Untuk download apk via desktop. Penting nih buat yg suka app tapi di PS
suka incompatible krn batasan negara atau type tertentu.

*Download Raccoon v2.3 – A Google Play Store desktop client*
// *AndroidGuys*

Is your device not officially supported on the Google Play Store, or
perhaps you no longer have the Google Play Store on your device after
flashing a custom ROM? Or, maybe you just want to get back to an older
version of an app because an update has introduced some bugs?

This might just be for you!

Courtesy of onyxbits over at XDA
<http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2772436>, you can now
download a Google Play Store desktop client. Named Raccoon, you’ll have
access to download all the APK files in the Play Store and cache them
locally on your computer, and that includes multiple versions of the same

*How to use:*

Install Javaracoon.jar should now be executeable, start it like any other
programEnter your loginname and password (prefererably from a throw away
account).type “Onyxbits” into the textfield.You should now see a list of
all the developers appsEither search for an app or download a prebuilt
listyou will get an APK file, transfer that to your phone by whatever means
suit you (e.g. copy via USB cable).Enable “Unknown Sources” on your device
to install the APK

Sound like something that’ll be useful? Here’s the download link.

*Download Link* <http://www.onyxbits.de/raccoon>

The post Download Raccoon v2.3 – A Google Play Store desktop client
appeared first on AndroidGuys <http://www.androidguys.com>.


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