Re: [iagi-net-l] Fenomena 20/80--Re: Batuan Volkanik Mesozoik Pulau Jawa- Geologic Time Scale

2005-09-14 Terurut Topik Awang Satyana
Dari sekitar 150 blok migas saat ini, ada sekitar 45 blok status produksi (PSC 
+ TAC). Sisanya berstatus : eksplorasi (sekitar 60), dan TAC yang sedang 
direhabilitasi (35 blok), 10 blok dalam proses pengembalian. Maka kalau mau 
dihitung yang produksi saja ya 30 % dari total blok migas. Produksi  80 % 
Indonesia memang dikontribusi tak lebih dari 20 % KPS2 yang ada. 
Dari sekitar 60 cekungan sedimen di Indonesia, 15 di antaranya cekungan 
produksi, atau 25 %-nya. Jumalah lapangan tua di Indonesia pun lebih dari 80 % 
atau kurang dari 20 %-nya lapangan baru. Bisa berarti juga bahwa lebih dari 80 
% produksi minyak Indonesia dikontribusi kurang dari 20 % lapangan baru 
(fenomena 80/20 berlaku). Tetapi juga bisa dibalikkan sebagai : Lebih dari 80 % 
produksi minyak Indonesia dikontribusi oleh lebih dari 80 % lapangan tua 
(fenomena 80/20 tak berlaku).
Yah.. bergantung kepada sudut memandangnya. Tetapi, bahwa 25/75 atau 20/80 atau 
sekitarnya memang statistik kejadiannya cukup banyak. Tetapi saya melihatnya 
sebagai hal relatif, bukan absolut...

oki musakti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Saya belum pernah baca buku yang disebut Yosef tapi secara pribadi sangat 
percaya pada fenomena 80/20 (atau 20/80 ?) ini.
Dalam bahasa saya, fenomena 20/80 bisa didefinisikan sebagai:
1) Banyak akibat dihasilkan oleh sedikit sebab
2) Banyak hasil disebabkan oleh sedikit tindakan
3) Banyak kejadian disebabkan oleh sedikit faktor
4) Diluar yang 20%, hukum yang terjadi adalah 'rate of diminishing return' dan 

Waktu masih jualan perusahaan saya waktu itu sangat sadar bahwa lebih dari 80 
persen revenue dihasilkan dari kurang dari 20% klien.Perhatian extra perlu 
diberikan pada yang 20% ini karena untuk memburu diluar opportunity diluar yang 
20% ini sering diperlukan usaha yang hampir sama besarnya dengan hasil jauh 
lebih kecil.

Contoh2 lain fenomena 20/80 :

- Lebih dari 80% suara dalam pemilu 2004 didapat oleh kurang dari 20% parpol. 
Silahkan cek data KPU

- Lebih dari 80% produksi migas Indonesia dihasilkan oleh kurang dari 20% KPS 
atau field.-- Mas Rovicky atau mas Awang, yang biasanya punya catatan lengkap, 
bisa tolong di cek. 

- lebih dari 80% wealth dunia (apalagi Indonesia) dikuasai oleh kurang dari 20% 

- Di milis inipun saya berani taruhan bahwa lebih 80% posting ditulis oleh 
kurang dari 20% anggota



Yosef Khairil Amin wrote:

awal kutipan

The 80/20 principle applies not only to groups of people and their behavior, 
but to virtually every aspect of life. There are always a small minority of 
very powerful forces and a great mass of unimportant ones. For instance:

- 20 percent of countries, containing far fewer than 20 percent of the 
world's population, consume 70 percent of its energy, 75 percent of its 
metals, and 85 percent of its timber.

- Far less than 20 percent of the Earth's surface produces 80 percent of its 
mineral wealth.

- Fewer than 20 percent of species cause more than 80 percent of ecological 
degradation. It's estimated that just one species, out of the 30 million on 
earth — that's 0.0003 percent — causes 40 percent of the harm. No prize 
for guessing the species.

- A very small percentage of meteorites falling to earth produce more than 
80 percent of the damage.

- Far fewer than 20 percent of wars produce more than 80 percent of 

- The overwhelming majority of baby seals in Alaska die young; 80 percent of 
the survivors come from 20 percent of the mothers.

- Wherever you go, fewer than 20 percent of clouds will produce 80 percent 
of rain.

- Less than 20 percent of all recorded music is played more than 80 percent 
of the time. If you go to a concert, whether rock or classical, the old 
familiar pieces — a tiny portion of the total repertoire available — will be 
churned out time and again. 

- Fewer than 20 percent of the treasures in most art museums' inventories 
are on display more than 80 percent of the time.

- Of investments made by a successful venture capitalist, 5 percent of them 
provide 55 percent of cash, 10 percent produce 73 percent, and 15 percent 
yield a total of 82 percent.

- Fewer than 20 percent of inventions have more than 80 percent of impact on 
our lives. In the twentieth century, nuclear power and the computer probably 
had greater influence than the hundreds of thousands of other inventions and 
new technologies.

