Re: Continuing the story - another stab at an IETF mission statement

2004-03-11 Thread Einar Stefferud
Sorry to have disturbed you Robert;-(...  

But, I have to wonder what this URL is about, given your comment about geometry 
being not spherical. 

Google only found [Results 1 - 10 of about 221,000.   Search took 0.24 seconds.] 

Maybe we need to reverse our views of things.  

If geometry is not spherical, then maybe it is spheres that are geometrical.

Anyway;-)...\You might find some interesting theorems among those 221,000 web 
cites.  Or, maybe this one asking about [spherical geometry + manifolds] will 
be of even more interest. [Results 1 - 10 of about 563.   Search took 0.08 second]

In any case, I was claiming that the Internet is a Manifold in terms of spherical 
Geometry, (or as you like it) Geomety of Spheres; and clearly there are manifolds 
in the concepts of spherical geometry, and I see no difficulty in mapping your 
network onto my manifold.  It is a set of pipes all connected together somehow 
such that a packet can enter via one pipe and flow through the manifold to arrive 
at the exit (given the correct address) of any other pipe in the manifold.  
This seems to me to describe exactly what you say about the internet, 
so I believe we no longer have any disagreement.


On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Einar Stefferud wrote:

  It might be interesting to view the Internet through the contextual lens of 
  spherical geometry concepts which I think fit as well as anything, contrary 
  to some of our historical internautical terminology.  For example, in spherical 
  Geometry, a manifold has no edges, and has no center, while IETF folk insist 
  that the Internet has an edge somewhere (just one) but I have not heard any 
  claims that it has a surface, or that it has a center.  

Not to be picky, but the geometry isn't spherical.  In fact, the
geometry of the Internet is a network -- a network IS a geometry
consisting of nodes (locations) connected by links.  The mathematics of
a network is called graph theory.  The network geometry of the Internet
isn't horribly well ordered or simple and is highly dynamic.  It
certainly isn't (hyper)spherical in any dimensionality -- spherical
geometries have certain properties that the network lacks, although of
course there exists a projection of the physical network onto the
physical sphere (the globe) that provides some useful information.

Less than one might think, of course.  The network isn't necessarily
simply connected, for example, as I could go upstairs and unplug my
router and create a network fragment disconnected (transiently) from the
rest of the Internet.  The metrics are not obviously connected to real
space geometry on any but a very local scale.  For example, I am LESS
than two physical miles away from my office at Duke as I type this.
However, I'm 17 network hops away from my desktop there, and traceroute
reveals that the packets go through Atlanta and Raleigh (it can be worse
depending on congestion and dynamic routing -- I've seen as many as 30

The network geometry is multidimensional and nodal.  One can define a
surface (of a simply connected nodal set) -- the union of all nodes with
a single entry/exit route (link).  Similarly, it has an interior (all
nodes with multiple links).  It has a norm that permits a discrete
measure of distance to be constructed -- the hop from one node to
another (the information revealed by traceroute measures a normed
distance between nodes, albeit quite possibly a transient one and one
where physical distance is nearly irrelevant).  It even has a center --
one could usefully define it to be the union of all interior nodes that
are a weighted MINIMUM distance, on average, from the entire surface --
the so called backbone -- although this isn't a sharp concept and may
not even be all of that useful because of details of the network.

For example, one can generate a variety of renormalized views of the
Internet where nodes are THEMSELVES networks (or the routers/gateways
that isolate them) -- (my home LAN might be one) --
and the relevant network links are ones that connect routers, ignoring
the edge nodes served by the routers.  Then there are aggregations of
LANs (such as which may have multiple links as well as LAN
aggregations that have just a single link.  Nowadays although one can
still talk about a network backbone people also speak of clouds and
use other metaphors to more accurately describe the core connectivity.

