
we are extremely pleased to report that for the 2013 award period of
the Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP), 36 eligible nominations
were received. Each submission was reviewed by eight members of the
selection committee according to a diverse set of criteria, including
scientific excellence and substance, timeliness, relevance, and
potential impact on the Internet.

Based on this review, four submissions were awarded an Applied Networking
Research Prize in 2013. The fourth winning paper for 2013 will be
presented at IETF-88 in Vancouver, BC, Canada. The award for IETF-88
goes to:

*** Idilio Drago *** for characterizing traffic and workloads of the
Dropbox cloud storage system:

   Idilio Drago, Marco Mellia, Maurizio M. Munafo, Anna Sperotto,
   Ramin Sadre and Aiko Pras. Inside Dropbox: Understanding Personal
   Cloud Storage Services. Proc. ACM Internet Measurement Conference
   (IMC), November 2012, Boston, MA, USA.

Idilio has been invited to present his findings in the IRTF Open
Meeting during IETF-88 in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Join him there!

The call for ANRP nominations for the 2014 awards cycle will open in the
fall of 2013. Read more about the ANRP at http://irtf.org/anrp.

Please subscribe to the IRTF-Announce mailing list in order to receive
future calls for ANRP nominations and join ISOC to stay informed of
other networking research initiatives:



Lars Eggert, IRTF Chair            http://irtf.org/anrp
Mat Ford, Internet Society         http://isoc.org/research


2013 ANRP Selection Committee

Mark Allman, ICIR
Marcelo Bagnulo, UC3M
Lou Berger, LabN
Olivier Bonaventure, UCL Louvain
Ross Callon, Juniper
Lars Eggert, NetApp
Olivier Festor, INRIA
Mat Ford, ISOC
Lisandro Granville, UFRGS
Volker Hilt, Bell Labs
Suresh Krishnan, Ericsson
Dan Massey, Colorado State
Al Morton, AT&T Laboratories
Jörg Ott, Aalto University
Colin Perkins, University of Glasgow
Stefano Previdi, Cisco
Jürgen Schönwälder, Jacobs University Bremen
Yang Richard Yang, Yale
Lixia Zhang, UCLA

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