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Android TV: Case Study of an Understated yet Meaningful Paradigm Shift for

The ill-fated Google TV (a predecessor to Android TV) was released in
October 2010 and was supposed to be Google’s foray into the television
space that was still anyone’s game. Launching with partners like Logitech,
Sony and Intel and following up with LG, Vizio, and Asus; it was Google’s
game to lose.

[image: google-tv_Credit 9to5]

But following a lukewarm reception, a strong start by the relatively new
digital streaming box “Roku” and hardware blocking by major providers like
NBC, ABC, Hulu and Viacom (essential life blood for a digital streaming
service), Google TV was sent out to pasture in 2014 with the SDK being
officially removed in June. Despite all of this, a spiritual successor was
nigh. At Google I/O, also occurring June 2014 ironically, Google announced
Android TV by handing out the ADT-1 digital media player. Launching
alongside Android 5.0 Lollipop, Android TV embraced Material design and a
more cohesive OS by closely resembling the phone and tablet version of
Lollipop, a far cry from the largely closed source Honeycomb Google TV

Since its inception, the set top box has had a relatively slow launch with
3 major hardware partners, 1 which has failed on multiple fronts (Razer
Forge), 1 that has had a lackluster response (Nexus Player), and only 1
truly “successful” device (Nvidia Shield). But where Android TV has really
shined is in its partnership with Sony by being the primary OS for its
entire flagship TV line since early last year. Philips, Sharp and a host of
other mid tier manufacturers also have launched Android TV powered devices
but to a more reserved degree.

[image: SonyAndroidTV]
how is it living with Android TV today, and how much hope is there for the
future? Strictly living in the minority I have 2 Android TV powered sets in
my home, one is a Nexus Player being the sole streaming box for my bedroom
and another being the high end 2015” Sony XBR55X850C 4K
television in my living room. I am a cord cutter so aside from the Roku 3
also in my living room, these Android TV sets are the daily driver for my
viewing experience. On the following pages I’ll break my thoughts of
Android TV as a whole into the Interface, Performance, Content and
Flexibility, Ease of Use and The Future.


When it comes to our phones we are typically in the pursuit of change and
customization. From launchers to icon packs part of what makes Android
different is the ability to truly make it yours and OEM’s have this same
luxury skinning and rebranding Android for their own benefit and use cases.
Android TV, though, is more like Android Wear. TV manufacturers and
users have less control and flexibility when it comes to the look and feel
of the OS so the experience between the Sony and Nexus Player are generally
the same, which is a fantastic thing. Google puts its own spin on the
traditional TV streaming box layout of a wall or grid of tiles which you
navigate with a D-Pad by offering multiple layers of horizontal grids. It
may seem like a small thing but the difference in UI look and feel is quite

The top layer consists of recommendations based on your usage. Currently
not all applications are supported, but this space is generally filled with
Google Movies, Hulu, Netflix and YouTube recommendations. It is a nice
thing to have, but *beware if you have children*. It is partially based on
your viewing history but it is also largely based on your perceived
demographic and this can cause some erratic recommendations from Hulu or
YouTube and the always entertaining thumbnail from some obscure show on
Crackle showing more of something then you want your kids seeing. I
recommend using the settings menu to tailor the content that may be
displayed instead of turning it off altogether since it can show movie
trailers from YouTube or Music you may be interested in and is generally
[image: HomeScreen1]
<> [image:
<> [image:
<> [image:

Below the recommendations are more horizontal grids separated into
streaming applications, apps and games. You have the option to curate these
into frequently used, A-Z or a custom layout. All of your applications get
dumped here so some curation is needed, I have found that setting it to
frequently used will cause the good stuff to flow to the first few columns
and the rest to fade out to the right.

[image: Netflix]
down into the applications the experience is very good to excellent. Google
designed applications like Google Play Music, the Play Store and Google
Movies make beautiful use of Material design and are quick to navigate.
Other applications like Netflix, Amazon Instant Video (only on the Sony),
and Hulu utilize their own interfaces that are the same between Roku and
Android TV. I have no problem with this as the less interfaces to learn and
for developers to have to think about and design, the better; even if this
leads to a less cohesive experience on a single platform.

[image: Settings1]

The Settings menu is exactly what you would expect. It is based on the same
rectangular tile layout as the home screen and is laid out in a way that is
easy to understand and is fast to navigate. (*Side Note: Android N seems to
be changing this to a sidebar hamburger menu. Personally I do not like this
layout but it may allow access to the Settings menu without leaving an
application which would be beneficial. Time will tell if they move this

In comparing the interface to the Roku I would take Android TV over it
every single day. The Roku has one of the most boring layouts with the
Apple TV as sort of a crossbreed between the two, they are functional but
leave much to be desired. Android TV is flexible, eye catching and
appealing without giving up any of the speed or ease of use.


So I need to start this section off with a major disclaimer. My Android TV
boxes are that, Android TV boxes and *not* video game consoles. I will
never spend $50 on a controller for my TV box, that is what my Xbox One is
for. The #1 thing a digital streaming box needs to do is play content
without getting in the way and Android TV does that very well. My general
bevy of applications is Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, YouTube, Google Play
Movies, Google Play Music and Kodi.

