[iagi-net-l] gimana ya kira2 akhir dari Cepu

2005-05-02 Terurut Topik Ariadi Subandrio



Monday May 2, 2:50 PM 
INTERVIEW: Indonesia Min Sees Progress In Exxon Dispute
By Phelim Kyne 


JAKARTA (Dow Jones)--Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) of the U.S. and Indonesia's 
state-owned petroleum firm Pertamina (PTM.YY) have made significant progress 
toward resolving a long-running investment dispute that has tainted investors' 
perceptions of Indonesia, Minister of State Enterprises Sugiharto said 

The government hopes to reach an agreement as soon as possible on extending 
Exxon's contract to develop the country's largest untapped oil field in Cepu, 
East Java province, Sugiharto told Dow Jones Newswires. 

Pertamina's 11-member Cepu negotiating team resumed talks with Exxon late last 
month in a bid to resolve the dispute by an official May 20 deadline and 
Sugiharto said an agreement was likely within months, not years. 

The mutual interest...(of) the government, Pertamina and Exxon is to monetize 
as soon as possible the strategic reserves that have been discovered on the 
Cepu blocks, Sugiharto said. 

That would also give certainty to any investors...(because) this (dispute) 
isn't good for Indonesia. 

Exxon Mobil Oil Indonesia Inc. declined to provide specific comment on 
Sugiharto's comments, but instead released a statement to Dow Jones Newswires 
that said the firm is committed to reaching an equitable and amicable 
resolution of Cepu issues...(and) bringing this important resource to market. 
The statement didn't elaborate. 

Efforts to contact Pertamina's lead negotiator in the Exxon talks were 

The dispute over the Cepu oil field, with estimated reserves of about 600 
million barrels of crude oil, has been frequently cited as an exemplar of the 
policy confusion that's caused Indonesia's crude oil production to plunge in 
recent years. 

Indonesia, the sole Southeast Asian member of the Organization of Petroleum 
Exporting Countries, turned into a net importer of crude oil for several months 
last year due to lack of investment in exploration and development. Indonesia 
is now mulling downgrading its OPEC participation to observer status as a 
cost-saving measure. 

Exxon bought the rights to the Cepu field in 1999 from a company run by a son 
of Indonesia's former dictator Suharto. Shortly thereafter, the U.S. firm 
discovered that Cepu contained a commercial quantity of crude oil. However, 
development of Cepu has floundered on Exxon's inability to date to get an 
extension of its oil rights contract, which expires in 2010. 

It's not in our best interest to wait until 2010 (because) we badly need the 
crude for domestic uses, Sugiharto said. 

The Exxon dispute, along with other high-profile business conflicts involving 
Mexican cement producer Cemex S.A. De C.V. (CX) and U.S. power firm Karaha 
Bodas Co., are complicating efforts of the government of President Susilo 
Bambang Yudhoyono to lure back foreign investors to help fuel a 6.6% annual 
average economic expansion target from 2004 to 2009. 

Indonesia recorded a 26% year-on-year decline in approved foreign direct 
investment to $10.3 billion in 2004 due to investor perceptions of rampant 
corruption, shambolic infrastructure and an unpredictable judiciary. 

Exxon and Pertamina's discussions to negotiate mutually acceptable terms for a 
renewal of the U.S. firm's contract hinge on agreement on the proportion of oil 
revenues the two companies will share, Sugiharto said. 

(Exxon's) already expressed certain requirements, but it's too early to 
mention to anybody the percentage they want because there's still a gap between 
what Pertamina wants in terms of percentage and split, he said, without 

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Re: [iagi-net-l] gimana ya kira2 akhir dari Cepu

2005-05-02 Terurut Topik Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
Aku kaget kalau hal ini dianggap sebagai dispute, padahal aku pikir ini 
hanya masalah negosiasi saja. Sesuatu interaksi kelanjutan usaha yg sudah 
disepakati sebelumnya, bahwa daerah cepu ini boleh dikelola Exxon sampai 
akhir masa kontrak itu sebuah kesepakatan bersama itu komitmen bersama, 
bahwa daerah ini bisa diperpanjang atau dihentikan itu juga sudah ada dlam 
Apakah Exxon tidak bisa dipegang komitmennya ?

Jadi aku yakin ini bukan dispute. Bahkan menurut saya kita berhak utk 
tidak menanggapinya.

Sudah berapa saja lapangan minyak di Malaysia ini yg tidak diperpanjang oleh 
PMU, dan dikelola oleh Petronas. Dan ini semua menjadi salahsatu bentuk 
usaha yg memajukan Petronas.

