Re: [iagi-net-l] Merah Putih di Sepanjang Pagar Nusantara

2009-08-13 Terurut Topik Agus Irianto
Pak Noor Syarifuddin yth.

Dari kemaren saya coba menghubungi Bpk Galih Donikara di nomer : 0812 2086 5628 
 3 - 4 kali tetapi tdk ada jawaban ; hari ini sudah 3x saya nelphon beliau ttp 
diluar jangkauan / tak ada jawaban.

Apa ada nomer lain atau contact person lainnya utk bisa mendapatkan buku TEPIAN 
NUSANTARA itu pak...?  Terimakasih atas informasinya.

Agus Irianto

--- On Wed, 8/12/09, noor syarifuddin  wrote:

> From: noor syarifuddin 
> Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Merah Putih di Sepanjang Pagar Nusantara
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 8:03 AM
> Kang Arif,
> Ini info yang pernah saya dapat untuk beli buku tsb
> ===
> Ekspedisi Pulau Terluar Indonesia WANADRI 2008, yg
> disponsori oleh a.l. Medco, Pertamina, TelKom dan beberapa
> Yayasan, menerbitkan buku "Tepian Nusantara", tentang pulau2
> di Selatan/ Barat Indonesia yg merupakan garis depan
> Nusantara. Full color, full foto2, sedikit sekali text,
> dengan peta & cara mengunjungi pulau2 tsb.
> Kalau berminat, kirim 360rb (300 rb, ongkos kirim 60 rb) ke
> BCA 0860363119 a/n Galih Donikara, HP no.
> 081220865628
> salam,
> From: Arif Wibowo 
> To: ""
> ;
> Forum HAGI ;
> Geo Unpad ;
> Eksplorasi BPMIGAS 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 8:45:57 AM
> Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Merah Putih di Sepanjang Pagar
> Nusantara
> Iya buku yang luar biasa, kagum  dan membanggakan. Semoga
> jiwa kebangsaan Indonesia makin kuat meresap disetiap anak
> Bangsa dan Generasi Indonesia.
> Di mana saya bisa beli bukunya ya Pak Awang?  Atau teman
> yang lain punay infoa untuk mendapatkan buku ini?
> Salam,
> Arif Wibowo
> -Original Message-
> From: Awang Satyana []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:11 AM
> To: IAGI; Forum HAGI; Geo Unpad; Eksplorasi BPMIGAS
> Subject: [iagi-net-l] Merah Putih di Sepanjang Pagar
> Nusantara
> Ditulis menjelang 64 tahun peringatan Kemerdekaan
> Indonesia.
> Juli bulan lalu, seorang kawan aktivis Wanadri memberi saya
> sebuah buku luar biasa, "Tepian Tanah Air : 92 Pulau Terluar
> Indonesia" (volume 1 : Indonesia Bagian Barat). Luar biasa
> karena : (1) buku ini merekam perjalanan suatu ekspedisi
> marin sepanjang 5634 km selama tiga bulan (Mei-Agustus 2008)
> mengunjungi 40 pulau kecil terluar di Indonesia Barat, (2)
> buku ini memuat secara ringkas kondisi geologi/geografi,
> biologi dan masyarakat penghuni pulau-pulau terluar
> tersebut, (3) buku ini memuat foto-foto yang menakjubkan
> berasal dari pulau-pulau terluar Indonesia Barat dan (4)
> buku ini mengembangkan rasa cinta kepada Tanah Air.
> Buku ini diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Buku Kompas pada Januari
> 2009 atas prakarsa organisasi Wanadri dan Rumah Nusantara.
> Tebal buku 320 halaman (termasuk halaman pembuka), ukuran 26
> x 28 cm, dicetak lux dengan kondisi prima menghasilkan teks
> dan foto-foto yang "breathtaking". Tentu buku ini sangat
> kaya informasi - akan menggiring kita kepada satu kalimat :
> betapa kaya dan indahnya lautan dan kepulauan Nusantara.
> Saya tak pernah menemukan buku ini di toko buku umum,
> termasuk di gerai Kompas saat digelar pameran buku akbar di
> Istora Senayan bulan Mei yang lalu. Mungkin saja saya kurang
> jeli menemukan buku ini di rak-rak toko buku. Bersyukur
> seorang teman aktivis Wanadri menghadiahi saya buku ini.
> Menurut kawan tadi, buku ini akan diterbitkan dalam tiga
> volume, volume 1 yang sedang saya ceritakan, volume 2
> tentang pulau2  terluar di Indonesia Tengah, volume 3
> tentang pulau2 terluar di Indonesia Timur -sampai akhirnya
> genap tiga buku memuat profil 92 pulau terluar Indonesia.
> Saat ini, katanya Tim Ekspedisi sedang berada di selatan
> Nusa Tenggara dalam rangka ekspedisi volume 2.
> Adalah Wanadri (Perhimpunan Penempuh Rimba dan Pendaki
> Gunung) yang pada tahun 2005 mempunyai gagasan untuk
> mengunjungi, menyurvei, dan mendata pulau-pulau kecil
> terluar Indonesia. Tentu saja ini untuk kepentingan
> Nasionalisme sebab pulau-pulau tersebut menurut Deklarasi
> Juanda (1957) merupakan pulau-pulau titik pangkal kedaulatan
> wilayah Indonesia. Wilayah teritorial laut Indonesia
> ditentukan oleh 12 mil dari garis pangkal yang menghubungkan
> pulau-pulau terluar itu. Andaikata pulau-pulau terluar ini
> lepas dari Indonesia, bisa dibayangkan apa yang akan
> terjadi. Tahun 2005-2008 Wanadri mematangkan rencana
> akbarnya itu dengan menghubungi banyak institusi yang
> terkait di Pemerintah maupun swasta termasuk para tokoh
> nasional. Dukungan pun serempak terkumpul, maka perjalanan
> muhibah lautan pun siap menghela jangkarnya. Dua kelompok
> sebagai motor perjalanan ini adalah Wanadri dan Rumah
> Nusantara -organisasi budayawan Bandung. Sandi perjalanan
> marin ini 
>  adalah "Ekspedisi Garis Depan Nusantara"
> Ekspedisi volume 1 : Indonesia Barat dimulai pada 8 Mei
> 2008 dan berakhir pada 18 Agustus 2008, sekaligus
> memperingati 1