[image: GooglePlayMusic1]

Generally both forms of Android TV handle these great without hiccup or
issue. Outside of Google Play Movies I have never had a stutter while
watching 1080P content on either a streaming application or through my MP4
encoded movie collection with Kodi. I have had some recent issues with Hulu
Plus on the Sony TV while watching 11.22.63, after playing for a while it
appears to drop frames and stutter especially during motion and panning
shots. A reboot or cache clear for the application traditionally fixes it.

While Hulu is quiet about its 4K streaming capability Amazon, UltraFlix,
and Netflix play 4K content like a champ without any issue on the Sony TV
which draws me to the conclusion that the Hulu Plus app is the problem and
not the OS itself. On the topic of 4K (UHD) content, the built in
applications can handle both 4K and HDR 4K video and the Sony X850C plays
both beautifully. Keep in mind though that many streaming boxes like the
Xbox One, PS4, Nexus Player, as well as the Apple TV 4th gen and Roku 3 or
lower don’t currently support 4K content; so having this built in is a plus
instead of having to purchase a player just for 4K.

People who want to run full HTPC’s through their television are still best
to build out a quality HTPC solution, Smart TV’s and Android TV are just
not powerful enough for it. The NVidia Shield might be, but a proper HTPC
is still a better solution… For the typical user the experience found on
Android TV largely mirrors that of the Roku and Apple TV: it is smart,
smooth, and reliable but you may need to reboot it from time to time if you
start to have issues with stuttering, lagging or slowness like any
device and neither are geared towards power users.

*Content and Flexibility*

As I mentioned earlier most streaming services like Netflix, Hulu and
YouTube are available on Android TV but the app selection pales in
comparison to what Roku has to offer. Whereas Roku has streaming services
through cable subscriptions like The History Channel, AMC, A&E, Disney
Junior/XD, Nick Jr and normal Nickelodeon and Amazon Instant Video, the
basic Android TV offers none of these. Sony has gotten a few exclusive
deals for its televisions like one with Amazon Prime Instant Video.

[image: HomeScreen4]
the basics can easily be found on both platforms, Roku has expanded beyond
what anyone else has to offer. However, Android TV pulls ahead is its
ability to customize beyond the normal streaming services. While the Roku
offers no usable media browser (I say usable because there is one, it is
just total and complete trash) Android TV offers Kodi (formerly XBMC) which
when equipped can be a total media streaming platform itself and is finally
available through the Play Store.

I largely prefer a digital movie collection for both my wife and I and when
you have children, the last thing you want is sticky fingerprints all over
your precious Toy Story collection.

Roku does offer Plex, but for the casual user who does not want a dedicated
media server this isn’t an option and where the power of Android shines.
Also being able to sideload applications (to varying degrees of success) is
a large benefit to running the Android TV OS. For me personally I use both
boxes in tandem. All of my Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, YouTube usage is through
Android TV while my kids use the Roku for their shows and content. Other
“Android” stuff just works on the Android TV as well. For this article I
wanted to get screenshots from my unit instead of photos. So I plugged a
USB keyboard into the TV along with a USB stick and hit PRNT SCRN for the
screenshots and then copied them to the USB stick with ES File Explorer by
navigating with a mouse.

Specific to the Sony TV and other TV manufacturers is the flexibility
required to run the required TV features (color settings, input controls,
changing the channel etc.) while using the Android TV OS as its front. In
my opinion, Sony has done an outstanding job at this by interweaving all of
your traditional controls into Android OS while not getting in the way or
making it seem drastically different from what you are used to using. From
what I have been able to figure out is that Sony is essentially running
Android TV as its primary core, and is using some sort of overlay
application that you use for OSD (on screen display) of quick changes of
settings like color levels, speaker control etc. To explain:

<>You can
change the color settings through “Settings” and have a fully
material-designed view, or if you are watching a show through the built-in
tuner or application, you can hit the “Action” button and choose color
preferences and change it on the fly. The OSD handles your typical
adjustments you are familiar with such as Audio, Video, PIP, Input control
and the like; all of which is also available through the Android TV
settings menu. While this solution is not a single cohesive application, it
means that you aren’t stuck having to leave your app to get to the Settings
menu to change your color setup.

Prior to purchasing my TV this was a sticking feature, I wanted the power
and flexibility of the Android TV OS, but I did not want it to get in the
way for the simple tasks me or my wife expect from a television. Google
designed Android TV to do this very well and Sony executed as good as you
could expect it to.