Perlu kebranian
Perlu perhitungan
Perlu kemandirian 

On 5/2/05, Ariadi Subandrio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Monday May 2, 2:50 PM
 INTERVIEW: Indonesia Min Sees Progress In Exxon Dispute
 By Phelim Kyne
 JAKARTA (Dow Jones)--Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) of the U.S. and Indonesia's 
 state-owned petroleum firm Pertamina (PTM.YY) have made significant 
 progress toward resolving a long-running investment dispute that has 
 tainted investors' perceptions of Indonesia, Minister of State Enterprises 
 Sugiharto said recently.
 The government hopes to reach an agreement as soon as possible on 
 extending Exxon's contract to develop the country's largest untapped oil 
 field in Cepu, East Java province, Sugiharto told Dow Jones Newswires.
 Pertamina's 11-member Cepu negotiating team resumed talks with Exxon late 
 last month in a bid to resolve the dispute by an official May 20 deadline 
 and Sugiharto said an agreement was likely within months, not years.
 The mutual interest...(of) the government, Pertamina and Exxon is to 
 monetize as soon as possible the strategic reserves that have been 
 discovered on the Cepu blocks, Sugiharto said.
 That would also give certainty to any investors...(because) this 
 (dispute) isn't good for Indonesia.
 Exxon Mobil Oil Indonesia Inc. declined to provide specific comment on 
 Sugiharto's comments, but instead released a statement to Dow Jones 
 Newswires that said the firm is committed to reaching an equitable and 
 amicable resolution of Cepu issues...(and) bringing this important resource 
 to market. The statement didn't elaborate.
 Efforts to contact Pertamina's lead negotiator in the Exxon talks were 
 The dispute over the Cepu oil field, with estimated reserves of about 600 
 million barrels of crude oil, has been frequently cited as an exemplar of 
 the policy confusion that's caused Indonesia's crude oil production to 
 plunge in recent years.
 Indonesia, the sole Southeast Asian member of the Organization of 
 Petroleum Exporting Countries, turned into a net importer of crude oil for 
 several months last year due to lack of investment in exploration and 
 development. Indonesia is now mulling downgrading its OPEC participation to 
 observer status as a cost-saving measure.
 Exxon bought the rights to the Cepu field in 1999 from a company run by a 
 son of Indonesia's former dictator Suharto. Shortly thereafter, the U.S. 
 firm discovered that Cepu contained a commercial quantity of crude oil. 
 However, development of Cepu has floundered on Exxon's inability to date to 
 get an extension of its oil rights contract, which expires in 2010.
 It's not in our best interest to wait until 2010 (because) we badly need 
 the crude for domestic uses, Sugiharto said.
 The Exxon dispute, along with other high-profile business conflicts 
 involving Mexican cement producer Cemex S.A. De C.V. (CX) and U.S. power 
 firm Karaha Bodas Co., are complicating efforts of the government of 
 President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to lure back foreign investors to help 
 fuel a 6.6% annual average economic expansion target from 2004 to 2009.
 Indonesia recorded a 26% year-on-year decline in approved foreign direct 
 investment to $10.3 billion in 2004 due to investor perceptions of rampant 
 corruption, shambolic infrastructure and an unpredictable judiciary.
 Exxon and Pertamina's discussions to negotiate mutually acceptable terms 
 for a renewal of the U.S. firm's contract hinge on agreement on the 
 proportion of oil revenues the two companies will share, Sugiharto said.
 (Exxon's) already expressed certain requirements, but it's too early to 
 mention to anybody the percentage they want because there's still a gap 
 between what Pertamina wants in terms of percentage and split, he said, 
 without elaborating.
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Education can't stop natural disasters from occurring, 
but it can help people prepare for the possibilities ---

RE: [iagi-net-l] derajat compaction antara clastic dan karbonat

2005-05-02 Terurut Topik usman jauhari
Selain overburden yg tersusun oleh batuan karbonat lebih menyebabkan penurunan 
porositas secara fisik terhadap batuan klastik yg ada di bawahnya, batuan 
karbonat tersebut dapat pula menyebabkan penurunan porositas melalui proses 
kimia yaitu sementasi karbonat (i.e. calcite cementation) thd batuan 
silisiklastik tsb. Semen tsb dpt berasal dari hasil pelarutan batuan karbonat 
oleh air formasi. Air formasi tsb dapat masuk ke batuan silisiklastik akibat 
kontak langsung secara stratigrafi antara batuan silisiklastik dg batuan 
karbonat atau karena posisi struktur yg memungkinkan hal tsb utk terjadi-- 
(personal judgement).
Namun demikian, batuan silisiklastik yg berada di bawah batuan karbonat tidak 
mesti harus tight. Contohnya F. Talang Akar yg ada dibawah F. Baturaja.
Usman Jauhari

