Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-19 Thread Masataka Ohta
Noel Chiappa wrote:

> >> What DNSsec will provide is ... data origin authentication and data
> >> integrity protection.

> ??? There is clearly something here I don't understand.

No, you don't.

> How does the UDP checksum plus a cookie (nonce) protect against
> a MITM attack,
> on the path from the server back to the querying entity?

As DNSSEC is not protected from MitM attacks on zones on the path
between client and server zones, how can you expect plain old DNS
is better protected?

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-19 Thread Noel Chiappa
> From: Masataka Ohta 

>> What DNSsec will provide is ... data origin authentication and data
>> integrity protection.

> That is already offered with plain old DNS with UDP checksum, cookie
> and return routability, though UDP checksum is optional and cookie of
> message ID is a little bit too short.

??? There is clearly something here I don't understand.

How does the UDP checksum plus a cookie (nonce) protect against a MITM attack,
on the path from the server back to the querying entity?

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-19 Thread Martin Rex
Masataka Ohta wrote:
> Martin Rex wrote:
> > DNSsec, as far as I can see, does not use a PKI in the traditional
> > sense.  There are _NO_ persons involved in the process,
> FYI, zones are operated by people.

That is missing the point.

>From what I've seen, the whole architecture of DNSsec is based
on assertions of keys being authorized to sign keys being authorized
to sign RRs.

The blobs of data that are being used in the signatures look very
similar to "RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-SIGN" (PKCS#1 v1.5 signature scheme)
to me.  If you look at rfc-2437 (PKCS#1 v2.0)

it does _NOT_ use the term "digital signature" anywhere throughout
that document, simply because there are no digital signature
described in that specification.  

"digital signature" is a term that has been picked up and used
by legislators to describe things that are equivalents to
real/natural signatures that represent legal entities,
and where they attach legal liabilities and contractual obligations.

The things used in DNSsec are just "signatures", they are
definitely _NOT_ "digital signatures" in any legal sense.

And btw. the reason why dnssec-gost needs to be a MAY, and why the
IETF _standards_ ought to require all DNSsec-signed zones
to include signatures with a mandatory to implement algorithm
is described in BCP-61, Section 6 as "the Danvers Doctrine":

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-19 Thread Masataka Ohta
Martin Rex wrote:

> What DNSsec will provide is what is described in rfc-4033 section 3.1
> data origin authentication and data integrity protection.

That is already offered with plain old DNS with UDP checksum,
cookie and return routability, though UDP checksum is optional
and cookie of message ID is a little bit too short.

> In order to obtain any level of "trust", you would not only have
> to configure the keys for specific zones that you trust,
> but also create an out-of-band trust relationship
> (person-to-person, audit) of the registry administrating the
> relevant DNS-zones you want to trust, their equiment and
> adminstrative procedures,
> *PLUS*
> you will need to create an out-of-band trust relationship to
> the adminstrator(s) who operate(s) the server(s)/service(s)
> for which you want to resolve the names through DNSsec and
> their network admins and the operational procedures that they use.
> That might be a time-consuming, expensive and error-prone effort
> that by itself get outdated, and it scales nowhere considering
> the size of the DNS.

Right. So, DNSSEC is no better than plain old DNS.

> I have set up my DSL router to register the IP assigned by the ISP
> with (builtin feature of the DSL-router).  But whenever
> the connection is dropped, that DNS entry with is
> inaccurate until my router re-connects and updates it with the new IP.

It partially is a problem of unnecessarilly long TTL, which
means poor administration of related zones. That is, DNS is
not fully responsible for the problem.

However, it is almost certain that the zones will have poor
administration and, thus, poor security even if DNSSEC were

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-19 Thread Martin Rex
Masataka Ohta wrote:
> Ignore DNSSEC.
> Technically, it is poorly designed unnecessarily causing a lot of
> technical problems such as large message sizes.
> But, the most serious defect of DNSSEC, or PKI in general, is that,
> despite a lot of hypes, it is not cryptographically secure.
> Social attacks on trusted third parties makes the parties
> untrustworthy, which means PKI is merely socially or weakly
> secure.

DNS has always contained highly dynamic, quickly or already outdated
and non-negligable amounts of incorrect information.  

But the inaccuracies used to be primarily of the out-dated and
accidentally wrong kind, not of the maliciously inaccurate ("fake")

When DNSsec is used, the data in DNS will continue to be loosely
inaccurate or outdated.  But inserting maliciously inaccurate ("fake")
data will hopefully become more difficult.

Personally, I firmly believe that any assumption that data in the DNS
could be trusted, is fatally flawed.  And that any security architecture
that relies on DNS data being accurate, is fatally broken.

What DNSsec will provide is what is described in rfc-4033 section 3.1
data origin authentication and data integrity protection.

You can get some level of assurance that the successful result from
DNSsec name resolution will provide you an answer from the
entity that has been authorized to administrate a particular zone
and that this data was not modified in transit (network communication)
or at rest (on the nameserver or in caches).

One should *NOT* make any assumptions about the accuracy of that
information in any kind or form.  The information could be
outdated, it could be inaccurate and it could have been
created by subverting the administrative procedures of
the registry -- or e.g. by hacking the database which sources
the nameserver's DNSsec zones.

In order to obtain any level of "trust", you would not only have
to configure the keys for specific zones that you trust,
but also create an out-of-band trust relationship
(person-to-person, audit) of the registry administrating the
relevant DNS-zones you want to trust, their equiment and
adminstrative procedures,

you will need to create an out-of-band trust relationship to
the adminstrator(s) who operate(s) the server(s)/service(s)
for which you want to resolve the names through DNSsec and
their network admins and the operational procedures that they use.

That might be a time-consuming, expensive and error-prone effort
that by itself get outdated, and it scales nowhere considering
the size of the DNS.


At home I'm using ADSL (~3500/500 KBps), get an IP-Address
dynamically assigned by my ISP whenever my DSL-router reconnects.
I'm using it with a flatrate and VoiP, so it's online 24h, but
the connection is dropped at least once per day -- and I *ALWAYS*
get a new IP assigned on re-connect!

I have set up my DSL router to register the IP assigned by the ISP
with (builtin feature of the DSL-router).  But whenever
the connection is dropped, that DNS entry with is
inaccurate until my router re-connects and updates it with the new IP.

Anyone who thinks that information in the DNS could be trusted
is either using a funny definition of trust or has no clue how
DNS is actually used and what kind of data it contains (and
how that data is created and maintained).

There are a few things currently being done that will potentially
no longer work when DNSsec is used.  Currently, some countries seem
to ask ISP for blackholing or "redirecting" (=faking) DNS-requests for
particular sites.  Blackholing in the form of NXDOMAIN may not longer
work, Blackholing by dropping the request may result in clients
walking the list of authoritative Nameservers instead of contining
to pull the ISPs nameserver, and faking will also no longer work
as soon as the relevant zone has DNSsec enabled and the ISP has
no adminstrative control over that zone (the most common case).

Not having read all of the relevant RFCs, I don't know what the
situation will be for companies running with their own DNS universe,
private IPv4 address spaces (10.x.x.x, 192.168.x.x) and potentially
non-official TLD (company.corp).  It probably depends whether
and how these companies have made real-world DNS information
available on their internal networks.

DHCP and DNS dynamic update also appears to create interesting
challenges for the use of DNSsec for involved DNS zones.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Securing DNS Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-19 Thread Masataka Ohta
Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

> The point is that the particular obsession with 'end to end' solutions
> means that we loose the ability to deploy architectures that provide
> greater protection against the attacks that actually matter.

FYI, there is no point to insist on 'end to end' here, because DNS,
including plain old one not necessarilly DNSSEC, is not end to end.

DNS servers are intermediate intelligent entities betweeen peers,
though the servers are operated zone administrators between peers,
which are, in general, not ISPs between peers.

The lack of end to end property makes DNS, including DNSSEC,
vulnerable to MitM attacks at intermediate zones.

Though DNS resolvers can be, to avoid cache poisoning, implemented
end to end between client hosts and DNS servers without intermediate
resolvers, it's end to end merely between the client hosts and the
DNS servers and not between the clients and application servers of
the clients.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: Securing DNS Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-19 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
If people want to prevent their TCP/IP enabled lightswitches from
viewing porn as well as stopping them from accessing malware sites,
then I guess they could use this mechanism.

I do not consider stopping my computer from accessing malware or
crimeware sites to be 'censorship'. Censorship is what people do to
other people. I have never heard of a anti-porn crusader who says that
they need to be protected from porn, they always worry about what it
would do to other people.

The fact that the DNS can be used as a censorship point only
reinforces the need for the endpoint to be more careful in their
choice of resolution service. The current DNS model was conceived when
a VAX 11/780 only just fit in a standard elevator and cell phones were
considered futuristic spy gadgets. Had the need for endpoints to move
about been considered I don't think the default of taking DNS
resolution service from your local network provider would have been

For a whole host of reasons it is a really bad idea for ICANN or any
other single point authority to be in the business of filtering domain
name issue. Since it is also a bad idea to route packets to names
controlled by the Russian Business Network it follows that most end
points should not be using the authoritative DNS name space.

Given that the vast majority of medium to large sized businesses seem
to already have some form of restriction on Internet access, I don't
see that trying to enforce this by making the DNSSEC protocol issue
failure reports is going to change anything. If the technical measures
were effective then the businesses would simply turn off DNSSEC. But
it is rather more likely that they won't work at all because nobody
has yet worked out what a Web browser should do if it is told that the
site exists but the resolution of the DNS request is blocked. Perhaps
they could send a request for the missing packets by carrier pigeon.

