A really bad N+1 solution

2005-05-19 Thread Mark Bennett
For your enjoyment here is how I solved the N+1 problem before I turned to iBatis. I'm know that I'm opening myself to major code ridicule. 


/** * Translates a List of maps into a normailzed structure. Choose any number * of column names and pass them in as an array. The result will be an object * graph grouped in the same order as the order of the column names passed in.
 * Each parent is a map with an element called child that holds a List of * Maps which in turn have their own child list. An added feature is that the  * root holds the sum of its children on each level in a key called
 * 'numChildLevels*'. Just substitute an integer for the *. *  * This is most often used for reports. This allow you to get all the data * with one call and then create the structure you need. This saves 
 * potentially hundreds of database calls while recursing. */ public static List normalizeListOfMaps(List dataList, String[] colHeaders){  List focus = null; List lastRowVals = new ArrayList(
colHeaders.length); List childList = null; Map currRow = null; Map lastRow = null; Map rootMap = null; int n = 0; String key = null; String curr = null; String last = null;
  // The focus holds a reference to the active parent at each level. List[] focusLevel = new List[colHeaders.length]; focusLevel[0] = new ArrayList();  Iterator i = dataList.iterator();
 while (i.hasNext()) {  currRow= (Map) i.next();
  for (n = 0; n  colHeaders.length; n++) {  key = (String) colHeaders[n];curr = (String) currRow.get(key);  if (lastRow != null)  last = (String) 
 if (last == null || !curr.equals(last)) {
 if (n == 0) {  rootMap = currRow; }  focus = focusLevel[n]; focus.add(currRow);  // Keep a sum of all the levels in each root record. Integer sum = (Integer) 
rootMap.get(numChildLevels + (n));if (sum != null)rootMap.put(numChildLevels + (n), new Integer(sum.intValue() + 1));elserootMap.put(numChildLevels + (n), new Integer(1));

 // When not a leaf node. if (n  colHeaders.length - 1) { childList = new ArrayList();  focusLevel[n+1] = childList; currRow.put(child,childList);   // Create a copy so it can have its own child pointer.
   currRow = new HashMap(currRow); } } }  lastRow = currRow; }  return focusLevel[0]; }

Re: help on com.ibatis.common.beans.ProbeException

2005-05-18 Thread Mark Bennett
I didn't test it myself but could it be that your parameter map says int but the actual type is Integer?

On 5/17/05, Binh Tran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,When I tried to execute a procedure to return type NUMBER, I got this errormessage.
[java] Caused by: com.ibatis.common.beans.ProbeException: Could not setproperty 'userId' for com.cellmania.cingular.user.UserParams.Cause:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch[java] Caused by: 
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument typemismatch[java] atcom.ibatis.common.beans.JavaBeanProbe.setProperty(JavaBeanProbe.java:309)[java] atcom.ibatis.common.beans.JavaBeanProbe.setObject
(JavaBeanProbe.java:229)[java] atcom.ibatis.common.beans.GenericProbe.setObject(GenericProbe.java:73)[java] atcom.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.exchange.ComplexDataExchange.setData(ComplexDataExc
hange.java:109)[java] atcom.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.parameter.BasicParameterMap.refreshParameterObjectValues(BasicParameterMap.java:140)My XML block istypeAlias alias=UserParams2
 type=com.cellmania.cingular.user.UserParams /parameterMap id=registerParams class=userParams2parameter property=userId jdbcType=NUMERIC javaType=int
mode=OUT /parameter property=userName jdbcType=VARCHAR /parameter property=password jdbcType=VARCHAR nullValue= /
parameter property=jobTitle jdbcType=VARCHAR nullValue= /parameter property=level jdbcType=VARCHAR nullValue= /parameter property=firstName jdbcType=VARCHAR nullValue= /
parameter property=lastName jdbcType=VARCHAR nullValue= /parameter property=taxId jdbcType=VARCHAR nullValue= /parameter property=email /
parameter property=workPhone jdbcType=VARCHAR nullValue=/parameter property=fax jdbcType=VARCHAR nullValue=/parameter property=address1 jdbcType=VARCHAR nullValue=/
parameter property=address2 jdbcType=VARCHAR nullValue=/parameter property=city jdbcType=VARCHAR nullValue=/parameter property=state jdbcType=VARCHAR nullValue=/
parameter property=zip jdbcType=VARCHAR nullValue=/parameter property=country jdbcType=VARCHAR nullValue=/parameter property=companyName jdbcType=VARCHAR nullValue= /
parameter property=companyUrl jdbcType=VARCHAR nullValue= //parameterMapprocedure id=register parameterMap=registerParams
 cacheModel=UserCache { ? = call cingular.register( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) }/procedureAnd my UserParams block is private IntegeruserId= null;
 public void setUserId(Integer userId) { this.userId = userId; } public Integer getUserId() { return userId; }Please help.Binh.