I Nengah Nuada [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Overburden merupakan fungsi density dari batuan penyusun, semakin besar density 
batuan akan semakin besar pula angka overburdennya. Karena umumnya karbonat 
mempunyai density yang lebih besar daripada sedimen klastik maka kemungkinan 
besar overburden yang terdiri dari 1000 m sedimen klastik dan 1000 m karbonat 
akan memberikan efek pengurangan density yang lebih besar dibandingan dengan 
overburden yang tersusun atas 2000 m sedimen klastik.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 7:57 AM
To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
Subject: [iagi-net-l] derajat compaction antara clastic dan karbonat
Importance: High

Kalau kita hendak menghitung potensial porosity di deep 
reservoir...umumnya kita melakukan model dengan menggunakan derajat 
overburden / kompaksi 
di bagian atasnya dan kemudian kita extrapolasikan ke bawah...
Kalau kita punya overburden dengan lithology yang berbeda mis : clastic 
(sand shale ) dan carbonate (platform/ reef ) tentu akan memberikan 
derajat kompaksi yang berbeda juga
pertanyaannya : kalau kita punya deep reservoir (clastic) lalu diatasnya 
terdapat overburden clastic (2000 m) dibandingkan dengan overburden 
campuran (clastik 1000 m dan karbonate 1000 m) , manakah yang akan 
memberikan effect pengurangan porosity karena kompaksi (apakah yang pure 
clastic atau yang campuran )..?

Mungkin ada yang bisa memberi pencerahan...

Terima kasih 


Ferdinandus Kartiko Samodro
TOTAL EP Indonesie Balikpapan
0542- 533852

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Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunardi([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), 
Arif Zardi Dahlius([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunardi([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), 
Arif Zardi Dahlius([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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RE: [iagi-net-l] Tanya : Water depth Glossifungites Ichnofacies

2005-05-02 Terurut Topik usman jauhari
1. Utk Pak Herman : dimana bisa dapet publikasi tsb? Kalo punya softcopy-nya, 
boleh dong saya minta file-nya?
2. Untuk Pak Oki : What is the big picture of your area? Apakah masih berada 
pada shelf (landward from shelf break) ataukah udah di basin floor (basinward 
from shelf break)? Kalo kasus I yg terjadi, saya lebih yakin utk mengatakan 
endapan laut dangkal (beach/inner shelf -- middle shelf)--subaerial exposure 
then transgression. Kalo kasus II yg terjadi, saya lebih cenderung spt apa yg 
ada di paper yg Pak Herman sebutkan.
Usman Jauhari

Darman, Herman H BSP-TSX/4 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mungkin bisa belajar dari New Jersey Slope.



Firmground Ichnofabrics in Deep-water Sequence
Stratigraphy, Tertiary Clinoform-toe Deposits,
New Jersey Slope 

Savrda et al, Palaios 2001, v. 16, p 294-305

Sixteen erosional surfaces are recognized in a 144-m-thick
condensed package of Tertiary (Eocene-Pliocene) clinoformtoe
sediments recovered at ODP Site 1073 on theNewJersey
slope. Most of these surfaces are associated with significant
hiatuses or extremely condensed intervals defined by Sr isotopes
or biostratigraphic data, and many can be linked to
sequence boundaries defined in onshore and shelf seismic
studies. All surfaces define the bases of fining upward sequences;
they separate clay or biogenicmuds belowfromauthigenic
glauconitic sandy muds or sands above. The entire
Tertiary package is thoroughly bioturbated and dominated
by ichnotaxa representing softground conditions. Burrow
densities, burrow preservation, and the relative importance
of certain ichnotaxa vary through the Tertiary package, re-
flecting changes in water depth, relative degree of condensation,
and associated glaucony authigenesis, all related to
margin progradation. Nonetheless, when individual sequences
are considered, little or no change in softground
ichnofossil assemblages is recognized across bounding surfaces.
However, most surfaces are marked clearly by firmground
Thalassinoides, burrow systems that penetrate
deeply (up to 2 m) into subjacent clays and are characterized
by extremely sharp walls and coarser glauconitic fills.
In shallower shelf sequences, firmground ichnofabrics develop
at sequence boundaries in response to subaerial exposure
and transgressive ravinement. In contrast, the Tertiary
firmgrounds on the New Jersey margin formed in deep
water in response to phases of rapid transgression and net
erosion; consolidated mud substrates were exhumed as a result
of sediment starvation and bottom-current winnowing,
facilitated by bioerosion, at or near the bases of slope clinoforms.
These observations extend the previously established
sequence stratigraphic utility of the substrate-controlled
Glossifungites ichnofacies to deeper water facies.