On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 8:59 PM, Paul Wouters  wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Feb 2010, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
>> The key point is choice. Just as some people CHOOSE to install
>> products such as Norton Anti-Virus that stop certain applications
>> running on their machine, the typical Internet user should probably
>> CHOOSE to use a DNS service that has the known crimeware sites
>> eliminated.
> Should they also CHOOSE for a porn filter. And a filter on politically
> sensitive words? Where does our job end to let the user CHOOSE their
> censorship? And again, you make it sound like DNSSEC is taking away that
> choice, which is clearly not the case.
>> The point is that the particular obsession with 'end to end' solutions
>> means that we loose the ability to deploy architectures that provide
>> greater protection against the attacks that actually matter.
> It prevents hacking the protocol (for good AND for evil). And that is
> a good thing.
>> DNS hijacking is a very rare type of attack.
> No it is not. It depends on your environment. I'll grant you that its
> more likely you'll end up on a phising side then caught in a DNS spoof,
> but that does not validate your opinion of not rolling out stronger
> security just so people can play games with protocols.
> And as Mark showed, there are legitimate ways of piggypacking filtering
> services with DNS using EDNS options.
>> Securing the mapping of
>> DNS names to IP addresses will not provide a major reduction in
>> expected losses due to attacks.
> It will greatly improve security by providing a hierarchical distributed
> signed database. You will see many new applications leveling this new
> option.
>> We already have domain validated SSL
>> certificates that meet that need quite adequately.
> You haven't been around in the last year? When we had SSL attack after SSL
> attack? A 2 second email verification for a "valid for the entire world"
> certificate is not what I would call "quite adequately".
>> The value in DNSSEC lies in being able to establish a coherent network
>> based system of security policy distribution.
> Sorry, I am not sure what this means. But if it is another application of
> distributed signed data, then yes, it is another case for the adoption of
> DNSSEC, not for critisism that it would block some filtering technique,
> which it doesn't)
> Paul

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Re: Securing DNS Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-19 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
more ad hominem and irrelevant comparisons.

The key point is choice. Just as some people CHOOSE to install
products such as Norton Anti-Virus that stop certain applications
running on their machine, the typical Internet user should probably
CHOOSE to use a DNS service that has the known crimeware sites

The point is that the particular obsession with 'end to end' solutions
means that we loose the ability to deploy architectures that provide
greater protection against the attacks that actually matter.

DNS hijacking is a very rare type of attack. Securing the mapping of
DNS names to IP addresses will not provide a major reduction in
expected losses due to attacks. We already have domain validated SSL
certificates that meet that need quite adequately.

The value in DNSSEC lies in being able to establish a coherent network
based system of security policy distribution.

On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 7:41 PM, Paul Wouters  wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Feb 2010, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
>> The point is not to protect the DNS. The point is to protect the
>> people. And that means that maybe you don't want your machine to
>> resolve every domain name.
> That sounds very much like the tapping/crypto debate. "You may not
> secure your communications because we're using its weaknesses for your
> protection".
> Not securing DNS because some people are using it for something completely
> different, namely a filtering service, is not an acceptable solution.
> But besides that, services like opendns can still fetch and validate DNS,
> and then continue strip it and rewrite it for those endusers that prefer
> such a service. DNSSEC does not change that at all.
> Paul

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Re: Securing DNS Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-19 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
The point is not to protect the DNS. The point is to protect the
people. And that means that maybe you don't want your machine to
resolve every domain name.

The typical attack these days is to direct a user to a malware site.
This is usually spam but can easily be a malicious redirect or inline
on a hacked Web site.

Once the user is on the malware site they are either asked to install
the malware or the site does a driveby download on them.

Other sites we would like to avoid visiting are identified phishing sites.

Sending the malware through email pretty much fails these days as very
few email services will deliver executable attachments. Thus the need
for the malware site approach.

On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 6:53 PM, Paul Wouters  wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Feb 2010, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
>> One of the big fallacies of DNSSEC is the idea that providing clients
>> access to the unfiltered authoritative DNS source is the same as
>> securing the DNS. That was the case when DNSSEC was designed, today
>> most endpoints would prefer to opt to connect to some sort of filtered
>> DNS with malware and crimeware sites removed.
> "most"? That's quite the claim. If so, then opendns and friends would be
> much busier rewriting our DNS packets.
>> The biggest DNS security vulnerability is in the information that is
>> input to the DNS publication service. Most hijacking schemes have been
>> due to attacks on registrars.
> I thought the most used hijacking schemes used dancing hamsters or nude
> Britney
> Spears promises to install a new version of SYSTEM32\etc\hosts. In fact, it
> was
> so bad that Microsoft even hardcoded their own update servers IP's in their
> own DLL's.
> I have only heard of 2 or 3 attacks via registrar accounts. I've heard of
> many
> more compromised caches and hosts files.
> But I look forward to your substantiation that "most" of us prefer our DNS
> to
> be rewritten for security and saving us from typos by redirecting us to
> advertisement servers (malicious or not)
> Paul

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Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-18 Thread Joe Baptista
"useful security is binary". thats great stuff. says nothing - means even
less. theres another great term I've seen the Isociety cabal use whenever
their stuck - "it does not scale".

There are better solutions to the DNS security escapades that are simple and
involve no economic cost to the users at large. DNSSEC is not the answer.
DNSSEC is the nightmare. The solution lies with DNScurve -

The Internet already is a security nightmare - why contribute to it with
DNSSEC. Fix the UDP problem once and for all with DNSCurve. Or something
like it.

DNSSEC is old technology 1024 is a juvenile encryption standard. DNSSEC does
not solve the UDP problem. DNSCurve will.

And I remind IETF members that Dr. Bernstein was the first to address the
UDP port problem. DNScurve will take the DNS to the next step. Ensure the
machine you contacted is the machine you want to speak too.

At least members do something. Because the DNSSEC joke must end. We need
solutions to address the problem that don't end up being a make work

joe baptista

On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 3:08 PM, Masataka Ohta <> wrote:

> David Conrad wrote:
> > I'm not sure why you are pretending that useful security is binary.
> I'm afraid you are saying "DNSSEC or die", while I'm saying
> "reasonable security is good enough". Which, do you think,
> is binary?
Ietf mailing list

Re: Securing DNS Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-18 Thread Paul Wouters

On Thu, 18 Feb 2010, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

The key point is choice. Just as some people CHOOSE to install
products such as Norton Anti-Virus that stop certain applications
running on their machine, the typical Internet user should probably
CHOOSE to use a DNS service that has the known crimeware sites

Should they also CHOOSE for a porn filter. And a filter on politically
sensitive words? Where does our job end to let the user CHOOSE their
censorship? And again, you make it sound like DNSSEC is taking away that
choice, which is clearly not the case.

The point is that the particular obsession with 'end to end' solutions
means that we loose the ability to deploy architectures that provide
greater protection against the attacks that actually matter.

It prevents hacking the protocol (for good AND for evil). And that is
a good thing.

DNS hijacking is a very rare type of attack.

No it is not. It depends on your environment. I'll grant you that its
more likely you'll end up on a phising side then caught in a DNS spoof,
but that does not validate your opinion of not rolling out stronger
security just so people can play games with protocols.

And as Mark showed, there are legitimate ways of piggypacking filtering
services with DNS using EDNS options.

Securing the mapping of
DNS names to IP addresses will not provide a major reduction in
expected losses due to attacks.

It will greatly improve security by providing a hierarchical distributed
signed database. You will see many new applications leveling this new option.

We already have domain validated SSL
certificates that meet that need quite adequately.

You haven't been around in the last year? When we had SSL attack after SSL
attack? A 2 second email verification for a "valid for the entire world"
certificate is not what I would call "quite adequately".

The value in DNSSEC lies in being able to establish a coherent network
based system of security policy distribution.

Sorry, I am not sure what this means. But if it is another application of
distributed signed data, then yes, it is another case for the adoption of
DNSSEC, not for critisism that it would block some filtering technique,
which it doesn't)

Ietf mailing list

Re: Securing DNS Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-18 Thread Mark Andrews

In message , Paul 
Wouters writes:
> On Thu, 18 Feb 2010, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> > The point is not to protect the DNS. The point is to protect the
> > people. And that means that maybe you don't want your machine to
> > resolve every domain name.
> That sounds very much like the tapping/crypto debate. "You may not
> secure your communications because we're using its weaknesses for your
> protection".
> Not securing DNS because some people are using it for something completely
> different, namely a filtering service, is not an acceptable solution.
> But besides that, services like opendns can still fetch and validate DNS,
> and then continue strip it and rewrite it for those endusers that prefer
> such a service. DNSSEC does not change that at all.

DNSSEC can even be used to secure reputation data to allow different
applications on the same box to make different decisions about
whether or not to trust the data returned from the DNS even if it
is signed using DNSSEC or not.

One could also use  EDNS options to tell the recursive resolver
whether to filter or not a particular query or to pass back a
recommendations to filter the response.  The data itself would still
be signed and verifiable.  The recommendation itself can be secured
with TSIG/SIG(0).

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:
Ietf mailing list

Re: Securing DNS Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-18 Thread Paul Wouters

On Thu, 18 Feb 2010, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

The point is not to protect the DNS. The point is to protect the
people. And that means that maybe you don't want your machine to
resolve every domain name.

That sounds very much like the tapping/crypto debate. "You may not
secure your communications because we're using its weaknesses for your

Not securing DNS because some people are using it for something completely
different, namely a filtering service, is not an acceptable solution.

But besides that, services like opendns can still fetch and validate DNS,
and then continue strip it and rewrite it for those endusers that prefer
such a service. DNSSEC does not change that at all.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Securing DNS Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-18 Thread Paul Wouters

On Wed, 17 Feb 2010, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

One of the big fallacies of DNSSEC is the idea that providing clients
access to the unfiltered authoritative DNS source is the same as
securing the DNS. That was the case when DNSSEC was designed, today
most endpoints would prefer to opt to connect to some sort of filtered
DNS with malware and crimeware sites removed.

"most"? That's quite the claim. If so, then opendns and friends would be
much busier rewriting our DNS packets.

The biggest DNS security vulnerability is in the information that is
input to the DNS publication service. Most hijacking schemes have been
due to attacks on registrars.

I thought the most used hijacking schemes used dancing hamsters or nude Britney
Spears promises to install a new version of SYSTEM32\etc\hosts. In fact, it was
so bad that Microsoft even hardcoded their own update servers IP's in their
own DLL's.

I have only heard of 2 or 3 attacks via registrar accounts. I've heard of many
more compromised caches and hosts files.

But I look forward to your substantiation that "most" of us prefer our DNS to
be rewritten for security and saving us from typos by redirecting us to
advertisement servers (malicious or not)

Ietf mailing list

Re: Securing DNS Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-18 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
Recursive to stub is the piece where you need to have Apple and
Microsoft provide platform integration. And they have the longest lead
times. So that is the piece that you need to prioritize.

