Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-08 Terurut Topik Christian Wijaya
Saya ada baca berita di

Mungkin yang kena banned permanen bisa dicoba lagi dengan nomor yang kena
banned setelah beberapa waktu.
Ini hanya sekedar share apa yang saya baca ya bukan pengalaman saya pribadi
jadi ga tahu apakah bisa atau tidak.


Christian Wijaya
On Mar 8, 2015 10:55 PM, Amer wrote:

 1 no saya ke banned permanen setelah beberapa waktu pake Disa. Intinya
 selain yg Official, ga ada yg aman dari ban. Cuma masalah waktu dan hoki
 aja hihihi

 ☀Android 5.0 Lollipop @ Google neXus4™☀
 On Mar 7, 2015 9:17 AM, Budi Gunadi wrote:

 Kalau Disa gimana ?

 ada yang bisa kasih info ga ?

 2015-03-07 9:39 GMT+08:00 Syaiful Suhada

 Custom icon mksud nya Whatsapp official, cuma icon aja di edit .
 *kerjaan iseng*

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Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-08 Terurut Topik Amer
1 no saya ke banned permanen setelah beberapa waktu pake Disa. Intinya
selain yg Official, ga ada yg aman dari ban. Cuma masalah waktu dan hoki
aja hihihi

☀Android 5.0 Lollipop @ Google neXus4™☀
On Mar 7, 2015 9:17 AM, Budi Gunadi wrote:

 Kalau Disa gimana ?

 ada yang bisa kasih info ga ?

 2015-03-07 9:39 GMT+08:00 Syaiful Suhada

 Custom icon mksud nya Whatsapp official, cuma icon aja di edit .
 *kerjaan iseng*

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum  ID-ANDROID

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 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

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Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 
Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
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Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-07 Terurut Topik Bambang
Om Rizky.

Mungkin bukan masalah Dual Sim nya...tetapi memang mau punya dua id wa ya
Kalau 1 id wa kan ndak masalah walaupun dipasang di handset single sim atau
Dual Sim.

On Mar 7, 2015 1:00 PM, rizky bramanto wrote:

 Susah kalau Dual sim om
 On 7 Mar 2015 12:40, Rifal Alfiansyah wrote:

 Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg custom...
 Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di siapin yg ori dan
 aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru repot deh.
 Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh repot. Main
 aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh baik.. Ketimbang
 muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
 On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo wrote:

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who
 keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be
 accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one
 is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and
 that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps.
 Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users
 really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even
 update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted anymore
 to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

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 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
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 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
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Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-07 Terurut Topik agus ry™
Ha ha ha.. Ngeri² sedep emang.

Moga² ke depannya ada improve deh dari Whatsapp buat multi akun gitu xixixi


Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
On Mar 7, 2015 9:57 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah wrote:

 Nah maksud sy seperti itu om. Kalau bicara dulu gk ada mslah memang.. Tp
 berhubung wa sdh menkonfirmasi tentang akan dibannednya akun wa yg tersync
 dengan custom wa.. Maka.. Jgn lah coba2... Apalg bertanya.. Contoh maaf ya
 RR. yg sering dibaca dimilis.. Aman gk pakai ini, masih bisa gk pakai wa
 ini, custom wa apa yg aman?

 Silahkan dicoba.. Tp konsekuensinya ditrima.. Dan jgn complaint, karena wa
 sdh menconfirmasinya dr awal.. Hehhehehhe

 Just discusstion.. Agar RR bisa jauh lbh mengerti tentang dampak custom
 WA.. ☺
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:18 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Custom modification Whatsapp itu kan muncul menjawab kebutuhan user spt :
 dual ID buat yang mau misahin antara bbrp urusan, tambahan theme sesuai
 keinginan user, mod untuk ngakali last seen dll.

 Modding kayak gini dah lazim deh di dunia apps semacam BBM+, Super
 SwiftKey, Black GMail dll.

 Dan dulu juga gak ada ancaman permanen ban, makanya tumbuh subur berbagai
 macam mod. User juga tambah banyak yang selingkuh, prefer pake mod
 dibandingkan pakai official.

 Saya sendiri ex pemakai OGWhatsApp yang kecewa dengan adanya acara ban²an
 ini.. Tp apa mau dikata terpaksa cukup pakai 1 apps WA saja.

 Att! ___


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 12:39 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah wrote:

 Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg custom...
 Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di siapin yg ori dan
 aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru repot deh.
 Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh repot. Main
 aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh baik.. Ketimbang
 muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
 On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo wrote:

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users
 who keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be
 accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one
 is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and
 that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps.
 Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users
 really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even
 update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted anymore
 to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android]
 Indonesian Android Community  di Google Grup.
 Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
 kirim email ke 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-07 Terurut Topik agus ry™
Iyah. Dah kadung tjinta, jadi belom bisa move-on xixixixi :p
Gegara dulu apa² pake Whatsapp oom, 2 akun 1 buat utama 1 buat ngelaba #eh


Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
On Mar 7, 2015 10:54 PM, Hendry Aripin wrote:

 haha.. baru kali ini ada apps messenger yg sakti ngancem ban pd
 ketakutan.. tanda2 whatsapp udh mendarah daging? atau hal laennya? perasaan
 di bb gak sampe segitunya dah...

 cmn yah emg agak bingung aja udh ada apps official knp msh mau make yg mod
 dll.. kalau buat ane yg official udh lbh dr cukup, dulu ane emg daftarin 2
 nomor buat wa, tp lama kelamaan yg kepake cmn 1 doank.. yah mau gak mau
 dibiasain deh.. untuk bisnis make wa, bbm untuk hal laen..
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:46 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Ha ha ha.. Ngeri² sedep emang.

 Moga² ke depannya ada improve deh dari Whatsapp buat multi akun gitu
 xixixi #teteup


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 9:57 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah wrote:

 Nah maksud sy seperti itu om. Kalau bicara dulu gk ada mslah memang.. Tp
 berhubung wa sdh menkonfirmasi tentang akan dibannednya akun wa yg tersync
 dengan custom wa.. Maka.. Jgn lah coba2... Apalg bertanya.. Contoh maaf ya
 RR. yg sering dibaca dimilis.. Aman gk pakai ini, masih bisa gk pakai wa
 ini, custom wa apa yg aman?

 Silahkan dicoba.. Tp konsekuensinya ditrima.. Dan jgn complaint, karena
 wa sdh menconfirmasinya dr awal.. Hehhehehhe

 Just discusstion.. Agar RR bisa jauh lbh mengerti tentang dampak custom
 WA.. ☺
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:18 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Custom modification Whatsapp itu kan muncul menjawab kebutuhan user spt
 : dual ID buat yang mau misahin antara bbrp urusan, tambahan theme sesuai
 keinginan user, mod untuk ngakali last seen dll.

 Modding kayak gini dah lazim deh di dunia apps semacam BBM+, Super
 SwiftKey, Black GMail dll.

 Dan dulu juga gak ada ancaman permanen ban, makanya tumbuh subur
 berbagai macam mod. User juga tambah banyak yang selingkuh, prefer pake mod
 dibandingkan pakai official.

 Saya sendiri ex pemakai OGWhatsApp yang kecewa dengan adanya acara
 ban²an ini.. Tp apa mau dikata terpaksa cukup pakai 1 apps WA saja.