Re: Caching - The same cacheModel with similar queries

2005-04-20 Thread Mark Bennett
Woudn't it be better to use the isNotNull tag to wrap your where statement? The cache should keep each queries resultsseperate since null will hash differently than any value passed in.

On 4/18/05, Guido García Bernardo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi,I've two questions regarding with caching.Is caching useful when using two similar queries (the second one being
the first one plus a where clause) ? statement id=getAreas resultMap=area_resultcacheModel=areas-cache select * from AREAS /statement
 statement id=getArea resultMap=area_resultcacheModel=areas-cache select * from AREAS where codigo = #value# /statement cacheModel id=areas-cache readOnly=true type=MEMORY
 flushInterval hours=24 / property name=reference-type value=WEAK / /cacheModelIs there any problem when using WEAK references?
(http://www.mail-archive.com/ibatis-user-java@incubator.apache.org/msg01190.html)Thank you.Guido García Bernardo.

RE: ibatis technology need company references.

2005-04-07 Thread Mark Bennett
I know you're looking for product references but to give you more ammo you
should make a hard copy of the Data Mapper Development Guide and bring that
to your meetings as well.  It is an impressive document.


-Original Message-
From: Victor Stepanov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 11:56 AM
To: ibatis-user-java@incubator.apache.org
Subject: ibatis technology need company references.

Hi All.
I need to provide references about ibatis and sqlmaps that this product
is stable can anybody give some references or where I can found it.

Re: Please Help in arguing for iBatis SqlMaps

2005-04-07 Thread Mark Bennett
Wow, I think this is going to be a fun thread.

