Pre-picking one solution (Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: WG Review: Domain Keys Identified Mail) (dkim)

2005-12-22 Thread Harald Tveit Alvestrand

Branching off from the interminable justifiable changes thread

--On onsdag, desember 21, 2005 23:54:56 -0800 Cullen Jennings 

Related to how much the charter pre-supposes the solution, the sentence
that Public keys needed to validate the signatures will be stored
in the responsible identity's DNS hierarchy. seems like a pretty heavy
constraint on the possible solutions and one that some proposals disagreed

I think this is part of divide and conquer that is generally argued to be 
an useful strategy in the IETF: once we buckle down and start writing 
specs, we're documenting one approach, with one set of advantages and 
disadvantages, and are trying to prove that *this approach* is feasible. We 
did that to (I believe) OSPF, IPNG after the pick one round, PKIX (vs 
SPKI), IM when it was split into SIMPLE and the 2 alternatives (with XMPP 
being a late 4th) and so on. Each of these groups could regard the what 
are the alternatives question as out of scope.

I think that's a good way to get things out the door in a reasonable 
timeframe; I also think that the IETF at the moment lacks venues for the 
(probably interminable) discussions about what approaches to a problem 
exists and whether there are non-chartered alternatives that are worth 
following up - but I think the approach of chartering a WG to look at one 
and only one approach is a reasonable one.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Pre-picking one solution (Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: WG Review: Domain Keys Identified Mail) (dkim)

2005-12-22 Thread Keith Moore

Related to how much the charter pre-supposes the solution, the sentence
that Public keys needed to validate the signatures will be stored
in the responsible identity's DNS hierarchy. seems like a pretty heavy
constraint on the possible solutions and one that some proposals 
disagreed with.

I think this is part of divide and conquer that is generally argued to 
be an useful strategy in the IETF: once we buckle down and start writing 
specs, we're documenting one approach, with one set of advantages and 
disadvantages, and are trying to prove that *this approach* is feasible. 

Sometimes feed-forward _is_ useful, and I would agree that the use of 
DNS to store public key information is one of the fundamental 
assumptions behind DKIM.  Change that assumption and you will probably 
produce a system with very different characteristics than DKIM is 
currently assumed to have.

OTOH, the assumption that _all_ public keys used to validate DKIM 
signatures will be stored in DNS is a very limiting one, because it 
appears to lead to either

a) a constraint that policy be specified only on a per-domain basis 
(which is far too coarse for many domains) or

b) a situation that large numbers of DNS queries may be required to 
validate a single signature

I'm comfortable with having a domain's root public keys stored in DNS 
but allowing the corresponding root private keys to sign key 
certificates for individual public keys that can be included in 
DKIM-signed messages.  The policies for use of those public keys can 
then be encoded in the certificates, allowing those policies to be 
specified on a per-user basis.  This gets out of the trap of having to 
specify policy on a per-domain basis, and doesn't require any more DNS 
queries than current DKIM.  IMHO it would make DKIM much more flexible 
and adaptable to diverse domain situations (and thereby much more 
acceptable as a standard) than the current proposal.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Pre-picking one solution (Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: WG Review: Domain Keys Identified Mail) (dkim)

2005-12-22 Thread Stephen Farrell


Keith Moore wrote:
I'm comfortable with having a domain's root public keys stored in DNS 
but allowing the corresponding root private keys to sign key 
certificates for individual public keys that can be included in 
DKIM-signed messages.  The policies for use of those public keys can 
then be encoded in the certificates, allowing those policies to be 
specified on a per-user basis.  This gets out of the trap of having to 
specify policy on a per-domain basis, and doesn't require any more DNS 
queries than current DKIM.  IMHO it would make DKIM much more flexible 
and adaptable to diverse domain situations (and thereby much more 
acceptable as a standard) than the current proposal.

If there were an I-D describing such a protocol, I'd be interested in
reading it - is there one?


Ietf mailing list

Re: Pre-picking one solution (Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: WG Review: Domain Keys Identified Mail) (dkim)

2005-12-22 Thread Keith Moore

If there were an I-D describing such a protocol, I'd be interested in
reading it - is there one?

