Re: Last Call: draft-ietf-yam-rfc4409bis-02.txt (Message Submission for Mail) to Full Standard

2011-08-24 Thread Chris Newman

--On August 11, 2011 6:37:52 -0700 The IESG wrote:

The IESG has received a request from the Yet Another Mail WG (yam) to
consider the following document:
- 'Message Submission for Mail'
  draft-ietf-yam-rfc4409bis-02.txt as a Full Standard

I have read this draft and support advancing it to Full Standard as written 
or with modifications suggested by others.

My comment on issues raised:

Russ Housley's discuss:

The document is more helpful to implementers if it has an informational 
downward reference to deployed signing technologies such as DKIM and 
multipart/signed (RFC 2480, RFC 1847) so that implementers know to consider 
the impact of message modification on those technologies. Normative 
language on that topic is best avoided so the document would be improved by 
removing the SHOULD related to those technologies.

I believe the alternative text that was proposed is fine, but I would also 
be fine with the current text and also with dropping the offending 
paragraph if necessary to advance the specification.

Informative reference to RFC 6186:

As much as I like 6186 and hope it deploys, there is not sufficient 
deployment today to justify a reference from a full standard.

Informative reference to RFC 5068 / BCP 134:

I think an informative reference would be helpful to readers, but if adding 
that reference would cause an approval delay then expedience is more 


I have seen SMTP AUTH and STARTTLS work well operationally between multiple 
independent implementations of submission. Problems with those technologies 
related to MTA relay are unrelated to this submission draft and thus need 
no additional text in this draft.

- Chris

Ietf mailing list

Re: draft-housley-two-maturity-levels

2011-07-29 Thread Chris Newman

I have read version 08 and support this proposal.

- Chris

--On July 27, 2011 17:46:22 -0400 Jari Arkko wrote:

Here's the link:

Ietf mailing list

Re: [TLS] Last Call: draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation (Transport Layer Security (TLS) Renegotiation Indication Extension) to Proposed Standard

2009-12-02 Thread Chris Newman

--On December 2, 2009 11:12:26 +0200 Yoav Nir wrote:

On Dec 2, 2009, at 9:04 AM, Chris Newman wrote:

This the most time-sensitive and security-critical IETF draft with
respect  to impact on the Internet community that I have seen in 17
years of IETF  participation.

This is the part I disagree with.

Since that's a statement about my observations, you'd have to propose a 
different draft that better met that criteria in the last 17 years and get 
me to agree ;-)

New extensions to protocols will take years to deploy. There's no getting
around this.

SSL/TLS servers that do not depend on renegotiation can disable
renegotiations entirely. They can do this NOW. SSL/TLS servers that rely
on renegotiation only for the upgrade-to-mutual feature for web servers
can disable client-initiated renegotiations, and tweak their web
applications so that the prefix injection doesn't matter. The can do this
NOW. (We did)

The only real case of using renegotiation that I've heard about was
identity protection, where the client connects anonymously first, and
then presents the certificate during the (encrypted) renegotiation. This
is probably very rare, and accounts for a fraction or a percent of SSL

So I don't think we should sit on our thumbs or even wait until the next
face-to-face meeting, but whatever the RFC says, it will take years to
deploy on the general Internet. We should hurry, but we shouldn't rush
into things.

The problem is more a customer-service one than a purely technical one: 
there's a real problem with just turning off SSL/TLS renegotiation by 
default.  Yes, it's what vendors are working on doing, but it's just an 
interim solution.  Basically, a vendor has to go to an HTTP server customer 
and say:

  You need to patch your HTTP server to stop a security vulnerability 
tech babble,
  but it might break your server deployment if tech babble, you can work 
  that problem if you do complex stuff or set flag so you stay 

It doesn't matter if the downside only impacts 1% of the HTTP server 
customers as the analysis of whether they'll be impacted may take time and 
money and that 1% may be the people who most urgently need the 
vulnerability fixed.  When the vulnerability in the IETF specification is 
fixed and has made it to 2-3 major browser vendors, the message to HTTP 
server customers becomes more reasonable (albeit still unsatisfactory).

While the complex stuff is feasible for a vendor with a small HTTP 
footprint and solid tech knowledge like yourself, it's less feasible for 
large corporate sites that would have to analyze thousands of HTTP-based 

- Chris

Ietf mailing list

Re: [TLS] Last Call: draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation (Transport Layer

2009-12-02 Thread Chris Newman

--On December 2, 2009 15:19:53 +0100 Martin Rex wrote:

1. Running code: multiple implementations and interop testing was
   performed on an earlier version of draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation.

