Re: [IAEP] [support-gang] Stanford Online Education Course

2012-09-14 Thread Kevin Mark

--- On Fri, 9/14/12, Yama Ploskonka wrote:

From: Yama Ploskonka
Subject: [support-gang] Stanford Online Education Course
To: Community Support Volunteers -- who help respond to help AT, iaep,
Date: Friday, September 14, 2012, 1:30 AM


(Sur: este mensaje en inglés, en
  referencia a los cursos de Stanford - copio a esta lista ya que
  hubo interes allí, aparte de la discusión en IAEP y SG)


  On 09/11/2012 12:39 PM, Samuel Klein wrote:

Yama - please tell us more about that class and your
  project and team!  And what did the teacher think of the class -
  is it going to be offered in the same way in the future?  Did you
  as participants help suggest changes?  SJ

The main instructor (Chuck Eesley) 
  actually used a blog as one of the main communication routes 

  I did have some interaction with the teaching team, but little -
  contrary to my nature :-) I tried to take as little of their time
  as possible, being very aware that they probably could not afford
  to communicate much with me directly, as they had to spread
  themselves around. 

  Actually, that brings us to the *medium*. This was no class with
  an instructor teaching (there were some videos at the core, but
  the learning didn't happen /there/). This was a /learning
  environment/, sort of the agricultural metaphor give them good
  soil, water, and they will grow to amaze you (my words). 

  Experiential Education, Chuck calls it, and those of you that
  have suffered my pronunciamientos are probably familiar with my
  own repeated use of the term over the years - actually,
  Experiential Education is what I came to learn to the United
  States originally.
That is certainly an interesting experience in hand-on learning. I can see the 
education/learning divide that OLPC/Sugarlabs discusses. Learn by doing. But 
each person in this virtual classroom did not come with the same education -- 
equal opportunity is what the internet provides better than real-life but 
somethings still need to be in place like skills of drive, motivation, 
reflection, cooperation, etc. You seem to have those. 

  I do not know if signing up allows you
  access the archives, you would see that the tools used were many,
  and all of them interactive. Highly impressed as I am, my deepest
  respects will go to Farnaz, who appears to have been our sysop. On
  the fly updates to the interface were done several times a week,
  and I only noticed one outage of less than 15 minutes during the
  several months. Now, it was evident that the organizers were
  learning as they went, there were several delays, changes in the
  schedule, and many, many complaints in the forums - followed by
  quick action and respectful response.

  I chose to see any inconvenience as reflecting reality of a
  startup progress.  This class was so real, so connected with what
  a tech startup feels like, that very soon there was a blur, many
  of us wondering, 'is this a class or is it an actual tech

  Fact is, were you to teach /anything/, it has to be /real/ to sink

  This was *REAL*. 

  Thus it was *learning*, not make-believe as in education. 

  The final insult :-) was that we were told with less than 24 hours
  the appointed time to pitch to a real investor (one that had been
  in one of the little videos that fed the class). Talk about the
  rubber meeting the road...


  At the beginning of the course there were a couple little
  projects. My take from those was that, if I were to be
  successful, I had to invest of myself. Thus, when time came to
  set up the real teams, I was very proactive. My strategy was to
  go for a big team - it paid off, though some people complained

  My reasoning was that, as you know about volunteers, :-), they
  burn out, they are busy, etc. Having many assured some would be
  available at any time. The original idea was mine, reduced-wires
  home automation, but soon it took life of its own, and I truly can
  say that International Living Systems ( ) has
  developed the concept to they point that it completely belongs to
  the team.

  It was my choice to do something that is probably /not/ a good
  startup concept: make the team very international. At our max we
  had 30 people, in 17 different countries, 11 time zones.  
The FLOSS world is full of such diverse teams, so you knew about how they 
It was a
  blast. Our listserv had a peak of several messages per minute when
  preparing one particular 

[IAEP] [SLOBS] scheduling our next meeting

2012-09-14 Thread Walter Bender
I forgot to send out a reminder about yesterday's meeting and thus we
did not have a quorum. I'd like to try again early next week. How
about Tuesday, 18 September at 17:00 EST, (21:00 UTC).