If we move to a mode where most people have transitioned from ISP
provided recursive DNS to some form of managed recursive DNS service,
the managers of those services may employ other strategies to provide
a significant improvement in DNS security even without DNSSEC

One of the big fallacies of DNSSEC is the idea that providing clients
access to the unfiltered authoritative DNS source is the same as
securing the DNS. That was the case when DNSSEC was designed, today
most endpoints would prefer to opt to connect to some sort of filtered
DNS with malware and crimeware sites removed.

The biggest DNS security vulnerability is in the information that is
input to the DNS publication service. Most hijacking schemes have been
due to attacks on registrars.

On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 1:48 PM, Tony Finch  wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Feb 2010, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
>> One mechanism that was unfortunately pushed asside as a result of the
>> fixation on end to end DNSSEC would be to for the resolver to use
>> DNSSEC (and other methods) to authenticate the data it receives and to
>> use some modification of TSIG to authenticate the communication
>> between client and resolver.
> I don't think that has been pushed aside. There's not much interest in it
> at the moment because the focus is on authoritative-to-recursive DNSSEC.
> Maybe attention will turn to recursive-to-stub security once there is more
> assurance that the recursive server's answers are authentic.
>> It would not take a great deal of effort to graft a Kerberos like scheme
>> on to effect key exchange.
> Or use SIG(0).
> Tony.
> --
> f.anthony.n.finch

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Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-18 Thread Masataka Ohta
David Conrad wrote:

>>OK. You are saying that any network with intermediate intelligence
>>to modify DNS responses is not a part of the Internet.

> No.

I'm afraid you have lost your point.

> Attempting to redefine the world to meet your odd definitions
> doesn't seem to be a particularly useful exercise.


> I'm not sure why you are pretending that useful security is binary.

I'm afraid you are saying "DNSSEC or die", while I'm saying
"reasonable security is good enough". Which, do you think,
is binary?

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-18 Thread David Conrad
On Feb 18, 2010, at 11:40 AM, Masataka Ohta wrote:
> OK. You are saying that any network with intermediate intelligence
> to modify DNS responses is not a part of the Internet.


> That is, we agree that ISPs in your first statement are not really ISPs.

Attempting to redefine the world to meet your odd definitions doesn't seem to 
be a particularly useful exercise.

>> there have been MITM attacks against the telephony system.
> There will be MITM attacks (by a man who operate a CA in the middle
> of a CA chain) against DNSSEC. So?

I'm not sure why you are pretending that useful security is binary.


Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-18 Thread Masataka Ohta
David Conrad wrote:

> You are aware, of course, that some ISPs are actively engaging
> in DNS response modification, right?

> Ignoring for a second that the Internet isn't the telephony system
> (intelligence in the network is in different places),

OK. You are saying that any network with intermediate intelligence
to modify DNS responses is not a part of the Internet.

I agree with you.

That is, we agree that ISPs in your first statement are not really

Note that it does not affect resemrance of weak security models of
the Internet and the telephone network.

> there have been MITM attacks against the telephony system.

There will be MITM attacks (by a man who operate a CA in the middle
of a CA chain) against DNSSEC. So?

> Cache poisoning is ALSO a result of the fact that the path
> between source and destination is not protected.


As cache poisoning can occur with poorly implemented DNSSEC
(e.g. with implementations which imprecisely check signatures)
that you should conclude that DNSSEC dose not protect the path
between source and destination.

DNSSEC does not give any protection to the CA path between
source and destination, anyway.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-18 Thread David Conrad
On Feb 18, 2010, at 12:10 AM, Masataka Ohta wrote:
> For you, your ISP is, representing the Internet, responsible for the proper 
> delivery.

Your point?

You are aware, of course, that some ISPs are actively engaging in DNS response 
modification, right?

> To your surprise, reasonable security by network operators is
> not so new. Highly commercial telcos have been offering it for
> about 100 years.

Ignoring for a second that the Internet isn't the telephony system 
(intelligence in the network is in different places), there have been MITM 
attacks against the telephony system.

> Cache poisoning is a problem of poor implementations to handle
> additional information including glue.


Cache poisoning is ALSO a result of the fact that the path between source and 
destination is not protected.


Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-18 Thread Masataka Ohta
Basil Dolmatov wrote:

>>Your and my ISPs are loosely connected by a chain of social trust
>>relationships between adjacent ISPs, which is why we can exchange
>>packets over the Internet 
> Yes.

>>with reasonable security.

> No. Without any security at all.
> No garanties of delivery, no origin validation, no path validation, etc.

H, you seemingly do not know anything about reasonable security
over the current Internet such as "return routability", on which
many protocols depend.

> "social trust relationship" can arrange packet delivery but cannot arrange 
> any 
> responsibility for proper delivery.

BGP is the mechanism for ISPs to exchange information on which
ISPs are responsible for proper delivery of packets destined
to which address ranges.

For you, your ISP is, representing the Internet, responsible for the
proper delivery.

> I as have said before the picture you are drawing reflects
> Internet 20 years ago, when all participants cooperated and
> worked on the benefit of the network.

To your surprise, reasonable security by network operators is
not so new. Highly commercial telcos have been offering it for
about 100 years. That is, if you dial my phone number, you can
reasonably expect to reach my phone.

> With no security at all. Otherwise we would have never heard about "cache 
> poisoning".

Cache poisoning is a problem of poor implementations to handle
additional information including glue.

> P.S. Just to mention: I liked Internet 20 years ago much more and a bit 
> nostalgic about it.

See above for more than 100 years of history.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-17 Thread Basil Dolmatov

Martin Rex wrote:

DNSsec, as far as I can see, does not use a PKI in the traditional
sense.  There are _NO_ persons involved in the process,

I can see some... ;)

Any operation which is placed out-of-band of DNSSec requires some 
trusted manual intervention.

Just for example:

First person - zone administrator who manually creates KSK pair and, 
private part of it in secure place and ensure that no unauthorized use 
of it is probalbe.

Second person - the administrator of upper zone, who receives DS record 
from lower zone, manually ensures that it came from authorized source 
and decides to place it in the zone file.

Lot of persons (all resolvers administrators) - who should manually 
change the root zone KSK, when rollover occurs, manually ensuring 
beforehand that new KSK has came from authorized source.

Yes, the plain X.509 certificates are not used in DNSSec, but the 
overall system design is the PKI-style.


Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-17 Thread Basil Dolmatov

Masataka Ohta пишет:

  Basil Dolmatov wrote:

There are a lot of deficiencies in PKI, but at present time I can see no 
alternative for establishing trust in loosely connected and large 
systems. If there is one, please advise.

The problem of PKI is that its security socially depends on a loose
connection of a chain of adjacent CAs.

In other word, PKI, including DNSSEC, is not secure end to end.

As the chain is breakable at component CAs (trusted third parties are
not very trustable), there is no point to work unreasonably hard to
cryptographically strengthen links between adjacent CAs.

So, PKI is useless when there already are loose but reasonable
social security.

There are no trust relationships between my ISP and your ISP.

Your and my ISPs are loosely connected by a chain of social trust
relationships between adjacent ISPs, which is why we can exchange
packets over the Internet 


  with reasonable security.

No. Without any security at all. 
No garanties of delivery, no origin validation, no path validation, etc.

"social trust relationship" can arrange packet delivery but cannot
arrange any responsibility for proper delivery.

I as have said before the picture you are drawing reflects Internet 20
years ago, when all participants cooperated and worked on the benefit
of the network.

No _not_all_ participants have this paradigm in the network and the
share of those who do not participate in any "social trust
relationships" but simply use the network in the manner they feel good
for achieving their goals (sometimes criminal ones) is increasing

  Adjacent zones have reasonable social trust relationships between
them, through which network, your resolver and my server are
loosely connected with reasonable security.

With no security at all. Otherwise we would have never heard about
"cache poisoning".


P.S. Just to mention: I liked Internet 20 years ago much more and a bit
nostalgic about it.


Ietf mailing list

The DNSSEC nightmare continues Re: Securing DNS Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-17 Thread Joe Baptista
so much simpler to solve DNS vulnerabilities with dnsCurve


2010/2/17 Phillip Hallam-Baker 

> One mechanism that was unfortunately pushed asside as a result of the
> fixation on end to end DNSSEC would be to for the resolver to use
> DNSSEC (and other methods) to authenticate the data it receives and to
> use some modification of TSIG to authenticate the communication
> between client and resolver.
> This model does not make much sense if you stick to the model where
> hosts pick up their DNS service from the local host. But it makes a
> great deal of sense when you are using a service like Google's DNS. It
> would not take a great deal of effort to graft a Kerberos like scheme
> on to effect key exchange.
> The real problem with DNSSEC is that it has taken so long that the
> Internet has changed since. And rather than go back and redesign we
> are always told that so much time and effort has been spent already
> that we cannot possibly take any time to look at the issues that might
> prevent deployment or use. And so instead of the opt-in fix taking six
> months as it should have done it took six years and instead of the
> zone walking/privacy issue taking six months it took four years.
> I am thinking of retitling my RSA talk '2010 The Year of DNSSEC'.
> I am not trying to beat up people and say do it the way we did it.
> What I am trying to say here is DON'T REPEAT OUR MISTAKES. Look at the
> solution that we were forced to adopt when the single rooted hierarchy
> proved undeployable.
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 10:01 AM, Basil Dolmatov  wrote:
> > Masataka Ohta пишет:
> >>
> >> But, the most serious defect of DNSSEC, or PKI in general, is that,
> >> despite a lot of hypes, it is not cryptographically secure.
> >> Social attacks on trusted third parties makes the parties
> >> untrustworthy, which means PKI is merely socially or weakly
> >> secure.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > There are a lot of deficiencies in PKI, but at present time I can see no
> > alternative for establishing trust in loosely connected and large
> systems.
> > If there is one, please advise.
> >>
> >> For security of interdomain routing, social security of trust
> >> relationship between ISPs is just enough to which additional
> >> social security by PKI is not helpful.
> >>
> >
> > There are no trust relationships between my ISP and your ISP.
> > How my ISP can trust routing announce, which I have got over the network
> and
> > which has your ISP mentioned as the origin?
> >
> >> For security of DNS, social security of trust relationship between
> >> ISPs and between zones are just enough to which additional social
> >> security by PKI is not helpful.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > Same question applies to DNS. My resolver have no trust relationships
> with
> > your server.
> > How I can trust DNS-answer which I have got over the network?
> >
> > Unfortunately, Internet 20 years ago and Internet today are two
> > significantly different networks.
> >
> > 20 years ago I trusted to nearly all network participants and undoubtedly
> > trusted to all network administrators.
> >
> > Now, the necessity to build the chains of trust is obvious, otherwise you
> > will lose a lot. The methods, which are being implemented are definitely
> not
> > ideal (I knew a lot of flaws and weaknesses in systems, which are using
> > PKI), but at the same time I do not know anything better.
> >
> >
> > dol@
> >
> >
> >
> >>Masataka Ohta
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > ___
> > Ietf mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> --
> New Website:
> View Quantum of Stupid podcasts, Tuesday and Thursday each week,
> ___
> Ietf mailing list
Ietf mailing list

Re: Securing DNS Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-17 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 11:01:38AM -0500, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> One mechanism that was unfortunately pushed asside as a result of the
> fixation on end to end DNSSEC would be to for the resolver to use
> DNSSEC (and other methods) to authenticate the data it receives and to
> use some modification of TSIG to authenticate the communication
> between client and resolver.