Even EKR admitted that implementing the update is an insignificant
amount of work.

Pushing this point, that there were interoperable implementations
when this proposal was made in the IETF smells very much like
a request for rubber stamping.

The IETF's motto is rough consensus and running code.  So running code 
rubber stamping is only a problem if incompatible changes are refused, 
but the fact such changes were made makes that straw man moot.

4. The mrex proposal requires use of TLS_RENEGO_PROTECTION_REQUEST in
some  circumstances.  That approach is untested in the field and I have
   concerns it will negatively impact middleboxes.

Huh?  That sounds extremely unbelievable.

First, I'll reiterate that I found both proposals acceptable, so the four 
points I made were all matters of design preference for this situation and 
not issues I find strongly compelling.

The issue with middleboxes was raised by others and is a straw man.  There 
are government standards that have a fixed list of cipher suites and most 
clients can be configured to comply with those standards today.  Given the 
TLS standards available at the time, a middlebox which enforced the 
presence of just those cipher suites and no others in the TLS handshake 
would reasonably be expected to be forwards compatible.  Use of a 
mandatory-to-implement cipher suite value will require such middleboxes to 
be upgraded, thus slowing deploying.  I'm not a fan of middleboxes, but we 
shouldn't break them gratuitously.

   As draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation allows use of either the cipher suite
   value or the extension for C-S signaling, that mitigates the concern
   --  the field can choose the mechanism that works best.

I consider this a defect in draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation-01.
There should be exactly **ONE** signaling mechanism for the initial
ClientHello on a connection so that extensions-tolerant but
extensions-free Servers will not be force to wade through lists
of extensions sent by clients.

I'd be fine with one signaling mechanism as long as it's the mechanism 
that's been standardized since 2006 and backwards-compatible with correct 
implementations since 1999 (TLS 1.0).  If we're misusing a cipher suite 
value as a protocol extensibility flag, an issue I'm willing to compromise 
on despite the lack of strong evidence it's necessary, we unfortunately 
need two signaling mechanisms: one that's standard that we know will work 
with modern correct implementations, and one a kludge that works with very 
old software, but might break good-faith modern implementations (like the 
middlebox straw man above).

The existing fallbacks or conservative approaches give you a hint
where you may expect interop problems.  TLS extensions are a known
interop problem.

While I've seen evidence of bugs in TLS extension handling, and backwards 
compatibility fallback code that's been present in browsers since 1999, 
I've seen no evidence that extensions are an interoperability problem for 
correct standards-compliant TLS implementations or that such fallback code 
is necessary in operation today.

- Chris

Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation (Transport Layer Security (TLS) Renegotiation Indication Extension) to Proposed Standard

2009-12-01 Thread Chris Newman
I strongly support publishing this draft either in its present form or with 
any modification that does not impact the protocol's security analysis.

This the most time-sensitive and security-critical IETF draft with respect 
to impact on the Internet community that I have seen in 17 years of IETF 
participation.  As such, I strongly support the decision to start IETF last 
call early as permitted by RFC 2418 section 7.4.  I also encourage the IESG 
to move this document to the front of the queue for all support 
organizations (Secretariat, IANA, RFC editor) when processing occurs and to 
avoid holding a blocking DISCUSS after the telechat unless that blocking 
issue is more serious than the ongoing presence of this TLS security 
vulnerability on the Internet.

Three changes to draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation-01 I consider important (but 
not blocking):

* The header should explicitly state it Updates RFC 5246, 4346, 4366, 2246. 
 gets forward pointers in the RFC index to increase chances implementers 
of those
 specs will also find this one.  This is also necessary for RFC 5246 as 
this creates

 an exception to a MUST NOT.

* There is an error-of-fact in the introduction; this is incorrect:
   If certificate-based client authentication is used, the server will
  believe that the initial traffic corresponds to the authenticated
  client identity.
This statement is true only for application protocols with a badly designed 
state transition from unauthenticated to authenticated state.  That is 
primarily limited to HTTPS and protocols based on HTTPS.  It is not true 
for most other IETF application protocols including SMTP, POP, IMAP, LDAP, 
NNTP, BEEP and XMPP (however, I suspect all of these are impacted by the 
TLS vulnerability in other ways).  Changing is used to is used with 
HTTPS would correct the error.