On Apr 7, 2005 1:55 PM, Kaushik Ashodiya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have hard time arguing for iBatis SqlMaps (not because something wrong
 with SqlMaps).
 Please give me more reasons so that I can convince them.
 Their argument:
 1. For small project SqlMap is adding unnecessary complexity.
 2. Why learn one more tool when you have a simple base data access object
 that gives you connection, prepared statement and a result and does cleanup?
 (only when extended class calls cleanup() !!!)
 3. Generally open source projects dies shortly and does not have support.
 4. Adding many jars of those open source projects make out project more
 complex and un-maintainable.
 5. What if SqlMaps goes out of market? It is fairly new and not hardened.
 Again to re-iterate a point I was trying to make yesterday, architecturally
 speaking you should always try and keep it simple (not on an individual
 application level) but as far as possible on an enterprise level.  I'm going
 to ask you the same question that I asked yesterday...what do you think are
 the advantages/disadvantages of O/R mappings for relatively small
 applications where persistance is not the deciding criteria (or for that
 matter not even a criteria)?(I've attached yesterdays email thread for Kevin
 since he didn't get that one :))
 I'll list the disadvantages:
 1) You add multiple third party jars (open source or otherwise), which you
 need to be aware of when building new apps.  These include components which
 the vendor will eventually provide if the market demand is high...
 2)You add multiple configurations for each of those products, which you need
 to understand on how to tune in case there are performance issues.
 3) Most of these components seem to be build on the current versions of jdk
 which take a decent time to hit mainstream commercial product support.
 4) If these products are not built to a spec (even though they may end up
 driving a spec), the migration process becomes an added overhead.  Even when
 they do become a part of the spec, the implementation differences of the
 vendor of choice may be so different that you pretty much waste any
 advantage of early adoption.  If you are a vendor of a product, an effective
 early adoption can translate into you either being bought out by the bigger
 established vendor or you getting to be a key player in that spacebut we
 don't fall in that category.
 5)You need to be able to train existing resources to use the product (unless
 there is a plan to let go people and get new fresh resources who may have
 had experience with the adopted product).  Now if the existing resources
 themselves have a discomfort moving over to an object oriented paradigm,
 putting up them up against the challenges of going thru the learning curve
 of extra products further lowers the probability of success.
 6) You increase the possibility of chaos and reduce flexibility of resource
 Besides the six points above, I would not recommend use of products like
 iBatis in applications at UCOP is because in my opinion the applications
 that we do or have done are relatively small and O/R mapping for those kinds
 of apps is probably an overkill (again personal opinion.)  To some level
 Hibernate is a valid candidate for evaluation (taking into account that it
 is driving the EJB spec). But again, my business acumen says that IBM will
 definitely take care of that.   
 Now my perpective looking at the example below, one of the key shortcommings
 that I see is it couples the Display/View with the model (Data Access)
 Basically what this means is that if you wanted to create the same object
 tomorrow from not a non database/jndi source, you would be re-writing the
 logic for creating the same object.  Another disadantage that I mentioned
 yesterday was if your display object gets created from multiple datasources
 (one db2, one sybase) transaction management becomes an issue  How would
 you use iBatis in a system which does not need persistanc but needs
 transaction management?
 Isn't the whole idea of going with some big commercial vendor like IBM to
 consolidate your infrastructure source so that you dont knock on different
 doors? Often such a vendor is selected based on how many services required
 by a business are provided by the vendor. Nothing against Hibernate or
 iBatis.  I'm sure they are great at what they are designed to do.  But each
 one of them doesn;t do all that we probably need  (they still  need an
 underlying EJB container.) If thats the case, why would you want to
 introduce the additional learning curve and the additional layer associated
 with each product? Do you truely think that it's a necessity?  
 Short of long: I would recommend usage of vendor supported spec based ejb
 conatiner for applications needing persistance or transaction management. 
 Eventually these will be 

RE: Can DAO calls be in a constructor...

2005-02-23 Thread Mark Bennett
Yah. Anad Fida was asking before about how to use queryForMap with column
parameters in a Complex Property.  Branon Goodin told him that it wasn't
possible.  His suggestion was to query your accounts first and then iterate
through the list using the queryForMap.  However in my case if my first
Complex Property result pulls back a tree I thought that it would be a pain
traverse it to decorate it with the maps that I wish Complex Property could
have done it the first place.  I don't disagree with 1), I just didn't like
any of the other workarounds I came up with.


-Original Message-
From: Clinton Begin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 9:09 PM
To: ibatis-user-java@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Can DAO calls be in a constructor...

Two things:

1) Thats' an absolutely horrible design.  Domain classes should not
call or depend on the DAO layer in any way.

2) You may have hit a limitation of the DB2 driver, possibly multiple
statements may not be open at the same time on a single connection.

No matter what, you should probably rethink that design.


On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 16:49:31 -0500, Mark Bennett
 Can DAO calls be in a constructor if it is an object created by a Complex

 First I know this is risky because you might encounter recursion.  But if
 cycle is created, then is this possible at all?

   resultMap id=juvenileResult class=juvenile
 result property=someBean.myBean column=MYCOLUMN/

 class MyBean {
 private static ProfileService profileService =
 public MyBean() {
 // *** This will cause another iBatis call while other is
still in
 progress ***
 List list = profileService.getListOfSuff(1);