A lot of this topology is built into both the internet addressing scheme
and the underlying routing schema.  Usually a surface node has a
single IP number and is part of a IP LAN that is at least reasonably
spatially contiguous.  Usually interior nodes have multiple IP
numbers.  Usually routing attempts to dynamically solve a problem in
the topology such as how to 

Re: Continuing the story - another stab at an IETF mission statement

2004-03-11 Thread Robert G. Brown
On Thu, 11 Mar 2004, Einar Stefferud wrote:

 Sorry to have disturbed you Robert;-(...  

You didn't disturb me.  I love this stuff:-)

 But, I have to wonder what this URL is about, given your comment about geometry 
 being not spherical. 

OK, I will explain a bit of history and mathematics.  Briefly, since
this is way off topic.  Geometry is the study of objects in a space of a
given number of dimensions and a given type.  Historically it of course
began with (actually somewhat before) Euclid's famous Elements and plane
geometry as the first axiomatically developed branch of mathematics.
This was so cool that it was damn near turned into a religion for close
to 2000 years.

Axioms are unprovable assumptions upon which the mathematics is based.
They are NOT (as is often asserted) obvious truths -- one can choose
the axioms, and different choices (as was discovered by Gauss and
Riemann only a couple hundred years ago) lead to different geometries
(note well the plural) in particular to non-planar geometries. Euclid's
was planar, and plane geometry is one of the few really standard and
universal exposures to mathematics even non-math/science oriented
students are subjected to.

Formally, geometry is distinguished from other forms of axiomatically
developed algebra (as yes, there is an algebra associated with each
geometry, including one called geometric algebra which contains things
like Quaternions, Grassmann and Clifford algebras) by virtue of having
a) a manifold (the space mentioned above) and a metric (named a
Riemannian metric in honor of Gauss's protege, Riemann, who nominally
discovered non-Euclidean differential geometry although it seems
historically likely that Gauss was already aware of it and supported
Riemann BECAUSE he was on what Gauss already knew to be a fruitful
track).  The metric of a geometry on the manifold typically defines its

There are many ways to vary the manifold, the metric, the axioms.  One
can make the manifold 1, 2, 3...N dimensional (where N can be infinite,
and in some branches of mathematics is).  The metric is what we would
call the measure of distance -- given two points in the manifold, how
can we compute the distance between them.  Note that this isn't
precisely true but I don't want to get into differential geometry and
local/differential definitions of the metric here.

A spherical geometry is the study of figures on a spherical manifold and
is certainly of interest -- it is the geometry we live in on the planet,
after all.  It differs from Euclidean plane geometry in that triangles
have = \pi radians in the sum of its angles (instead of = \pi radians),
two points define TWO line segments, one short, one long, on a so-called
great circle, and certain special pairs of points (antipodal points)
define and infinite number of line segments and the possibility of
drawing a biangle.  Two distinct lines always intersect twice.  And

NONE of this resembles a useful mathematical description of the Internet
except to the (nearly irrelevant) extent that of course the physical
network is physically wrapped around the roughly spherical globe and
that spatial distance and the speed of light create temporal delays in
packet propagation in a predictable manner (note that this describes the
USE of the network, not its geometry per se and certainly not its
connectivity or routing characteristics). As far as your other remarks
about the Internet being a manifold of some sort, well, it is and it

A physical information network is a kind of graph, a directed multigraph
or pseudograph.  To be completely honest, I don't know that graph theory
is, properly speaking, a geometry, although I went along with the
metaphor in my previous reply.  It is generally considered a branch of
discrete mathematics.  One often VISUALIZES graphs as being EMBEDDED in
a geometry, e.g. drawn figures consisting of nodes and links on a plane
or other surface, but in many cases the metric is discrete and
completely distinct from the underlying manifold metric.  In others it
isn't.  The travelling salesman problem is one where there is a
correspondance between a spatial metric and the graph metric (a cost
function or distance assocated with each link).  The famous Bridges
problem also required a 2d manifold (the city of Konigsburg) and a rule
that links could not cross in that manifold.  A network where physical
propagation and distance-related delays are not being considered is an
example of a graph metric that is divorced from the underlying
visualization manifold (each link is a discrete hop and counts the
same in the total distance).