* Nomenclature: when discussing TLS_RENEGO_PROTECTION_REQUEST, the term 
cipher suite value needs to be used instead of cipher suite, and the 
text needs to explicitly state that TLS_RENEGO_PROTECTION_REQUEST is not a 
cipher suite (it is not sufficient to say it can't be negotiated).  This is 
important for evaluating implementations against government standards that 
dictate which cipher suites an implementation may advertise.

Evaluation relative to draft-mrex-tls-secure-renegotiation-03:

Kudos to Martin Rex for producing such a good alternate proposal.  The 
introductory text up to and including section 4.1 is very good and would 
improve draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation.  While I would support a consensus to 
publish the mrex document as the solution, I presently prefer 
draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation-01 for four reasons:
1. Running code: multiple implementations and interop testing was performed 
on an

  earlier version of draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation.
2. Impact to core protocol handshake: The mrex proposal alters the 
handshake to include
  data that is not exchanged in-protocol.  If this impacts PKCS#11 
hardware tokens or
  other SSL accelerators (an issue mentioned by Dr Stephen Henson on the 
TLS list on
  Nov 26, 2009 19:24:55 +) that could severely impact deployment.  I 
do not know
  if that concern applies to the mrex proposal, but I know it does not 
apply to the
  draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation.  The point being the mrex proposal 
requires more analysis
  to verify impact.  As we're in a hurry, I prefer to easier to analyze 
3. Extensibility.  In my experience one of the protocol design features 
most important to
  get right is extensibility.  SSL/TLS didn't really get that right until 
v1.2 (which is
  causing problems now).  As draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation uses the TLS 
  facility more extensively, it will help future-proof more 
4. The mrex proposal requires use of TLS_RENEGO_PROTECTION_REQUEST in some 
  That approach is untested in the field and I have concerns it will 
negatively impact
  middleboxes.  As draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation allows use of either the 
cipher suite
  value or the extension for C-S signaling, that mitigates the concern -- 
the field

  can choose the mechanism that works best.

My take on some controversial issues:

* There may not be a sufficient number of extension intolerant SSL/TLS 
servers in operation to justify the added complexity of 
TLS_RENEGO_PROTECTION_REQUEST.  However, I do not object to inclusion as 
it's possibly helpful for some alleged extension intolerant servers 
compliant with early drafts of SSLv3 and it helped move closer to WG 

* I believe Bodo Moeller's proposal to exclude client's verify_data from 
ServerHello improves the protocol, but I do not find it a blocking or 
compelling issue.

* I find the present text in security considerations on identity change 
mid-stream acceptable from my perspective as an application developer. 
However, I do not care if that text is included or excluded from the 
approved version as it is ancillary to the important 

Re: Last Call: draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd (DNS-Based Service Discovery) to Informational RFC

2008-11-19 Thread Chris Newman
--On November 4, 2008 6:28:19 -0800 The IESG [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The IESG has received a request from an individual submitter to consider
the following document:

- 'DNS-Based Service Discovery '
   draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd-05.txt as an Informational RFC

As a technical contributor and end user, I strongly support publication of 
this document, although I would prefer it was on the standards track.  I 
very much appreciate the text discussing why certain design decisions were 
made, as well as mentioning implementation/UI issues where people made 
mistakes in the past.

Other comments:

Section 4:

  The Instance portion of the Service Instance Name is a single DNS
  label, containing arbitrary precomposed (Unicode Normalization Form C
  [UAX15]) UTF-8-encoded text [RFC 3629].

Have you considered referencing RFC 5198 instead?  It's based on the same 
normalization form, but has some minor restrictions/clarifications that are 
likely to improve interoperability.  As your current text allows line 
breaks (was that intentional?) it would be helpful to have a canonical form 
for line breaks that 5198 defines.  If you didn't intend to allow line 
breaks you might want to recommend against their use as well.

  intended to ever be typed in by a user accessing a service; the user
  accesses a service by selecting its name from a list of choices
  presented on the screen.

Since this list may also be presented by a screen reader to the blind, and 
selection from the list is a mandatory part of the user experience, have 
you considered adding a way to include a language tag to assist screen 
readers in their translation to voice?  BCP 18 has some discussion of this. 
Is there implementation experience that a language tag is not necessary for 
this situation?

Section 19:

What is the title of the registry that will be listed on IANA's web page?

Do you believe it would be possible to merge the new service registry with 
this one:
creating a single service-name registry shared by these protocols?

