
Today I was reading the proposed budget for Wikimedia Foundation, which has
been undergoing some leadership problems in the last few years - cf.
mollywhite.net/wikimedia-timeline/ - and I hope this might also be
interesting for those considering the Sugar Labs budget.


I think the $80k surplus is small. Therefore I suggest that the SL 2016
budget only be spent on

(a) essential activities, and

(b) activities that will increase the surplus within a given timeframe.

Examples of (a) might include paying rents on servers, trademark
registration fees, or other payments required to continue holding existing

Examples of (b) might include buying stock to be sold at a sustaining
markup (a set of XO-4s, or T shirts); or translating Sugar into a language
which will enable grants or other income to be given to further expand
development by the community using that language.


On 17 April 2016 at 06:30, Laura Vargas <la...@somosazucar.org> wrote:

> It is critical for any formal organization of individuals to "work-well"
> to draw and communicate an annual budget to/with it's members.
> /Para que funcione bien cualquier asociación formal de individuos, es
> necesario y crítico dibujar y comunicar un presupuesto anual con/a sus
> miembros.
> This is specially required when there are resources available  in the Net
> Asset Account of the last period.
> / Esto debe darse con certeza siempre que existan recursos disponibles en
> el Activo Neto del último período.
> According to the numbers recently published, for the case of the SL
> Project, the balance of the Net Asset Account last period (2015) is USD$
> 81.966,88.
> / De acuerdo a los números recientemente publicados, para el caso del
> Proyecto Sugar Labs, el saldo del Activo Neto del último Periodo (2015) es
> de USD$ 81.966,88.
> In order to help with the process of making such Budget, I have added a
> column [C] and 4 raws [18, 19, 20 y 21] to actual numbers. I am attaching
> an updated version of the Spreadshet.
> / Con el objetivo de colaborar en el proceso de realizar tal Presupuesto,
> he adicionado una columna [C] y 4 filas [18, 19, 20 y 21] a los datos
> contables. Adjunto Hoja de Calculo.
> Please review and comment. Multiple scenarios may be considered. /Por
> favor revisen y comenten. Multiples escenarios se pueden considerar.
> Hope this is a first step into intercontinental financial
> learning/exchange ;D
> Espero que este sea un primer paso hacia el aprendizaje/intercambio
> financiero intercontinental.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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