Not yet.  But it hardly seems like the time to write an I-D when there 
is at present considerable effort being invested to preclude such an I-D 
being considered by the group.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Pre-picking one solution (Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: WG Review: Domain Keys Identified Mail) (dkim)

2005-12-22 Thread Spencer Dawkins

Branching off from the interminable justifiable changes thread

Dropping DKIM, because those people suffer enough without being subjected to 
more general discussion about the nature of the universe at IETF :-)

I applaud Cullen for his note. I agree with the parts that Harald snipped 
out, too (I'm just trying to post below the thread branch, so followups stay 

I think that's a good way to get things out the door in a reasonable 
timeframe; I also think that the IETF at the moment lacks venues for the 
(probably interminable) discussions about what approaches to a problem 
exists and whether there are non-chartered alternatives that are worth 
following up - but I think the approach of chartering a WG to look at one 
and only one approach is a reasonable one.

The analogy I've been using in private e-mail discussion on how new work 
comes into the IETF is that the IETF is a bakery that's become pretty 
difficult to enter with only a bag full of raw ingredients, but if people 
bring in a finished cake with frosting and just ask for a boz to put the 
cake in, we're not a bakery any more.

It really is a problem that (as Harald says) we don't have a good place to 
discuss alternative solutions, given that we are trying to be an engineering 
task force that may also standardize protocols, not a protocol 
standardization task force that occasionally tries to engineer something. 
People who need to solve a problem have every incentive to deploy what they 
believe is a solution to their problems as soon as they can specify it. The 
more specification work that happens on the way to the IETF, the more likely 
that work is to be deployed while we are discussing charters, the more 
pushback we see on charter discussion, and the less likely a second-round 
version of the protocol is to be widely deployed.

I'd also like to point to Thomas Narten's draft on how to run a successful 
BOF (currently I 
would like to see some changes considered for the way we bring new work into 
the IETF, but getting a baseline on how it works today is a critical first 
step. I have provided a page or two of comments to Thomas, CC: Brian as 
General AD, and hope that others also look it over and provide feedback 

Thanks for reading,


Ietf mailing list

Re: Pre-picking one solution (Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: WG Review: Domain Keys Identified Mail) (dkim)

2005-12-22 Thread william(at)

On Thu, 22 Dec 2005, Keith Moore wrote:

Sometimes feed-forward _is_ useful, and I would agree that the use of DNS to 
store public key information is one of the fundamental assumptions behind 
DKIM.  Change that assumption and you will probably produce a system with 
very different characteristics than DKIM is currently assumed to have.

Not necessarily. One of the proposals that went into DKIM had characteristic
of storing public key fingerprints in dns. This seems quite close to DK but
has a number of advantages and unlike DKIM or DK does not put serious extra
pressure on DNS infrastructure - which while very capable of serving data 
like ip addresses (i.e. fixed size small data) would not work so well for 
when data served  answer would either come close to or exceed 512bytes 
UDP limit.

But fingerprints (hash of public key) are finite and small pieces of data
that are the same size no matter of public key size has to be larger or
smaller and with this size being close to that of ipv6 address. Additionally
having public key available with a message brings some additional advantages
and allows for optimized algorithms during verification.

As I noted the group forcefully removed considerations of such alternatives
based on the charter and I consider this to be a disadvantage to community.

OTOH, the assumption that _all_ public keys used to validate DKIM signatures 
will be stored in DNS is a very limiting one, because it appears to lead to 

a) a constraint that policy be specified only on a per-domain basis (which 
is far too coarse for many domains) or

b) a situation that large numbers of DNS queries may be required to validate 
a single signature

Its rather likely that it would lead to both.

I'm comfortable with having a domain's root public keys stored in DNS but 
allowing the corresponding root private keys to sign key certificates for 
individual public keys that can be included in DKIM-signed messages.  The 
policies for use of those public keys can then be encoded in the

certificates, allowing those policies to be specified on a per-user basis.

