Thanks to the packages Aleksey made last week, we have been able to
build a new Trisquel+Sugar iso, this one using the latest Sugar on top
of the latest Trisquel, and also fixing the bugs from the first release.

It works nicely on wired or wireless computers, the installer is now
Sugar themed, the flash video support was improved with the latest
gnash, and much more details. It worked pretty nice in our tests, so we
are calling it a release candidate.

Our build environment can generate the iso in one command -it takes
roughly 5 minutes starting from scratch-, so we could easily compile
weekly -or even nightly- builds if that helps Sugar developers.

You can find the new image at:

We have just published a more detailed article announcing the project to
the public at , including some
screenshots and instructions for testers.

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Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada digitalmente

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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