Whatever made you think that had been "pushed aside"?  And it seems to
me SIG(0) will work better.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-17 Thread Masataka Ohta
Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:

>>>DNSsec, as far as I can see, does not use a PKI in the traditional
>>>sense.  There are _NO_ persons involved in the process,
>>FYI, zones are operated by people.
>>I can forge a key of your zone. I can, then, ask a person operating a
>>parent zone of yours to issue a valid signature over the forged key.

> Yeah, but at least now we know the difference between the subversion
> of the "Chain of trust" and some bloke with a packet sniffer.

It merely means that DNS depends on two chains of trust: one with
zones and another with ISPs.

As we know, ISPs are reasonablly trustable.

> The point here is, we now have a way to verify the technical
> functions we depend on today are working properly.

That's pointless.

Indeed, DNSSEC technically verifies keys have valid signatures.

However, DNSSEC does not technically verify the valid signatures
are obtained legitimately.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-17 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 17 Feb 2010, at 22:24, Masataka Ohta wrote:
> Martin Rex wrote:
>> DNSsec, as far as I can see, does not use a PKI in the traditional
>> sense.  There are _NO_ persons involved in the process,
> FYI, zones are operated by people.
> I can forge a key of your zone. I can, then, ask a person operating a
> parent zone of yours to issue a valid signature over the forged key.

Yeah, but at least now we know the difference between the subversion of the 
"Chain of trust" and some bloke with a packet sniffer.  As soon as the 
"Integrity" of the "Chain of trust" becomes obviously broken, for whatever 
reason, it's totally within our power to do what we do now, and ignore it.

The point here is, we now have a way to verify the technical functions we 
depend on today are working properly.  It isn't about reputation or the trust 
of any given person or entity, any more than it is now. I can *still* find 
ingenious ways to bribe or subvert or otherwise make your registrar publish 
records of my control and design that pertain to your domains, with or without 
that verification function.  Well, I could if I were sitting at the top with 
lots of money and nothing else to do.  But when the data we receive is 
authentic from the intended, authenticated source, we have a chance to assign 
our own trust policies as we see fit (and it may be, though I doubt it, that I 
find the bloke with a packet sniffer a more reliable source than ICANN).  The 
utility of online banking and shopping, as certified by some sort of 
certification authority about whom we know next to nothing, suggests that we 
prefer some - any - degree of accountability, and the result of some CA being s
 loppy has always (and will continue to be) grounds for distrust.  And the same 
has applied as well to webs of trust, like those of PGP, where some degree of 
fuzzy logic is applied to make multiple vouches constitute more solid evidence 
of "Trustworthiness".  Single roots may present problems when there is no other 
root, but never to the extent of being an unchallenged authority, and certainly 
not to the degree that the Internet would experience an irreparable divide.  
The problems only really show up when people get involved, and that's why 
certification authorities are so rich.


Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-17 Thread Masataka Ohta
Martin Rex wrote:

> DNSsec, as far as I can see, does not use a PKI in the traditional
> sense.  There are _NO_ persons involved in the process,

FYI, zones are operated by people.

I can forge a key of your zone. I can, then, ask a person operating a
parent zone of yours to issue a valid signature over the forged key.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-17 Thread Masataka Ohta
Basil Dolmatov wrote:

> There are a lot of deficiencies in PKI, but at present time I can see no 
> alternative for establishing trust in loosely connected and large 
> systems. If there is one, please advise.

The problem of PKI is that its security socially depends on a loose
connection of a chain of adjacent CAs.

In other word, PKI, including DNSSEC, is not secure end to end.

As the chain is breakable at component CAs (trusted third parties are
not very trustable), there is no point to work unreasonably hard to
cryptographically strengthen links between adjacent CAs.

So, PKI is useless when there already are loose but reasonable
social security.

> There are no trust relationships between my ISP and your ISP.

Your and my ISPs are loosely connected by a chain of social trust
relationships between adjacent ISPs, which is why we can exchange
packets over the Internet with reasonable security.

> Additional loose connection by a PKI chain does not help.

> How my ISP can trust routing announce, which I have got over the network 
> and which has your ISP mentioned as the origin?

That should be an argument against PKIs.

How can you trust my CA, which you have got over a network of CAs?

Socially compromising a CA in the network is as easy as socially
compromising an ISP.

> Same question applies to DNS. My resolver have no trust relationships 
> with your server.

Adjacent zones have reasonable social trust relationships between
them, through which network, your resolver and my server are
loosely connected with reasonable security.

If you argue zones are not managed very securely, it means CAs of
PKI, a.k.a. zones of DNSSEC, are not managed very securely.

> How I can trust DNS-answer which I have got over the network?

How can you trust DNSSEC-answer which you have got over a network
of poorly managed CAs (zones)?

> Now, the necessity to build the chains of trust is obvious,

Unless the chains are not already there.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: Securing DNS Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-17 Thread Shumon Huque
On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 06:48:37PM +, Tony Finch wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Feb 2010, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> > One mechanism that was unfortunately pushed asside as a result of the
> > fixation on end to end DNSSEC would be to for the resolver to use
> > DNSSEC (and other methods) to authenticate the data it receives and to
> > use some modification of TSIG to authenticate the communication
> > between client and resolver.
> I don't think that has been pushed aside. There's not much interest in it
> at the moment because the focus is on authoritative-to-recursive DNSSEC.
> Maybe attention will turn to recursive-to-stub security once there is more
> assurance that the recursive server's answers are authentic.

There is also the camp that thinks that stubs should do validation

> > It would not take a great deal of effort to graft a Kerberos like scheme
> > on to effect key exchange.
> Or use SIG(0).
> Tony.

Yeah, I kinda like SIG(0) myself.

If you want to use Kerberos for symmetric key management, there
is GSS-TSIG. But there is a bootstrapping problem -- Kerberos
clients commonly use DNS SRV records to locate Kerberos servers.

Most stub resolvers can't do any of this today (HMAC-MD5/SHAxxx 
TSIG, GSS-TSIG, SIG(0), etc) as far as I can tell.

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-17 Thread Martin Rex
Noel Chiappa wrote:
> > From: Dmitry Burkov 
> > I think that it is not a constructive way to discuss this issue
> > following some conspiracy theories.
> Understood, but at the same time there may be some value to being curious as
> to why the Russian authorities have mandated the use of a local standard.

The problem is that the explanation given is so universal that
it can only be wrong.

There may be a mandate for specific algorithms for particular uses,
but it is completely unbelievable that it is _as_universal_as_stated_.

And since the problem that is quoted is a political or contractual
one, and _NOT_ a technical one, it makes no sense to discuss
technical solutions for a presumably completely misunderstood
political or contractual issue.

Pretty much all of the software from outside of russia contains
implementations of some cryptographic algorithms.  And a lot of
software uses these algorithms, i.e. most software vendors
(Microsoft, Unix players, Linux Distros and network gear (Cisco?)
use it for the distribution of their software.

> Is it just some sort of 'not invented here', or some other similar cause
> (which is, I agree, not very interesting); or is there a desire to use a
> different algorithm because there some sort of weakness to the standard
> algorithm most countries are using, a weakness which has only been detected
> by some entity somewhere in Russia?

I assume it is the fear about backdoors.

They know that nobody else besides themselves was given the a chance
to plant back doors into their algorithms, for design flaws it is
a level playing field for all, and for attacks, they currently have
the same "nice" advantage that firefox has over MSIE with regards
to probability of attacks.  So from pure a risk management perspective
mandating GOST provides some benefit, in theory.

Their symmetric cipher with a blocksize of 64 bits and a key size
of 256 bits is less convincing (because of the small blocksize).

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-17 Thread Noel Chiappa
> From: Dmitry Burkov 

> I think that it is not a constructive way to discuss this issue
> following some conspiracy theories.

Understood, but at the same time there may be some value to being curious as
to why the Russian authorities have mandated the use of a local standard.

Is it just some sort of 'not invented here', or some other similar cause
(which is, I agree, not very interesting); or is there a desire to use a
different algorithm because there some sort of weakness to the standard
algorithm most countries are using, a weakness which has only been detected
by some entity somewhere in Russia?

Needless to say, if there _is_ such a weakness (and I am not saying there is,
this is a pure hypothetical), we'd all like to know, so we could switch to
something more secure (perhaps the GOST algorithm.. :-).

Ietf mailing list

Re: Securing DNS Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-17 Thread Tony Finch
On Wed, 17 Feb 2010, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

> One mechanism that was unfortunately pushed asside as a result of the
> fixation on end to end DNSSEC would be to for the resolver to use
> DNSSEC (and other methods) to authenticate the data it receives and to
> use some modification of TSIG to authenticate the communication
> between client and resolver.