 Att! ___


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 12:39 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah

 Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg
 custom... Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di siapin
 yg ori dan aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru
 repot deh. Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh
 repot. Main aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh 
 Ketimbang muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
 On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users
 who keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to
 be accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ 
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer 
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you 
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official
 one is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps 
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps 
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product,
 and that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of
 apps. Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what
 users really want and then develop these features for the official app, 
 even update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted
 anymore to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-07 Terurut Topik Budi Gunadi
kalau banyak uang ngomong memang gampang. Masalah nya bukan susah pakai
official. Lah ente duit nya banyak bisa beli 2 smartphone.

saya 1 smartphone Indosat  1 lagi nokia jadul XL.

WA mau nya 2. Yang 1 buat kerjaan, dan yang 1 lagi buat teman2x nge gosip

Coba yang banyak duit pikirkan gimana cara nya ??

Kecuali ente mau sumbang 1 smartphone nya ke ane

2015-03-07 23:54 GMT+08:00 Hendry Aripin

 haha.. baru kali ini ada apps messenger yg sakti ngancem ban pd
 ketakutan.. tanda2 whatsapp udh mendarah daging? atau hal laennya? perasaan
 di bb gak sampe segitunya dah...

 cmn yah emg agak bingung aja udh ada apps official knp msh mau make yg mod
 dll.. kalau buat ane yg official udh lbh dr cukup, dulu ane emg daftarin 2
 nomor buat wa, tp lama kelamaan yg kepake cmn 1 doank.. yah mau gak mau
 dibiasain deh.. untuk bisnis make wa, bbm untuk hal laen..
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:46 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Ha ha ha.. Ngeri² sedep emang.

 Moga² ke depannya ada improve deh dari Whatsapp buat multi akun gitu
 xixixi #teteup


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 9:57 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah wrote:

 Nah maksud sy seperti itu om. Kalau bicara dulu gk ada mslah memang.. Tp
 berhubung wa sdh menkonfirmasi tentang akan dibannednya akun wa yg tersync
 dengan custom wa.. Maka.. Jgn lah coba2... Apalg bertanya.. Contoh maaf ya
 RR. yg sering dibaca dimilis.. Aman gk pakai ini, masih bisa gk pakai wa
 ini, custom wa apa yg aman?

 Silahkan dicoba.. Tp konsekuensinya ditrima.. Dan jgn complaint, karena
 wa sdh menconfirmasinya dr awal.. Hehhehehhe

 Just discusstion.. Agar RR bisa jauh lbh mengerti tentang dampak custom
 WA.. [image: ]☺
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:18 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Custom modification Whatsapp itu kan muncul menjawab kebutuhan user spt
 : dual ID buat yang mau misahin antara bbrp urusan, tambahan theme sesuai
 keinginan user, mod untuk ngakali last seen dll.

 Modding kayak gini dah lazim deh di dunia apps semacam BBM+, Super
 SwiftKey, Black GMail dll.

 Dan dulu juga gak ada ancaman permanen ban, makanya tumbuh subur
 berbagai macam mod. User juga tambah banyak yang selingkuh, prefer pake mod
 dibandingkan pakai official.

 Saya sendiri ex pemakai OGWhatsApp yang kecewa dengan adanya acara
 ban²an ini.. Tp apa mau dikata terpaksa cukup pakai 1 apps WA saja.

 Att! ___


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 12:39 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah

 Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg
 custom... Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di siapin
 yg ori dan aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru
 repot deh. Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh
 repot. Main aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh 
 Ketimbang muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
 On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users
 who keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to
 be accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ 
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer 
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you 
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official
 one is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps 
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps 
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product,
 and that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of
 apps. Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what
 users really want and then develop these features for the official app, 
 even update it beyond expectations. 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-07 Terurut Topik Pheng
  Mungkin beliau lelah om..*terlulungSentfrommyBlackBerry10smartphoneontheTelkomselnetwork.From: Rifal AlfiansyahSent: Sabtu, 7 Maret 2015 23.35To: Id AndroidReply To: id-android@googlegroups.comSubject: Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android CommunityKok om ngomongin mslah duit? Om kalau gk trima dengan syarat yg beri wa.. Ya silahkan pakai... Kok malah ngomelnya sm org? Gk ada yg ngelarang kok mau pakai 5 skaligus jg gk apa. Cuma kedepan.. Jgn ngemanjangin trit Atau bikin trit dimilis tentang dibanned nya nomor anda. Karena mslah ini sdh jelas.. Om budi itu cuma nyaranin aja dan bikin mudah hidup.. Kalau mau pakai 2 wa.. Ya direkomendasikan pakai 2 hh.. Bukan 1 hh 2 wa . itu namanya illegal dan itu mutlak.
On Mar 8, 2015 12:12 AM, "Budi Gunadi" wrote:kalau banyak uang ngomong memang gampang. Masalah nya bukan susah pakai official. Lah ente duit nya banyak bisa beli 2 smartphone.saya 1 smartphone Indosat  1 lagi nokia jadul XL.WA mau nya 2. Yang 1 buat kerjaan, dan yang 1 lagi buat teman2x nge gosip dll.Coba yang banyak duit pikirkan gimana cara nya ??Kecuali ente mau sumbang 1 smartphone nya ke ane2015-03-07 23:54 GMT+08:00 Hendry Aripin baru kali ini ada apps messenger yg sakti ngancem ban pd ketakutan.. tanda2 whatsapp udh mendarah daging? atau hal laennya? perasaan di bb gak sampe segitunya dah...
cmn yah emg agak bingung aja udh ada apps official knp msh mau make yg mod dll.. kalau buat ane yg official udh lbh dr cukup, dulu ane emg daftarin 2 nomor buat wa, tp lama kelamaan yg kepake cmn 1 doank.. yah mau gak mau dibiasain deh.. untuk bisnis make wa, bbm untuk hal laen..
On Mar 7, 2015 10:46 PM, "agus ry™" wrote:Ha ha ha.. Ngeri² sedep emang. 
Moga² ke depannya ada improve deh dari Whatsapp buat multi akun gitu xixixi #teteup 
Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
On Mar 7, 2015 9:57 PM, "Rifal Alfiansyah" wrote:Nah maksud sy seperti itu om. Kalau bicara dulu gk ada mslah memang.. Tp berhubung wa sdh menkonfirmasi tentang akan dibannednya akun wa yg tersync dengan custom wa.. Maka.. Jgn lah coba2... Apalg bertanya.. Contoh maaf ya RR. yg sering dibaca dimilis.. Aman gk pakai ini, masih bisa gk pakai wa ini, custom wa apa yg aman?
Silahkan dicoba.. Tp konsekuensinya ditrima.. Dan jgn complaint, karena wa sdh menconfirmasinya dr awal.. Hehhehehhe
Just discusstion.. Agar RR bisa jauh lbh mengerti tentang dampak custom WA.. ☺
On Mar 7, 2015 10:18 PM, "agus ry™" wrote:Custom modification Whatsapp itu kan muncul menjawab kebutuhan user spt : dual ID buat yang mau misahin antara bbrp urusan, tambahan theme sesuai keinginan user, mod untuk ngakali last seen dll. 
Modding kayak gini dah lazim deh di dunia apps semacam BBM+, Super SwiftKey, Black GMail dll.
Dan dulu juga gak ada ancaman permanen ban, makanya tumbuh subur berbagai macam mod. User juga tambah banyak yang selingkuh, prefer pake mod dibandingkan pakai official. 
Saya sendiri ex pemakai OGWhatsApp yang kecewa dengan adanya acara ban²an ini.. Tp apa mau dikata terpaksa cukup pakai 1 apps WA saja. 
Att! ___
Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
On Mar 7, 2015 12:39 PM, "Rifal Alfiansyah" wrote:Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg custom... Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di siapin yg ori dan aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru repot deh. Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh repot. Main aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh baik.. Ketimbang muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, "Eko Prasetiyo" wrote:
After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The "stubborn" users who refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+ or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way to go back even when they start using the actual app. 
Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-07 Terurut Topik Hendry Aripin
haha.. baru kali ini ada apps messenger yg sakti ngancem ban pd ketakutan..
tanda2 whatsapp udh mendarah daging? atau hal laennya? perasaan di bb gak
sampe segitunya dah...

cmn yah emg agak bingung aja udh ada apps official knp msh mau make yg mod
dll.. kalau buat ane yg official udh lbh dr cukup, dulu ane emg daftarin 2
nomor buat wa, tp lama kelamaan yg kepake cmn 1 doank.. yah mau gak mau
dibiasain deh.. untuk bisnis make wa, bbm untuk hal laen..
On Mar 7, 2015 10:46 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Ha ha ha.. Ngeri² sedep emang.