[iagi-net-l] Fwd: Progressive Recruitement mencari kandidat untuk posisi di JKT

2009-08-13 Terurut Topik MINARWAN
Bagi rekan-rekan yang membutuhkan.
Silahkang langsung menghubungi yang bersangkutan dengan alamat kontak
di bawah email ini.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Leung, Cynthia 
Date: Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 12:31 PM

Dear Minarwan

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details onto any of your Indonesian distribution list as I currently
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Many thanks,

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Phone +65 6591 5600

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PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
* 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...

ayo meriahkan PIT ke-38 IAGI!!!
yg akan dilaksanakan di Hotel Gumaya, Semarang
13-14 Oktober 2009
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Re: [iagi-net-l] Fwd: Indonesia may grow as fast as China

2009-08-13 Terurut Topik taufik . manan
Masalahnya semua ingin bermain. Ya wasitnya, officialnya dan penontonnya ingin 
terlibat bermain.

Bahkan parahnya pengurus dan pemimpinnya pun ingin main.

Kesimpulannya, berikan pada yang ahlinya untuk bermain. Sedangkan yang lainnya 
menjalankan tugas sesuai fungsinya. Sehingga koordinasi yang baik, enak 
ditonton dan hasilnya positif kemenangan Indonesia.

Semoga berjaya INDONESIA


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

-Original Message-
From: oki musakti 

Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 02:28:17 
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Fwd: Indonesia may grow as fast as China

Ibarat kesebelasan, Indonesia sebenarnya punya pemain yang handal, pelatih yang 
canggih, manajer yang mumpuni, penonton yang fanatik sampai stadion yang 
Tinggal bagaimana mensinergikan semua potensi itu untuk memenangkan 

Yang sering terjadi kan manajer salah rekrut pemain, pelatih salah pasang, 
pemain saling tabrak dan penonton yang malah menimpuki pemain dan membakar 
stadion sendiri...