-Original Message-
Sent: 26 April 2005 15:14
To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Tanya : Water depth Glossifungites Ichnofacies

Mas Oki,
Pernah kok dibahas mengenai keberadaan glossifungites ichnofacies pada
sedimen bathyal. Salah satunya Hayward (1976), Lower Miocene Bathyal 
Submarine Canyon ichnofacies from Northland, New Zealand.
Saya tidak punya papernya, tapi sepertinya ada sedikit di bahas dalam
Facies Model-nya Walker.


Musakti, Oki 

04/26/2005 10:51 
AM Subject: [iagi-net-l] Tanya : Water depth Glossifungites 
Please respond to Ichnofacies 

Glossifungites ichnofacies selalu didefinisikan dengan kumpulan trace
fossil (an. Thallasinoides, Rhizocorralium etc) pada firm ground (semi
lithified) sediment.
Dalam konteks sequence stratigraphy, glossifungites ichnofacies ini
sering dikaitkan dengan transgressive surface atau ravinement, karena
indikasi bahwa telah terjadi erosi dan 'removal' dari unconsolidated
sediment diatasnya.

Dari segi water depth, Glossi surface ini biasanya diasosiasikan dengan
near shore environment, inner sampai mid neritik. Pokoknya diatas wave

Pertanyaan: Apakah ada kemungkinan glossi ini terjadi juga di tempat
yang lebih dalam ie. Outer sublittoral bahkan bathyal seperti
diindikasikan secara konsisten oleh biostratigraphy (ie. Plankton-benton
foram ratio, deep water bentonic taxa etc).

Bagaimana kalau sang ichnologist berkeras menyebut shallow marine
environment sedangkan biostratigrapher 'kekeuh' pada deep water untuk
interval yang sama.

Mana yang harus kita 'percaya' dan apakah mungkin ada kompromi diantara
keduanya ie. erosi dan pemindahan sediment penutup terjadi secara
subaquaous via contourite current dan semacamnya.

Ada yang punya contoh2 glossi surface di deep water...?


Santos Ltd A.B.N. 80 007 550 923
Disclaimer: The information contained in this email is intended only for
the use of the
person(s) to whom it is addressed and may be confidential or contain
privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient you are
notified that any perusal, use, 

[iagi-net-l] Fwd: May 11 and June 22 Tsunami Lectures from Dr. Imamura

2005-05-02 Terurut Topik Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
Info buat pengamat, pemerhati serta peminat gejala tsunami.
trims buat Dikshie

-- Forwarded message --
Date: May 2, 2005 10:51 PM
Subject: May 11 and June 22 Tsunami Lectures from Dr. Imamura

Salah satu pakar tsunami di Jepang
Prof Fumihiko Immamura dari DCRC Tohoku Univ
akan memberikan Tsunami lecture/course.
Tempat di Ruang B gedung Litbang, Integrasi, dan Aplikasi
(d/h gedung PAU)

tgl 11 May 2005 jam 14-15.30
tgl 22 Juni 2005 jam 09.00-10.30

silahkan hadir dan ajak teman2 !

- Forwarded message from Sayaka Fukuda -

Dear SOI Asia Partners,

Prof. Dr. Fumihiko Imamura, Tohoku U.,
will give two lectures for SOI Asia Project!!

(1) May 11 JST 16:00-17:30
Mechanism of tsunami generation, propagation, and runup

(2) June 22 JST11:00-12:30
Tsunamis disaster and lessons for mitigation

His bio date is here:

Please invite participants to the upcoing lectures!!!

In addition to these two lectures, we are now planning Tsunami lectures from
Indonesia, Thailand and Japan. Please wait for detailed contents and

Sayaka Fukuda
SOI Asia Project

- End forwarded message -


Education can't stop natural disasters from occurring, 
but it can help people prepare for the possibilities ---

RE: [iagi-net-l] derajat compaction antara clastic dan karbonat

2005-05-02 Terurut Topik Ferdinandus . KARTIKO-SAMODRO
kalau boleh tahu berapa kedalaman (ssea) dari formasi talang akar yang ada 
di bawah baturaja di daerah bapak...?