I don't think that has been pushed aside. There's not much interest in it
at the moment because the focus is on authoritative-to-recursive DNSSEC.
Maybe attention will turn to recursive-to-stub security once there is more
assurance that the recursive server's answers are authentic.

> It would not take a great deal of effort to graft a Kerberos like scheme
> on to effect key exchange.

Or use SIG(0).

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-17 Thread Martin Rex
Basil Dolmatov wrote:
> > But, the most serious defect of DNSSEC, or PKI in general, is that,
> > despite a lot of hypes, it is not cryptographically secure.
> > Social attacks on trusted third parties makes the parties
> > untrustworthy, which means PKI is merely socially or weakly
> > secure.
> There are a lot of deficiencies in PKI, but at present time I can see no 
> alternative for establishing trust in loosely connected and large 
> systems. If there is one, please advise.

DNSsec, as far as I can see, does not use a PKI in the traditional
sense.  There are _NO_ persons involved in the process, it is
a pure authorization hierarchy of signing keys, and the distribution of
that keys could be coupled to the lease of DNS domains from registries
but is technically independent.

> > For security of interdomain routing, social security of trust
> > relationship between ISPs is just enough to which additional
> > social security by PKI is not helpful.
> There are no trust relationships between my ISP and your ISP.
> How my ISP can trust routing announce, which I have got over the network 
> and which has your ISP mentioned as the origin?

Current DNS comes without any kind of protection and without
any kind of trust.  Get rid of your trust idea and adopt DNSsec
only for the possibility to add some level of integrity protection
and data origin authentication into the system.

There are going to be so many keys and so many entities, so many
key renewals and so many fully automatic signature operations in
place that it will be impossible to come up with a universal 
set and number of "trusted authorties" that will make the
entire DNS trusted and secure for everyone.

The best you can come up with is to individually manage risks for
specific zones to match individual threat scenarios, and you can do
that completely indepent of how many "roots" there are.

Going for one single root is an arbitrary choice, but it happens
the one that is the easiest to deploy and the one with the
lowest risk of operational problems (interferences among roots
is a problem that can not exist then).

Sensible DNSsec risk management can only work at the level of individual
zones.  It is not going to work with a single or a set of roots alone.
Therefore discussing how many roots there should be and who
should run them is a complete waste of time.

The initial adoption rate of PGP and SSH was never crippled by
discussions of which roots you want to trust.  Otherwise they
would have failed just as badly as S/MIME.

TLS only became popular because the vendors decided to
completely ignore risk management and selection and management
of trusted roots.  The choices are completely arbitrary and
hardly anyone cares about the complete lack of risk management.

When I use my Web-Browser to connect to some bank or online-shop
under protection of SSL/TLS, then I don't have any trust to
that bank or shop, not to their ISP and not to the CA that
issued the cert for the server.

Although the entire architecture is pretty insecure because of
a complete lack of trust in many involved parties, it is far
from being useless.  Would the change from traditional DNS to
DNSsec have a security impact on that scenario?  No, NONE at all.
But it could make the communication infrastructure more robust
against infrastructure attacks.

Managing risks would mean to manually check the server certificate
and compare it to some out-of-band verification information.
Browsers are quite hostile to risk management, because they
don't naturally support concious trust decisions in the
traditional SSH-style, which makes individual risk management
extra painful.

Ietf mailing list

Securing DNS Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-17 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
One mechanism that was unfortunately pushed asside as a result of the
fixation on end to end DNSSEC would be to for the resolver to use
DNSSEC (and other methods) to authenticate the data it receives and to
use some modification of TSIG to authenticate the communication
between client and resolver.

This model does not make much sense if you stick to the model where
hosts pick up their DNS service from the local host. But it makes a
great deal of sense when you are using a service like Google's DNS. It
would not take a great deal of effort to graft a Kerberos like scheme
on to effect key exchange.

The real problem with DNSSEC is that it has taken so long that the
Internet has changed since. And rather than go back and redesign we
are always told that so much time and effort has been spent already
that we cannot possibly take any time to look at the issues that might
prevent deployment or use. And so instead of the opt-in fix taking six
months as it should have done it took six years and instead of the
zone walking/privacy issue taking six months it took four years.

I am thinking of retitling my RSA talk '2010 The Year of DNSSEC'.

I am not trying to beat up people and say do it the way we did it.
What I am trying to say here is DON'T REPEAT OUR MISTAKES. Look at the
solution that we were forced to adopt when the single rooted hierarchy
proved undeployable.

On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 10:01 AM, Basil Dolmatov  wrote:
> Masataka Ohta пишет:
>> But, the most serious defect of DNSSEC, or PKI in general, is that,
>> despite a lot of hypes, it is not cryptographically secure.
>> Social attacks on trusted third parties makes the parties
>> untrustworthy, which means PKI is merely socially or weakly
>> secure.
> There are a lot of deficiencies in PKI, but at present time I can see no
> alternative for establishing trust in loosely connected and large systems.
> If there is one, please advise.
>> For security of interdomain routing, social security of trust
>> relationship between ISPs is just enough to which additional
>> social security by PKI is not helpful.
> There are no trust relationships between my ISP and your ISP.
> How my ISP can trust routing announce, which I have got over the network and
> which has your ISP mentioned as the origin?
>> For security of DNS, social security of trust relationship between
>> ISPs and between zones are just enough to which additional social
>> security by PKI is not helpful.
> Same question applies to DNS. My resolver have no trust relationships with
> your server.
> How I can trust DNS-answer which I have got over the network?
> Unfortunately, Internet 20 years ago and Internet today are two
> significantly different networks.
> 20 years ago I trusted to nearly all network participants and undoubtedly
> trusted to all network administrators.
> Now, the necessity to build the chains of trust is obvious, otherwise you
> will lose a lot. The methods, which are being implemented are definitely not
> ideal (I knew a lot of flaws and weaknesses in systems, which are using
> PKI), but at the same time I do not know anything better.
> dol@
>>                                                Masataka Ohta
> ___
> Ietf mailing list

New Website:
View Quantum of Stupid podcasts, Tuesday and Thursday each week,
Ietf mailing list

Re: draft-ietf-dnsext-dnssec-gost [Was: Re: IAB statement on the RPKI. ]

2010-02-17 Thread Alfred Hönes

(Apparently, the subject lines have been messed up entirely
on this list these days.  I tried to return to the actual
subject, GOST signatures for DNSSEC.)

I fear you are in danger of drawing the wrong conclusions based
on incomplete information.

(1)  non-protocol issues

> ... that Zones can carry both, a mandatory to implement signature
> (algorithm) and interoperable world-wide, and one that might
> be prefered in particular regions (or legislations) and can
> be evaluated in those areas by those who care (or which are
> obliged to care).

If I understand correctly, the basic issue of those under GOST-related
regulatory restrictions is that they are legally constrained to
"MUST NOT use other algorithms than GOST to produce digital signatures".

That makes your smart proposal moot, AFAICS.  :-(

I have no idea whether or not geo-diversity of secondary
servers and/or anycast server instances providing signatures
with a generally accepted signature algorithm on the same zone
content could be an option ...
-- routing might do the "right" thing, and the necessary details
for the root could be worked out ...

(2)  protocol issues

> (are signatures and DNS KEYs in DNSsec really designed to be
> "highlanders", i.e. there can only be one?)

No, DNSSEC can use and carry multiple signatures.

That's necessary for rekeying and algorithm agility (phased
introduction of new signature algorithms) anyway.

The drawbacks are twofold:

   -  The protocol does not allow the clients to select what
  they would like to get; they only can set a flag to say
  "I do understand DNSSEC, please send the DNSSEC records
  you have with the answer."  So the authority or cache
  needs to send all signatures to every DNSSEC-aware client.

   -  Keys and signatures add significantly to the size of
  DNS responses, and there (still) are lots of obstacles
  out there in the wild to proper use the protocol mechanisms
  standardized long ago to cope with responses longer than
  512 octets:  EDNS, and DNS transport over TCP.
  Too many network elements raise sad hurdles, and IP
  fragmentation is a minefield.

Thus, widespread practice of regular double- (or triple-)signing
of DNS RRsets would most likely increase the order of magnitude of
failures to receive answers that lead to DNSSEC-verifiable results.

Hard luck.  Sigh!

Kind regards,
  Alfred Hönes.


| TR-Sys Alfred Hoenes   |  Alfred Hoenes   Dipl.-Math., Dipl.-Phys.  |
| Gerlinger Strasse 12   |  Phone: (+49)7156/9635-0, Fax: -18 |
| D-71254  Ditzingen |  E-Mail: |

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-17 Thread Basil Dolmatov

Masataka Ohta пишет:

But, the most serious defect of DNSSEC, or PKI in general, is that,
despite a lot of hypes, it is not cryptographically secure.
Social attacks on trusted third parties makes the parties
untrustworthy, which means PKI is merely socially or weakly

There are a lot of deficiencies in PKI, but at present time I can see no 
alternative for establishing trust in loosely connected and large 
systems. If there is one, please advise.

For security of interdomain routing, social security of trust
relationship between ISPs is just enough to which additional
social security by PKI is not helpful.

There are no trust relationships between my ISP and your ISP.
How my ISP can trust routing announce, which I have got over the network 
and which has your ISP mentioned as the origin?

For security of DNS, social security of trust relationship between
ISPs and between zones are just enough to which additional social
security by PKI is not helpful.

Same question applies to DNS. My resolver have no trust relationships 
with your server.

How I can trust DNS-answer which I have got over the network?

Unfortunately, Internet 20 years ago and Internet today are two 
significantly different networks.

20 years ago I trusted to nearly all network participants and 
undoubtedly trusted to all network administrators.

Now, the necessity to build the chains of trust is obvious, otherwise 
you will lose a lot. The methods, which are being implemented are 
definitely not ideal (I knew a lot of flaws and weaknesses in systems, 
which are using PKI), but at the same time I do not know anything better.


Masataka Ohta


Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-16 Thread Masataka Ohta
Dmitry Burkov wrote:

> As you know we have some national regulation in crypto.
> To implement DNSSEC we should
> or to use GOST (at this moment) and to comply regulations
> or to ignore DNSSEC (no comments)
> or try to change national laws (also no comments).
> If someone can give us an advice - what to do else - you are welcome.