--- On Wed, 12/8/09, Rovicky Dwi Putrohari  wrote:

From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari 
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Fwd: Indonesia may grow as fast as China
To: "Perwakilan Khusus Muhammadiyah M'sia" , 
"Serba_KL Serba_KL" , "IAGI" ,, "org mg" 
Received: Wednesday, 12 August, 2009, 10:54 AM

Mungkin anda minder dengan Malaysia, tapi koran lokal Kuala Lumpur
kemarin (11 August 09) memuat artikel yg isinya Indonesia memiliki
peluang lebih baik dari Malaysia, bahkan mungkin menyamai China  ...
Bahkan bom-pun tak mampu menggoyahkan .. .. .. TAPI Ingat ini
"peluang", bukan 'kepastian'. Tergantung bagaimana kita memanfaatkan
peluang ini.

Indonesia  KAMU (pasti) BISA !

dibawah ini email dari kawan Malaysian

From: Joseph, Tony
To: Putrohari, Rovicky
Sent: Tue Aug 11 17:59:35 2009
Subject: Indonesia growth

I agree with this writer:

Indonesia has better business fundamentals than Malaysia in next 15 years.

Tony Joseph

Tuesday August 11, 2009
Indonesia may grow as fast as China
Singular Vision - By Teoh Kok Lin

Indonesia – the next economic powerhouse

I WAS in Singapore on July 17, meeting up with some fund manager
friends when news broke about the bombings in Jakarta. The initial
reaction was of sadness and sympathy for the victims and Indonesia in

We also thought that it could be an opportunity to invest more in
Indonesia’s stock market if it were to correct sharply.

The Jakarta Stock Exchange opened down 2% that morning but quickly
recovered within hours and closed the day down by only 0.5%.

While the hunch did not turn out to be correct, Indonesia’s stock
market reaction illustrates that investors today have much more
confidence in the country’s management.

Similarly, Indonesia’s government also clearly projected its financial
confidence later that day when it went ahead and successfully sold 35
billion yen (US$375mil) 10-year samurai bonds to global investors.

Indonesia is no longer a developing economy dependent largely on
agriculture and mining. Politically and economically, it has been
transformed since the end of the Asian financial crisis in 1999.

My many visits to Indonesia over the past few years, doing the leg
work of speaking to many company directors, investment analysts,
bankers and so on, have convinced me that Indonesia is on a very
strong and progressive path, especially in the last two to three

In a way, Indonesia is in a similar situation as China was 10 years
ago, when the vast Chinese population moved beyond the subsistence
level and consumption power was increasing with accumulated wealth as
the economy grew at a fast pace.

Today, Indonesia may already be on the cusp of such a transition.

We know Indonesia has the basic ingredients for success, among which are:

·The fourth largest population in the world at 226 million – which
also means a big domestic consumer base;

·Huge natural resources – Indonesia is the largest producer of palm
oil in the world and is a major producer of crude oil, natural gas,
iron ore, tin, lead, gold, etc.; and

·Young urban population – 50% of Indonesians live in urban areas (a
rate higher than in China or India) and more than 52% of the
population is aged 20-54. Dynamic young urban population’s
productivity growth would be at a faster pace with the right economic

There are compelling reasons to believe that with the right catalysts,
Indonesia may grow as fast as China or faster in the years ahead.

Among the key catalysts for Indonesia to emerge as an economic star in
the global economy are:

·Leadership in Jakarta continues to provide political stability and
sound economic policies: President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono did a good
job steering the economy

Re: [iagi-net-l] Fwd: Indonesia may grow as fast as China

2009-08-13 Terurut Topik oki musakti
Ibarat kesebelasan, Indonesia sebenarnya punya pemain yang handal, pelatih yang 
canggih, manajer yang mumpuni, penonton yang fanatik sampai stadion yang 
Tinggal bagaimana mensinergikan semua potensi itu untuk memenangkan 

Yang sering terjadi kan manajer salah rekrut pemain, pelatih salah pasang, 
pemain saling tabrak dan penonton yang malah menimpuki pemain dan membakar 
stadion sendiri...