- More than 80 percent of food comes from far less than 20 percent of land. 
Also, fruit typically accounts for much less than 20 percent of the mass or 
weight of a tree or vine. And meat is a reduction of vast amounts of 
digested grain or grass.

- Drinks are also an extreme demonstration of the 80/20 principle. What 
makes Coca-Cola so much more valuable than any other soft drink on the 
planet? The sacred formula for tiny amounts of concentrate that, mixed with 
large volumes of water, produces Coke. Or what produces beer and makes 

[iagi-net-l] Fenomena 20/80--Re: Batuan Volkanik Mesozoik Pulau Jawa- Geologic Time Scale

2005-09-10 Terurut Topik oki musakti
Saya belum pernah baca buku yang disebut Yosef tapi secara  pribadi sangat 
percaya pada fenomena 80/20 (atau 20/80 ?) ini.
Dalam bahasa  saya, fenomena 20/80 bisa didefinisikan sebagai:
1) Banyak akibat dihasilkan oleh sedikit sebab
2) Banyak hasil disebabkan oleh sedikit tindakan
3) Banyak kejadian disebabkan oleh sedikit faktor
4) Diluar yang 20%, hukum yang terjadi adalah 'rate of diminishing return' dan 
Waktu masih jualan perusahaan saya waktu itu sangat sadar bahwa lebih dari 80 
persen revenue dihasilkan dari kurang dari 20% klien.Perhatian extra perlu 
diberikan pada  yang 20% ini karena untuk memburu diluar opportunity diluar 
yang  20% ini sering diperlukan usaha yang hampir sama besarnya dengan hasil 
jauh lebih kecil.

Contoh2 lain fenomena 20/80 :
- Lebih dari 80% suara dalam pemilu 2004 didapat oleh kurang dari 20% parpol. 
Silahkan cek data KPU
- Lebih dari 80% produksi migas Indonesia dihasilkan oleh kurang dari 20% KPS 
atau field.-- Mas Rovicky atau mas Awang, yang biasanya punya catatan lengkap, 
bisa tolong di cek. 
- lebih dari 80% wealth dunia (apalagi Indonesia) dikuasai oleh kurang dari 20% 
- Di milis inipun saya berani taruhan bahwa lebih 80% posting ditulis oleh 
kurang dari 20% anggota

Yosef Khairil Amin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

awal kutipan

The 80/20 principle applies not only to groups of people and their behavior, 
but to virtually every aspect of life. There are always a small minority of 
very powerful forces and a great mass of unimportant ones. For instance:

- 20 percent of countries, containing far fewer than 20 percent of the 
world's population, consume 70 percent of its energy, 75 percent of its 
metals, and 85 percent of its timber.

- Far less than 20 percent of the Earth's surface produces 80 percent of its 
mineral wealth.

- Fewer than 20 percent of species cause more than 80 percent of ecological 
degradation. It's estimated that just one species, out of the 30 million on 
earth — that's 0.0003 percent — causes 40 percent of the harm. No prize 
for guessing the species.

- A very small percentage of meteorites falling to earth produce more than 
80 percent of the damage.

- Far fewer than 20 percent of wars produce more than 80 percent of 

- The overwhelming majority of baby seals in Alaska die young; 80 percent of 
the survivors come from 20 percent of the mothers.

- Wherever you go, fewer than 20 percent of clouds will produce 80 percent 
of rain.

- Less than 20 percent of all recorded music is played more than 80 percent 
of the time. If you go to a concert, whether rock or classical, the old 
familiar pieces — a tiny portion of the total repertoire available — will be 
churned out time and again. 

- Fewer than 20 percent of the treasures in most art museums' inventories 
are on display more than 80 percent of the time.

- Of investments made by a successful venture capitalist, 5 percent of them 
provide 55 percent of cash, 10 percent produce 73 percent, and 15 percent 
yield a total of 82 percent.

- Fewer than 20 percent of inventions have more than 80 percent of impact on 
our lives. In the twentieth century, nuclear power and the computer probably 
had greater influence than the hundreds of thousands of other inventions and 
new technologies.

- More than 80 percent of food comes from far less than 20 percent of land. 
Also, fruit typically accounts for much less than 20 percent of the mass or 
weight of a tree or vine. And meat is a reduction of vast amounts of 
digested grain or grass.

- Drinks are also an extreme demonstration of the 80/20 principle. What 
makes Coca-Cola so much more valuable than any other soft drink on the 
planet? The sacred formula for tiny amounts of concentrate that, mixed with 
large volumes of water, produces Coke. Or what produces beer and makes 
different beer brands distinctive? Minute proportions of hops and other 

In fact, the whole process of life, from acorn to giant oak, from grain of 
wheat to a bread-bowl region, is the perfect expression of the 80/20 
principle, taken to its fullest extent. Diminutive causes, massive results. 

Finally, evolution presents a stunning example of selectivity. One percent 
of species that have ever lived on earth, biologist Richard Dawkins 
estimates, constitute 100 percent of the species now living. 

The 80/20 principle works everywhere in life. It's surprising and amazing. 
It's not what we expect. There is a big imbalance between causes and 

==akhir kutipan=

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