Ibu dan Bapak yth, 
Berikut saya sampaikan edaran dari International Association of 
Sedimentologists (IAS). 
Terima kasih, 
Yahdi Zaim, 
Prodi Teknik Geologi FITB 
Institut Teknologi Bandung 
Jl. Ganesa, no. 10, BANDUNG 
Email: z...@gc.itbac.id 

----- Original Message -----

From: ias-off...@ugent.be 
To: magdaaboels...@yahoo.com, hayl...@gmail.com, "kari strand" 
<kari.str...@oulu.fi>, "emmanuelle vennin" <emmanuelle.ven...@u-bourgogne.fr>, 
"christian betzler" <christian.betz...@uni-hamburg.de>, "a zelilidis" 
<a.zelili...@upatras.gr>, h...@caesar.elte.hu, rsi...@iitk.ac.in, 
z...@gc.itb.ac.id, "m lankarani80" <m_lankaran...@yahoo.com> 
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2015 12:08:42 AM 
Subject: Poster: 32nd IAS Meeting of Sedimentology in Marrakech 

Dear National Correspondent, 

Now that the 31st IAS Meeting of Sedimentology in Krakow is gradually running 
to an end, it is maybe time to begin promoting the 32nd IAS Meeting of 
Sedimentology. It will take place in Marrakech (Morocco) in May 2016. More 
details will soon be sent out via a Special ENIAS. 

Meanwhile, you perhaps wish to advertise the upcoming meeting in your country. 
To this end you can download the promotional poster at 

With kind regards, 

The IAS Office 
IAS - International Association of Sedimentologists 
Office of the Treasurer 
c/o Department of Geology and Soil Science (WE13) 
Universiteit Gent 
Krijgslaan 281 s.8 
B-9000 Gent, BELGIUM 

Email: ias-off...@ugent.be 


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