 Feb 22, 2005 4:36:41 PM EST Error HTTP
 [WebAppServletContext(5788681,NCJOIN,/NCJOIN)] Servlet failed with
 com.ibatis.dao.client.DaoException: Failed to execute queryForObject - id
 [getJuvenile], parameterObject [20210].  Cause:
 --- The error occurred in ncjoin/persistence/sqlmapdao/sql/Profile.xml.
 --- The error occurred while applying a result map.
 --- Check the Profile.juvenileResult.
 --- The error happened while setting a property on the result object.
 --- Cause: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0125E
 Function sequence error. SQLSTATE=HY010
 Caused by: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0125E
 Function sequence error. SQLSTATE=HY010
 Caused by: com.ibatis.common.jdbc.exception.NestedSQLException:
 --- The error occurred in ncjoin/persistence/sqlmapdao/sql/Profile.xml.
 --- The error occurred while applying a result map.
 --- Check the Profile.juvenileResult.
 --- The error happened while setting a property on the result object.
 --- Cause: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0125E
 Function sequence error. SQLSTATE=HY010
 Caused by: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0125E
 Function sequence error. SQLSTATE=HY010


 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
 at com.ibatis.dao.engine.impl.DaoProxy.invoke(DaoProxy.java:72)
 at $Proxy141.getJuvenile(Unknown Source)


 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:740)
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)




 at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:137)
 at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)

 Caused by:
 --- The error occurred in ncjoin/persistence/sqlmapdao/sql/Profile.xml.
 --- The error occurred while applying a result map.
 --- Check the Profile.juvenileResult.
 --- The error happened while setting a property on the result object.
 --- Cause: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver

Re: cacheModel still hitting database

2005-02-23 Thread mark . bennett
I'll have to check that (I had to run home), thanks.

-- Original Message --
Reply-To: ibatis-user-java@incubator.apache.org
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 22:32:46 + (GMT)
From: Kris A. Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: cacheModel still hitting database
To: ibatis-user-java@incubator.apache.org


In your sql-map-config.xml, look at the 'settings'
attribute.  Do you have 'cacheModelsEnabled=true'


 --- Mark Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 I'm trying to get the cacheModel working, but it
 keeps hitting the database.
 This is just an example so please ignore the
 I'm using iBatis-2 and this setup returns the data
 properly.  I get no
 errors.  This is run through a web container and not
 a unit test so the
 cache should persist.  The query object is an
 Integer so it should hash the
 same each time.  However, whenever I cange the data
 in the databse, the
 change shows up on the page.  Any advice?  Thanks.
   cacheModel id=drugScreenCache type=LRU
 flushInterval hours=12/
 property name=cache-size value=500/
   resultMap id=drugScreenListResult
 result property=id column=ACTID/
 result property=testDate column=TESTDATE/
   select id=getDrugScreenListByJuvenile
 FROM drugscreen
 WHERE rsrcid = #value#

ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun! 

RE: cacheModel still hitting database

2005-02-22 Thread Mark Bennett
Yup, that was it thanks.  Hey Steven, this may work for you too.


-Original Message-
From: Kris A. Jenkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 5:33 PM
To: ibatis-user-java@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: cacheModel still hitting database


In your sql-map-config.xml, look at the 'settings'
attribute.  Do you have 'cacheModelsEnabled=true'


 --- Mark Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to get the cacheModel working, but it
 keeps hitting the database.
 This is just an example so please ignore the

 I'm using iBatis-2 and this setup returns the data
 properly.  I get no
 errors.  This is run through a web container and not
 a unit test so the
 cache should persist.  The query object is an
 Integer so it should hash the
 same each time.  However, whenever I cange the data
 in the databse, the
 change shows up on the page.  Any advice?  Thanks.


   cacheModel id=drugScreenCache type=LRU
 flushInterval hours=12/
 property name=cache-size value=500/

   resultMap id=drugScreenListResult
 result property=id column=ACTID/
 result property=testDate column=TESTDATE/

   select id=getDrugScreenListByJuvenile
 FROM drugscreen
 WHERE rsrcid = #value#

ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun!