IEA Bottom Line (was: Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA))

2003-11-03 Thread John C Klensin

I've just spent several hours reading my way through much of 
through the long and fascinating thread caused by the BOF 
announcement.  I should probably just remain silent, but the 
traffic causes me to have a few thoughts.  Some of them have 
been mentioned on the list in one form or another, but let me 
try to draw them together in the hope of separating them from 
the noise.

As a preface, sound bites are a lot of fun, especially among 
politicians and demagogues.  To the extent that our goal is good 
design and engineering, we need to do serious analysis and try 
to read and understand serious analysis.  I am appalled at the 
number of postings on this list that seem to indicate people 
willing to state positions, very strongly, without having read 
any of the relevant drafts.  Whatever is going on in the 
problem-statement list and WG, that may be a much more severe 
threat to the IETF's ability to do good work than anything 
[else] they have gotten fixated on.

First, I am strongly committed to interoperability.  Without it, 
much of what makes the network attractive to many of us 
disappears.  We don't then end up at the 500 one-way channels 
of pointless entertainment that many of us fear, but every 
significant step taken away from global interoperability --not 
just of the bits, but of user-level applications-- costs us some 
of the properties and potential for an Internet that enables 
human communications.

While me may disagree on many things, including the best way to 
preserve interoperability, I am convinced that Paul, Adam, and 
Martin are also committed to that goal.  I hope the rest of you 
are too --I've singled them out only because their names are on 
documents that represent approaches to the email 
internationalization problem -- if you aren't, these discussions 
are pretty pointless.

Second, it is clear to me that there is a tradeoff between 
completely convenient localization and global interoperability. 
In a completely local environment, I can not only use local 
characters and character codings, but I don't even need to label 
them.  Identifying the codings in use, or even protocol variants 
in use, doesn't require international standards -- they are 
needed only if one wishes to get some (or considerable) 
localization while preserving some (or, I hope, considerable) 
global interoperability.

Third, while it would certainly make global interoperability 
easier, there is no way to prevent people from deciding to use 
local characters, and maybe even local codings, in local 
environments.  They will do it.  They will believe (probably 
correctly) that they have good reasons for doing it.  Our 
choices are between

* Finding a rational, plausible, global way to let them
do it while still preserving global interoperability or

* Not doing that and ending up with a potentially large
number of local solutions that won't interoperate or, at
best, will require using different protocols for local/
national/ in-language email and for global
There is some superficial appeal to the second choice, i.e., to 
saying the world will communicate using Roman characters; 
anyone who wants to do something else will need to use local 
systems among people who share the relevant language and 
character sets.  But it won't work, as anyone who has been 
through the age of information-losing gateways among Internet 
mail/ PROFS/ cc:mail/ MSMail/ X.400/ etc., etc., can attest. 
Bad idea.  Doesn't work well and often works very badly. 
Assume it is going to be an internationalization standard or a 
significant drop in interoperability.  No other choices.

Fourth, there was, and is, a case to be made that 
internationalization of domain names is unnecessary and dumb 
because, in that view, domain names are protocol elements that 
need absolutely maximum interoperability and can be hidden from 
users.  Those who advocated that position lost the argument -- 
probably as soon as the first user saw the first web URL.  But 
there is no such case to be made for email addresses except, 
possibly, among those who entertain the fantasy that The 
Directory will take over the Internet.   Well, it may be really 
sad, but that plan has been over for years and years.  Hasn't 
happened and, absent some miracle, isn't going to happen.   The 
argument for why one can't get away without internationalization 
(or at least localization) of email addresses is in my draft. 
If you care and haven't done so, go read it.  If you are not 
willing to read that, you probably aren't reading this either.

Finally, the difference between the proposal from Paul and Adam 
and mine hinges on some very fundamental principles about 
architecture and deployability.  One way to oversimplify the 
difference is that mine is better optimized for 
fully-internationalized local environments in the short term, 
and a fully-internationalized world in the 

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-11-03 Thread Arnt Gulbrandsen
So my question remains: are we doing the 3 billion asians a favor by 
forcing them to be able to tell the difference between e-caron and 
I got some advertising for the other 
day, because I'm part of the target group clearly expressed by that 
domain name.

Is Renault doing the people on this list, or those three billion Asians, 
a favour by using such an incomprehensible domain name? Not? But I 
don't think it's a problem either.

And I don't think the number of people who need to deal with e-macron, 
but don't know Lithuanian or Lettish, will be big. It'll be 
self-regulatingly small. People like you (Valdis), who might expose 
e-macron to us foreigners, tend to make our lives easier by changing 
the way you spell your names. Sure, if you were to insist that we (or 
those three billion) spell your name correctly, you'd cause some pain. 
But you don't, so that macron of yours isn't a problem for us.

(Btw, are those the right languages for e-macron? I'm fuzzy on that.)


Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-31 Thread John Stracke
Dave Aronson wrote:

Think also of many businesses that cater to the general public, from 
bleeding-edge geeks like us, to those who can barely spell PDA and 
don't know what one is.

I think the only times I've seen anybody use PDAs to exchange contact 
information were at IETF meetings, in the hallways, when people had time 
to kill.  It just takes too long.  Typically, when two companies are 
meeting, and you've got, say, four people on each side, everybody swaps 
business cards in under a minute, and you're done.  Doing the same thing 
via IR would hold the meeting up too long.

|John Stracke  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
|Principal Engineer| |
|Centive   |My opinions are my own.|
|I have strong opinions about ambivalence. |

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-31 Thread Dave Aronson
On Thu October 30 2003 17:24, Markus Stumpf wrote:

  - How long will there be paper business cards? Don't a lot people
already exchange business cards per handheld/organizer?

IMHO, always, even for ones with email addresses (and URLs and so on) on 
them.  Even those who lug PDAs around everywhere, may occasionally have 
reason to give contact data to someone who doesn't.

Think also of many businesses that cater to the general public, from 
bleeding-edge geeks like us, to those who can barely spell PDA and 
don't know what one is.  Sure, such a business has many clientele who 
wouldn't make use of the email address, URL, etc.  However, that's 
usually not enough to justify leaving them off.

Can we have a show of hands of those people who, when giving or 
receiving contact data in person, do so *only* by transmitting between 
PDAs?  (If you prefer, feel free to reply directly.  I'll announce 
results and comments received.)  I'm guessing that describes far less 
than a single percent of us, never mind the world.

Dave Aronson, Senior Software Engineer, Secure Software Inc.
(Opinions above NOT those of unless so stated!)
Email me at: work (D0T) 2004 (@T) dja (D0T) mailme (D0T) org

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-31 Thread jfcm
At 23:24 30/10/03, Markus Stumpf wrote:
A big fair in Munich had tested kinda electronic cards lately. As you
buy your ticket you type in your contact data and it is printed on the
card as a barcode. Exhibitors had barcode readers and special
software, so if you want to make a contact you hand over your ticket
and the infos flow ...
We are here in a typical layer violation we do not see. We think that 
passing information from layer 7 to a user is a simple task because ascii 
simplifies it to ascii readers. ENS Model puts 2 layers for that.

Your example is a very good common example of this:
- the application layer (7) has an infromation: the visitor carries and 
delivers his name to the registration system
- the interapplication layer (8) corresponds to the trade show system which 
organizes and manages the bar codes or other systems (magnetic, noise 
printing, laser, etc.) and the event and the lanes for him to stop at your 
boot using his feet and not bytes on a wire.
- the assistant layer (9) which is going to read the information for you 
and/or for your computer.
- until eventually you the user (layer 10) may access to the infromation 
and possibly disseminate to other layer 10 colleagues or colleges, or to 
escalate it to other communicating structures (11). For example the visitor 
may be a common client for your trade pavillon and benefit from a discount. 
And then you may want to verify his legal ID and hit the societal system 
layer (12).

All these layers car be executed by people and by machines. The simplest 
protocol is yes/no. It then increases in complexity through numbers, then 
langages and characters. Basic English and ASCII are one of the most 
interesting level for naked brainq. But what about computer (software) or 
community assisted (brainware) brains: whre is/are the most interesting 
levels of equilibrium?

This is why I say the target is not to develop internationalized, nor 
multilingual names. To please  Hindi vs American (objections stand). But a 
truly fully vernacular support for users and applications. This means even 
more than transparent binary, because binary is only to be one occurence in 

We have a default : ascii. We have a first level of complexity : IDNA. This 
must continue. This is why I objected to the (xn--) structure. It is to be 
necessarily the begining of an unlimited vernacularisation. Having entered 
the xn-- in the left of the name label introduced a cross hierarchical 
structure in the DNS (levels from right to left and layers within the 
labels from left to right). With a complex impact on the DNS administration 
and evolution - as we start seeing it now. Another exemple is IPv6. I doubt 
we can continue writing manually db.flles addresses.

Now, several question the need of a change. IMHO they are right and wrong 
as we do not consider the layers. At the user's layer we must have 
everything in the language and culture of the user. We are not going to say 
that cultures are bugs to correct to fit IDNA! But at the old SMTP level or 
DNS do we need that complexity? I think not. Even if we were building a 
brand nwe DNS.

What Vint suggests is to use ASCII as a 35 or 37 highly readable numbering 
pad (2 to 9 A to Z and -, or 0 to 9) to give more capacities to support 
vernacularization on the layer above. Otherwise everything is going to 
collapse into a too complex system. For example where are you going to 
introduce the OPES which will read the written chinese in the proper local 
way? This is the same problem as for the multilingual TLDs. In a flat model 
we saw it was not possible. I do not see a real problem in a properly set 
multi-layer model. One layer can go one way and the next layer the other 
way. Then you know what you wand to do where.


There WILL be a lot of problems with internationalized email addresses
but IMHO a lot of them will be solvable by sophisticated software.
Some of them won't as in print media (and also tv. radio, ...) a domain
µ.de(in 8859-1)
µ.de(in 8859-7)
looks identical, but isn't as the µ sit on different codes. So the
commercials will be fun:
visit us in the Internet on www.µ.de in good old 8859-1 coding.
And despite all these I think it will be a long time until addresses like
will look familiar (even if this is a (for me) local coding).

SpaceNet AG| Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 | Fon: +49 (89) 32356-0
Research  Development |   D-80807 Muenchen| Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299
The security, stability and reliability of a computer system is reciprocally
 proportional to the amount of vacuity between the ears of the admin

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-31 Thread Markus Stumpf
On Thu, Oct 30, 2003 at 06:49:13AM -0600, Spencer Dawkins wrote:
 I agree with Dave in the general case (the goal is to go beyond
 today's Internet), but am wondering if that also requires us to go
 beyond today's language capability when we start leaking these
 addresses between enclaves. I am sensitive to the comments expressed
 in this thread, that a heckuva lot of people have to learn two sets of
 glyphs, and I'm not one of them - I just don't see how we do it any
 other way.

In Europe we have a lot of character sets. I use 8859-1, a few
kilometers away in Greece they use 8859-7. As with all the math
I at least have an idea about the characters. However neither my
keyboard nor my X server can currently be used for that out of the
box (as it is).

IMHO in all that discussion it is important with the case studies
to differentiate if the address has to be keyed in by some human
or if I would only need more sophisticated software to deal with the

I am not too enthusiastic with all that internationalization, but:

- In Germany the DENIC has announced they will provide internationalized
  domain names probably next year. The run on this names is really big.
  Other NICs surely have similar plans. So with these domain names we
  need a method to transport email there.

- If I want to go to the olypic games in Greece next year and the website
  has an email address with greek characters, will I be able to click on it
  type some text, and my MUA/browser will do the right thing? If it will
  work and everyone will be able to recognize this is the email address
  that's fine for me. XML for more structure and better browsers will help
  for the latter some time.

- How long will there be paper business cards? Don't a lot people
  already exchange business cards per handheld/organizer? And those
  companies with international contacts will have accounts in the
  according coding or at least in a coding that is familiar for the
  other party. Software will be able to do the rest. So you will have to
  carry a small bag of different cards with different codings until you
  will have no paper cards any longer, because they are too difficult to
  handle in this area.
  A big fair in Munich had tested kinda electronic cards lately. As you
  buy your ticket you type in your contact data and it is printed on the
  card as a barcode. Exhibitors had barcode readers and special
  software, so if you want to make a contact you hand over your ticket
  and the infos flow ...

There WILL be a lot of problems with internationalized email addresses
but IMHO a lot of them will be solvable by sophisticated software.
Some of them won't as in print media (and also tv. radio, ...) a domain
µ.de(in 8859-1)
µ.de(in 8859-7)
looks identical, but isn't as the µ sit on different codes. So the
commercials will be fun:
visit us in the Internet on www.µ.de in good old 8859-1 coding.

And despite all these I think it will be a long time until addresses like
will look familiar (even if this is a (for me) local coding).


SpaceNet AG| Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 | Fon: +49 (89) 32356-0
Research  Development |   D-80807 Muenchen| Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299
The security, stability and reliability of a computer system is reciprocally
 proportional to the amount of vacuity between the ears of the admin

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-31 Thread Vernon Schryver

 Are we doing *anybody* favors ...

Contrary to super heated claims about unfairness and disenfranchisement,
the purposes of this approaching train wreck do not include doing any
users any favors.  At best it is about proving the maturity of the
IETF by inventing a scheme that will make x.400 addresses seem clear
and obvious.

The first and most important thing about train wrecks is that you
don't want to be standing close to where they happen.  After waiving
your lantern at the people in the engine cabs, it's best run as fast
as you can.

The second thing is that after the fire, smoke, and noise settles,
you will see armies of people and equipment working on enormous piles
of debris.

The third thing is that although the debris piles and surrounding
encampments will look permanent, they will disappear almost overnight
and leave almost no sign.  In 5 years, everyone except the most laggard
acolytes of trade rag gurus will have forgotten it.  By then there
will be a new runaway internationalization mail address train about
to derail. 

It's not as if we've not been here before.  It's past time to start
running to get out of the way of this train.  Who knows?  Maybe this
time time the internationalized mail address train won't wreck itself
at the bottom of the pass.

In other words, do all three of these mailing lists need this traffic?

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-31 Thread Jean-Jacques Puig
On Fri, Oct 31, 2003 at 09:50:06AM -0500, John Stracke wrote:
 Dave Aronson wrote:
 Think also of many businesses that cater to the general public, from 
 bleeding-edge geeks like us, to those who can barely spell PDA and 
 don't know what one is.
 I think the only times I've seen anybody use PDAs to exchange contact 
 information were at IETF meetings, in the hallways, when people had time 
 to kill.  It just takes too long.  Typically, when two companies are 
 meeting, and you've got, say, four people on each side, everybody swaps 
 business cards in under a minute, and you're done.  Doing the same thing 
 via IR would hold the meeting up too long.

Agree. Another point is that many firms print contact / support / sales
mail addresses on documents. So may also individuals in some
circumstances (teachers on the hard copy of their teaching doc,
classified advertisements on newspapers, etc.). Though one may conceive
adverts with a bluetooth device broadcasting contact information, I
believe printed material is still a significant way of obtaining email
addresses and will be so for a long.

Regarding the actual issue (IEA), the technical problem of having to
enter an address in an unknown charset may solve itself almost
naturally: people who feel concerned about being reachable by anyone
abroad would create/buy/ask-their-admin-for a  ascii address, while
others would get locale encoded addresses for a local use. A kind of a
social consensus.

Jean-Jacques Puig


Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-31 Thread Markus Stumpf
On Fri, Oct 31, 2003 at 05:11:20PM +0100, Jean-Jacques Puig wrote:
 Agree. Another point is that many firms print contact / support / sales
 mail addresses on documents. So may also individuals in some
 circumstances (teachers on the hard copy of their teaching doc,
 classified advertisements on newspapers, etc.).

But this is an issue only in this are cross contacts to non local
partners. Local partners have the same charset coding so this would
not be a problem at all.

 naturally: people who feel concerned about being reachable by anyone
 abroad would create/buy/ask-their-admin-for a  ascii address, while
 others would get locale encoded addresses for a local use. A kind of a
 social consensus.

And the default ASCII coding may change to a default chinese coding
in some years ;-)


SpaceNet AG| Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 | Fon: +49 (89) 32356-0
Research  Development |   D-80807 Muenchen| Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299
The security, stability and reliability of a computer system is reciprocally
 proportional to the amount of vacuity between the ears of the admin

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-31 Thread Markus Stumpf
On Fri, Oct 31, 2003 at 09:50:06AM -0500, John Stracke wrote:
 I think the only times I've seen anybody use PDAs to exchange contact 
 information were at IETF meetings, in the hallways, when people had time 
 to kill.  It just takes too long.  Typically, when two companies are 
 meeting, and you've got, say, four people on each side, everybody swaps 
 business cards in under a minute, and you're done.  Doing the same thing 
 via IR would hold the meeting up too long.

Please keep in mind two things
1) I wrote
 I am not too enthusiastic with all that internationalization ;-))
2) I used the example with PDAs mainly for international contacts. Maybe
   our company is to small, but most of the time I have face to face
   contact to people of foreign companies they are from a local
   subsidiary and they have a local domain on their cards. So with most
   of the meetings (for me at least) this would be a non issue.


SpaceNet AG| Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 | Fon: +49 (89) 32356-0
Research  Development |   D-80807 Muenchen| Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299
The security, stability and reliability of a computer system is reciprocally
 proportional to the amount of vacuity between the ears of the admin

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-30 Thread vinton g. cerf

I think your example underscores the difference between localization
of an interface to make use of local language/script and globalization
that permits interworking among all parties, independent of their local
language and script. 

the confusion between these two (familiar user interfaces vs ability
to communicate with everyone) makes for a good deal of debate. 

I hope can keep in mind both of these desirable aspects but most 
especially our ability to preserve the global communication needed.

The dialing of telephone numbers relies on the ability of every 
party to enter digits while the system does not care much about
what language we speak. One might think of Latin-A as the Internet
equivalent of digits - however, I don't know whether it is a valid


At 11:44 PM 10/29/2003 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

*** Status:   Good Signature from Invalid Key
*** Alert:Please verify signer's key before trusting signature.
*** Signer:   Valdis Kletnieks [EMAIL PROTECTED] (0xB4D3D7B0)
*** Signed:   10/29/2003 11:44:55 PM
*** Verified: 10/30/2003 2:02:59 AM

On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 07:32:46 +0800, James Seng said:
 to your opinion but please do so in other place, and not here. The group 
 is suppose to work on Internationalization of Email address 
 (identifiers), not debate whether we need it or not.

Any group that addresses how and for which contexts without having
a good grasp on why is inventing solutions in search of problems.

Mark actually *does* have a *very* valid point - on today's internet, if you
cannot recognize and enter the glyphs for at least c, h, m, o p, t, w, ':',
'@', '.', and '/' you are effectively unable to use the internet.  It may not
make any sense to you, but you can at least recognize and enter them (note that
this same issue was one of the biggest arguments against the .biz domain).

So.. having established that if they're currently using the internet, they can at 
recognize and enter the Latin glyphs, this raises a number of *very* important 

1) Is there reason to *not* expect said knowledge of Latin glyphs in the future?
If not, what user group(s) will be literate but not know the Latin charset?

2) Is a community approach acceptable?  Is usage of Han OK as long as
you're interacting with other Han users, or are the issues of leakage too high?

3) What *are* the issues of leakage? What am I expected to see if I get some Han,
and how am I to interact with it?  Equally important, what does the Han user do
with my leaked Latin-A characters?

4) Here's a somewhat related issue - looking at the U0100.pdf from www.unicode,org,
I had to enlarge page 2 quite a bit before I could see the difference between the 
at 0114/0115 (capital/small e with breve) and 011A/011B (capital/small e with caron).
And I know my way around most of the Latin characters - our hypothetical Han
user is going to be swinging in the breeze if he gets a business card with e-caron on 

And if you can't safely put e-caron on a business card, why are we bothering?


Vint Cerf
SVP Technology Strategy
22001 Loudoun County Parkway, F2-4115
Ashburn, VA 20147
703 886 1690 (v806 1690)
703 886 0047 fax

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-30 Thread Dave Crocker

VKve Mark actually *does* have a *very* valid point - on today's internet, if you

1. The goal is to go beyond today's internet. (But then, that is always the
goal of a new standard.)

2. Although the primary focus of IETF work is to make standards for global
interoperability, there are fine and valid needs for making global conventions
to support local interoperability. Permitting local-part to be unicode is one
of those. (And, no, I do not believe this requires changing the global parsing

 Dave Crocker dcrocker-at-brandenburg-dot-com
 Brandenburg InternetWorking
 Sunnyvale, CA  USA tel:+1.408.246.8253

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-30 Thread Spencer Dawkins
Ummm, I'm not a Genius of E-mail, but I have sent a few. :-}

The very-helpful scenario Valdis included a couple of notes back (if
we punt on common ability to use Latin glyphs) has happened in my
life, at the presentation level - I've been swapping e-mail back and
forth with some very talented people in Korea. So, they have
ascii-fied e-mail addresses that aren't THAT obvious (I think spencer,
or dcrocker, or even vinton.c.cerf, is pretty obvious, but my three
kids are daddys_little_hurl (April), buddha20oz(Daniel), and
gypsycameo(Amy), so you're not going to figure out who's been copied
just by looking at e-mail addresses in the general case), and
presentation names that are localized, so I can't read them. If a
collaborator copies three people who I can't decode from the e-mail
address, and can't read from the presentation name, I can't figure out
if another researcher has been copied or not, without asking.

If I can't read the characters in the local part of the e-mail
address, there's even less chance I'll be able to figure out who's
been copied (and usually, figuring out who hasn't been copied is more
interesting, in my limited experience) - I know I'm going to regret
not reading Korean when I'm at IETF 59, but today, I don't read
Korean. Game over..

I agree with Dave in the general case (the goal is to go beyond
today's Internet), but am wondering if that also requires us to go
beyond today's language capability when we start leaking these
addresses between enclaves. I am sensitive to the comments expressed
in this thread, that a heckuva lot of people have to learn two sets of
glyphs, and I'm not one of them - I just don't see how we do it any
other way.

Oh, yeah - the other thing was, discussion about leaking out of a
Mongolian enclave is interesting, but leaking between two non-Latin
enclaves is where the rubber meets the road, and I've worked with too
many smart people from Asia/Pacific and from the Middle East to
believe that we wouldn't have two non-Latin enclaves who would be
collaborating about fifteen minutes after the second enclave starts


p.s. Because I'm not a Genius of Internationalization, I apologize for
using country names as if they were character sets in advance - hope
my comment is still somewhat clear.

p.p.s. If we DO discover life on Mars, I'm willing to change my mind.
I know my stepson would love ro have an excuse to learn

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-30 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 09:13:55 PST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 Forget Mongolian. Think Chinese and Hindi, plus related languages that
 use their character sets. Between the two of them you have nearly 3
 billion potential users, i.e. half the world's population. Admittedly
 not all of them are literate, and many do understand the Latin character
 set, but this is still a very large group to disenfranchise.

Right.  The yet unanswered question is how many would be disenfranchised
by making them learn the Latin charset, compared to how many would
be disenfranchised by a non-perfect globalization scheme (see my comment
yesterday regarding macrons and carons).

 There is a second thread to your argument which I object to. Just
 because many Internet users can understand the Latin character set does
 not mean they do not want to send stuff in their native character set,
 or be forced to use the Latin character set. Of course so far we have
 made it impossible to do so.

Note that this is discussing *addresses only*.  We've had charset
support for bodyparts and 2047-encoding for other header fields for *years*.

I get at least 5 or 6 emails a day that have addresses of the form
From: kanji/big5/etc string here [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and/or have charset=utf-8 and kanji in them.

 Why place unnecessary restrictions on the Internet just because it
 results in messages that you personally can't understand?

An equally important consideration is that it result in messages that
are *usable* (possibly without comprehension). If whatever scheme we
decide on results in messages that I can't hit reply to or otherwise
process, it's not doing anybody any favors.

An often overlooked aspect of the ASCII charset is that it has 52 glyphs
which for the most part are visually distinctive (except for zero/oh, and
one/lower-ell), so even a non-speaker can make a determination have I
entered the same glyphs as are on the business card?. This is not true
for any of the Asian glyph sets (at least *I* can't tell easily), and I
don't think that the Latin 1/A/B extension has this property either,
once you start dealing with macrons, cedillas, ogonceks, carons, dots,
and other ornamentation

So my question remains:  are we doing the 3 billion asians a favor by forcing
them to be able to tell the difference between e-caron and e-breve?

Are we doing *anybody* favors if we make them use rfc3490-style xn-- strings
that are totally incomprehensible if they are from outside the local conclave?
Remember - if they don't understand Latin charsets, a 3490-encoded address will
be *painful*, even for the *owner*.  You don't believe me? Take the character
string 'valdis.kletnieks', change the first e to 0113 (small e-macron), punycode it,
and let me know how much mnemonic value it has.

And remember - the string you get there is the sort of thing that all 3 billion
Asians will get to enter (after I get my sysadmin to set up the aliases to get that
punycode to actually drop into *my* mailbox).

Are you sure it's worth the effort?

It's not that I'm unsympathetic to the goals - far from it.  It's just that I
was there during the RFC2047 wars (which are *still* going on in the spam
world, silly spammers sending around untagged 8-bit headers), and a big part
of me wants to say Oh no, not again.

