Announcing PCRE Port for Classic z/OS 8.35 (Build 1499)

PCRE Port for Classic z/OS (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) is now on a 
regular maintenance schedule, lagging only few months behind the main PCRE 
package version.  The port is working with well defined scripts with minimal 
manual intervention.  The port is available on my site and hopefully soon on

The core documentation for PCRE is found as usual in .

The Port documentation is part of the download file here 

The port includes the source code, JCL, LKED parameters, etc. and instructions 
on how to build it on any run-of-the-mill z/OS environment as well as XMIT 
formatted libraries (PDS and PDSE) that include the above, plus executables on 
a load module library that was compiled with codepage IBM-1047.

The port is for classic z/OS.  I know it would compile and work on z/VM, but 
the z/VM official support has been dropped.

1. While a few people have expressed interest in the PL/I interface and some 
tried to give me useful advice, I've found that with my limited time and 
resources, I cannot do it.  Hence, PL/I support is officially dropped and will 
not be renewed unless there would be a volunteer who is both capable in working 
with PL/I and its interfaces, and is ready to devote time for this project.
2. Rexx seemed to me to be a perfect fit for PCRE.  It is analogous to Perl in 
the native z/OS ecosystem and is doing similar (though much more primitive) 
pattern matching.  However, the Rexx interface is extremely involved and 
working with it requires expertise that I do not posses and do not have the 
time to acquire, and that despite of useful advice from some people.  Hence, no 
Rexx support is planned unless there would be a volunteer who is both capable 
in working with Rexx and its interfaces, and is ready to devote time for this 

Ze'ev Atlas

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