 Moga² ke depannya ada improve deh dari Whatsapp buat multi akun gitu
 xixixi #teteup


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 9:57 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah wrote:

 Nah maksud sy seperti itu om. Kalau bicara dulu gk ada mslah memang.. Tp
 berhubung wa sdh menkonfirmasi tentang akan dibannednya akun wa yg tersync
 dengan custom wa.. Maka.. Jgn lah coba2... Apalg bertanya.. Contoh maaf ya
 RR. yg sering dibaca dimilis.. Aman gk pakai ini, masih bisa gk pakai wa
 ini, custom wa apa yg aman?

 Silahkan dicoba.. Tp konsekuensinya ditrima.. Dan jgn complaint, karena
 wa sdh menconfirmasinya dr awal.. Hehhehehhe

 Just discusstion.. Agar RR bisa jauh lbh mengerti tentang dampak custom
 WA.. ☺
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:18 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Custom modification Whatsapp itu kan muncul menjawab kebutuhan user spt
 : dual ID buat yang mau misahin antara bbrp urusan, tambahan theme sesuai
 keinginan user, mod untuk ngakali last seen dll.

 Modding kayak gini dah lazim deh di dunia apps semacam BBM+, Super
 SwiftKey, Black GMail dll.

 Dan dulu juga gak ada ancaman permanen ban, makanya tumbuh subur
 berbagai macam mod. User juga tambah banyak yang selingkuh, prefer pake mod
 dibandingkan pakai official.

 Saya sendiri ex pemakai OGWhatsApp yang kecewa dengan adanya acara
 ban²an ini.. Tp apa mau dikata terpaksa cukup pakai 1 apps WA saja.

 Att! ___


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 12:39 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah

 Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg
 custom... Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di siapin
 yg ori dan aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru
 repot deh. Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh
 repot. Main aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh baik..
 Ketimbang muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
 On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo wrote:

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users
 who keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to
 be accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer 
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official
 one is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps 
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps 
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product,
 and that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of
 apps. Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what
 users really want and then develop these features for the official app, 
 even update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted
 anymore to stray beyond the native app.

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Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-07 Terurut Topik Hendry Aripin
loh kok jd mslh byk duit apa kagak.. bkn itu maksud ane, ane cmn blg make 2
ribet makanya ane satuinnaja masa bodo mo bisnis or pribadi.. strategi yg
ane terapin selama keluarga ane ada bbm yah ane add aja bbmnya, jd mau
ngobrol ama keluarga ane make bbm, kalau wa yah kalau yg gak punya cmn ada
wa yah mau gak mau ane campur...
alias ane gak mau ribet.. plg kalau salah takut org yah ane kasih nama
contact tambahin embel2 kerjaan atau gmn buat ngebedainnya.
On Mar 7, 2015 11:12 PM, Budi Gunadi wrote:

 kalau banyak uang ngomong memang gampang. Masalah nya bukan susah pakai
 official. Lah ente duit nya banyak bisa beli 2 smartphone.

 saya 1 smartphone Indosat  1 lagi nokia jadul XL.

 WA mau nya 2. Yang 1 buat kerjaan, dan yang 1 lagi buat teman2x nge gosip

 Coba yang banyak duit pikirkan gimana cara nya ??

 Kecuali ente mau sumbang 1 smartphone nya ke ane

 2015-03-07 23:54 GMT+08:00 Hendry Aripin

 haha.. baru kali ini ada apps messenger yg sakti ngancem ban pd
 ketakutan.. tanda2 whatsapp udh mendarah daging? atau hal laennya? perasaan
 di bb gak sampe segitunya dah...

 cmn yah emg agak bingung aja udh ada apps official knp msh mau make yg
 mod dll.. kalau buat ane yg official udh lbh dr cukup, dulu ane emg
 daftarin 2 nomor buat wa, tp lama kelamaan yg kepake cmn 1 doank.. yah mau
 gak mau dibiasain deh.. untuk bisnis make wa, bbm untuk hal laen..
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:46 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Ha ha ha.. Ngeri² sedep emang.

 Moga² ke depannya ada improve deh dari Whatsapp buat multi akun gitu
 xixixi #teteup


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 9:57 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah wrote:

 Nah maksud sy seperti itu om. Kalau bicara dulu gk ada mslah memang..
 Tp berhubung wa sdh menkonfirmasi tentang akan dibannednya akun wa yg
 tersync dengan custom wa.. Maka.. Jgn lah coba2... Apalg bertanya.. Contoh
 maaf ya RR. yg sering dibaca dimilis.. Aman gk pakai ini, masih bisa gk
 pakai wa ini, custom wa apa yg aman?

 Silahkan dicoba.. Tp konsekuensinya ditrima.. Dan jgn complaint, karena
 wa sdh menconfirmasinya dr awal.. Hehhehehhe

 Just discusstion.. Agar RR bisa jauh lbh mengerti tentang dampak custom
 WA.. [image: ]☺
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:18 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Custom modification Whatsapp itu kan muncul menjawab kebutuhan user
 spt : dual ID buat yang mau misahin antara bbrp urusan, tambahan theme
 sesuai keinginan user, mod untuk ngakali last seen dll.

 Modding kayak gini dah lazim deh di dunia apps semacam BBM+, Super
 SwiftKey, Black GMail dll.

 Dan dulu juga gak ada ancaman permanen ban, makanya tumbuh subur
 berbagai macam mod. User juga tambah banyak yang selingkuh, prefer pake 
 dibandingkan pakai official.

 Saya sendiri ex pemakai OGWhatsApp yang kecewa dengan adanya acara
 ban²an ini.. Tp apa mau dikata terpaksa cukup pakai 1 apps WA saja.

 Att! ___


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 12:39 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah

 Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg
 custom... Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di 
 yg ori dan aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru
 repot deh. Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh
 repot. Main aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh 
 Ketimbang muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
 On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users
 who keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now 
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like 
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no 
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to
 be accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ 
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer 
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app 
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you 
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official
 one is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps 
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, 
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-07 Terurut Topik Renner Chen
Beda orang beda persepsi, beda keinginan sekaligus beda juga pengambilan

Bukan soal banyak uang dalam topic ini. Jgn berpikir yang kurang jitu..

Masalahnya disini WA state akan permanent ban untuk users yang tidak pakai

Dulu waktu pakai WA mod, yang bisa sampe bbrp account WA dalam 1 handphone,
sampe UI di koprek dgn themes atau read status sama last online bisa di
akalin.. kan sempet dinikmati.. artinya saat itu sudah usai, kalau masih
mau menikmati service-nya alias gak di ban permanent.

Simple think jgn malah nyela keadaan dimana banyak duit jadi komplain-an.
Tapi coba dulu disiplin diri untuk ikutin aturan main..