Description: PGP signature

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-30 Thread Dave Aronson
On Thu October 30 2003 07:49, Spencer Dawkins wrote:

  leaking between two non-Latin
  enclaves is where the rubber meets the road,

Specifically, two enclaves with *different* non-Latin character sets.  
(Probably what you meant, but)

  I've worked with too many smart people from Asia/Pacific and
  from the Middle East to believe that we wouldn't have two
  non-Latin enclaves who would be collaborating about fifteen
  minutes after the second enclave starts up...

Exactly.  The developinging friendship between Israel and India, two 
tech powerhouses using radically different non-Latin character sets, 
should be quite interesting in many ways, including this.

For that matter, even within India, there are several (somewhere in the 
teens, IIRC) languages widely used.  Can someone tell us, how many 
different character sets these languages use?

Dave Aronson, Senior Software Engineer, Secure Software Inc.
Email me at: work (D0T) 2004 (@T) dja (D0T) mailme (D0T) org

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-30 Thread Tan Tin Wee

On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 07:32:46 +0800, James Seng said:

to your opinion but please do so in other place, and not here. The group 
is suppose to work on Internationalization of Email address 
(identifiers), not debate whether we need it or not.

Any group that addresses how and for which contexts without having
a good grasp on why is inventing solutions in search of problems.

And if you can't safely put e-caron on a business card, why are we bothering?
We're bothering because it has occurred to some of us that
some folks somewhere in the world may wish to send email only to
themselves within an intranet or a large national intranet or
wish to launch their own internal e-government or
e-education system that involves interpersonal
and interdepartmental communications amongst folks that
speak the same language which doesn't not happen to be Latin-based.
And if they need to send email to outsiders, then they would
send in ASCII email address, as routinely as they would
flipping between the reverse and obverse of their
namecards, one side the local language (including their
local IEA address) and the other, the global lingua franca
Right now, the Mongolian (or whatever) government cannot launch say
their e-Government intranet email system seamlessly with
the Internet without much pain in getting everyone up to
speed on the latin character set. IEA support will definitely
be a boon to such folks.

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-30 Thread Steve Dyer
At 01:24 30/10/2003 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 13:33:31 +0800, Tan Tin Wee said:
If whatever Mongolia was doing was guaranteed to stay in Mongolia, it wouldn't
be an issue.  However, people inside the enclave *will* want to communicate
with outsiders as well - and the instant you allow an e-mail to cross the
border, you have to get all these types of issues sorted out.
Mark Crispin's point was that currently, knowledge of Latin glyphs *is*
assumed, and as far as anybody has evidenced, this hypothetical Mongolian
intranet with many non-Latin-aware users is still hypothetical - and with no
evidence saying there actually IS one in the works someplace.  So Mark quite
reasonably pointed out that it may very well make more *engineering* sense to
simply train the very small number of users who don't know Latin glyphs 
than to
come up with some very convoluted scheme that annoys everybody else.

The above is a self-fulfilling prophesy. Of course you have to have a 
knowledge of Latin glyphs because the only Internet around is based on it.
The millions of people (including Mongolians) who don't know latin glyphs 
(and may not yet have computers, and may be illiterate) are still the 
future users, possibly the majority of future users, of the Internet and 
this effort is to address their future needs.

My observation is that we are maybe worrying too much about the characters 
being represented and how they are used, We should merely define a 
protocol. In my book that protocol should allow email addresses to carry 
the widest possible eight-bit ASCII payload. (ie. everything except control 
characters) so that existing non-unicode special characters can be carried, 
and can also carry IDN-style unicoded characters.

Sure there will be problems, - there will be anyway. However we need to 
enable local users to communicate in local scripts in the local language.

In this regard Europeans and Americans are maybe too steeped in the 
existing latin/ASCII to address this issue.  We should listen carefully to 
the non-latin world rather than trying to find reasons not to do it.

I often get completely incomprehensible emails which originated in 
non-latin scripts - I just delete them. I know they're not important for me 
because no author who tries to write to me in Chinese is going to get very 
far no matter what communication medium he uses. Why? Because I don't speak 

The tail has to be a certain size before it's able to wag the dog.
This dog is almost all tail!


Steve Dyer 

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-29 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 15:13:06 GMT, Zefram said:

 It doesn't start to get tricky until we get into the eastern European
 languages -- ASCII only intentionally provides western European

Macrons and carons and cedillas, oh my... :)

Actually, ASCII doesn't intentionally provide any diacriticals. Western
European diacriticals are in the Unicode Latin-1 Supplement, and (as you
correctly note) some of us of the eastern European persuasion need characters
from Latin-A and/or Latin-B to actually do things...
 Cue the debate about whether the diacritic should go before or after
 the base letter.

So tell me, does the dot on an 'i' go before or after the base letter?

(OK, so I'm just touchy because nobody on this side of the big puddle
wants to deal with the fact that the 3rd letter of the preferred spelling of
my last name is Unicode codepoint 0113 (Latin small e with macron)).

Description: PGP signature

RE: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-29 Thread Madan Ganesh Velayudham
 I'm curious: why do you think that everyone would be 
 satisfied with Latin characters only, and no non-Latin characters?

Yes, I also agree. Especially in India, we have more than 10 Languages ( Hindi, Tamil, 
Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, etc., )

Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-29 Thread Mark Davis

Sigh. I used "Greek" in an analogy because I 
was hoping that some of the Latin-only folks out there would at least 
recognizethe name of oneother script. But how comforable would you 
really be, if

- Original Message - 
From: "Stephane Bortzmeyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Mark Davis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: "Mark Crispin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Keith Moore" 
Sent: Tue, 2003 Oct 28 00:50
Subject: Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email 
Addresses (IEA)
 On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 
05:39:32PM -0800, Mark Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote  a 
message of 76 lines which said:   We should remember that 
for a great many people in the world, Latin letters are  quite 
unnatural; it'd be a bit like if we had to use Greek letters in all 
email  addresses.   It would be a bit like if we had 
to use Greek letters in mathematics :-)  

Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-29 Thread Mark Davis
I wouldn't have thought so either, but at least some people questioned the need
for non-Latin characters, and went so far as to exclude them from a proposed
problem statement:

 ... There is a growing need to use additional
 characters, specifically Latin characters with diacriticals and non-Latin
 characters, in email addresses to better serve the needs of the
 multi-national Internet community...


- Original Message - 
From: Marc Blanchet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mark Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mark Crispin
Sent: Tue, 2003 Oct 28 08:12
Subject: Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

 it appears to me that this thread is not very different from the idn
 considerations on usage of idn in the world. So what is really new in this


 -- Tuesday, October 28, 2003 07:10:59 -0800 Mark Davis
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote/a ecrit:

   (I agree that it's currently nearly impossible to use computers if one
   isn't familiar with the Latin script, of course.)
  Which probably makes the rest of this discussion academic, unless we're
  going to undertake solving *that* problem for Microsoft and the various
  UNIX/Linux vendors...
  It is currently impossible to use the Internet without knowing the Latin
  script. However, the goal of most well-designed client software and
  operating systems is to permit the user to work entirely within their
  native language, with a fully localized system. This is reaching to India
  and other countries; Microsoft has introduced fully localized versions of
  Indic Windows just recently, and Linux vendors are hard at work to
  produce fully localized versions of their software.
  Email and Web addresses are the big remaining holdouts for most people.
  People should not be forced to use a script that they are unfamiliar
  with, just to use email addresses and sites in their own countries. Even
  if they are familiar with the Latin script, it is very often a very bad
  match for their languages, making it very difficult to figure out how
  native words would be spelled in it.

 Marc Blanchet
 tel: +1-418-266-5533x225
 -- IPv6 connectivity

Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-29 Thread Dave Crocker

 jibe, citing the fact that utf-8 is, itself, a modification to raw unicode
 is probably worth repeating, here.)
MD When Unicode is expressed as a series of bytes, there are a number of equally
MD valid sncoding schemes (aka serializations). UTF-8 is one of those schemes, and
MD is no more or less a modification, and no more or less Unicode than any
MD other of these schemes.

That's right.  It is an encoding.  Raw Unicode takes more than 8-bits.  Lots
more.  UTF-8 is a method of encoding those raw bits into a non-raw form.

So is the ACE approach.

My point was that folks tend to talk about UTF-8 as if it were the raw
representation, rather than a derivative encoding.  In fact, UTF-8 is exactly
parallel to the ACE approach.

It might be a more efficient encoding, but it is no more native or direct
or raw than ACE.

 Dave Crocker dcrocker-at-brandenburg-dot-com
 Brandenburg InternetWorking
 Sunnyvale, CA  USA tel:+1.408.246.8253

Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-29 Thread Dave Crocker

JC That's only true if you take the position that there are no native/direct/raw
JC encodings of Unicode.

Oh?  You mean that Unicode does not fit directly -- ie, with no special
encoding rules -- into 32 bits, or 24 bits, or somesuch.

You mean that Unicode does not need special rules to stuff it into 8 bits, and
another set of rules to stuff it into 16 bits?

Because if the answer is that yes it does -- and the answer _is_ yes it does
-- then my point stands.

That's the difference between native representation, versus encoding.

 Dave Crocker dcrocker-at-brandenburg-dot-com
 Brandenburg InternetWorking
 Sunnyvale, CA  USA tel:+1.408.246.8253

Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-29 Thread Mark Davis
 As for the protocol, I could have sworn that users do not type protocol data
 units directly, or at least that they haven't for roughly 25 years.  (Another
 jibe, citing the fact that utf-8 is, itself, a modification to raw unicode
 is probably worth repeating, here.)

While it doesn't really have a bearing on the rest of your message, this is a
common misperception that I'd like to take a moment to correct.

When Unicode is expressed as a series of bytes, there are a number of equally
valid sncoding schemes (aka serializations). UTF-8 is one of those schemes, and
is no more or less a modification, and no more or less Unicode than any
other of these schemes. Different encoding schemes may be better for different
domains, but the conversion between any of those schemes is fast and lossless.
See, Sections 2.4-2.6.

(When Unicode started out 15 years ago, the architecture was different; but it
has long been structured this way.)


Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-29 Thread John Cowan
Dave Crocker scripsit:

 That's right.  It is an encoding.  Raw Unicode takes more than 8-bits.  Lots
 more.  UTF-8 is a method of encoding those raw bits into a non-raw form.


 It might be a more efficient encoding, but it is no more native or direct
 or raw than ACE.

That's only true if you take the position that there are no native/direct/raw
encodings of Unicode.

In politics, obedience and support  John Cowan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
are the same thing.  --Hannah Arendt

Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-29 Thread John Cowan
Dave Crocker scripsit:

 Oh?  You mean that Unicode does not fit directly -- ie, with no special
 encoding rules -- into 32 bits, or 24 bits, or somesuch.

Nope.  The Unicode character set maps characters to integers.  How the
integers are mapped to bytes is defined by the encoding rules, of which
there are seven standard ones:  UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE,
UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE.  All have equal status.

 That's the difference between native representation, versus encoding.

There is no native representation in the sense you mean.  All
representations are equal.

De plichten van een docent zijn divers, John Cowan
die van het gehoor ook. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  --Edsger Dijkstra

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-29 Thread J-F C. (Jefsey) Morfin
On 10:31 28/10/03, Zefram said:
I think the first task in this area should be to investigate the nature 
and degree of desire for non-ASCII local parts.  This desire needs to be 
weighed against the benefits we derive from writing all local parts in a 
small, fixed alphabet (ASCII printables).
May I ask which part of the world you come from?

This being said only Americans want/are satisfied with internationalized 
(sic) names (the artificial extension of the American character set with 
most of the American foreign scripting, within an ascii frame). No one 
really wants multilingual names (a totally internationalized (sic) frame 
supporting languages and therefore some language oriented rules - at least 
ni management and user support). The users need vernacular support, that is 
to be able to freely do in the mail what they use to do elsewhere.

I note that for non-American writers international names means names that 
everyone from every nation will understand. It happens to be the ascii 
character set limited to the DNS used names (they were selected for that 

Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-29 Thread James Seng

You need to get out of US (or Wsshington) more often.

-James Seng

I am not convinced that it is possible to use a computer on the Internet
anywhere in the world without at least a basic acquaintance with Latin
I do not believe many individuals (other than primary school children) are
literate in their native language but are completely illiterate in Latin
script.  This does not mean being able to read or write the English
language; rather, this simply means knowing the Latin script alphabet.
Put another way, individuals who are completely illiterate in Latin script
are also likely to be illiterate in their native language script as well.
No other script on the planet has such international recognition.

There is undoubtably a *preference* for one's native script; and that
preference should be respected as much as possible.
-- Mark --
Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-29 Thread James Seng
I do not believe that this is true for Chinese.  AFAIK, Chinese primary
school kids use Latin script with hanyu-pinyin as a stopgap prior to their
mastery of Han script (which takes many years).
Nope. Hanyu Pinyin was designed to replace the Han ideograph but it 
never did.

