Re: [OT] Valley of the Boyz

2000-08-07 Thread Randall . Gale

For gawd's sake, go away!
I thought this guy was filtered?
This is so not relevant to anything even remotely resembling an issue for 
either the IETF or NANOG.
This is what makes me hate the net sometimes.



Randall Gale
Regional Director - New England
Information Security
Predictive Systems
vox: 781-751-9629
fax: 781-329-9343

kysi ferul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
08/07/00 01:50 PM

Subject:Re: [OT] Valley of the Boyz

 Excellent! Thank you very much  AGAIN, I repeat-wish
we had some REAL FOLKS out there! As for instance in
the area of ATTORNIES who could write me up a whole
'pacel'(?) (parcel, passle, BUNCH...'possibles') of
LETTER of DEMANDs? Look at that "VALLEY of the Boys"
story-see at screen's upper-left-hand-corner the IBM
'browser ad' graphic which is a clustering of highway
signs. "601" "219"...Wow! How about that!

Please compare the ad to my designwork at

Okay! That's all! Let me know if you are interested in

going in together as a PRE-IPO with my designworks!


--- "John M . Brown" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Do You Yahoo!?
Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.

Re: Heard at the IETF

2000-08-03 Thread Randall . Gale

Don't the Japanese who avoid the use of 4 because it sounds like death?
I could be wrong, but I seem to remember that.
Also, I remember hearing that about the Japanese television show "Iron 
Chef".  Although there are 4 Iron Chefs, the TV program only shows 3 at 
the most (at a time) to avoid showing or referring to all 4 of them.

Sorry to interrupt your thread, but I found it a humorous sideline in an 
all too un-unhumorous (like that's a word) work week.  :)



Randall Gale
Regional Director - New England
Information Security
Predictive Systems
vox: 781-751-9629
fax: 781-329-9343

08/03/00 09:03 AM

To: "Hans E. Kristiansen" [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Michael H. Warfield" 
Subject:Re: Heard at the IETF

At 3:40 PM +0800 8/3/00, Hans E. Kristiansen wrote:
   On Wed, Aug 02, 2000 at 03:58:47PM -0400, Scott Lawrence wrote:
 - elevators (in the US) go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15...
   they skip 13! Does this make 14 a prime number ? ;-)
No - it makes 26 a prime number.
   That's OK...  But in China, they skip "4".  (They really do).

Because the idiogram for the number four sounds like "death", so it is 
for a
good reason. Number 13 is just unlucky.

Ahhh, right.  Thanks for putting a scientific view on the subject.  ;-)

Re: fyi.. House Committee Passes Bill Limiting Spam E-Mail

2000-06-19 Thread Randall . Gale

It's easy to classify SPAM as "junkmail" or UCE but I think that leaves 
too much to interpretation these days.
Especially given the almost completely commercial applications of "the 
net" (gawd, I hate to even think of Sandra B. and her magic octet).
I think the answer could live in what is commonly referred to as a "pull" 
versus a "push" type of marketing.
If you take the time to ask people, in a non-obtrusive way, what they're 
interested in, then usually, enough people will respond to
help you "meet your numbers and get your trip" (or whatever motivates the 
source of information).

The trick (or tightrope that must be walked), is to find a middle ground 
with consumers.  How can enough information about you be gathered and 
analyzed (with your permission) to only (or for the most part) give you 
information that interests you.  Cookies?  not sure.  PKI "hooks"?  Not 
sure either.  Heck, I'm not sure what the difference is if you really 
think all "hippy" about what they're really both being used (planned) for.

The net has the potential to be a great vehicle for sales.  The only 
reason I say it has potential, in spite of its obvious success, is that I 
think there's a long way to go with regards to security and other legal 
issues.  These will all get resolved one way or the other, but once they 
are, this middle ground is where we should all be able to play as 
"consumers" AND "sellers" with product or information or opinion whatnot 
(what's the difference really).

Randall Gale
Regional Director
Information Security
Predictive Systems
vox: 781-751-9629
fax: 781-329-9343