Mau tetep 2 WA, yah motivasi diri gimana bisa beli dua smartphones 
sementara itu biasakan diri pake 1 WA aja untuk urusan macam²..

Sekali lagi status delivered, read atau tidak bales²; dalam hal ini hak
privacy orang..

kl gak gue reply, loe mau apa? -- mending pegang prinsip itu hihihi 

sent with Note4 lollipop 5.0.1
On 7 Mar 2015 23:11, Budi Gunadi wrote:

 kalau banyak uang ngomong memang gampang. Masalah nya bukan susah pakai
 official. Lah ente duit nya banyak bisa beli 2 smartphone.

 saya 1 smartphone Indosat  1 lagi nokia jadul XL.

 WA mau nya 2. Yang 1 buat kerjaan, dan yang 1 lagi buat teman2x nge gosip

 Coba yang banyak duit pikirkan gimana cara nya ??

 Kecuali ente mau sumbang 1 smartphone nya ke ane

 2015-03-07 23:54 GMT+08:00 Hendry Aripin

 haha.. baru kali ini ada apps messenger yg sakti ngancem ban pd
 ketakutan.. tanda2 whatsapp udh mendarah daging? atau hal laennya? perasaan
 di bb gak sampe segitunya dah...

 cmn yah emg agak bingung aja udh ada apps official knp msh mau make yg
 mod dll.. kalau buat ane yg official udh lbh dr cukup, dulu ane emg
 daftarin 2 nomor buat wa, tp lama kelamaan yg kepake cmn 1 doank.. yah mau
 gak mau dibiasain deh.. untuk bisnis make wa, bbm untuk hal laen..
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:46 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Ha ha ha.. Ngeri² sedep emang.

 Moga² ke depannya ada improve deh dari Whatsapp buat multi akun gitu
 xixixi #teteup


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 9:57 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah wrote:

 Nah maksud sy seperti itu om. Kalau bicara dulu gk ada mslah memang..
 Tp berhubung wa sdh menkonfirmasi tentang akan dibannednya akun wa yg
 tersync dengan custom wa.. Maka.. Jgn lah coba2... Apalg bertanya.. Contoh
 maaf ya RR. yg sering dibaca dimilis.. Aman gk pakai ini, masih bisa gk
 pakai wa ini, custom wa apa yg aman?

 Silahkan dicoba.. Tp konsekuensinya ditrima.. Dan jgn complaint, karena
 wa sdh menconfirmasinya dr awal.. Hehhehehhe

 Just discusstion.. Agar RR bisa jauh lbh mengerti tentang dampak custom
 WA.. [image: ]☺
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:18 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Custom modification Whatsapp itu kan muncul menjawab kebutuhan user
 spt : dual ID buat yang mau misahin antara bbrp urusan, tambahan theme
 sesuai keinginan user, mod untuk ngakali last seen dll.

 Modding kayak gini dah lazim deh di dunia apps semacam BBM+, Super
 SwiftKey, Black GMail dll.

 Dan dulu juga gak ada ancaman permanen ban, makanya tumbuh subur
 berbagai macam mod. User juga tambah banyak yang selingkuh, prefer pake 
 dibandingkan pakai official.

 Saya sendiri ex pemakai OGWhatsApp yang kecewa dengan adanya acara
 ban²an ini.. Tp apa mau dikata terpaksa cukup pakai 1 apps WA saja.

 Att! ___


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 12:39 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah

 Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg
 custom... Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di 
 yg ori dan aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru
 repot deh. Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh
 repot. Main aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh 
 Ketimbang muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
 On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users
 who keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now 
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like 
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no 
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to
 be accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ 
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer 
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app 
 through their current number. So unless you change your 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-07 Terurut Topik Renner Chen
Beda orang beda persepsi, beda keinginan sekaligus beda juga pengambilan

Bukan soal banyak uang dalam topic ini. Jgn berpikir yang kurang jitu..

Masalahnya disini WA state akan permanent ban untuk users yang tidak pakai

Dulu waktu pakai WA mod, yang bisa sampe bbrp account WA dalam 1 handphone,
sampe UI di koprek dgn themes atau read status sama last online bisa di
akalin.. kan sempet dinikmati.. artinya saat itu sudah usai, kalau masih
mau menikmati service-nya alias gak di ban permanent.

Simple think jgn malah nyela keadaan dimana banyak duit jadi komplain-an.
Tapi coba dulu disiplin diri untuk ikutin aturan main..

Mau tetep 2 WA, yah motivasi diri gimana bisa beli dua smartphones 
sementara itu biasakan diri pake 1 WA aja untuk urusan macam²..

Sekali lagi status delivered, read atau tidak bales²; dalam hal ini hak
privacy orang..

kl gak gue reply, loe mau apa? -- mending pegang prinsip itu hihihi 

sent with Note4 lollipop 5.0.1
On 7 Mar 2015 23:11, Budi Gunadi wrote:

 kalau banyak uang ngomong memang gampang. Masalah nya bukan susah pakai
 official. Lah ente duit nya banyak bisa beli 2 smartphone.

 saya 1 smartphone Indosat  1 lagi nokia jadul XL.

 WA mau nya 2. Yang 1 buat kerjaan, dan yang 1 lagi buat teman2x nge gosip

 Coba yang banyak duit pikirkan gimana cara nya ??

 Kecuali ente mau sumbang 1 smartphone nya ke ane

 2015-03-07 23:54 GMT+08:00 Hendry Aripin

 haha.. baru kali ini ada apps messenger yg sakti ngancem ban pd
 ketakutan.. tanda2 whatsapp udh mendarah daging? atau hal laennya? perasaan
 di bb gak sampe segitunya dah...

 cmn yah emg agak bingung aja udh ada apps official knp msh mau make yg
 mod dll.. kalau buat ane yg official udh lbh dr cukup, dulu ane emg
 daftarin 2 nomor buat wa, tp lama kelamaan yg kepake cmn 1 doank.. yah mau
 gak mau dibiasain deh.. untuk bisnis make wa, bbm untuk hal laen..
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:46 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Ha ha ha.. Ngeri² sedep emang.

 Moga² ke depannya ada improve deh dari Whatsapp buat multi akun gitu
 xixixi #teteup


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 9:57 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah wrote:

 Nah maksud sy seperti itu om. Kalau bicara dulu gk ada mslah memang..
 Tp berhubung wa sdh menkonfirmasi tentang akan dibannednya akun wa yg
 tersync dengan custom wa.. Maka.. Jgn lah coba2... Apalg bertanya.. Contoh
 maaf ya RR. yg sering dibaca dimilis.. Aman gk pakai ini, masih bisa gk
 pakai wa ini, custom wa apa yg aman?

 Silahkan dicoba.. Tp konsekuensinya ditrima.. Dan jgn complaint, karena
 wa sdh menconfirmasinya dr awal.. Hehhehehhe

 Just discusstion.. Agar RR bisa jauh lbh mengerti tentang dampak custom
 WA.. [image: ]☺
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:18 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Custom modification Whatsapp itu kan muncul menjawab kebutuhan user
 spt : dual ID buat yang mau misahin antara bbrp urusan, tambahan theme
 sesuai keinginan user, mod untuk ngakali last seen dll.

 Modding kayak gini dah lazim deh di dunia apps semacam BBM+, Super
 SwiftKey, Black GMail dll.

 Dan dulu juga gak ada ancaman permanen ban, makanya tumbuh subur
 berbagai macam mod. User juga tambah banyak yang selingkuh, prefer pake 
 dibandingkan pakai official.

 Saya sendiri ex pemakai OGWhatsApp yang kecewa dengan adanya acara
 ban²an ini.. Tp apa mau dikata terpaksa cukup pakai 1 apps WA saja.