Ignore DNSSEC.

Technically, it is poorly designed unnecessarily causing a lot of
technical problems such as large message sizes.

But, the most serious defect of DNSSEC, or PKI in general, is that,
despite a lot of hypes, it is not cryptographically secure.
Social attacks on trusted third parties makes the parties
untrustworthy, which means PKI is merely socially or weakly

For security of interdomain routing, social security of trust
relationship between ISPs is just enough to which additional
social security by PKI is not helpful.

For security of DNS, social security of trust relationship between
ISPs and between zones are just enough to which additional social
security by PKI is not helpful.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: draft-ietf-dnsext-dnssec-gost [Was: Re: IAB statement on the RPKI. ]

2010-02-16 Thread Martin Rex
Alfred =?hp-roman8?B?SM5uZXM=?= wrote:
> (Apparently, the subject lines have been messed up entirely
> on this list these days.  I tried to return to the actual
> subject, GOST signatures for DNSSEC.)
> I fear you are in danger of drawing the wrong conclusions based
> on incomplete information.
> (1)  non-protocol issues
> > ... that Zones can carry both, a mandatory to implement signature
> > (algorithm) and interoperable world-wide, and one that might
> > be prefered in particular regions (or legislations) and can
> > be evaluated in those areas by those who care (or which are
> > obliged to care).
> If I understand correctly, the basic issue of those under GOST-related
> regulatory restrictions is that they are legally constrained to
> "MUST NOT use other algorithms than GOST to produce digital signatures".
> That makes your smart proposal moot, AFAICS.  :-(

But they don't need to create "digital signatures"!

They only need to provide RRSIG RRs with MACs that the rest
of the world can use to perform integrity checks and data
origin authentication based on a common asymmetric crypto
algorithm for the purpose of interoperability when validating
DNS records.

None of registries in Russia needs to provide official
"digital signatures" (in any legally binding sense) in order
to make DNSsec work at the technical level.  The GOST-signed
RRSIG RRs can be the officially signed records, the other
is just a provision for technical interop of the MAC scheme
with DNSsec for the rest of the internet.

Any other approach just doesn't scale.   

IIRC, IPsec decided somewhere around 1995 that sacrificing interop
to accomodate crypto export regulation was a dead-end road
and not appropriate for an international standardization body.

Although, I might have missed that the IETF reverted its attitude
and is today catering everone and his dog's personal crypto preferences
in their protocols, dropping the burden on the implementors of the
technology, I think it would be the wrong approach.

What is the situation in IPsec with regards to GOST these days?

> (2)  protocol issues
> > (are signatures and DNS KEYs in DNSsec really designed to be
> > "highlanders", i.e. there can only be one?)
> No, DNSSEC can use and carry multiple signatures.
> That's necessary for rekeying and algorithm agility (phased
> introduction of new signature algorithms) anyway.

That's what I assumed (and I found it in rfc-4033 3.1).

> The drawbacks are twofold:
>-  The protocol does not allow the clients to select what
>   they would like to get; they only can set a flag to say
>   "I do understand DNSSEC, please send the DNSSEC records
>   you have with the answer."  So the authority or cache
>   needs to send all signatures to every DNSSEC-aware client.

That looks like a defect in the protocol.

>-  Keys and signatures add significantly to the size of
>   DNS responses, and there (still) are lots of obstacles
>   out there in the wild to proper use the protocol mechanisms
>   standardized long ago to cope with responses longer than
>   512 octets:  EDNS, and DNS transport over TCP.
>   Too many network elements raise sad hurdles, and IP
>   fragmentation is a minefield.
> Thus, widespread practice of regular double- (or triple-)signing
> of DNS RRsets would most likely increase the order of magnitude of
> failures to receive answers that lead to DNSSEC-verifiable results.
> Hard luck.  Sigh!

Probably the biggest mistake in DNSsec was to describe the data
that is used to verify RRs as "digital signatures" instead of
simply MACs based on asymmetric crypto algorithms.

All of the politics and flawed assumptions around PKI have prevented
the existing DNS registries to add RRSIGs to their zones many many
years ago -- which otherwise would have helped to iron out the
problems around the size of the DNS responses over the last decade.

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-16 Thread Martin Rex
Dmitry Burkov wrote:
> On 16.02.10 4:21, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> > deploy as at present does not seem to have occurred to them. It is
> > quite possible that what is driving the GOST issue is that the GRU
> > really has a thing about vanity crypto. But I think it much more
> > likely that they are going to use it as part of a series of
> > regulations that effectively require Russian ISPs chain their DNSSEC
> > off the GRU approved root.
> >
> I think that it is not a constructive way to discuss this issue  
> following some conspiracy theories.
> I want to refer you to origin of  this discussion on ietf lists
> and want to remind what was initial reason for us to follow this way and 
> to propose GOST as one of standard algorithms for DNSSEC.

With respect to supporting regionally favoured crypto-algorithm,
the solution should be different.  DNSsec should allow for the
presence of more than one signature (differing in algorithm),
so that Zones can carry both, a mandatory to implement signature
(algorithm) and interoperable world-wide, and one that might
be prefered in particular regions (or legislations) and can
be evaluated in those areas by those who care (or which are
obliged to care).

The obvious benefit is that only those living in regions or
legislations with an extreme bias towards certain crypto algorithms
have to bear the burden of creating and verifying the optional
signatures with that algorithm, while the others can continue
to use the single common and mandatory algorithm.

I don't have a problem if DNS-Zones like ".ru", ".su" include
GOST-based signatures in their Zones.   But to me it looks like
a serious problem if they do _NOT_ include signatures of a
common worldwide algorithm (which can be used by all others
that verify zones from .ru and .su).

(are signatures and DNS KEYs in DNSsec really designed to be
 "highlanders", i.e. there can only be one?)

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-16 Thread Dmitry Burkov

On 16.02.10 4:21, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

deploy as at present does not seem to have occurred to them. It is
quite possible that what is driving the GOST issue is that the GRU
really has a thing about vanity crypto. But I think it much more
likely that they are going to use it as part of a series of
regulations that effectively require Russian ISPs chain their DNSSEC
off the GRU approved root.

I think that it is not a constructive way to discuss this issue  
following some conspiracy theories.

I want to refer you to origin of  this discussion on ietf lists

and want to remind what was initial reason for us to follow this way and 
to propose GOST as one of standard algorithms for DNSSEC.

As you know we have some national regulation in crypto.
To implement DNSSEC we should
or to use GOST (at this moment) and to comply regulations
or to ignore DNSSEC (no comments)
or try to change national laws (also no comments).
If someone can give us an advice - what to do else - you are welcome.

After series of dicussions and consultations with many participants of 
this list we agreed with recommendations and began this process to move 
forward GOST as one of mandatory standards.

Otherwise - we can't achieve
"the goal is:

(1)  for their zones, e.g. .ru, .su, and any new ones they get, to be 
signed with GOST,

(2) for everyone to be able to validate their signatures, and

(3) for them to be able to validate everyone else's signatures.

For (2), they need to promulgate their algorithms into the standard 
crypto libraries and have an algorithm identifier assigned through IANA. 
 I believe both of these are in progress.

For (3), they simply need to use the standard algorithms in their own 
resolvers, and I believe they will be able to do this comfortably. 
 We're talking about checking, not signing, signatures, not encrypting."

Just a quote from this list.



Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-16 Thread Martin Rex
Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> It is now generally accepted that PEM was undeployable because the
> single root model is not workable. Nobody was going to trust IANA as
> the ultimate root of trust, nor were they going to trust RSA.
> ICANN has accepted responsibility for the DNS infrastructure.
> Unfortunately they don't seem to understand what that means for their
> interactions with the IETF. At the very least, ICANN needs to be
> issuing operational requirements documents that itemize the protocol
> support that is required for deployment.

The real problem is that a lot of people attribute too much
trust of all the wrong kind into a security architecture,
creating a huge pile of flawed assumptions -- that is neither
appealing nor robust, so there is little surpise when it fails
in the marketplace.

DNSsec should _NOT_ do anything besides confirming the assignment/lease
of DNS zones to lessees.  Any kind of trust decision by applications
based on DNS delegation of zones is completely inappropriate.

The signature on a DNS zone is the result of a contract between
the organization that adminstrates a zone to lessees/subscribers for
delegated subdomains, nothing else.  It is a simple technical fact
that the DNS zones are technically organized in a hierarchical fashion
and that administrators of a zone can delegate adminstration of
subdomains to others.  DNSsec will hopefully make the insertion of fake
data into DNS zones more difficult, but it will not make Cybersquatting
or disputes about domain ownership/assignment go away.  DNSsec is
technically still DNS, after all.

Which DNS domains actually belong to specific state, corporate or
private entites is an entirely seperate question, and no application
should ever confuse the authority to delegate DNS domains with authority
to "certify" legal entities (governmental,corporate or private).

If the .com registry leases&delegates the domain "" to somebody,
that does not imply that this somebody therefore represents the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF). and any kind of assumption within
applications to that effect are fatally flawed.

All of the existing security protocols are using a different trust model
already (like TLS), and I do _not_ think that existing trust models
(independent of how broken the TLS trust model with >100 preconfigured
and completely interchangable trusted roots is) should be piggy-backed
onto, or keyed from DNSsec, ever.

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-16 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
No, you think that you have a unitary root.

Actually you have separation of powers. ICANN is not currently in sole
control. There is a marked difference between the ICANN view of its
authority and the RIRs and national TLDs

Removing the ambiguity means a very large change in the ability of
ICANN to enforce its authority. Now it could be that this will be
acceptable to the French, Egyptian, Brazilian ministries etc. But not
objecting to a change in the Internet governance that results in a
major loss of sovereignty would be rather out of character.

2010/2/16 Patrik Fältström :
> On 16 feb 2010, at 03.11, David Conrad wrote:
>> On Feb 15, 2010, at 5:21 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
>>> It is now generally accepted that PEM was undeployable because the
>>> single root model is not workable.
>> And this is the fault of IANA and/or ICANN how?
> Philip, yes, because people did not think strongly enough on how to create 
> the one single root. Because a single root among other things created a 
> problem for the various business models out there.
> For domain names and IP addresses, we already have a root, so that problem 
> does not exist. And that is exactly what IAB states.
>   Patrik

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Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-16 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
It is now generally accepted that PEM was undeployable because the
single root model is not workable. Nobody was going to trust IANA as
the ultimate root of trust, nor were they going to trust RSA.

