On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 3:59 PM, Eric Roseman <eric.rose...@colorado.edu>wrote:

> Thanks for the input. I tried this and I'm not sure how to switch to
> workspaces 11-20. What I'm trying to do is have workspace 1-10 per
> monitor, and a mod+2 or mod+3 would focus the #2 or #3 workspace of the
> current monitor.
> Thanks,
> Eric

You can use other mod keys.  I have the left windows key setup as hyper and
the right as super.  I tend to use the monitors in pairs (browsers on the
left and tmux on the right) so, $Hyper+Control changes to both.  Using 0L
and 0R works nice for scripting the pairs.

set $Hyper Mod3
set $Super Mod4

# switch to another workspace
bindcode $Hyper+19 workspace "0L"
bindcode $Super+19 workspace "0R"
bindcode $Hyper+Control+19 workspace "0L"; workspace "0R"
bindcode $Hyper+10 workspace "1L"
bindcode $Super+10 workspace "1R"
bindcode $Hyper+Control+10 workspace "1L"; workspace "1R"
bindcode $Hyper+11 workspace "2L"
bindcode $Super+11 workspace "2R"
bindcode $Hyper+Control+11 workspace "2L"; workspace "2R"

# Workspace assignments
workspace "0L"        output DVI-I-1
workspace "1L"        output DVI-I-1
workspace "2L"        output DVI-I-1
workspace "0R"        output HDMI-1
workspace "1R"        output HDMI-1
workspace "2R"        output HDMI-1

# move to another workspace
bindcode $Hyper+Shift+19 move workspace "0L"
bindcode $Super+Shift+19 move workspace "0R"
bindcode $Hyper+Shift+10 move workspace "1L"
bindcode $Super+Shift+10 move workspace "1R"
bindcode $Hyper+Shift+11 move workspace "2L"
bindcode $Super+Shift+11 move workspace "2R"

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