 Att! ___


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 12:39 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah

 Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg
 custom... Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di 
 yg ori dan aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru
 repot deh. Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh
 repot. Main aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh 
 Ketimbang muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
 On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users
 who keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now 
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like 
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no 
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to
 be accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ 
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer 
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app 
 through their current number. So unless you change your 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-07 Terurut Topik Rifal Alfiansyah
Kok om ngomongin mslah duit? Om kalau gk trima dengan syarat yg beri wa..
Ya silahkan pakai... Kok malah ngomelnya sm org? Gk ada yg ngelarang kok
mau pakai 5 skaligus jg gk apa. Cuma kedepan.. Jgn ngemanjangin trit Atau
bikin trit dimilis tentang dibanned nya nomor anda. Karena mslah ini sdh
jelas.. Om budi itu cuma nyaranin aja dan bikin mudah hidup.. Kalau mau
pakai 2 wa.. Ya direkomendasikan pakai 2 hh.. Bukan 1 hh 2 wa . itu namanya
illegal dan itu mutlak.
On Mar 8, 2015 12:12 AM, Budi Gunadi wrote:

 kalau banyak uang ngomong memang gampang. Masalah nya bukan susah pakai
 official. Lah ente duit nya banyak bisa beli 2 smartphone.

 saya 1 smartphone Indosat  1 lagi nokia jadul XL.

 WA mau nya 2. Yang 1 buat kerjaan, dan yang 1 lagi buat teman2x nge gosip

 Coba yang banyak duit pikirkan gimana cara nya ??

 Kecuali ente mau sumbang 1 smartphone nya ke ane

 2015-03-07 23:54 GMT+08:00 Hendry Aripin

 haha.. baru kali ini ada apps messenger yg sakti ngancem ban pd
 ketakutan.. tanda2 whatsapp udh mendarah daging? atau hal laennya? perasaan
 di bb gak sampe segitunya dah...

 cmn yah emg agak bingung aja udh ada apps official knp msh mau make yg
 mod dll.. kalau buat ane yg official udh lbh dr cukup, dulu ane emg
 daftarin 2 nomor buat wa, tp lama kelamaan yg kepake cmn 1 doank.. yah mau
 gak mau dibiasain deh.. untuk bisnis make wa, bbm untuk hal laen..
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:46 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Ha ha ha.. Ngeri² sedep emang.

 Moga² ke depannya ada improve deh dari Whatsapp buat multi akun gitu
 xixixi #teteup


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 9:57 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah wrote:

 Nah maksud sy seperti itu om. Kalau bicara dulu gk ada mslah memang..
 Tp berhubung wa sdh menkonfirmasi tentang akan dibannednya akun wa yg
 tersync dengan custom wa.. Maka.. Jgn lah coba2... Apalg bertanya.. Contoh
 maaf ya RR. yg sering dibaca dimilis.. Aman gk pakai ini, masih bisa gk
 pakai wa ini, custom wa apa yg aman?

 Silahkan dicoba.. Tp konsekuensinya ditrima.. Dan jgn complaint, karena
 wa sdh menconfirmasinya dr awal.. Hehhehehhe

 Just discusstion.. Agar RR bisa jauh lbh mengerti tentang dampak custom
 WA.. [image: ]☺
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:18 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Custom modification Whatsapp itu kan muncul menjawab kebutuhan user
 spt : dual ID buat yang mau misahin antara bbrp urusan, tambahan theme
 sesuai keinginan user, mod untuk ngakali last seen dll.

 Modding kayak gini dah lazim deh di dunia apps semacam BBM+, Super
 SwiftKey, Black GMail dll.

 Dan dulu juga gak ada ancaman permanen ban, makanya tumbuh subur
 berbagai macam mod. User juga tambah banyak yang selingkuh, prefer pake 
 dibandingkan pakai official.

 Saya sendiri ex pemakai OGWhatsApp yang kecewa dengan adanya acara
 ban²an ini.. Tp apa mau dikata terpaksa cukup pakai 1 apps WA saja.

 Att! ___


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 12:39 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah

 Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg
 custom... Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di 
 yg ori dan aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru
 repot deh. Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh
 repot. Main aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh 
 Ketimbang muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
 On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users
 who keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now 
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like 
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no 
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to
 be accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ 
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer 
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app 
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you 
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official
 one is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps 
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, 
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-07 Terurut Topik agus ry™
Custom modification Whatsapp itu kan muncul menjawab kebutuhan user spt :
dual ID buat yang mau misahin antara bbrp urusan, tambahan theme sesuai
keinginan user, mod untuk ngakali last seen dll.

Modding kayak gini dah lazim deh di dunia apps semacam BBM+, Super
SwiftKey, Black GMail dll.

Dan dulu juga gak ada ancaman permanen ban, makanya tumbuh subur berbagai
macam mod. User juga tambah banyak yang selingkuh, prefer pake mod
dibandingkan pakai official.

Saya sendiri ex pemakai OGWhatsApp yang kecewa dengan adanya acara ban²an
ini.. Tp apa mau dikata terpaksa cukup pakai 1 apps WA saja.

Att! ___


Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
On Mar 7, 2015 12:39 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah wrote:

 Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg custom...
 Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di siapin yg ori dan
 aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru repot deh.
 Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh repot. Main
 aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh baik.. Ketimbang
 muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
 On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo wrote:

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who
 keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be
 accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one
 is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and
 that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps.
 Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users
 really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even
 update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted anymore
 to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
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 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
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 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

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 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android] Indonesian
 Android Community  di 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-07 Terurut Topik Ahriel Darmansyah
Yupp. Maksudnya seperti itu. Mau ada 2 id wa. Jadi bisa dipisahkan mana
kerjaan mana pribadi. Tapi lebih enak pake 2 handset sih.

Sent from Beauty and Power Handheld With Flagship DNA
On Mar 7, 2015 1:59 PM, Bambang wrote:

 Om Rizky.

 Mungkin bukan masalah Dual Sim nya...tetapi memang mau punya dua id wa ya
 Kalau 1 id wa kan ndak masalah walaupun dipasang di handset single sim
 atau Dual Sim.

 On Mar 7, 2015 1:00 PM, rizky bramanto wrote:

 Susah kalau Dual sim om
 On 7 Mar 2015 12:40, Rifal Alfiansyah wrote:

 Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg custom...
 Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di siapin yg ori dan
 aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru repot deh.
 Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh repot. Main
 aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh baik.. Ketimbang
 muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
 On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo wrote:

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users
 who keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be
 accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one
 is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and
 that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps.
 Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users
 really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even
 update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted anymore
 to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android]
 Indonesian Android Community  di Google Grup.
 Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android]
 Indonesian Android Community  di Google Grup.
 Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
 kirim email ke 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-07 Terurut Topik Rifal Alfiansyah
Nah maksud sy seperti itu om. Kalau bicara dulu gk ada mslah memang.. Tp
berhubung wa sdh menkonfirmasi tentang akan dibannednya akun wa yg tersync
dengan custom wa.. Maka.. Jgn lah coba2... Apalg bertanya.. Contoh maaf ya
RR. yg sering dibaca dimilis.. Aman gk pakai ini, masih bisa gk pakai wa
ini, custom wa apa yg aman?

Silahkan dicoba.. Tp konsekuensinya ditrima.. Dan jgn complaint, karena wa
sdh menconfirmasinya dr awal.. Hehhehehhe

Just discusstion.. Agar RR bisa jauh lbh mengerti tentang dampak custom
WA.. ☺
On Mar 7, 2015 10:18 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Custom modification Whatsapp itu kan muncul menjawab kebutuhan user spt :
 dual ID buat yang mau misahin antara bbrp urusan, tambahan theme sesuai
 keinginan user, mod untuk ngakali last seen dll.