You can just use X.509 certificates and retrieve them from HTTP with SRV
records being used to confirm location of domain's root certificate. That 
walso one of the other alternatives (and the one I used for my proposal)

and yes, it does make it much easier to do per-user policies  signatures.

This gets out of the trap of having to specify policy on a per-domain basis, 
and doesn't require any more DNS queries than current DKIM.  IMHO it would 
make DKIM much more flexible and adaptable to diverse domain situations (and 
thereby much more acceptable as a standard) than the current proposal.


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Ietf mailing list

Re: Pre-picking one solution (Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: WG Review: Domain Keys Identified Mail) (dkim)

2005-12-22 Thread william(at)

On Thu, 22 Dec 2005, Barry Leiba wrote:

Actually, the DKIM base spec does provide a mechanism for replacing the
DNS keystore with something else.  Look at 1.4 for a general statement,
and the description of the q= tag in 3.5.  DKIM's intended to be able
to support user-level keys in a future version (there's some discussion
of that in appendix A), and its design is set up specifically not to
prevent that.

The spec basicly says that you must support DNS public key distribution
and authorization; that something else may also be added later will not 
change requirement for pki in dns and will only be usefull for those

who can support it as alternative way to retrieve the key (which means
the key would still need to be made available through dns for those who
do not).

It is really no brainer to see that if we have several authorization 
meachanisms a set of them would have to be done as a required for those
creating implementation in order for them to be used and that means 
working on all that as part of the main work on the system and

releasing together with other documents on the signature system.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

Ietf mailing list

Re: Pre-picking one solution (Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: WG Review: Domain Keys Identified Mail) (dkim)

2005-12-22 Thread Keith Moore
 Keith Moore wrote:
  OTOH, the assumption that _all_ public keys used to validate DKIM 
  signatures will be stored in DNS is a very limiting one, because it 
  appears to lead to either
  a) a constraint that policy be specified only on a per-domain basis 
  (which is far too coarse for many domains) or
 Actually, the DKIM base spec does provide a mechanism for replacing the
 DNS keystore with something else.  Look at 1.4 for a general statement,
 and the description of the q= tag in 3.5.  DKIM's intended to be able
 to support user-level keys in a future version (there's some discussion
 of that in appendix A), and its design is set up specifically not to
 prevent that.
 The proposed charter puts the details of other key management systems
 and user-level keys out of scope so that we can contain the work at this
 stage, and make quick progress on the first version.  It'd be entirely
 reasonable to recharter and attack these issues immediately after
 completing the first round of chartered work, if there are enough people
 who want to work on that.  Or we can see how a while of deployment goes,
 and form another WG in a year or so to do it.

I disagree.  The first standard version of DKIM needs to be something
that is broadly applicable, not something that just handles a few
corner cases.  The amount of stress associated with getting closure and
consensus on a document is sufficiently large (independent of the
document scope) that it doesn't seem like a good idea to waste all of
that effort producing a first document that is of limited applicability,
and that will need to be updated soon - particularly when a lot of the
division within the group stems from the current DKIM spec's
overconstraining the problem.   

If your goal is gaining consensus on a useful specification in the
shortest amount of time, it makes far more sense to work on the
different aspects of the problem in parallel rather than serially.  
Let one subgroup work on per-domain keying, key management, and
policies; another subgroup work on per-user keying, key management, and
policies; another subgroup work on message canonicalization; another
subgroup work on specifying signature and hash algorithms (and managing
the transition from weaker to stronger algorithms as these are
discovered); and finally, have a coordination team responsible for
making everything fit together and managing the framework (definitions,
header field names,  parameter names, keywords) that all of these
pieces fit into.  Give each subgroup a year, with deliverables at 4
month intervals.  After a year, expect to do working group last call on
all pieces and start polishing the drafts for final publication.  If
any piece proves to be unworkable, it can be thrown out after a year.
But even if that piece needs to be replaced from scratch and this
causes a delay that's better than imposing a serial dependency a
priori.  The unworkable piece could as easily be per-domain keying as
per-user keying.