ICANN has accepted responsibility for the DNS infrastructure.
Unfortunately they don't seem to understand what that means for their
interactions with the IETF. At the very least, ICANN needs to be
issuing operational requirements documents that itemize the protocol
support that is required for deployment.

ICANN was well aware that the lack of opt-out would prevent deployment
of DNSSEC in .com as early as 2000. They had a responsibility to tell
the IETF that this was a non-negotiable requirement and that failure
to meet it would mean that ICANN would be unable to deploy DNSSEC.
Instead they insisted that no deviation from the IETF standard was

Ten years later the only part of ICANN that seems to interest them is
the idea that they will have sole control of the root zone. The fact
that others are going to filibuster DNSSEC rather than to allow it to
deploy as at present does not seem to have occurred to them. It is
quite possible that what is driving the GOST issue is that the GRU
really has a thing about vanity crypto. But I think it much more
likely that they are going to use it as part of a series of
regulations that effectively require Russian ISPs chain their DNSSEC
off the GRU approved root.

Otherwise the Russian concerns make absolutely no sense. They
certainly understand PKI well enough that control of the root key is a
much bigger deal than the remote possibility that the NSA has tricked
up the made in the US crypto with some backdoor that only the NS has
noticed in the past three decades.

On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 7:45 PM, David Conrad  wrote:
> On Feb 15, 2010, at 4:40 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
>> PEM (Five years and counting before the project faded away without a
>> definitive declaration of failure)
>> DNSEC (Ten years and counting)
> So, you're blaming IANA and/or ICANN for the failure to deploy both PEM and 
> Seriously?
> Regards,
> -drc

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Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-16 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
PKI is all politics. A PKI is a political infrastructure.

Saying that politics and business rules are out of scope when you
propose a PKI design is basically saying that you aren't going to look
at any of the issues that are relevant to the design.

Sandra Murphy is right when she says that political and business fears
don't have to be rooted in 'technical truth' (whatever that is). They
do not have to be grounded in any form of reality. They can be
completely and utterly unreasonable. And they can be held by people
who have the ability to totally block any chance of deployment.

'Trust me' is not a convincing argument in this context.

Unless you hadn't noticed, cyber-conflict is now real. Back during the
last US Presidential election I was advised that both campaigns had
been penetrated in attacks originating from a Chinese government
agency. The examples that are making the press are only some of the
attacks taking place. Attacks originating in the US do not get as much

In this environment it seems rather naive to believe that these
parties can be persuaded to acquiesce to the deployment of a PKI that
requires their participation.

Not changing the political or business relationships of the parties
has to be a criteria in the design of any global information
infrastructure if deployment is going to have a chance of success.

On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 7:01 PM, SM  wrote:
> At 16:50 14-02-10, Masataka Ohta wrote:
>> Perhaps, a threat will be by an ISP trying to advertise someone
>> else's address range as its own.
> Quoting Sandra Murphy [1]:
>  "Political and business fears don't have to be rooted in technical
>  truth, unfortunately."
> At 19:48 14-02-10, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
>> I don't think that any member of the IAB would claim that their
>> expertise in the PKI field precluded debate.
> Your message did not make it to the IETF mailing list.
> I am not privy to all the details to argue against an IAB statement.  This
> should not be read as a licence to kill. :-)
>> This is not a technical issue, it is a political issue. IANA and ICANN
>> have a really, really bad record when it comes to setting up root
>> authorities. Any plan that requires their involvement is going to take
>> considerably more time and effort than one where their involvement is
>> optional.
> Any long-term consequence will be of a political nature.  It goes beyond the
> IANA function and ICANN.  The conventional world is used to having some form
> of authority for regulation.  The "routing by rumor" approach does not fit
> that view.  Some considerations may seem far-fetched.  I'll leave it as
> such.
>> There are five RIRs, this number is not going to increase in the short
>> term. Participation of the RIRs is critical for an authoritative
>> system. Participation of ICANN is not.
> It's up to the interested parties to work out the details.
>> The risk of including ICANN is that misguided or not, there are lots
>> of people who have concerns as to the power that the US exercises over
>> the Internet through their defacto control of ICANN. One common
>> concern is that the US could use such control to ensure that US ISPs
>> were favored in the distribution of the remaining IPv4 blocks.
> I don't think that the distribution of the remaining IPv4 blocks is that
> much of an issue.
> I would not draw parallels between DNS and IDR as the dynamics are
> different.  I don't assume that the goal is always about wrecking havoc.
>  These are classic threats that RPKI can address.
> Regards,
> -sm
> 1.

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Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-16 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
PEM (Five years and counting before the project faded away without a
definitive declaration of failure)
DNSEC (Ten years and counting)

They have yet to succeed in setting up a single PKI.

Signing the root of the DNSSEC scheme will not change anything, I
asked for details of the proposed registrar key authentication process
three months ago and I am still waiting. I doubt that they exist.

On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 7:19 PM, David Conrad  wrote:
>> At 19:48 14-02-10, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
>>> IANA and ICANN have a really, really bad record when it comes to setting up 
>>> root authorities.
> Oh? Examples please.
> Regards,
> -drc

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Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-16 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
There are two separate functions in the routing layer. There are
security issues in both cases.

The first function is to map IP address ranges to AS numbers. This is
a global mapping, if an IP address range maps to an AS number in
France the same mapping will be good in Brazil.

The second function is to establish rooting maps for AS numbers,
effectively setting up mappings of the AS numbers to Internet endpoint
networks. This mapping is not global. The best route to London is
going to be very different in France and Brazil.

The upshot is that the first problem maps very cleanly to standard PKI
approaches. You can use X.509 certs with extensions, you could use
SAML assertions, the statements are global and work very well.

The second problem is a much harder one to address using PKI. It is
quite possible that PKI is not the right tool at all. The problem is
that if A, B and C are exchanging routing information and Mallet
introduces a bogus route to A, the message A then sends to B
advertising a better route will genuinely have come from A.

There are certainly ways round this problem, if indeed it really is a
persistent problem. There are non cryptographic controls already in
place to verify route quality. It may be that these are sufficient. It
may be that we can employ an accountability based approach to pinpoint
the introduction of bogus routes.

On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 7:50 PM, Masataka Ohta
> SM wrote:
>> The most important factor in choosing a security mechanism is the threat
>> model.
> Right.
>> That is, who may be expected to attack what resource, using what
>> sorts of mechanisms? (RFC 3631).
> Perhaps, a threat will be by an ISP trying to advertise someone
> else's address range as its own.
> However, protections against the threat does not prevent the
> ISP advertise the range as someone elses'.
> That is, the ISP can attach its own AS number to a legitimate AS
> path for the range. Then, the ISP can capture packets destined
> to addresses within the range, against which, there is no
> protection.
>                                                Masataka Ohta
> ___
> Ietf mailing list

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Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-16 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 4:54 AM, SM  wrote:
> Hello,
> At 02:55 12-02-10, IAB Chair wrote:
>> IAB statement on the RPKI.
>> = RPKI as a prerequisite for improving the security of the global
>>   routing system.
> It would be preposterous of me to disagree with the opinion of the learned
> members of the IAB.

I don't think that any member of the IAB would claim that their
expertise in the PKI field precluded debate.

This is not a technical issue, it is a political issue. IANA and ICANN
have a really, really bad record when it comes to setting up root
authorities. Any plan that requires their involvement is going to take
considerably more time and effort than one where their involvement is

The substantive statements being issued in the PKI are going to
consist of a RIR issuing an assertion of the form 'The holder of the
key X has the authority to assign AS numbers to the IP address space Y
through Z'.

There are five RIRs, this number is not going to increase in the short
term. Participation of the RIRs is critical for an authoritative
system. Participation of ICANN is not.

The risk of including ICANN is that misguided or not, there are lots
of people who have concerns as to the power that the US exercises over
the Internet through their defacto control of ICANN. One common
concern is that the US could use such control to ensure that US ISPs
were favored in the distribution of the remaining IPv4 blocks.

The people who hold these views are not stupid, they just hold a
completely different world view. A world view that is not going to be
overturned by rational arguments based on the world view largely
shared by the IAB. And some of those people hold positions of
authority that can pretty much ensure that any ICANN sponsored root
never happens.

In the diplomatic world, you do not accept a position based on 'trust
me'. The original DNS emerged by accident because nobody was looking.
X.500 died because everyone was watching and there was a sufficiently
large number of parties who prefered no system to an unacceptable

As most people here are aware, the Internet has become a forum for
proxy-warfare and symbolic warfare. There will be considerable
opposition even with the changes I propose: certain parties do not
want this system to be secure.

A better alternative to a single root structure would be for each RIR
to cross certify with the other RIRs. This eliminates the objection to
'US dominance', eliminates ICANN as a roadblock and provides for

The security difference between the two scheme is that a single root
system headed by ICANN could in theory prevent 'defection' by a RIR.
In practice this would require a lot more technical mechanism. ICANN
would have to certify each mega-block allocation.

I don't think it is very likely that end entities are going to be
checking the block allocations on every transaction absent an
expectation that the RIRs might defect. But the possibility that they
might will mean that the RIRs will lose authority should they
co-operate with such a scheme.

In conclusion, I strongly recommend that we do not repeat the
disastrous political mistakes of DNSSEC that have blocked deployment
for over a decade and will still continue long after the DNSSEC root
is deployed.

Deployment of infrastructure on this scale requires that we make a
commitment to deployment a higher priority than the realization of a
specific technical architecture.

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Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-15 Thread Patrik Fältström
On 16 feb 2010, at 03.11, David Conrad wrote:

> On Feb 15, 2010, at 5:21 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
>> It is now generally accepted that PEM was undeployable because the
>> single root model is not workable.
> And this is the fault of IANA and/or ICANN how?

Philip, yes, because people did not think strongly enough on how to create the 
one single root. Because a single root among other things created a problem for 
the various business models out there.

