing to sleep in 
Jesus. Death is no longer banishment, it is a return from exile, a going home 
to the many mansions where the loved ones already dwell. The distance between 
glorified spirits in heaven and militant saints on earth seems great; but it is 
not so. We are not far from home-a moment will bring us there. The sail 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2007-04-23 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


 daily devotional

Morning ... 

Matthew 27:51
Behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom. 

  No mean miracle was wrought in the rending of so strong and thick a veil; but 
it was not intended merely as a display of power-many lessons were herein 
taught us. The old law of ordinances was put away, and like a worn-out vesture, 
rent and laid aside. When Jesus died, the sacrifices were all finished, because 
all fulfilled in Him, and therefore the place of their presentation was marked 
with an evident token of decay. That rent also revealed all the hidden things 
of the old dispensation: the mercy-seat could now be seen, and the glory of God 
gleamed forth above it. By the death of our Lord Jesus we have a clear 
revelation of God, for He was not as Moses, who put a veil over his face. 
Life and immortality are now brought to light, and things which have been 
hidden since the foundation of the world are manifest in Him. The annual 
ceremony of atonement was thus abolished. The atoning blood which was once 
every year sprinkled within the veil, was now offered once for all by the great 
High Priest, and therefore the place of the symbolical rite was broken up. No 
blood of bullocks or of lambs is needed now, for Jesus has entered within the 
veil with his own blood. Hence access to God is now permitted, and is the 
privilege of every believer in Christ Jesus. There is no small space laid open 
through which we may peer at the mercy-seat, but the rent reaches from the top 
to the bottom. We may come with boldness to the throne of the heavenly grace. 
Shall we err if we say that the opening of the Holy of Holies in this 
marvellous manner by our Lord's expiring cry was the type of the opening of the 
gates of paradise to all the saints by virtue of the Passion? Our bleeding Lord 
hath the key of heaven; He openeth and no man shutteth; let us enter in with 
Him into the heavenly places, and sit with Him there till our common enemies 
shall be made His footstool.

   Habakkuk 1:2-4 
   (2) O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out 
unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save! (3) Why dost thou shew me 
iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are 
before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention. (4) Therefore the 
law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass 
about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth. 
The anguish in his voice is palpable. God, I've been crying out to You 
day and night, and still violence, perversity, and all these terrible things 
are happening in the land. How long will this evil last? How much longer must 
we endure this constant wickedness, this corruption? When are you going to act, 
God? We have probably prayed similar prayers ourselves: We need You, God. How 
long, O Lord?

Ezekiel was a slightly later contemporary of Habakkuk. In Ezekiel 9:1-6 
is a prophecy, a vision, that he saw while a captive in Babylon. The vision 
describes what God was doing in Judah and answers, at least in part, Habakkuk's 
question: Why have You not judged all this evil, God? His reply in Ezekiel 9 
is, I am going through the land, through My chosen people, and I am marking 
each one who sighs and cries over what is happening. I am searching out and 
seeing who is righteous, who has character, and whom I must destroy.

It is good that we mourn over all the corruption, wickedness, and 
abominations that are happening in this land. It tells God something about our 
heart and our character. He is seeking out those who are concerned, distressed, 
and repulsed by what is occurring around them, and He is setting them apart for 
deliverance. All the while, we must endure it, but it is a necessary wait, 
because it takes time for God to evaluate our character, to see what we will do 
over the long haul. As Jesus advises in Luke 21:19, In your patience possess 
your souls.

So we must ask ourselves, How do we react to what is happening in our 
nation? How do we react to sex and violence on television, movies, and 
magazines, in books, on billboards, and in just about all advertising and 
entertainment? How do we react to terrorism, to drug use, to abortion, to 
oppression? How do we react to our court system, which allows so much injustice 
to stand? How do we react to racial inequalities? Have we become numb and 
hardened to all of these things, or do we still sigh and cry over the depths of 
this nation's depravity?

