Anyone get a chance to look at this yet?

On Jan 25, 2005, at 3:36 PM, Nathan Maves wrote:

Here is our sqlmap query

<select id="getShipped" resultClass="java.util.HashMap">
select al1.parts__t as part, SUM(al1.qty_despatched) as shipped
from despatch AL1, despatch_header AL2
where AL1.despatch_note__T = al2.despatch_note__T and
trunc(AL2.despatch_date,'MON') = add_months(trunc(sysdate,'MON'),-1)
AND AL1.request_orig in ('BRR','CM')
group by al1.parts__t

And the logs....

DEBUG 01-25 13:32:39 Created connection 23667197. (
DEBUG 01-25 13:32:39 {conn-100000} Connection (
DEBUG 01-25 13:32:39 {pstm-100001} PreparedStatement: select al1.parts__t as part, SUM(al1.qty_despatched) as shipped
from despatch AL1, despatch_header AL2 where AL1.despatch_note__T = al2.despatch_note__T and trunc(AL2.despatch_date,'MON') = add_months(trunc(sysdate,'MON'),-1) AND AL1.request_orig in ('BRR','CM') group by al1.parts__t (
DEBUG 01-25 13:32:39 {pstm-100001} Parameters: [] (
DEBUG 01-25 13:32:39 {pstm-100001} Types: [] (
DEBUG 01-25 13:36:20 {rset-100002} ResultSet (
DEBUG 01-25 13:36:21 {rset-100002} Header: [, PART] (
DEBUG 01-25 13:36:21 {rset-100002} Result: [100-6889, 44] (
DEBUG 01-25 13:36:21 {rset-100002} Result: [100-7192, 1] (
DEBUG 01-25 13:36:21 {rset-100002} Result: [100-7270, 7] (

Why is the first field null in the Header of the ResultSet? "PART" should be the first element in the header.


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