For domain names and IP addresses, we already have a root, so that problem does 
not exist. And that is exactly what IAB states.


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Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-15 Thread Masataka Ohta
Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

> There are two separate functions in the routing layer. There are
> security issues in both cases.

"interdomain routing security", for which SIDR WG was scoped,
is the second one, though its charter is totally confused.

> The second problem is a much harder one to address using PKI. It is
> quite possible that PKI is not the right tool at all.

PKI is not, which means it is confirmed again that IETF, including
IAB, is brain dead.

It's not an issue specific to IANA or ICANN and IPv6 is a better
evidence than PEM or DNSSEC.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-15 Thread David Conrad
On Feb 15, 2010, at 5:21 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> It is now generally accepted that PEM was undeployable because the
> single root model is not workable.

And this is the fault of IANA and/or ICANN how?

> ICANN was well aware that the lack of opt-out would prevent deployment
> of DNSSEC in .com as early as 2000.  

Even if "ICANN" was aware (doubtful), do you really think the DNSEXT working 
group would value ICANN's position more than, say, VeriSign's?

> They had a responsibility to tell
> the IETF that this was a non-negotiable requirement and that failure
> to meet it would mean that ICANN would be unable to deploy DNSSEC.

Do you honestly believe ICANN can dictate to the IETF community (or anybody 
else with the exception of contracted parties) how to do much of anything?  You 
have a very odd view of how ICANN works.  

> Ten years later the only part of ICANN that seems to interest them is
> the idea that they will have sole control of the root zone

You are aware, of course, that ICANN isn't even the party that is going to be 
signing the root zone, right? And how the root KSK is being managed?

Sounds to me like you just want to bash ICANN. This gets boring after a while.


Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-15 Thread David Conrad
On Feb 15, 2010, at 4:40 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> PEM (Five years and counting before the project faded away without a
> definitive declaration of failure)
> DNSEC (Ten years and counting)

So, you're blaming IANA and/or ICANN for the failure to deploy both PEM and 



Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-15 Thread David Conrad
> At 19:48 14-02-10, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
>> IANA and ICANN have a really, really bad record when it comes to setting up 
>> root authorities.

Oh? Examples please.


Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-15 Thread SM

At 16:50 14-02-10, Masataka Ohta wrote:

Perhaps, a threat will be by an ISP trying to advertise someone
else's address range as its own.

Quoting Sandra Murphy [1]:

 "Political and business fears don't have to be rooted in technical
  truth, unfortunately."

At 19:48 14-02-10, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

I don't think that any member of the IAB would claim that their
expertise in the PKI field precluded debate.

Your message did not make it to the IETF mailing list.

I am not privy to all the details to argue against an IAB 
statement.  This should not be read as a licence to kill. :-)

This is not a technical issue, it is a political issue. IANA and ICANN
have a really, really bad record when it comes to setting up root
authorities. Any plan that requires their involvement is going to take
considerably more time and effort than one where their involvement is

Any long-term consequence will be of a political nature.  It goes 
beyond the IANA function and ICANN.  The conventional world is used 
to having some form of authority for regulation.  The "routing by 
rumor" approach does not fit that view.  Some considerations may seem 
far-fetched.  I'll leave it as such.

There are five RIRs, this number is not going to increase in the short
term. Participation of the RIRs is critical for an authoritative
system. Participation of ICANN is not.

It's up to the interested parties to work out the details.

The risk of including ICANN is that misguided or not, there are lots
of people who have concerns as to the power that the US exercises over
the Internet through their defacto control of ICANN. One common
concern is that the US could use such control to ensure that US ISPs
were favored in the distribution of the remaining IPv4 blocks.

I don't think that the distribution of the remaining IPv4 blocks is 
that much of an issue.

I would not draw parallels between DNS and IDR as the dynamics are 
different.  I don't assume that the goal is always about wrecking 
havoc.  These are classic threats that RPKI can address.



Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-14 Thread Masataka Ohta
SM wrote:

> The most important factor in choosing a security mechanism is the threat 
> model.


> That is, who may be expected to attack what resource, using what 
> sorts of mechanisms? (RFC 3631).

Perhaps, a threat will be by an ISP trying to advertise someone
else's address range as its own.

However, protections against the threat does not prevent the
ISP advertise the range as someone elses'.

That is, the ISP can attach its own AS number to a legitimate AS
path for the range. Then, the ISP can capture packets destined
to addresses within the range, against which, there is no

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-14 Thread SM

At 02:55 12-02-10, IAB Chair wrote:

IAB statement on the RPKI.

= RPKI as a prerequisite for improving the security of the global
   routing system.

It would be preposterous of me to disagree with the opinion of the 
learned members of the IAB.

= Implementation considerations

 The notion of having a certification hierarchy with multiple equally
 trusted roots may be appealing from a social and political perspective
 because of 'fairness' and 'equality' arguments. But that notion
 allows different organizations to make inconsistent and conflicting
 assertions about to whom a particular address block has been
 allocated. In the case of conflicting assertions, the conflict would
 need to be solved by each relying party, requiring each relying party
 to have their own security policy and the associated increased
 complexity. Such an approach does not provide any guarantee that the
 outcome would lead to a globally coherent view of which resources
 have been allocated to whom.

The most important factor in choosing a security mechanism is the 
threat model.  That is, who may be expected to attack what resource, 
using what sorts of mechanisms? (RFC 3631).

What follows is a work of fiction.

The taller man shut the folder and smiled.  "This is a wonderful
  statement.  Just Perfect."

"Thank you," said the white-haired man seated across from him.
  "The author is a very good  writer."  He shifted slowly, uncrossing
  his legs.  He leaned forward, causing the leather seat to groan.
  "Along with this afternoon's briefing, this is really going to
  accelerate matters.  You know that, don't you?"

"Of course," the taller man said.  He put his coffee mug on a small
  table, rose, and walked to the fireplace.  He picked up a poker.
  "Does that scare you?"

   "A little," the white-haired man admitted.

"Why?" the taller man asked as he threw the folder into the flames".
  It caught fire quickly.  "Our tracks are covered."

"It is not us I'm worried about.  There will be a price," the
  white-haired man said sadly.

"We've discussed this before," the taller man said. "The policy
  people will love it."

This is an edited version of the text from Divide and conquer written 
by Jeff Rovin, Tom Clancy and Steve R. Pieczenik.  The quoted text 
should not be considered as an IETF Contribution as the author of 
this message does not control the rights to the material.


Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-12 Thread Mr. James W. Laferriere

Hello All,

On Fri, 12 Feb 2010, IAB Chair wrote:

IAB statement on the RPKI.

= RPKI as a prerequisite for improving the security of the global
  routing system.

To date, the Internet has operated without a secure means to certify
the allocation of Internet number resources, particularly Autonomous
System (AS) numbers and IP addresses. The pending exhaustion of the
IPv4 address space, coupled with a pressing need to improve the
security of the global Internet routing system, has given impetus to
the development of a resource certification infrastructure for the
Internet. A consistent shared view around the world of which number
resources are allocated to whom is essential for the reliable
operation of the Internet as it continues to grow. The IETF Secure
Inter-domain Routing (SIDR) Working Group (WG) has been working with
the various stakeholders to specify a Resource Public Key
Infrastructure (RPKI) system that can be used to certify these
resource allocations in order to substantially improve the security
of the routing system.

The IAB considers a properly designed and deployed RPKI to be an
absolute prerequisite to having a secure global routing system,
which is in turn a prerequisite to having a reliable worldwide
Internet. In its absence, there is no formally verifiable
authoritative source to determine the allocation for any
Internet number resource.  Consequently, before originating,
propagating, or accepting an IP address prefix, each routing domain
must individually assess the consistency of that prefix with
whatever information can be obtained about actual allocations. This
loose "routing by rumor" approach provides considerable flexibility
to each routing domain, but the negative consequences are severe.
The global routing system is vulnerable to large-scale disruptions
through both misconfiguration and malice. These vulnerabilities can
be substantially reduced through the use of an RPKI. Through proper
design and wide-scale deployment, an RPKI enables network operators
to generate their routing policies from securely verifiable
allocation data, providing much higher confidence in the
authenticity of routing information.

= Technical considerations with respect to the design of the PKI

For any PKI, a certification hierarchy must exist that allows
parties to ascertain the validity of a given certificate. The SIDR
architecture uses a certification hierarchy, and relying parties
must explicitly place trust in the top-level of the hierarchy,
commonly called a trust anchor. The SIDR architecture and protocols
have been designed to support a single trust anchor as well as
multiple trust anchors. The IAB however, is in strong agreement with
the Number Resource Organization (NRO) (made up of the five
Regional Internet Registries (RIRs)) regarding the number of trust
anchors as well as what and whom they represent:

1. the RPKI should have a single authoritative trust anchor

2. this trust anchor should be aligned with the registry of the root
   of the allocation hierarchy

The reasoning is of a technological nature and is as follows. A
single root for the certification hierarchy significantly reduces
the risk of two or more parties accidentally (or maliciously)
issuing conflicting certifications for the same address block,
because a single authoritative entity at the top-level of the
allocation hierarchy is authoritative for both (a) the allocation of
the address block and (b) the cryptographic certification of the
fact that it did indeed allocate that address block.

Thus, the IAB strongly recommends a single root aligned with the
root of the address allocation hierarchy (now part of the IANA
function). Doing so will minimize unnecessary complexity in the
system, in particular virtually eliminating the possibility of
resource conflicts in the system, reducing substantially the
likelihood of errors as the allocation and certificate generation
can be done together by the same operator.

	I for one do not see the need for a 'Single' point of failure nor a 
placement of another financial gaining point for some large 
company/government or what have you .

	There are protocols which can be used and some are in discussion which 
would be far better than this particular methodology .

	The only way this could be even fathomable would be for a World wide 
orginasation to be formed that manages & monitors this AND we all know where 
that will head the minute it gets started .

= Implementation considerations

The notion of having a certification hierarchy with multiple equally
trusted roots may be appealing from a social and political perspective
because of 'fairness' and 'equality' arguments. But that notion
allows different organizations to make inconsistent and conflicting
assertions about to whom a particular address block has been
allocated. In the case of conflicting assertions, the conflict would
need to be solved by each relying party, re