Re: [i3] How to display in `i3bar` (via `i3status`) the amount of free memory

2015-09-16 Thread Jeff Jibson
On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 6:22 AM, Ciprian Dorin Craciun <> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 2:26 PM, Michael Stapelberg 
> > The recommended way is to wrap i3status as described in its manpage.
> The whole purpose of `i3status` is that it's lightweight both in terms
> of resources and OS calls.  Wrapping it in a script that each second
> spawns a bunch of processes just to add memory usage is counter to its
> purpose...
> ...

> However I would like to ask the developers to please reconsider adding
> such a basic and useful piece of information.  (But as said I'll live
> this here.)
> Thanks for i3,
> Ciprian.

There are several alternatives to i3status.  I haven't had time to try any
of them.  I have been using conky for years, so I use it.

In my config file I have:

bar {
output HDMI1
status_command conky -c ~/.i3/conkyrc.left
mode   dock
position   bottom
workspace_buttons  yes
font   $font

colors {
background $root
statusline $foreground
focused_workspace  $foreground $focused   $foreground
active_workspace   $foreground $active$foreground
inactive_workspace $foreground $unfocused $foreground
urgent_workspace   $urgentfg   $urgentbg  $urgentfg

I have two monitors.  Both conky files have the following settings at the
top of the file:

background no
use_xft yes
out_to_console yes
out_to_x no
update_interval 2
total_run_times 0
double_buffer yes
border_inner_margin 0
border_outer_margin 0
use_spacer none
if_up_strictness address
short_units yes

In file for my left monitor I have:

BKK ${tztime UTC-7 %T} \
 CCSD ${tztime PST8PDT %T} \
 PT-0{1,2,3} ${tztime MST7MDT %T}|\
en01 ${addr eno1} ${downspeed eno1} ${upspeed eno1}  \
 ${if_up tun0}  tun0 ${addr tun0} ${downspeed tun0} ${upspeed tun0}
 ${endif} \
 port ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}|\
$nodename ($kernel) $uptime \
 ${time %F %T}

In the file for the right monitor I have:

CLP $cpu=${cpu cpu0}+${cpu cpu1} \
 $loadavg \
 $running_processes / $processes|\
MS $mem/$memmax ($memperc%) \
 $swap/$swapmax ($swapperc%)|\
D / ${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}|\
G ${execi 50 if pgrep sandbox > /dev/null ; then genlop -cn | grep
'Currently merging'  ; else echo -n Las Sync: ; ~/.i3/ ; fi}
HKUT $nodename ($kernel) $uptime \
 ${time %T}

Some of this is specific to gentoo and needs gentools.

Re: [i3] monitor dependent workspaces

2014-04-13 Thread Jeff Jibson
On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 3:59 PM, Eric Roseman eric.rose...@colorado.eduwrote:

 Thanks for the input. I tried this and I'm not sure how to switch to
 workspaces 11-20. What I'm trying to do is have workspace 1-10 per
 monitor, and a mod+2 or mod+3 would focus the #2 or #3 workspace of the
 current monitor.


You can use other mod keys.  I have the left windows key setup as hyper and
the right as super.  I tend to use the monitors in pairs (browsers on the
left and tmux on the right) so, $Hyper+Control changes to both.  Using 0L
and 0R works nice for scripting the pairs.

set $Hyper Mod3
set $Super Mod4

# switch to another workspace
bindcode $Hyper+19 workspace 0L
bindcode $Super+19 workspace 0R
bindcode $Hyper+Control+19 workspace 0L; workspace 0R
bindcode $Hyper+10 workspace 1L
bindcode $Super+10 workspace 1R
bindcode $Hyper+Control+10 workspace 1L; workspace 1R
bindcode $Hyper+11 workspace 2L
bindcode $Super+11 workspace 2R
bindcode $Hyper+Control+11 workspace 2L; workspace 2R

# Workspace assignments
workspace 0Loutput DVI-I-1
workspace 1Loutput DVI-I-1
workspace 2Loutput DVI-I-1
workspace 0Routput HDMI-1
workspace 1Routput HDMI-1
workspace 2Routput HDMI-1

# move to another workspace
bindcode $Hyper+Shift+19 move workspace 0L
bindcode $Super+Shift+19 move workspace 0R
bindcode $Hyper+Shift+10 move workspace 1L
bindcode $Super+Shift+10 move workspace 1R
bindcode $Hyper+Shift+11 move workspace 2L
bindcode $Super+Shift+11 move workspace 2R

Re: [i3] RFC: i3-dmenu-desktop

2012-12-11 Thread Jeff Jibson
 There are 5157 .desktop files on the machine I am using now, though I
 think only about 924 are relevant.  How long does it take to parse 924
 files on a slow computer?  Probably not that long, but too long for a
 basic user interface element.
 I have 130 .desktop files within the relevant locations. Are your 5157
 .desktop files in the 'applications' subfolder? If yes, how did you get
 to 924 “relevant” and what does that mean?

This number sounded insane to me.  So, I checked mine... 19.  Many of
these are dependencies of things I use.  I use dmenu more for scripts
that manipulate i3 than real programs.

[i3] multiple x sessions

2012-01-23 Thread Jeff Jibson
I have two x sessions, :0 with two screens and :1 with one screen
connected by x2x.  Is there a way to jump from one session to the
other with a keyboard.  The mouse works, but mice are evil ;)

I am using:
  i3 4.1.1
  xorg-server 1.11.3 (x11 7.4)
  x2x 1.27
  xf86-video-nouvea 0.0.16_pre2009
  xf86-video-displaylink 0.3.

I tried using synergy (1.4.5), but it doesn't seem to work.  I'd
prefer this to x2x if it worked.