 Modding kayak gini dah lazim deh di dunia apps semacam BBM+, Super
 SwiftKey, Black GMail dll.

 Dan dulu juga gak ada ancaman permanen ban, makanya tumbuh subur berbagai
 macam mod. User juga tambah banyak yang selingkuh, prefer pake mod
 dibandingkan pakai official.

 Saya sendiri ex pemakai OGWhatsApp yang kecewa dengan adanya acara ban²an
 ini.. Tp apa mau dikata terpaksa cukup pakai 1 apps WA saja.

 Att! ___


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 12:39 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah wrote:

 Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg custom...
 Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di siapin yg ori dan
 aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru repot deh.
 Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh repot. Main
 aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh baik.. Ketimbang
 muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
 On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo wrote:

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who
 keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be
 accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one
 is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and
 that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps.
 Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users
 really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even
 update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted anymore
 to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android]
 Indonesian Android Community  di Google Grup.
 Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-07 Terurut Topik Arianto C Nugroho
setuju banget sama yang ini ..

saya gak sakit hati atau pusing mikir kenapa belum dibalas .. hal yang sama
juga saya gak perlu malu/takut kalau gak langsung balas ..

kalau memang penting, paling abis itu nelepon :)

On Sat, 7 Mar 2015 at 23:28 Renner Chen wrote:

 kl gak gue reply, loe mau apa? -- mending pegang prinsip itu hihihi 

Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 
Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
Aturan Umum  ID-ANDROID

Join Forum   ID-ANDROID
Anda menerima pesan ini karena Anda berlangganan grup [id-android] Indonesian 
Android Community  dari Google Grup.
Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini, kirim 
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Kunjungi grup ini di

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-07 Terurut Topik Ahriel Darmansyah
Kok jadinya bahas banyaknya duit yah.

Setuju nih sama kata kata om RC.
*hormat pada sesepuh*

Sent from Beauty and Power Handheld With Flagship DNA
On Mar 7, 2015 11:28 PM, Renner Chen wrote:

 Beda orang beda persepsi, beda keinginan sekaligus beda juga pengambilan

 Bukan soal banyak uang dalam topic ini. Jgn berpikir yang kurang jitu..

 Masalahnya disini WA state akan permanent ban untuk users yang tidak pakai

 Dulu waktu pakai WA mod, yang bisa sampe bbrp account WA dalam 1
 handphone, sampe UI di koprek dgn themes atau read status sama last online
 bisa di akalin.. kan sempet dinikmati.. artinya saat itu sudah usai, kalau
 masih mau menikmati service-nya alias gak di ban permanent.

 Simple think jgn malah nyela keadaan dimana banyak duit jadi komplain-an.
 Tapi coba dulu disiplin diri untuk ikutin aturan main..

 Mau tetep 2 WA, yah motivasi diri gimana bisa beli dua smartphones 
 sementara itu biasakan diri pake 1 WA aja untuk urusan macam²..

 Sekali lagi status delivered, read atau tidak bales²; dalam hal ini hak
 privacy orang..

 kl gak gue reply, loe mau apa? -- mending pegang prinsip itu hihihi 

 sent with Note4 lollipop 5.0.1
 On 7 Mar 2015 23:11, Budi Gunadi wrote:

 kalau banyak uang ngomong memang gampang. Masalah nya bukan susah pakai
 official. Lah ente duit nya banyak bisa beli 2 smartphone.

 saya 1 smartphone Indosat  1 lagi nokia jadul XL.

 WA mau nya 2. Yang 1 buat kerjaan, dan yang 1 lagi buat teman2x nge gosip

 Coba yang banyak duit pikirkan gimana cara nya ??

 Kecuali ente mau sumbang 1 smartphone nya ke ane

 2015-03-07 23:54 GMT+08:00 Hendry Aripin

 haha.. baru kali ini ada apps messenger yg sakti ngancem ban pd
 ketakutan.. tanda2 whatsapp udh mendarah daging? atau hal laennya? perasaan
 di bb gak sampe segitunya dah...

 cmn yah emg agak bingung aja udh ada apps official knp msh mau make yg
 mod dll.. kalau buat ane yg official udh lbh dr cukup, dulu ane emg
 daftarin 2 nomor buat wa, tp lama kelamaan yg kepake cmn 1 doank.. yah mau
 gak mau dibiasain deh.. untuk bisnis make wa, bbm untuk hal laen..
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:46 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Ha ha ha.. Ngeri² sedep emang.

 Moga² ke depannya ada improve deh dari Whatsapp buat multi akun gitu
 xixixi #teteup


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 9:57 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah

 Nah maksud sy seperti itu om. Kalau bicara dulu gk ada mslah memang..
 Tp berhubung wa sdh menkonfirmasi tentang akan dibannednya akun wa yg
 tersync dengan custom wa.. Maka.. Jgn lah coba2... Apalg bertanya.. Contoh
 maaf ya RR. yg sering dibaca dimilis.. Aman gk pakai ini, masih bisa gk
 pakai wa ini, custom wa apa yg aman?

 Silahkan dicoba.. Tp konsekuensinya ditrima.. Dan jgn complaint,
 karena wa sdh menconfirmasinya dr awal.. Hehhehehhe

 Just discusstion.. Agar RR bisa jauh lbh mengerti tentang dampak
 custom WA.. [image: ]☺
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:18 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Custom modification Whatsapp itu kan muncul menjawab kebutuhan user
 spt : dual ID buat yang mau misahin antara bbrp urusan, tambahan theme
 sesuai keinginan user, mod untuk ngakali last seen dll.

 Modding kayak gini dah lazim deh di dunia apps semacam BBM+, Super
 SwiftKey, Black GMail dll.

 Dan dulu juga gak ada ancaman permanen ban, makanya tumbuh subur
 berbagai macam mod. User juga tambah banyak yang selingkuh, prefer pake 
 dibandingkan pakai official.

 Saya sendiri ex pemakai OGWhatsApp yang kecewa dengan adanya acara
 ban²an ini.. Tp apa mau dikata terpaksa cukup pakai 1 apps WA saja.

 Att! ___


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 12:39 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah

 Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg
 custom... Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di 
 yg ori dan aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. 
 repot deh. Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh
 repot. Main aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh 
 Ketimbang muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
 On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on
 users who keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now
 permanently blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The 
 users who refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps 
 Whatsapp+ or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban
 with no way to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found
 to be accessing their messages and sending out messages 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-07 Terurut Topik zulfian
Kalo mau aman n ga di banned pake 2 no hp trs wa nya 2 account Official wa
pake bb os 10.

Yg native bb10 bisa pake black theme kok hehe. Sorry  oot OS 
On Mar 7, 2015 10:46 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Ha ha ha.. Ngeri² sedep emang.

 Moga² ke depannya ada improve deh dari Whatsapp buat multi akun gitu
 xixixi #teteup


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 9:57 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah wrote:

 Nah maksud sy seperti itu om. Kalau bicara dulu gk ada mslah memang.. Tp
 berhubung wa sdh menkonfirmasi tentang akan dibannednya akun wa yg tersync
 dengan custom wa.. Maka.. Jgn lah coba2... Apalg bertanya.. Contoh maaf ya
 RR. yg sering dibaca dimilis.. Aman gk pakai ini, masih bisa gk pakai wa
 ini, custom wa apa yg aman?

