>Rather than trying to infer the cause by tweaking everything in sight, how 
>about this: Set a SLIP PER trap to catch an SVC dump for the first abend of 
>any kind, S0C4 or otherwise. That dump may tell you the exact cause far more 
>quickly than trial-and-error with recompiles/reassemblies/logic-changes.

In case it is not so easy for the developer to have the friendly sysprog set a 
slip trap, the following might also give you what you need:


and make sure the last "dump" DD statement is what you prefer, either 
//SYSMDUMP if you know how to use IPCS, or //SYSABEND DD SYSOUT=* if you do 
not. The beauty with SYSMDUMP: You don't need access permission to the SVC dump 
data sets; you can choose your own name.

That will give you a dump before LE starts with its condition handling. The 
system trace listing is worth a look.

Code //SYSMDUMP something like:

//   RECFM=FBS,LRECL=4160,
//   SPACE=(1,(50,200),RLSE),AVGREC=M

Peter Hunkeler

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