--- On Wed, 12/8/09, Rovicky Dwi Putrohari  wrote:

From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari 
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Fwd: Indonesia may grow as fast as China
To: "Perwakilan Khusus Muhammadiyah M'sia" , 
"Serba_KL Serba_KL" , "IAGI" ,, "org mg" 
Received: Wednesday, 12 August, 2009, 10:54 AM

Mungkin anda minder dengan Malaysia, tapi koran lokal Kuala Lumpur
kemarin (11 August 09) memuat artikel yg isinya Indonesia memiliki
peluang lebih baik dari Malaysia, bahkan mungkin menyamai China  ...
Bahkan bom-pun tak mampu menggoyahkan .. .. .. TAPI Ingat ini
"peluang", bukan 'kepastian'. Tergantung bagaimana kita memanfaatkan
peluang ini.

Indonesia  KAMU (pasti) BISA !

dibawah ini email dari kawan Malaysian

From: Joseph, Tony
To: Putrohari, Rovicky
Sent: Tue Aug 11 17:59:35 2009
Subject: Indonesia growth

I agree with this writer:

Indonesia has better business fundamentals than Malaysia in next 15 years.

Tony Joseph

Tuesday August 11, 2009
Indonesia may grow as fast as China
Singular Vision - By Teoh Kok Lin

Indonesia – the next economic powerhouse

I WAS in Singapore on July 17, meeting up with some fund manager
friends when news broke about the bombings in Jakarta. The initial
reaction was of sadness and sympathy for the victims and Indonesia in

We also thought that it could be an opportunity to invest more in
Indonesia’s stock market if it were to correct sharply.

The Jakarta Stock Exchange opened down 2% that morning but quickly
recovered within hours and closed the day down by only 0.5%.

While the hunch did not turn out to be correct, Indonesia’s stock
market reaction illustrates that investors today have much more
confidence in the country’s management.

Similarly, Indonesia’s government also clearly projected its financial
confidence later that day when it went ahead and successfully sold 35
billion yen (US$375mil) 10-year samurai bonds to global investors.

Indonesia is no longer a developing economy dependent largely on
agriculture and mining. Politically and economically, it has been
transformed since the end of the Asian financial crisis in 1999.

My many visits to Indonesia over the past few years, doing the leg
work of speaking to many company directors, investment analysts,
bankers and so on, have convinced me that Indonesia is on a very
strong and progressive path, especially in the last two to three

In a way, Indonesia is in a similar situation as China was 10 years
ago, when the vast Chinese population moved beyond the subsistence
level and consumption power was increasing with accumulated wealth as
the economy grew at a fast pace.

Today, Indonesia may already be on the cusp of such a transition.

We know Indonesia has the basic ingredients for success, among which are:

·The fourth largest population in the world at 226 million – which
also means a big domestic consumer base;

·Huge natural resources – Indonesia is the largest producer of palm
oil in the world and is a major producer of crude oil, natural gas,
iron ore, tin, lead, gold, etc.; and

·Young urban population – 50% of Indonesians live in urban areas (a
rate higher than in China or India) and more than 52% of the
population is aged 20-54. Dynamic young urban population’s
productivity growth would be at a faster pace with the right economic

There are compelling reasons to believe that with the right catalysts,
Indonesia may grow as fast as China or faster in the years ahead.

Among the key catalysts for Indonesia to emerge as an economic star in
the global economy are:

·Leadership in Jakarta continues to provide political stability and
sound economic policies: President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono did a good
job steering the economy in his first term and he was re-elected with
a strong 60% of the popular vote for another five-year term on July 8.

Yudhoyono’s Democratic Party holds the most parliamentary seats (150)
and with his coalition holding more than 56% of parliamentary seats,
Yudhoyono will have more say now than during his first term when his
party held fewer seats (55) than other coalition partners.

The current leadership team has a good track record and credentials in
managing the economy; that includes the Vice President-elect Boediono,
who was Finance Minister and Central Bank governor before, and the
current Finance Minist