elvan.hidayat wrote:

> Not supported Anything else. Untuk Debian dan Ubuntu users, instalasi
> RubyGems dari apt-get http://debgem.com

I've never trusted debgem as they mentioned they're temporarily free,
besides, if my ruby kids were running ruby187p72 on ubuntu intrepid, for
example, then when they wanted to try out to train themselves harder and
harder by themselves on autotest, for example, then they got rexml error
here and there, which simply I call it *unstable*. That's why I
personally prefer to compile ruby from source codes so that I can get my 
apps running on ruby smoothly (with automated tests before any coding 
activities) and *stable*.


When the Agile vs. Lean, XP vs. Scrum,
   and vi vs. Emacs debates get slow and unproductive.

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