The dimension of a network or graph is also an issue.  Graphs are nearly
always drawn on a 2d planar manifold for visualization purposes, but one
could argue that they are actually very high dimensional objects where
links open out new dimensions, or where links are permitted to cross
because in a higher dimensional manifold they can go over and 

Re: Continuing the story - another stab at an IETF mission statement

2004-03-09 Thread Harald Tveit Alvestrand

--On 18. februar 2004 18:06 + Tom Petch [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I find your definition of the Internet delightfully ambiguous.  I was
taught that the Internet (as opposed to an internet or the internet) was
the public network accessible through public IPv4 addresses (this predates
IPv6) ie the Internet ceased at a firewall or other such IP level gateway.
Reading your definition, I cannot tell where you stand; are firewalls and
networks behind them included in IETF mission or not?
reviewing, I cannot tell whether I answered this one or not
I was definitely intending to include them, since IMHO they are connected 
to the internet (see both core and edge networks, host to host). If you 
can suggest words to make this clearer, I'd appreciate it!


Re: Continuing the story - another stab at an IETF mission statement

2004-03-09 Thread Einar Stefferud
At 19:25 -0800 3/9/04, Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:
--On 18. februar 2004 18:06 + Tom Petch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I find your definition of the Internet delightfully ambiguous.  I was
taught that the Internet (as opposed to an internet or the internet) was
the public network accessible through public IPv4 addresses (this predates
IPv6) ie the Internet ceased at a firewall or other such IP level gateway.

Reading your definition, I cannot tell where you stand; are firewalls and
networks behind them included in IETF mission or not?

reviewing, I cannot tell whether I answered this one or not
I was definitely intending to include them, since IMHO they are connected to the 
internet (see both core and edge networks, host to host). If you can suggest 
words to make this clearer, I'd appreciate it!


Just to throw a wrench into your discussion, The Internet just happens to be a 
Manifold (which literally means a bunch of pipes all connected together, such 
that entering at the end of any pipe, you can traverse the manifold and get to 
the open end of every other connected pipe in the manifold. 

Every  manifold pipe can be extended, so it is not possible to define the ends 
in any rigid way. Extension can be with PPP over dial-up, or a NAT router, or 
even a printer or word of mouth, or CD/DVD/TAPE/Postal-Service/etc/et al, 
ad nauseum.  

It might be interesting to view the Internet through the contextual lens of 
spherical geometry concepts which I think fit as well as anything, contrary 
to some of our historical internautical terminology.  For example, in spherical 
Geometry, a manifold has no edges, and has no center, while IETF folk insist 
that the Internet has an edge somewhere (just one) but I have not heard any 
claims that it has a surface, or that it has a center.  

Apparently, what people call the edge of the Internet consists of an 
imaginary canvas stretched over the ends of all those manifold pipes with 
an imaginary elastic sheet of imaginary fabric.  But this only forms an edge 
if the Internet exists only in a two dimensional plane.  And even then, 
I have problems imagining all those spokes as making an edge.

Actually, they are referring to all those ends of all the manifold pipes, 
in that when attached to an end, the attachment is said to be made at the 
edge. I have big problems trying to imagine this as an edge (or a surface). 
So, I have tried to stop using those terms as they get in the way of thinking 
about various aspects of the Internet.  Not that I really understand much 
more than this about spherical geometry. 

I just wanted to toss this into the mix while all y'all are trying to decide 
what this thing called the Internet actually is.  I notice that all y'all 
have not settled on much of any agreement.  Reminds me of the 8 blind wise 
men trying to discover what an elephant is by each exploring a different part 
with their hands.  So far, I do not know anyone who claims to have touched 
its edge with their hands.

So, I just want to suggest that some of you out there who do understand 
spherical geometry might discover some things from looking it the net with 
spherical geometry glasses.  I only know that certain aspects seem to fit 
better than might be expected. 