Note that when I say recognize Latin script, I mean the ability to
determine that dog is a three-letter word that has the letters d, o,
and g, each of which the individual recognizes and can name.  This does
not include the ability to recognize that this refers to a domesticated
Based on your reasonings, I think we should all reverted back to 
numbers, because that is the only universal recongizable set of symbols 
we have.

We have this argument in IDN before and we certainly dont need this 
again. If you feel we should all stick to Latin, yes, you are entitled 
to your opinion but please do so in other place, and not here. The group 
is suppose to work on Internationalization of Email address 
(identifiers), not debate whether we need it or not.

-James Seng

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-29 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 07:32:46 +0800, James Seng said:
 to your opinion but please do so in other place, and not here. The group 
 is suppose to work on Internationalization of Email address 
 (identifiers), not debate whether we need it or not.

Any group that addresses how and for which contexts without having
a good grasp on why is inventing solutions in search of problems.

Mark actually *does* have a *very* valid point - on today's internet, if you
cannot recognize and enter the glyphs for at least c, h, m, o p, t, w, ':',
'@', '.', and '/' you are effectively unable to use the internet.  It may not
make any sense to you, but you can at least recognize and enter them (note that
this same issue was one of the biggest arguments against the .biz domain).

So.. having established that if they're currently using the internet, they can at least
recognize and enter the Latin glyphs, this raises a number of *very* important 

1) Is there reason to *not* expect said knowledge of Latin glyphs in the future?
If not, what user group(s) will be literate but not know the Latin charset?

2) Is a community approach acceptable?  Is usage of Han OK as long as
you're interacting with other Han users, or are the issues of leakage too high?

3) What *are* the issues of leakage? What am I expected to see if I get some Han,
and how am I to interact with it?  Equally important, what does the Han user do
with my leaked Latin-A characters?

4) Here's a somewhat related issue - looking at the U0100.pdf from www.unicode,org,
I had to enlarge page 2 quite a bit before I could see the difference between the 
at 0114/0115 (capital/small e with breve) and 011A/011B (capital/small e with caron).
And I know my way around most of the Latin characters - our hypothetical Han
user is going to be swinging in the breeze if he gets a business card with e-caron on 

And if you can't safely put e-caron on a business card, why are we bothering?

Description: PGP signature

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-29 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 13:33:31 +0800, Tan Tin Wee said:
 And if they need to send email to outsiders, then they would
 send in ASCII email address, as routinely as they would

OK.. I get that part.  Now for the big question:  You're there in this
Mongolian intranet, and find you need to ask me a technical question,
so my address gets entered in ascii. OK so far.  You now decide you
need to cc: somebody on the intranet so they know I've been asked.

1) What does that person do with my ascii-fied address?
2) How do I do a 'reply all' to both of you?

3) How is your From: address encoded so it's usable *BOTH* from where
I am and from where your co-worker is?  

3a) Can you achieve goal (3) while using the same From: as you would use
if you were mailing ONLY to the intranet (so people don't have to maintain
2 differently encoded values for your address for filtering purposes, etc).

If whatever Mongolia was doing was guaranteed to stay in Mongolia, it wouldn't
be an issue.  However, people inside the enclave *will* want to communicate
with outsiders as well - and the instant you allow an e-mail to cross the
border, you have to get all these types of issues sorted out.

Mark Crispin's point was that currently, knowledge of Latin glyphs *is*
assumed, and as far as anybody has evidenced, this hypothetical Mongolian
intranet with many non-Latin-aware users is still hypothetical - and with no
evidence saying there actually IS one in the works someplace.  So Mark quite
reasonably pointed out that it may very well make more *engineering* sense to
simply train the very small number of users who don't know Latin glyphs than to
come up with some very convoluted scheme that annoys everybody else.

The tail has to be a certain size before it's able to wag the dog. 

Description: PGP signature

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Dave Crocker

On the theory that discussions go better when they have a concrete
deliverable, here is a proposed charter for a proposed working group.

The following started with Mark Crispin's text, although it might not look it.
Besides the usual goals for a charter, the following text attempts to specify
the problem domain in the narrowest feasible form that is valid. If anyone
thinks the scope is too narrow, they need to explain why.


Mail Internationalised Local-Part (MILP)

The local-part portion of RFC2822 and Local-part portion of RFC2821 mail
addresses are restricted to a subset of ASCII. This poses a fundamental
barrier for users needing mail addresses to be expressed in a richer set of
characters, such as Latin characters with diacriticals and the many Asian
characters. The goal of the current work is to add local-part support for
these additional characters, while preserving the large, installed base of
ASCII usage.

The group will take:


as input to discussions.

The group will pay particular attention to barriers to adoption and utility,
as well as any impact the new scheme might have on the existing base of
Internet mail usage.


Nov, 03:  BOF

Dec, 03:  WG chartered

Feb, 03:  Initial draft of working group specifications.

Jun, 03:  Specifications submitted for IETF approval

 Dave Crocker dcrocker-at-brandenburg-dot-com
 Brandenburg InternetWorking
 Sunnyvale, CA  USA tel:+1.408.246.8253

Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Marc Blanchet
- good start!
- timeline seems pretty agressive... will see.
- would probably good to have a requirement document upfront. Might not the
same way that idn requirement ends up, but a narrow-implementable
requirement would help to have a concensus (hopefully) on what needs to be
- while the idn req went not that good, now that we have experience, I
think we should try to be better and have one.

I know I might start some debate with this, but still think it is the best
way to go...

- would be useful to have some reference to idn (idna) in the charter, as
background work. the developers and users will have to take care of both
(ie. idn and imail) in the email infrastructure.