Habakkuk is certainly concerned, and so he asks God for answers, crying 
out, Save us! God replies in Habakkuk 1:5-11, and His reply is very 

Richard T. Ritenbaugh 
From   Habakkuk 

__._,_.___ .

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2007-04-10 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional

Morning ... 

John 19:16
They took Jesus, and led Him away. 

  He had been all night in agony, He had spent the early morning at the hall of 
Caiaphas, He had been hurried from Caiaphas to Pilate, from Pilate to Herod, 
and from Herod back again to Pilate; He had, therefore, but little strength 
left, and yet neither refreshment nor rest were permitted Him. They were eager 
for His blood, and therefore led Him out to die, loaded with the cross. O 
dolorous procession! Well may Salem's daughters weep. My soul, do thou weep 
also. What learn we here as we see our blessed Lord led forth? Do we not 
perceive that truth which was set forth in shadow by the scapegoat? Did not the 
high-priest bring the scapegoat, and put both his hands upon its head, 
confessing the sins of the people, that thus those sins might be laid upon the 
goat, and cease from the people? Then the goat was led away by a fit man into 
the wilderness, and it carried away the sins of the people, so that if they 
were sought for they could not be found. Now we see Jesus brought before the 
priests and rulers, who pronounce Him guilty; God Himself imputes our sins to 
Him, the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all; He was made sin for 
us; and, as the substitute for our guilt, bearing our sin upon His shoulders, 
represented by the cross; we see the great Scapegoat led away by the appointed 
officers of justice. Beloved, can you feel assured that He carried your sin? As 
you look at the cross upon His shoulders, does it represent your sin? There is 
one way by which you can tell whether He carried your sin or not. Have you laid 
your hand upon His head, confessed your sin, and trusted in Him? Then your sin 
lies not on you; it has all been transferred by blessed imputation to Christ, 
and He bears it on His shoulder as a load heavier than the cross. Let not the 
picture vanish till you have rejoiced in your own deliverance, and adored the 
loving Redeemer upon whom your iniquities were laid.

   Romans 12:3-8 
   (3) For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is 
among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to 
think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. 
(4) For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same 
office: (5) So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members 
one of another. (6) Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is 
given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of 
faith; (7) Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on 
teaching; (8) Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do 
it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with 
These six verses are all tied together by humility—that one should not 
think of himself more highly than he ought. God has put us each in the body as 
it pleases Him, so we should not think that we, as, say, the toe are better 
than the knee because the toe cannot do the knee's job. God thinks of the toe 
just as highly as He does of the knee, but if He has put us as a toe, why not 
in faith do the job of a toe because that is what God wants us to be? If He had 
wanted us to be a knee, He would have put you in the body as a knee, but He 
made us to be a toe, so be happy as a toe! Do a toe's work in faith!

Paul tells us to think soberly, logically, seriously, that as God has 
dealt to each a measure of faith, that we in faith can consider our place in 
the church and deal with it. So, whatever we are to do, do it! Do it with all 
the gifts and skills that God has given—but do not try to do another's job. It 
is his job to do diligently, not ours. God put us in the body to do a specific 
job, our job not his, otherwise He would have given us his job!

If we have been given the job to exhort, then we should exhort. If it 
is our job to minister and serve others, serve—but do not take another's job to 
prophesy. Paul is saying, In lowliness of mind, be content where you are, 
because obviously God has put you there for a reason. If you do the job that 
God has given to you, you are fulfilling His will. The church, then, can be 
united because the members are not competing over each other's responsibilities.
Richard T. Ritenbaugh 
From   Psalm 133 


daily devotional

Morning ... 

Matthew 27:14
He answered him to never a word. 

  He had never been slow of speech when He could bless the sons of men, but He 
would not say a single word for Himself. Never man spake like this Man, and 
never man was silent like Him. Was this singular 

[i-kan-untuk-revival] daily devotional

2007-03-01 Terurut Topik pttwr
\o/ \o/ Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ~~~\o/ 


daily devotional

Morning ... 
Jonah 2:9
Salvation is of the Lord. 