- Chris

Ietf mailing list

Re: WG Review: NETCONF Data Modeling Language (netmod)

2008-04-21 Thread Chris Newman
--On April 15, 2008 13:30:01 -0700 IESG Secretary [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 NETCONF Data Modeling Language (netmod)

I support the creation of this WG.

 2. The YANG data modeling language and semantics (proposed
 5. Mapping rules of YANG to DSDL data modeling framework (ISO/IEC
 19757), including annotations for DSDL to preserve top-level
 semantics during translation (proposed standard).

A great deal of effort has been put into designing standard XML data 
modeling languages over many years and given that both DTD and XML Schema 
have significant weaknesses (particularly in the area of extensibility), a 
DML for XML is clearly difficult and requires special expertise.  (5) is 
critical to demonstrating that YANG has learned from the mistakes of past 
XML-DMLs with respect to extensibility and other areas.  The simpler (5) 
happens to be, the more confident I will become that YANG is following best 
practices for XML DMLs.

 4. YIN, a semantically equivalent fully reversible mapping to an
 XML-based syntax for YANG.  YIN is simply the data model in an XML syntax
 that can be manipulated using existing XML tools (e.g., XSLT) (proposed

If 5 is as simple as I think it should be, then I suspect there will be 
little semantic difference between 4  5 and much additional utility in 5. 
I'd prefer if the WG was free to drop work item 4 in the event I'm correct. 
If 2 provides the human-friendly form and 5 provides the form that best 
leverages existing standard XML tools and parsers then I see no value in 4 
which is both less human-friendly than 2 and less XML-tool-friendly than 5. 
In the event I'm wrong and there are significant semantic differences 
between 2/4 and 5 that are well justified, then I don't object to continued 
work on 4.

I suggest adding a sentence to the charter:

  In the event work items 4 and 5 are semantically similar, the WG may 
choose to omit
  work item 4.

I'm interested in other opinions on this topic.

- Chris

IETF mailing list

Re: Last Call: draft-hutzler-spamops (Email Submission: Access and Accountability) to BCP

2007-06-22 Thread Chris Newman

My last call comment as a technical contributor (apologies for the lateness):

Overall, this is a very important document which I support.

I'm not fond of the current title because I believe it will cause the document 
to be ignored by the people who most need to read it.  I suggest:

  Operational Requirements for Email Submission

The best way to improve this document otherwise would be by deleting text from 
the document and trimming it down to just the best practice requirements and 
recommendations.  Move the descriptive text about architecture and how the 
email system works somewhere else (e.g. Dave's email architecture document).

Operators will run MSAs on port 25 if they need to, so it's unnecessary to make 
a normative recommendation about that.  At some point it may cease to be useful 
to run an MSA on port 25 so requiring an update to this document when that 
happens is short-sighted.

   - Chris

The IESG wrote on 6/6/07 10:32 -0400:

The IESG has received a request from an individual submitter to consider
the following document:

- 'Email Submission: Access and Accountability '
   draft-hutzler-spamops-07.txt as a BCP

The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits
final comments on this action.  Please send substantive comments to the mailing lists by 2007-06-20. Exceptionally,
comments may be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead. In either case, please
retain the beginning of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.

Note that this is a second run of the Last Call. The first Last Call
happened in 2005, and the current version tried to address all the
comments received then. Taking into account the amount of time since the
first Last Call the Area Director and the editors decided to run again a
two weeks Last Call.

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Re: Last Call: draft-siemborski-rfc1734bis (POP3 SASL Authentication Mechanism) to Proposed Standard

2007-01-31 Thread Chris Newman
I have reviewed this document and support moving it forward on the standards 

On procedural nit:

In section 4, the document states:
 The service name specified by this protocol's profile of SASL
 is pop.

A note in the IANA Considerations section is needed which directs IANA to 
update the GSSAPI/SASL service name registry to reference this document.  The 
service name registry is located here:

   - Chris

The IESG wrote on 1/24/07 16:29 -0500:

The IESG has received a request from an individual submitter to consider
the following document:

- 'POP3 SASL Authentication Mechanism '
   draft-siemborski-rfc1734bis-10.txt as a Proposed Standard

The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits
final comments on this action.  Please send substantive comments to the mailing lists by 2007-02-21. Exceptionally,
comments may be sent to instead. In either case, please
retain the beginning of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.

The file can be obtained via

IESG discussion can be tracked via

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