I believe this approach will produce a consensus far more quickly than
the serial approach, and that the resulting standard will be more
broadly applicable and more robust.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Pre-picking one solution (Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: WG Review: Domain Keys Identified Mail) (dkim)

2005-12-22 Thread Douglas Otis

On Dec 22, 2005, at 8:38 AM, Keith Moore wrote:

If your goal is gaining consensus on a useful specification in the  
shortest amount of time, it makes far more sense to work on the  
different aspects of the problem in parallel rather than serially.

My concern regarding the charter is related to inclusion of the SSP  
draft, which can impose significant disruption.  In my view, DKIM  
should be seen as aspect of the SMTP transport.  Having a signature  
at the transport qualifies sources of email, but should not constrain  
use email-addresses.  Schemes related to the email-address such as S/ 
MIME or OpenPGP are designed to support email-address limitations.   
On the other hand, DKIM purports to offer S/MIME or OpenPGP like  
features for a sub-set of domains willing to disrupt normal email  

The premise for DKIM protection assurances is based upon visual  
examination of the email-address.  This seriously flawed concept  
already demands most MUAs change.  Even the body-length option pre- 
supposes there is some type of MUA modification.  With DKIM sans SSP,  
the MUA would be able to recognize prior correspondents without any  
other exchange of information.  In some cases, an MTA could use this  
recognition to exclude some abusive traffic based upon prior  
recognitions.  The MUA should be able to safely signal source  
recognition, but signaling adherence to some authorization would only  
place recipients in peril.

SSP, just as with Sender-ID, requires email-address domain owners  
authorize the source of their email, where signatures are transposed  
for address lists.  To allow existing practices, open-ended  
authorizations are required.  The danger from this approach has been  
made apparent by those willing to hold any sort of authorization  
accountable for abuse seen.  There can be no promise that  
authorizations can be open-ended to support existing practices.   
Reputation schemes bolstered by having authenticated the identifier  
when finding an authorization record will quickly preclude use of  
open-ended authorizations.

When only a few domains publish the closed-ended authorization  
records for SSP, looking for policy for the majority of email will  
then require that label trees be climbed, where none of this effort  
can be effectively cached.  The solution for this rather broken  
strategy is to create records that indicate open-ended authorizations  
to mitigate the search.  These nonsense open-ended records however  
expose the email-address domain owner to unfair reputation schemes  
already in place.

Details have been published for compatible extensions to DKIM that  
improve upon source recognition, abating abusive message replay,  
locating compromised systems, limiting the number of signatures per  
message, establishing expectations for specific email-addresses being  
signed, without requiring any additional lookups in most cases.

The WG should be limited to establishing the base DKIM signature.   
This signature should be viewed as an aspect of the SMTP transport to  
differentiate it from S/MIME and OpenPGP.  Another WG should make  
efforts related to the MUA incorporating the protections offered by  
DKIM in an opportunistic fashion.  In essence, everyone becomes their  
own certificate authority based upon individual email source  
identifiers offered by DKIM.  Recipients would be able to confirm the  
validity of the correspondent through out-of-band identifications of  
the source.  This could be simply an expected confirmation when  
initially establishing a relationship.  Once the initial identifier  
has been accepted by the recipient, messages could be safely  
highlighted as coming from a recognized source.

There can never be a safe indication based upon a domain used in the  
email address as having authorized the message.  There must be more  
consideration given for the use of unicode.  One only needs to  
investigate the number of look-alike characters in Chinese to  
understand the fallacy of that assurance.  Even the individual that  
does not understand the difference between and could be protected by a recognition scheme.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Pre-picking one solution (Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: WG Review: Domain Keys Identified Mail) (dkim)

2005-12-22 Thread Mark Delany
On Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 06:35:47AM -0800, william(at) allegedly wrote:

 Not necessarily. One of the proposals that went into DKIM had characteristic
 of storing public key fingerprints in dns. This seems quite close to DK but
 has a number of advantages and unlike DKIM or DK does not put serious extra
 pressure on DNS infrastructure

Unproved speculation. As you know, email, compared to HTTP and P2P
(neither of which sought approval from the IETF) constitutes an
increasingly tiny part of the Internet load these days. The serious
pressure comes from applications that never came near the IETF.

 like ip addresses (i.e. fixed size small data) would not work so well for 
 when data served  answer would either come close to or exceed 512bytes 
 UDP limit.