Ferdinandus Kartiko Samodro
TOTAL EP Indonesie Balikpapan
0542- 533852

usman jauhari [EMAIL PROTECTED]
02/05/2005 09:34 PM
Please respond to iagi-net

To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
Subject:RE: [iagi-net-l] derajat compaction antara clastic dan 

Selain overburden yg tersusun oleh batuan karbonat lebih menyebabkan 
penurunan porositas secara fisik terhadap batuan klastik yg ada di 
bawahnya, batuan karbonat tersebut dapat pula menyebabkan penurunan 
porositas melalui proses kimia yaitu sementasi karbonat (i.e. calcite 
cementation) thd batuan silisiklastik tsb. Semen tsb dpt berasal dari 
hasil pelarutan batuan karbonat oleh air formasi. Air formasi tsb dapat 
masuk ke batuan silisiklastik akibat kontak langsung secara stratigrafi 
antara batuan silisiklastik dg batuan karbonat atau karena posisi struktur 
yg memungkinkan hal tsb utk terjadi-- (personal judgement).
Namun demikian, batuan silisiklastik yg berada di bawah batuan karbonat 
tidak mesti harus tight. Contohnya F. Talang Akar yg ada dibawah F. 
Usman Jauhari

I Nengah Nuada [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Overburden merupakan fungsi density dari batuan penyusun, semakin besar 
density batuan akan semakin besar pula angka overburdennya. Karena umumnya 
karbonat mempunyai density yang lebih besar daripada sedimen klastik maka 
kemungkinan besar overburden yang terdiri dari 1000 m sedimen klastik dan 
1000 m karbonat akan memberikan efek pengurangan density yang lebih besar 
dibandingan dengan overburden yang tersusun atas 2000 m sedimen klastik.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 7:57 AM
To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
Subject: [iagi-net-l] derajat compaction antara clastic dan karbonat
Importance: High

Kalau kita hendak menghitung potensial porosity di deep 
reservoir...umumnya kita melakukan model dengan menggunakan derajat 
overburden / kompaksi 
di bagian atasnya dan kemudian kita extrapolasikan ke bawah...
Kalau kita punya overburden dengan lithology yang berbeda mis : clastic 
(sand shale ) dan carbonate (platform/ reef ) tentu akan memberikan 
derajat kompaksi yang berbeda juga
pertanyaannya : kalau kita punya deep reservoir (clastic) lalu diatasnya 
terdapat overburden clastic (2000 m) dibandingkan dengan overburden 
campuran (clastik 1000 m dan karbonate 1000 m) , manakah yang akan 
memberikan effect pengurangan porosity karena kompaksi (apakah yang pure 
clastic atau yang campuran )..?

Mungkin ada yang bisa memberi pencerahan...

Terima kasih 


Ferdinandus Kartiko Samodro
TOTAL EP Indonesie Balikpapan
0542- 533852

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Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunardi([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau 
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Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunardi([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau 
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RE: [iagi-net-l] Tanya : Water depth Glossifungites Ichnofacies

2005-05-02 Terurut Topik Musakti, Oki

Repotnya disitu, kita nggak pasti dimana (atau apakah ada) shelf-slope
break pada saat itu..
-Original Message-
From: usman jauhari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 2 May 2005 9:07 PM
To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Tanya : Water depth Glossifungites Ichnofacies

1. Utk Pak Herman : dimana bisa dapet publikasi tsb? Kalo punya
softcopy-nya, boleh dong saya minta file-nya?

2. Untuk Pak Oki : What is the big picture of your area? Apakah masih
berada pada shelf (landward from shelf break) ataukah udah di basin
floor (basinward from shelf break)? Kalo kasus I yg terjadi, saya lebih
yakin utk mengatakan endapan laut dangkal (beach/inner shelf -- middle
shelf)--subaerial exposure then transgression. Kalo kasus II yg
terjadi, saya lebih cenderung spt apa yg ada di paper yg Pak Herman

Usman Jauhari

Darman, Herman H BSP-TSX/4 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mungkin bisa belajar dari New Jersey Slope.


Santos Ltd A.B.N. 80 007 550 923
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IAGI-net Archive 1: http://www.mail-archive.com/iagi-net%40iagi.or.id/
IAGI-net Archive 2: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iagi
Komisi Sedimentologi (FOSI) : Deddy Sebayang([EMAIL 
Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunardi([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), 
Arif Zardi Dahlius([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])