Topics include our year-end summary for the SFC and  Endangered
Languages Project.



Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] scheduling our next meeting

2012-09-14 Thread Dr. Gerald Ardito

On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 7:57 AM, Walter Bender wrote:
 I forgot to send out a reminder about yesterday's meeting and thus we
 did not have a quorum. I'd like to try again early next week. How
 about Tuesday, 18 September at 17:00 EST, (21:00 UTC).

 Topics include our year-end summary for the SFC and  Endangered
 Languages Project.



 Walter Bender
 Sugar Labs
 SLOBs mailing list
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Mañana Dia del Software Libre

2012-09-14 Thread Laura Vargas
Saludos a todos,

Con motivo del Software Freedom Day, quiero invitarlos a todos, amigos y
ciudadanos a celebrar con nosotros (en tu ciudad mas cercana) porque lo que
hacemos, lo hacemos todos los días gracias a nuestra pasión compartida por
la *libertad*, de entre cosas el software.

Laura V.

Skype acaire
IRC kaametza
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Ma�ana Dia del Software Libre, Tomorrow Software Freedom Day

2012-09-14 Thread forster
Saludos, Greetings
We are celebrating Software Freedom Day in Melbourne Australia
110 Grey Street East Melbourne from 10am, Saturday
OLPC laptop demonstration, all day
OLPC/Sugar talk at 11:45am


Saludos a todos,
Con motivo del Software Freedom Day, quiero invitarlos a todos, amigos y
ciudadanos a celebrar con nosotros (en tu ciudad mas cercana) porque lo que
hacemos, lo hacemos todos los d�as gracias a nuestra pasi�n compartida por
la *libertad*, de entre cosas el software.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Need Help! Unable to Update XO-1s for Project in Rural Montana

2012-09-14 Thread Caryl Bigenho

Hi Folks, 

I'm sure someone else has had this problem before and that it has been solved, 
but, I am completely stumped at the moment and need a little assistance. I 
haven't a clue where to look since I have already looked all the places I 
thought the answers would be.

The teacher who was going to use the XOs at Arrowhead elementary school in 
rural MT last year went out on maternity leave and the machines were stored in 
a locked cupboard for about 8-9 months. When I picked them up to check them 
over and update the software, I found that both the battery and the clock 
battery were completely discharged.  I could not do a regular update. They were 
looking for Mesh networks and had all sorts of crazy dates. The updates 
failed, but the old software remained.

So for one of the machines I went to the OLPC wiki and followed these 

1) Downloaded and updated the Firmware to Q2E46, which is the one that 12.1.0 
installs when it does an update.
2) I went into Terminal and set the clock to the correct utc time as the wiki 
3) Then I tried to reflash using the file downloaded from the wiki for 21012.o0 
as suggested on the wiki (this wouldn't work at all before updating the 

It appeared to install the software correctly, but at the end of the process, 
it went only to the XO man surrounded by the ring of dots. It never did get to 
the setup with naming and choosing colors and the like.

If I do a force-quit (the only thing available) and then restart, it stalls in 
the same place.  There are 10 of these XO-1s in the set and I need to get them 
updated this weekend, if possible. 

A young couple… brand new teachers, wants to use them at the same school this 
year. He will be teaching middle school science and math and is very excited 
about using them with his science classes. His wife teaches elementary music 
and a K/1 combo class. She wants to try Tam Tam and some of the nice programs 
for beginning readers.

I just need a little suggestion about what to try next. I thought I had this 
figured out, but I was wrong!

I look forward to your replies and suggestions! BTW, these are XO-1s.

Caryl ___
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] scheduling our next meeting

2012-09-14 Thread Aleksey Lim
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 07:57:27AM -0400, Walter Bender wrote:
 I forgot to send out a reminder about yesterday's meeting and thus we
 did not have a quorum. I'd like to try again early next week. How
 about Tuesday, 18 September at 17:00 EST, (21:00 UTC).

Fine for me.

 Topics include our year-end summary for the SFC and  Endangered
 Languages Project.
 Walter Bender
 Sugar Labs
 SLOBs mailing list

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)