Salvation is the work of God. It is He alone who quickens the soul dead in 
trespasses and sins, and it is He also who maintains the soul in its spiritual 
life. He is both Alpha and Omega. Salvation is of the Lord. If I am 
prayerful, God makes me prayerful; if I have graces, they are God's gifts to 
me; if I hold on in a consistent life, it is because He upholds me with His 
hand. I do nothing whatever towards my own preservation, except what God 
Himself first does in me. Whatever I have, all my goodness is of the Lord 
alone. Wherein I sin, that is my own; but wherein I act rightly, that is of 
God, wholly and completely. If I have repulsed a spiritual enemy, the Lord's 
strength nerved my arm. Do I live before men a consecrated life? It is not I, 
but Christ who liveth in me. Am I sanctified? I did not cleanse myself: God's 
Holy Spirit sanctifies me. Am I weaned from the world? I am weaned by God's 
chastisements sanctified to my good. Do I grow in knowledge? The great 
Instructor teaches me. All my jewels were fashioned by heavenly art. I find in 
God all that I want; but I find in myself nothing but sin and misery. He only 
is my rock and my salvation. Do I feed on the Word? That Word would be no food 
for me unless the Lord made it food for my soul, and helped me to feed upon it. 
Do I live on the manna which comes down from heaven? What is that manna but 
Jesus Christ himself incarnate, whose body and whose blood I eat and drink? Am 
I continually receiving fresh increase of strength? Where do I gather my might? 
My help cometh from heaven's hills: without Jesus I can do nothing. As a branch 
cannot bring forth fruit except it abide in the vine, no more can I, except I 
abide in Him. What Jonah learned in the great deep, let me learn this morning 
in my closet: Salvation is of the Lord.

1 Corinthians 4:1-5
(1) Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of 
the mysteries of God. (2) Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be 
found faithful. (3) But with me it is a very small thing that I should be 
judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. (4) For I 
know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me 
is the Lord. (5) Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, 
who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make 
manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of 

Paul, embroiled in a situation where he was being judged for the way he 
conducted his affairs as God's apostle, gives some excellent advice. Passing 
judgment on someone based on our narrow perspective and subjectivity is an 
exercise in futility and vain, with nothing of spiritual value to be gained 
from it. That is why God does not want us doing it. Its prime motivator is to 
elevate (cf. verse 6) or justify the self.
Paul did not even pass judgment on himself! He certainly examined himself 
because he wrote to this same church, Examine yourselves as to whether you are 
in the faith. Prove yourselves ( II Corinthians 13:5). Then why did he say he 
did not judge himself? Because we all are saved by grace through faith. We 
certainly are not saved by our own favorable judgment of our conduct. Though he 
could find nothing wrong with his conduct in this situation, he still would not 
step into Christ's area of authority as Judge. Even his blamelessness did not 
justify him.
Many things we judge in others are trivial and sometimes extremely picky. 
Many situations do not involve sin at all but simply different ways of doing 
things. We tend to pounce on situations or characteristics that will hardly 
mean a thing a year from now-and certainly will matter nothing in a thousand 
years. There may be nothing wrong with pointing them out to someone concerned, 
but why focus on them to the point we pass judgment on the person?

John W. Ritenbaugh 
From   Judging Our Brothers 

daily devotional

Morning ... 
Psalm 62:5
My expectation is from Him. 

It is the believer's privilege to use this language. If he is looking for aught 
from the world, it is a poor expectation indeed. But if he looks to God for 
the supply of his wants, whether in temporal or spiritual blessings, his 
expectation will not be a vain one. Constantly he may draw from the bank of 
faith, and get his need supplied out of the riches of God's lovingkindness. 
This I know, I had rather have God for my banker than all the Rothschilds. My 
Lord never fails to honour His promises; and when we bring them to His throne, 
He never sends them back unanswered. Therefore I will wait only at His door, 
for He ever opens it with the hand of munificent grace. At this hour I