For one thing, a manifold has no center, and indeed, an internet has no center. 

From my management consultant background, this has been an important realization, 
because, without the existence of a center, there is no logical place to put a 
control center to enable central control.  We like to say that the internet is 
controlled from its edges, by which I expect they mean it is controlled from its 
manifold pipe endpoints. 

Also, I note that from any endpoint a user can, and generally does, create a 
personal private network of (sometimes) collegial correspondents that is 
controlled by it owner.  Those networks are centrally controlled with 
address lists in address books and routing tables, and such. 

Surely, some of you will be quite upset about my observations, but I ask you to 
stay cool and just ponder it all for a while to see of things don't start to 
look different from this point of view, hopefully yielding some useful new 



Re: Continuing the story - another stab at an IETF mission statement

2004-02-18 Thread Tom Petch
I find your definition of the Internet delightfully ambiguous.  I was
taught that the Internet (as opposed to an internet or the internet) was
the public network accessible through public IPv4 addresses (this predates
IPv6) ie the Internet ceased at a firewall or other such IP level gateway.

Reading your definition, I cannot tell where you stand; are firewalls and
networks behind them included in IETF mission or not?

Tom Petch

-Original Message-
From: Harald Tveit Alvestrand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 11 February 2004 01:59
Subject: Continuing the story - another stab at an IETF mission statement

Apologies to those who are already tired of this debate, and those think
that we have enough of a clear idea of what the IETF mission is, and that
discussing more is harmful to the community, but

I attempted to incorporate the latest discussions into an internet-draft,
which I managed to get out just before the deadline


The core of the draft:

   The goal of the IETF is to make the Internet work.

   The mission of the IETF is to produce high quality, relevant
   technical and engineering documents that influence the way people
   design, use and manage the Internet in such a way as to make the
   Internet work better.
   These documents include protocol standards, best current practices
   and informational documents of various kinds.

   The IETF will pursue this mission in adherence to the following
   cardinal principles:

   Open process - that any interested participant can in fact
  participate in the work, know what is being decided, and make his
  or her voice heard on the issue.  Part of this principle is our
  commitment to making our documents, our WG mailing lists, our
  attendance lists and our meeting minutes publicly available on the

   Technical competence - that the issues on which the IETF produces its
  documents are issues where the IETF has the competence needed to
  speak to them, and that the IETF is willing to listen to
  technically competent input from any source.
  Technical competence also means that we expect IETF output to be
  designed to sound network engineering principles - this is also
  often referred to as engineering quality.

   Volunteer Core - that our members and our leadership are people who
  come to the IETF because they want to work for the IETF's

   Rough consensus and running code - We make standards based on the
  combined engineering judgement of our participants and our real-
  world experience in implementing and deploying our specifications.

The rest of the document is trying to define the terms and explain the
issues faced in formulating the mission statement.
An appendix (to be deleted before publication) lists some other attempts
formulating a mission statement - the purpose of including this is to give
honor to those who worked on them, and to allow those who debate the issue
to see what other attempts to formulate the mission could look like.

Comments are welcome, of course!


Re: Continuing the story - another stab at an IETF mission statement

2004-02-18 Thread Harald Tveit Alvestrand

--On 18. februar 2004 18:06 + Tom Petch [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I find your definition of the Internet delightfully ambiguous.  I was
taught that the Internet (as opposed to an internet or the internet) was
the public network accessible through public IPv4 addresses (this predates
IPv6) ie the Internet ceased at a firewall or other such IP level gateway.
I certainly agree on the ambiguous, but not with the delightful :-)
Reading your definition, I cannot tell where you stand; are firewalls and
networks behind them included in IETF mission or not?
Here, I feel that I stand firmly on the quicksand left by those who have 
gone before... if you read Dave Crocker's 1995 RFC 'To be on the 
Internet' (RFC 1775), you will see that the problem is not a new one.