 Silahkan dicoba.. Tp konsekuensinya ditrima.. Dan jgn complaint, karena
 wa sdh menconfirmasinya dr awal.. Hehhehehhe

 Just discusstion.. Agar RR bisa jauh lbh mengerti tentang dampak custom
 WA.. ☺
 On Mar 7, 2015 10:18 PM, agus ry™ wrote:

 Custom modification Whatsapp itu kan muncul menjawab kebutuhan user spt
 : dual ID buat yang mau misahin antara bbrp urusan, tambahan theme sesuai
 keinginan user, mod untuk ngakali last seen dll.

 Modding kayak gini dah lazim deh di dunia apps semacam BBM+, Super
 SwiftKey, Black GMail dll.

 Dan dulu juga gak ada ancaman permanen ban, makanya tumbuh subur
 berbagai macam mod. User juga tambah banyak yang selingkuh, prefer pake mod
 dibandingkan pakai official.

 Saya sendiri ex pemakai OGWhatsApp yang kecewa dengan adanya acara
 ban²an ini.. Tp apa mau dikata terpaksa cukup pakai 1 apps WA saja.

 Att! ___


 Catatan Beras Merah with MIUIv5 | 4.2.2 jadul™
 On Mar 7, 2015 12:39 PM, Rifal Alfiansyah

 Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg
 custom... Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di siapin
 yg ori dan aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru
 repot deh. Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh
 repot. Main aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh baik..
 Ketimbang muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
 On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo wrote:

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users
 who keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to
 be accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer 
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official
 one is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps 
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps 
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product,
 and that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of
 apps. Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what
 users really want and then develop these features for the official app, 
 even update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted
 anymore to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
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 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik Ahriel Darmansyah
Custom icon kaya gimana om??

Sent from Beauty and Power Handheld With Flagship DNA
On Mar 6, 2015 10:35 PM, Syaiful Suhada wrote:

 Masih aman dsini om, whatsapp official tapi custom icon aja

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
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Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 
Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
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Kunjungi grup ini di

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik Owen Samuel
Pake Disa masih aman ga ya..
On Mar 6, 2015 10:35 PM, Syaiful Suhada wrote:

 Masih aman dsini om, whatsapp official tapi custom icon aja

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum  ID-ANDROID

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 Indonesian Android Community  dari Google Grup.
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Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 
Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
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Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik Ricky Yogo Vladamir
Pake whatsapp yg bisa hide read message sama auto reply, masih aman om
sementara sol

On 6 Mar 2015 20:21, Eko Prasetiyo wrote:

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who
 keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be
 accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one is
 there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and
 that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps.
 Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users
 really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even
 update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted anymore
 to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

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Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 
Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
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Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik Syaiful Suhada
Custom icon mksud nya Whatsapp official, cuma icon aja di edit . 
*kerjaan iseng*

Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 
Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
Aturan Umum  ID-ANDROID

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Android Community  dari Google Grup.
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Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik Muhammad
Bagi dunk aplikasinya

Via Meizu M1 Note
On Mar 7, 2015 8:34 AM, Ricky Yogo Vladamir wrote:

 Pake whatsapp yg bisa hide read message sama auto reply, masih aman om
 sementara sol

 On 6 Mar 2015 20:21, Eko Prasetiyo wrote:

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who
 keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be
 accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one
 is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and
 that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps.
 Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users
 really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even
 update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted anymore
 to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
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 Android Community  di Google Grup.
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 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

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 Android Community  di Google Grup.
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 kirim email ke
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Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 
Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
Aturan Umum  ID-ANDROID

Join Forum   ID-ANDROID
Anda menerima pesan ini karena Anda 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik Ahriel Darmansyah
Aplikasi WA mod juga bro??

Sent from Beauty and Power Handheld With Flagship DNA
On Mar 7, 2015 8:34 AM, Ricky Yogo Vladamir wrote:

 Pake whatsapp yg bisa hide read message sama auto reply, masih aman om
 sementara sol

 On 6 Mar 2015 20:21, Eko Prasetiyo wrote:

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who
 keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be
 accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one
 is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and
 that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps.
 Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users
 really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even
 update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted anymore
 to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

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 Android Community  di Google Grup.
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 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

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Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 
Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
Aturan Umum  ID-ANDROID

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Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik Budi Gunadi
Kalau Disa gimana ?

ada yang bisa kasih info ga ?

2015-03-07 9:39 GMT+08:00 Syaiful Suhada

 Custom icon mksud nya Whatsapp official, cuma icon aja di edit .
 *kerjaan iseng*

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum  ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum   ID-ANDROID
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 Indonesian Android Community  dari Google Grup.
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Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 
Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
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Join Forum   ID-ANDROID
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Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik Budi Gunadi
kok nge gampang in ya. kalau no business kita gimana ?

mending balik ke app WA nya aja kalau gitu

On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 9:25 PM, Ahmad Pathoni wrote:

 Gampang kalo dibanned. Tinggal pake nomor lain.

 Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Indosat network.
   *From: *Eko Prasetiyo
 *Sent: *Friday, 6 March 2015 20:21
 *To: *id-android
 *Reply To: *
 *Subject: *[id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd
 party apps - Android Community

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who
 keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be
 accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one is
 there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and
 that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps.
 Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users
 really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even
 update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted anymore
 to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android] Indonesian
 Android Community  di Google Grup.
 Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android] Indonesian
 Android Community  di Google Grup.
 Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik willy
intinya selama kaga ketauan ya aman
tapi mau sampe kapan bermain tengan 'api'
jelas udah di informasikan kalo yg pake 3rd party apps jelas jelas akan di

2015-03-07 6:12 GMT+07:00 Owen Samuel

 Pake Disa masih aman ga ya..
 On Mar 6, 2015 10:35 PM, Syaiful Suhada wrote:

 Masih aman dsini om, whatsapp official tapi custom icon aja

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum  ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum   ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena Anda berlangganan grup [id-android]
 Indonesian Android Community  dari Google Grup.
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 kirim email ke
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 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android] Indonesian
 Android Community  di Google Grup.

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 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 
Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
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Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik Ahriel Darmansyah
Kalo itu jadi nomor utama gimana om? Harus broadcast nomor baru dan hafalin
nomor lainnya dong. Hehehe

Sent from Beauty and Power Handheld With Flagship DNA
On Mar 6, 2015 8:25 PM, Ahmad Pathoni wrote:

 Gampang kalo dibanned. Tinggal pake nomor lain.

 Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Indosat network.
   *From: *Eko Prasetiyo
 *Sent: *Friday, 6 March 2015 20:21
 *To: *id-android
 *Reply To: *
 *Subject: *[id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd
 party apps - Android Community

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who
 keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be
 accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one is
 there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and
 that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps.
 Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users
 really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even
 update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted anymore
 to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

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 Android Community  di Google Grup.
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 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android] Indonesian
 Android Community  di Google Grup.
 Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik Ahmad Pathoni
  Gampang kalo dibanned. Tinggal pake nomor lain. SentfrommyBlackBerry10smartphoneontheIndosatnetwork.From: Eko PrasetiyoSent: Friday, 6 March 2015 20:21To: id-androidReply To: id-android@googlegroups.comSubject: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community
After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The "stubborn" users who refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+ or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way to go back even when they start using the actual app. 
Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too late.
Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the "last seen" status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps. But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have stopped developing their "illegal" apps when they received warnings from Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.
We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps. Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be "tempted" anymore to stray beyond the native app.

Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 
Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
Aturan Umum  ID-ANDROID

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Kunjungi grup ini di

Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 
Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
Aturan Umum  ID-ANDROID

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Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik Syaiful Suhada
Masih aman dsini om, whatsapp official tapi custom icon aja 

Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 
Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
Aturan Umum  ID-ANDROID

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Android Community  dari Google Grup.
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Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik M.Iqbal Sutanto
  Mau brp byk nomor dikoleksi om?WkwkwkSentfrommyPassportFrom: Ahmad PathoniSent: Jumat, 6 Maret 2015 20.25To: Eko Prasetiyo; id-androidReply To: id-android@googlegroups.comSubject: Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community  Gampang kalo dibanned. Tinggal pake nomor lain. SentfrommyBlackBerry10smartphoneontheIndosatnetwork.From: Eko PrasetiyoSent: Friday, 6 March 2015 20:21To: id-androidReply To: id-android@googlegroups.comSubject: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community
After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The "stubborn" users who refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+ or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way to go back even when they start using the actual app. 
Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too late.
Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the "last seen" status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps. But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have stopped developing their "illegal" apps when they received warnings from Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.
We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps. Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be "tempted" anymore to stray beyond the native app.

Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 
Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
Aturan Umum  ID-ANDROID

Join Forum   ID-ANDROID
Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup "[id-android] Indonesian Android Community " di Google Grup.
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Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik arga wahyu
Bosen nanti admin grup kalau bolak balik minta di add om :p

Sent from my HTC One DS | don't ask whose

_ _
On Mar 6, 2015 8:25 PM, Ahmad Pathoni wrote:

 Gampang kalo dibanned. Tinggal pake nomor lain.

 Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Indosat network.
   *From: *Eko Prasetiyo
 *Sent: *Friday, 6 March 2015 20:21
 *To: *id-android
 *Reply To: *
 *Subject: *[id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd
 party apps - Android Community

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who
 keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be
 accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one is
 there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and
 that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps.
 Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users
 really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even
 update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted anymore
 to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android] Indonesian
 Android Community  di Google Grup.
 Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android] Indonesian
 Android Community  di Google Grup.
 Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik Akbar Mia
Yg report kl yg dibanned nomor Utama Om...



sent from

♦ Lollipop powered Nubia Z7 Max DS ♦
→ Dual LTE or Evdo/LTE? Your choice...
On Mar 6, 2015 8:25 PM, Ahmad Pathoni wrote:

 Gampang kalo dibanned. Tinggal pake nomor lain.

 Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Indosat network.
   *From: *Eko Prasetiyo
 *Sent: *Friday, 6 March 2015 20:21
 *To: *id-android
 *Reply To: *
 *Subject: *[id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd
 party apps - Android Community

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who
 keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be
 accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one is
 there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and
 that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps.
 Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users
 really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even
 update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted anymore
 to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android] Indonesian
 Android Community  di Google Grup.
 Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android] Indonesian
 Android Community  di Google Grup.
 Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik Reza I |
Kl pedagang susah om :D

Galaxy Note 4
Gadget Accessories
On Mar 6, 2015 8:25 PM, Ahmad Pathoni wrote:

 Gampang kalo dibanned. Tinggal pake nomor lain.

 Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Indosat network.
   *From: *Eko Prasetiyo
 *Sent: *Friday, 6 March 2015 20:21
 *To: *id-android
 *Reply To: *
 *Subject: *[id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd
 party apps - Android Community

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who
 keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be
 accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one is
 there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and
 that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps.
 Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users
 really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even
 update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted anymore
 to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android] Indonesian
 Android Community  di Google Grup.
 Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android] Indonesian
 Android Community  di Google Grup.
 Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 
Kontak Admin, Twitter  

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik Rifal Alfiansyah
Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg custom...
Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di siapin yg ori dan
aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru repot deh.
Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh repot. Main
aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh baik.. Ketimbang
muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo wrote:

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who
 keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be
 accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one is
 there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and
 that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps.
 Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users
 really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even
 update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted anymore
 to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android] Indonesian
 Android Community  di Google Grup.
 Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 
Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan
Aturan Umum  ID-ANDROID

Join Forum   ID-ANDROID
Anda menerima pesan ini karena Anda berlangganan grup [id-android] Indonesian 
Android Community  dari Google Grup.
Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini, kirim 
email ke
Kunjungi grup ini di

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik rizky bramanto
Susah kalau Dual sim om
On 7 Mar 2015 12:40, Rifal Alfiansyah wrote:

 Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg custom...
 Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di siapin yg ori dan
 aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru repot deh.
 Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh repot. Main
 aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh baik.. Ketimbang
 muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
 On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo wrote:

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who
 keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be
 accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one
 is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and
 that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps.
 Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users
 really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even
 update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted anymore
 to stray beyond the native app.

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android] Indonesian
 Android Community  di Google Grup.
 Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

 Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
 Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
 Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
 Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap
 Kontak Admin, Twitter @agushamonangan
 Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID

 Join Forum ID-ANDROID
 Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup [id-android] Indonesian
 Android Community  di Google Grup.
 Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
 kirim email ke
 Kunjungi grup ini di

Belanja Aplikasi Android Pakai Pulsa Indosat
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Hanya dengan 500ribu bisa jadi reseller delcell.
Bass Audio Headphone Store, Toko Headphone Earphone Terlengkap 

Re: [id-android] WhatsApp issues permanent ban on users with 3rd party apps - Android Community

2015-03-06 Terurut Topik Rifal Alfiansyah
Nah.. Ini yg lbh repot lagi... Sol
On Mar 7, 2015 2:00 PM, rizky bramanto wrote:

 Susah kalau Dual sim om
 On 7 Mar 2015 12:40, Rifal Alfiansyah wrote:

 Apa susahnya sih pakai official... Knapa harus repot2 pakai yg custom...
 Lagian tujuan nya sm aja, ngirim pesan dan nerima. Sdh di siapin yg ori dan
 aman.. Masih jg mau coba custom wa.. Kalau sdh dibanned.. Baru repot deh.
 Bagus kalau hangus buang.. Kalau yg sdh terlanjur pakai.. Lbh repot. Main
 aman aja deh.. Gk usah yg macem2.. Nerimo apa adanya lbh baik.. Ketimbang
 muncul mslah didepan. IMHO.
 On Mar 6, 2015 9:21 PM, Eko Prasetiyo wrote:

 After continually issuing warnings and doing temporary bans on users who
 keep using unauthorized third-party apps, WhatsApp is now permanently
 blocking those that have ignored the warnings. The stubborn users who
 refused to stop using the messaging app through other apps like Whatsapp+
 or WhatsAppMD have found themselves receiving a permanent ban with no way
 to go back even when they start using the actual app.

 Earlier this year, WhatsApp gave out 24-hour bans for those found to be
 accessing their messages and sending out messages through WhatsApp+ and
 other side-loading apps. But now, it looks like the ban will be longer than
 1 day and in fact, they will not be able to use the messaging app anymore
 through their current number. So unless you change your sim card, you will
 not be able to use WhatsApp ever again. Of course they will receive a
 warning beforehand if they will be banned, but by then, it might be too

 Why do people keep using third-party apps anyway, when the official one
 is there (and free!)? Well, for one thing, these unauthorized apps have
 features not to be found in the native app, like being able to see the
 last seen status of your contacts (while hiding your own status, sneaky
 people). Even the design sometimes is nicer with these third-party apps.
 But actually, since WhatsApp started cracking down on them, these apps have
 stopped developing their illegal apps when they received warnings from
 Facebook that they are in violation of the user terms.

 We understand that WhatsApp wants to protect its brand and product, and
 that users want to have a more enjoyable time using these kinds of apps.
 Maybe a compromise would be for WhatsApp to start listening to what users
 really want and then develop these features for the official app, and even
 update it beyond expectations. Then people would not be tempted anymore
 to stray beyond the native app.

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