*Ease of Use*

Android TV’s interface is fluid and easy to use with everything being laid
out for you without any confusing submenus or extra unneeded fluff. At
times you would even forget you are using an Android TV and that is a great
thing. It is meant to be powerful when you want it and out of the way when
you don’t, after all this is a television and not a phone or tablet. The
settings menu on the Sony TV are straightforward and easy to understand and
connecting the device to your home Wi-Fi and Google account is, again,
super easy and simple. The Android interface is controlled by a D-Pad with
Enter key, Back and Home keys, and on my Nexus Player running Android N by
holding down the select button to show recent applications. Sony actually
ships its higher end sets with two remotes. One is your traditional fully
functional remote, the other is a custom touch based remote with a swiping
pad near the top and minimal functions, but it still is capable of running
Android TV in its entirety. Keeping it simple like the tried and true
methods of the Apple TV and Roku doesn’t do it any harm, and Google is to
be praised for improving on their setup with a more powerful but equally
simple layout. Its not like the first Google TVs had a remote with 80+ keys
on it right?
[image: 2015 Sony XBR850C Remotes]
Sony XBR850C Remotes [image: Older Sony Google TV Remote]
Sony Google TV Remote

There is also a remote application for Android devices, but I wouldn’t
bother unless you really are going to lose your remote a lot. You will get
a “Controller Connected” toast message as your phone toggles bluetooth to
save power and whatnot and is generally distracting. It is also very basic
with the most minimal of controls.

[image: OSD1]

As I touched on in the last section Sony needs to be given props for making
the standard interface OSD as comfortable and recognizable as you would
expect it to be. Google puts the input selection as a new horizontal menu
on the home screen and it can also be accessed through the OSD by pressing
the input key on the remote and then making your selection. This method
makes something that we do every day on our TV’s simple to use from both

To put it bluntly, Sony keeps all the things you normally expect to do with
a TV easy, and then offers you a prettier more powerful way to do it using
the Android TV OS. It is smart, simple, and the way it should be done.
Colors, text, imagery all resemble Material design on Android OS and a
minimal material dark and white text design for the OSD.

Installing new applications is as easy as it is on any Android device and
can even be done through the Play Store web interface if navigating the
Play Store on a TV isn’t your thing. Voice Search is top notch and can be
accessed through a top menu above the home screen or by hitting the Voice
Search key on your remote, it can be a little slow to activate and global
search like that found on Roku or Apple TV (4th gen) isn’t yet present.

Also included on every Android TV is the Google Cast functionality that
mimics a standalone Chromecast in both form and function. Chromecasts have
been exploding with more and more applications and services utilizing it
from the web to iOS applications. People love the Chromecast for what it
does and how easily it does that, and when your TV comes with the
functionality baked in, it is a win-win scenario.

The Sony X850C in its Google Cast enabled Backdrop mode

*The Future*

My old TV was in my family for almost 9 years. When it was sitting brand
new on a store shelf Android was still a year away from its first public
release and the iPhone was only about 5 months old. A lot has changed in
that time, and while I do not have the expectation that my new TV would
last another 9 years, I do worry how my operating system will handle the
future. Other manufacturers are designing their own OS’s from scratch or
using Roku’s current OS and that is great to see, but none of them have the
large developer and user base like Android does. Developers, though, are
going to have a difficult time maintaining application updates and releases
across an ever growing digital streaming device market, there are already
over 6 major players at your local Best Buy. Android TV has an advantage
over these since its OS will run a largely identical application to its
phone counterpart and this is in large part due to Google’s foresight and
wanting to make on-loading new partners easier.

[image: Capture]
TV is a maturing OS that has a promising and strong start. But Google
rubbed a lot of content providers and creators wrong with Google TV as the
lack of streaming content shows. But Google has been great at mending
bridges and repairing ties when it can be mutually beneficial. As Sony
showed with Amazon Prime Instant Video, partners are willing to work on
Android TV they just need to ensure their content isn’t at risk due to the
open nature of the Android OS and that Google will consider their interests
when making decisions at the core of its OS.

When it comes to making a “Smart TV” the OS is likely a huge cost factor
and can easily make or break the experience which is why so many budget
sets are beginning to ship with Android TV and what made Android explode in
the first place. Not everyone will go out and spend $100+ on a new digital
streaming box if their TV ships with a usable, capable and fully stocked
one right out of the gate that can handle everything the TV can. Once
Google gets more partners for content they have the ability to surround the
market leaders like they did years ago and choke out some of the very same
competitors (LG is running WebOS on their 2015/16 TV sets) they faced when
Android was young.

Android has excelled for years by empowering the smaller cheaper devices
and now Sony, the Samsung of the Android TV world, is showing that works on
flagships as well. For one of the worlds most respected television
manufacturers to go all-in on Android TV means more then we think. We don’t
know what the next 9 years are going to hold for home technology and that
is what makes this industry awesome but incredibly risky at the same time.
But as long as they are still using the tried and true HDMI cable I can
still connect any mobile streaming box I want to for increased
functionality. Google and Sony just need to make sure that I can still
change my volume without closing my currently open application or causing a
force close and all signs point to just that today, and down the road.

In my opinion Android TV on both a set-top box and running as a fully
fledged and integrated TV OS is a capable solution and should not be
undersold. They compete with the best when it comes to usability and have
the best UI design across any competitor. It is built in a way that keeps
simple tasks you are used to doing on your TV simple, and gives you greater
power when you want it. The ecosystem has some maturing to do and some
content providers to gather, but that’s exactly the same situation Android
on phones had years ago. Android TV is built on a solid framework and one
that has proven successful, let’s just hope that Android TV follows the
Android phone path instead of the Android tablet one.

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