Luckily for us, mediated access and messaging access are mostly things 
of the past - but in my opinion, the Internet extends to the applications 
run by the people who have client access to the Internet.

After all, the Internet model is an end-to-end service; if the Internet 
stopped at the gateway/NAT box/firewall, it would be an end-to-firewall 
service for 90% of today's Internet traffic - and that doesn't make sense 
to me.

So in my opinion, firewalls and the networks behind them are part of the 
Internet, because we have to design for the Internet that is there, even as 
we labor to make it more like the Internet we want to have.
(now, is that sufficient straddling of the NAT debate? :-)


Re: Continuing the story - another stab at an IETF mission statement

2004-02-18 Thread Joe Abley
On 18 Feb 2004, at 13:06, Tom Petch wrote:

I find your definition of the Internet delightfully ambiguous.  I was
taught that the Internet (as opposed to an internet or the internet) 
the public network accessible through public IPv4 addresses (this 
IPv6) ie the Internet ceased at a firewall or other such IP level 
I'm not sure who teaches that, but that's an extremely weak definition.

Define public network. Define accessible. Define public IPv4 
addresses. Note that even with definitions, the resulting Internet 
is subjective in the sense that the shape of the network changes 
according to the perspective gained from local connectivity (so one 
host's Internet is different to another host's Internet).

The idea that the Internet is properly partitioned between devices 
which block packets would these days mean that in reality today it 
rarely extends beyond a single autonomous system, and often not beyond 
a single router. This is not, to my knowledge, a common definition (and 
even if it was common, it hardly seems very useful).

Lots of people seem to enjoy being needlessly pedantic about the 
Internet vs. the internet vs. an internet, regardless of the fact 
they are unable to cite a reason for the distinction. So that's at 
least a common distinction, albeit arguably a fairly pointless one.

Q: But what *IS* the Internet?

A: It's the largest equivalence class in the reflexive transitive 
symmetric closure of the relationship 'can be reached by an IP packet 
from'. - Seth Breidbart


Re: Continuing the story - another stab at an IETF mission statement

2004-02-14 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 14-feb-04, at 1:28, Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:

Good point. At least to make the point that the IETF sees the Internet 
as a global phenomenon, and that its standards-setting therefore must 
be global too - with English chosen for its utility, not its 
Suggestions on which sections to put it in?
4.1 The Scope of the Internet seems appropriate although this deals 
with other issues. Or maybe make it a separate item under 4.

Re: Continuing the story - another stab at an IETF mission statement

2004-02-13 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 10-feb-04, at 22:43, Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:

I attempted to incorporate the latest discussions into an 
internet-draft, which I managed to get out just before the 

Good stuff.

But wouldn't it be useful to say something about the global nature of 
the internet and the IETF body of participants, and how this influences 
both the IETF's goals and the way it carries out its activities?

More specifically, the fact that the IETF exclusively uses English for 
its standards and internal processes creates a non-level participation 
field, but at the same time the use of a single, widely-spoken language 
allows for much lower costs and higher efficiency than any alternative.

Re: Continuing the story - another stab at an IETF mission statement

2004-02-13 Thread Harald Tveit Alvestrand

--On 13. februar 2004 11:38 +0100 Iljitsch van Beijnum [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On 10-feb-04, at 22:43, Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:

I attempted to incorporate the latest discussions into an
internet-draft, which I managed to get out just before the

Good stuff.

But wouldn't it be useful to say something about the global nature of the
internet and the IETF body of participants, and how this influences both
the IETF's goals and the way it carries out its activities?
More specifically, the fact that the IETF exclusively uses English for
its standards and internal processes creates a non-level participation
field, but at the same time the use of a single, widely-spoken language
allows for much lower costs and higher efficiency than any alternative.
Good point. At least to make the point that the IETF sees the Internet as a 
global phenomenon, and that its standards-setting therefore must be global 
too - with English chosen for its utility, not its affiliation.
Suggestions on which sections to put it in?