Unproved speculation. As you know, 512 is not a UDP limit it's a DNS
implementation limit which was long ago removed by EDNS0 - an IETF

The other minor matter is that the Internet is already participating
in a billion+ DK signed and verified emails per day - I've been
watching, but as yet, no news at 11. At what point do you expect the
pressure to be noticed?

William. I admire your interest in optimizing DNS load, but, as Knuth
might ask, is it premature? If you think not, convince us otherwise.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Pre-picking one solution (Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: WG Review: Domain Keys Identified Mail) (dkim)

2005-12-22 Thread william(at)

On Fri, 23 Dec 2005, Mark Delany wrote:

On Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 06:35:47AM -0800, william(at) allegedly wrote:

Not necessarily. One of the proposals that went into DKIM had characteristic
of storing public key fingerprints in dns. This seems quite close to DK but
has a number of advantages and unlike DKIM or DK does not put serious extra
pressure on DNS infrastructure

Unproved speculation. As you know, email, compared to HTTP and P2P
(neither of which sought approval from the IETF) constitutes an
increasingly tiny part of the Internet load these days. The serious
pressure comes from applications that never came near the IETF.

That is not a proper comparison. DNS is a key protocol (not to be
confused with protocol for keys :) for almost all other L7 protocols
on the net. HTTP was just another protocol and its use would not have 
had much effect on say telnet or ftp (ok, for ftp it might as it began

to be used as replacement, but that is different matter). We have to be
a lot more careful what we choose to do with dns and I think it should
stay primarily as a protocol for linking domain names. to specific
data locations rather then becoming all-purpose database.

Another issue is that dns is not just client-server protocol where
impact of using it would only be limited to server that chose to
deploy dkim records and client that chose to check it.

My view is that there is enough uncertainty and that if load on [core]
protocol like dns can be minimized and moved into specific L7 protocol
like SMTP, that it should be done. And we do have easy enough way to
do it with DK-like system by using fingerprints.

like ip addresses (i.e. fixed size small data) would not work so well for
when data served  answer would either come close to or exceed 512bytes
UDP limit.

Unproved speculation. As you know, 512 is not a UDP limit it's a DNS
implementation limit which was long ago removed by EDNS0 - an IETF

Nevertheless for immediate future [at least 5 more years, probably 10]
512bytes is basically limit that dns records should fit in.

BTW - that case of adding EDNS extension to widely deployed system and
how slow long it takes to do is an example why adding additional key
authorization methods to DKIM would not be easy and why we should worry
about this issue right now.

The other minor matter is that the Internet is already participating
in a billion+ DK signed and verified emails per day - I've been
watching, but as yet, no news at 11. At what point do you expect the
pressure to be noticed?

The number of emails being signed and checked is actually the main
factor - especially for sites that constantly communicate with each 

What would make a difference is large number of small domains that only
occasionally send emails but would have a signature on them requiring
checking dns and caching the public key (I predict that specialized 
optimized caching servers would be needed - in fact its somewhat in my 
area so I may even make good money if we all have this requirement ...) 
Also small mail servers that have to check all signed emails would see

these issues in even greater degree. What would also make a difference
is when users at the largest domains begin to demand to be able to use 
their own unique keys.

William. I admire your interest in optimizing DNS load, but, as Knuth
might ask, is it premature? If you think not, convince us otherwise.

Nothing is premature when it comes to dns. Once you make mistake its
difficult to fix (without impacting ongoing deployment) even if other
services are known to be impacted. As I said, it comes down to that we
do have other choices to putting large records in dns and they are 
basically close to being equivalent to public keys in dns, so we should
choose those. At the very least make them available as core supported 
authorization methods so in the future if problems are found, there would 
be a backup plan that does not require upgrade of every site software.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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