Re: DNSng: where to discuss/get info?

2001-03-02 Thread Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim

Mohsen BANAN-Public wrote:
 Did you follow the discussions that I initiated on
 a similar set of topics on the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailing lists about two years ago?

Nope, but what was the conclusion? Where (URL) is it archived?
Basically, my question was because of IAB's assertion 
in RFC-2826 "IAB Technical Comment on the Unique DNS Root" 
( )

 Bob Allisat [EMAIL PROTECTED] followed up on that idea...

I am not aware that he is interested in the technical aspect
of DNS.

 I am also interested in the answer to your question.
Rahmat - is there any WG, or organization, or list, or whatever
Rahmat   which is actively discussing the TECHNICAL (not political)
Rahmat   aspect of how a new DNS scheme should be?

Perhaps, we should discuss this in private. What I have in 
mind is somewhat of an "address book" that is publicly 
accessible, perhaps through an ordinary DNS. Since it is 
publicly accessible, it can be shared/adopted by others.

But, still there will be a legal issue here. Since
XYZZY lawyers believe that they are entitled to,,, XYZZY.any.other.TLD,
do they have right over the XYZZY definition in my
private address book?


Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim - VLSM-TJT -
- Jangan,jangan,samakan;VLSM-TJT dengan yang lain! A.Rafiq

Re: DNSng: where to discuss/get info?

2001-03-01 Thread Mohsen BANAN-Public

Did you follow the discussions that I initiated on
a similar set of topics on the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailing lists about two years ago?

In that thread I proposed something along the
lines that you are looking for. I am including my
last message on that thread below.

Bob Allisat [EMAIL PROTECTED] followed up on that idea
and asked why we can't build on it and move
towards a solution. If I remember right, the
subject line of his message was:

"Does IETF stand for Innovation Extermination Task Force?"

Shortly after that, the IETF Chair restricted his
participation in [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.

The problems with DNS are well known.

Fixing them in the context of some next generation DNS makes good sense.

I am also interested in the answer to your question.

  Rahmat - is there any WG, or organization, or list, or whatever
  Rahmat   which is actively discussing the TECHNICAL (not political)
  Rahmat   aspect of how a new DNS scheme should be?


Subject: Re: Now: Next Generation Domains and DNS -- Was: Re: No More Central 
Authority: Not NSI/ICAN! Not ORSC! 
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 00:41:34 -0800 (PST)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
MIME-Version: 1.0

[This is a summary response which covers comments
 which were in reply to my: 
 message with the subject of:
 Re: Now: Next Generation Domains and DNS -- Was: Re: No More Central Authority: Not 
 dated Thu, 21 Jan 1999 22:41:13 -0800 (PST).]

I ended my previous note, by saying:

 On Thu, 21 Jan 1999 22:41:13 -0800 (PST), Mohsen BANAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

  Mohsen ...

  Mohsen Now, after all of this if there was to be an
  Mohsen acknowledgment that there is an architectural
  Mohsen problem here and that this is not a "strings
  Mohsen parsing" issue which can go either way, then
  Mohsen may be we can work on solutions 

Many got the point -- that there is a "notation backwardness" problem.

For example:

 On Fri, 22 Jan 1999 08:42:32 -, "mark.paton" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  mark I hate to admit it but he has a point!


 On Fri, 22 Jan 1999 14:50:41 +0400, Peter Dawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

  Peter ...

  Peter How come  the folks don't admit the mistakes and just
  Peter keepcontinuing..  ?? we all understand it is human to err..  !!


Now, we just have got to leave behind those who
after all of this, still don't get it and can't
(or don't want to) follow.

I -- and many others -- have known about this
notation backwardness for more than 10 years.
Prior to last week, I had never brought up this
issue publicly.

There is a good reason why I chose 1999 as the
time to bring it up. That is because, I believe
it is only now that we have an opportunity to
plant the right seeds so that the "problem" can
be fixed over time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to fix it
is a lot more reasonable than "living" with it.

 On Fri, 22 Jan 1999 04:14:55 -0500 (EST), "Theodore Y. Ts'o" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Theodore ...

  Theodore Whether or not you call this a "Problem" depends on your point
  Theodore of view.  But this is reality.  Live with it.  

Ted, you live with it. If you want to.

I am an engineer. I try to fix problems when
the opportunity presents itself.

Please consider what I refer to as the
"opportunity to plant the right seeds", with an
open mind for a moment.

May be it is workable. 
May be it is not.

Worstcase, we live with it.

I want to try.

Yes. This problem has widespread roots.

 On Fri, 22 Jan 1999 10:09:02 -0800 (PST), Ned Freed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Ned I am in complete agreement with Ted here. I also have issues with the way
  Ned things work and the way things were done, but I recognize that this stuff is
  Ned far too widely deployed at far too many levels to change now. 

Ned, I understand (and respect) the
significance of the installed base as much as
the next guy.

That is why I don't refer to this as a "quick fix"
but as a "planting of the seeds" type of an

In order to understand what I am proposing we
have to consider it in the larger context of
Domains and DNS ambiance of 1999.

Let's put everything on the table and take a
quick look.

 - We have a DNS-mess grid-lock. 

   At least according to some (me
   included). The idea of
   expanding top level domains have gone
   nowhere. Introducing competition at the 
   root-server and registration level has gone nowhere.
   General confidence in progress is low ...

 - Updates to DNS Software (both client and
   server) for beyond IPv4 addresses are needed.

 - Updates to DNS Software (both client and
   server) for security, public keys, certificates,
   ... are needed.

 - As phone numbers and Domains keep coming
   together, the domain notation's backwardness
   is becoming more visible and significant.

 - ...

Since it 

DNSng: where to discuss/get info?

2001-02-14 Thread Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim


Well, the current DNS was designed around 1983 by 
Mockapetris et. al. ( See also ).
AFAIK, it was based on assumptions like a "single root"/
"single person authority", a simple categorizing scheme (.edu, 
.gov, ...), etc. Unfortunately, nowadays, XYZZY lawyers believe 
that XYZZY is entitled to,,, 

So the questions are:
- why not design a new DNS scheme?
- is there any WG, or organization, or list, or whatever
  which is actively discussing the TECHNICAL (not political)
  aspect of how a new DNS scheme should be?
- for example, what is the technical problem if everyone is 
  running hir own "address book"; so that "my-favorite-soda" 
  or "soda" will be mapped to whatever favorite soda 
  (Dr. Pepper for myself :-).
- or, what is the technical problem, if creating about 40++ 
  "alternate" TLDs like: "0", "1", ... "A", "B", "C", ... 
  "Z", ".",   Example: the classical ".com" will be
  mapped to TLD "m", etc.
- is NameDroppers the answer?


Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim - VLSM-TJT -
- Mr.LOPA-LOPA... HAMtastic,MENKEHstic,YUSRILbis...|Shaggy