-- Monday, October 27, 2003 16:19:25 -0800 Dave Crocker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote/a ecrit:

 On the theory that discussions go better when they have a concrete
 deliverable, here is a proposed charter for a proposed working group.
 The following started with Mark Crispin's text, although it might not
 look it. Besides the usual goals for a charter, the following text
 attempts to specify the problem domain in the narrowest feasible form
 that is valid. If anyone thinks the scope is too narrow, they need to
 explain why.
 Mail Internationalised Local-Part (MILP)
 The local-part portion of RFC2822 and Local-part portion of RFC2821
 mail addresses are restricted to a subset of ASCII. This poses a
 fundamental barrier for users needing mail addresses to be expressed in a
 richer set of characters, such as Latin characters with diacriticals and
 the many Asian characters. The goal of the current work is to add
 local-part support for these additional characters, while preserving the
 large, installed base of ASCII usage.
 The group will take:
 as input to discussions.
 The group will pay particular attention to barriers to adoption and
 utility, as well as any impact the new scheme might have on the existing
 base of Internet mail usage.
 Nov, 03:  BOF
 Dec, 03:  WG chartered
 Feb, 03:  Initial draft of working group specifications.
 Jun, 03:  Specifications submitted for IETF approval
  Dave Crocker dcrocker-at-brandenburg-dot-com
  Brandenburg InternetWorking
  Sunnyvale, CA  USA tel:+1.408.246.8253

Marc Blanchet
tel: +1-418-266-5533x225
-- IPv6 connectivity

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Dave Crocker

  Mail Internationalised Local-Part (MILP)

RB Even though, given IDNA now exists as a proposed standard, the main
RB issues relate to the local part, the issue under discussion is that of
RB internationalized mail addresses, not just internationalized
RB local-parts.

Really?  What work needs to be done, except for local part?  IDNA takes care
of the right-hand side.

So what is there to do about internationalized mail addresses other than the
local part?

RB Restricting the disucssion to local-parts runs the risk of excluding
RB other potentially relevent issues.  For instance, one of the issues
RB that has been discussed on the IMAA list is whether full-width at
RB should be recognized in an internationalized mail address.

full-width _where_?  somewhere other than local part?

if yes, then how can that be practical?  if no, then the charter does not
preclude their use.  (if you think otherwise, please explain.)

 Dave Crocker dcrocker-at-brandenburg-dot-com
 Brandenburg InternetWorking
 Sunnyvale, CA  USA tel:+1.408.246.8253

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Pete Resnick
On 10/27/03 at 6:42 PM -0800, Dave Crocker wrote:

RB Even though, given IDNA now exists as a proposed standard, the main
RB issues relate to the local part, the issue under discussion is that of
RB internationalized mail addresses, not just internationalized
RB local-parts.
Really?  What work needs to be done, except for local part?  IDNA takes care
of the right-hand side.
Please review John Klensin's draft before making these kinds of assumptions.

RB Restricting the disucssion to local-parts runs the risk of excluding
RB other potentially relevent issues.
I agree. Limiting discussion at this point to local-part does not 
take into account some of the possibilities.

Pete Resnick
QUALCOMM Incorporated - Direct phone: (858)651-4478, Fax: (858)651-1102

Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 05:39:32PM -0800,
 Mark Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
 a message of 76 lines which said:

 We should remember that for a great many people in the world, Latin letters are
 quite unnatural; it'd be a bit like if we had to use Greek letters in all email

It would be a bit like if we had to use Greek letters in mathematics

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Zefram
Dave Crocker wrote:
   This poses a fundamental
barrier for users needing mail addresses to be expressed in a richer set of

I have yet to see this need established.  Everyone who has supported
internationalised mail addresses has axiomatically assumed such a need,
and has conspicuously failed to provide any more detail, such as any of
Keith Moore's suggestions.

I think the first task in this area should be to investigate the nature
and degree of desire for non-ASCII local parts.  This desire needs to
be weighed against the benefits we derive from writing all local parts
in a small, fixed alphabet (ASCII printables).


Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Dave Crocker

RB Restricting the disucssion to local-parts runs the risk of excluding
RB other potentially relevent issues.
PR I agree. Limiting discussion at this point to local-part does not
PR take into account some of the possibilities.

That was exactly the intent of the text.

We have already seen how nicely the text served to bring into pretty stark
relief one bit of expectation from one of the proposals. It is only fitting to
have it serve the same purpose for another one.

IETF BOF time is pretty lousy for an open-ended chat.  Having specifications
to chat about is only marginally better than not having them.

What makes the real difference is having serious focus to the meeting. If we
go into this meeting without even having a clear sense of the scope of the
problem to be tackled, then the chance of having a productive meeting is
pretty small.

At the moment, it appears that the focus of the meeting is likely to be:
Shall we break existing Internet mail or shall we lay an enhancement on top of
it that preserves the installed base.  (I'm sure that everyone else who was
present at the pre-MIME/ESMTP discussions is really looking forward to
repeating the experience.)

 Dave Crocker dcrocker-at-brandenburg-dot-com
 Brandenburg InternetWorking
 Sunnyvale, CA  USA tel:+1.408.246.8253

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Roy Badami
  Mail Internationalised Local-Part (MILP)

Even though, given IDNA now exists as a proposed standard, the main
issues relate to the local part, the issue under discussion is that of
internationalized mail addresses, not just internationalized

Restricting the disucssion to local-parts runs the risk of excluding
other potentially relevent issues.  For instance, one of the issues
that has been discussed on the IMAA list is whether full-width at
should be recognized in an internationalized mail address.  IMHO, the
charter shouldn't be framed in a way that is sufficiently narrow as to
render such questions out of scope.


Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Mark Crispin
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003, Keith Moore wrote:
 Thanks for taking a stab at a problem statement.  I'd like to drill down
 on this just a bit.
 What is the source of the growing need?  Is it:

I agree that this needs to be stated, but someone other than me will have
to do it.

I believe that the primary push for this functionality comes from regions
which use Latin alphabetics with diacriticals; and that most individuals
in regions which do not use Latin script are accept the use of Latin
script for multinational interchange.  In many regions where Latin
diacriticals are used, there is no acceptable transform of a surname to a
form that does not use diacriticals.  Simply omitting the diacritical
causes (at least to the inhabitants of those regions) a misspelling.

This set of beliefs naturally biases how I approach the problem.  The
problem statement must be free of bias, including mine.

-- Mark --
Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Mark Davis
I'm curious: why do you think that everyone would be satisfied with Latin
characters only, and no non-Latin characters?


- Original Message - 
From: Mark Crispin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon, 2003 Oct 27 11:10
Subject: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

 On Mon, 27 Oct 2003, Keith Moore wrote:

   Thanks for taking a stab at a problem statement.  I'd like to drill down
   on this just a bit.
   What is the source of the growing need?  Is it:

 I agree that this needs to be stated, but someone other than me will have
 to do it.

 I believe that the primary push for this functionality comes from regions
 which use Latin alphabetics with diacriticals; and that most individuals
 in regions which do not use Latin script are accept the use of Latin
 script for multinational interchange.  In many regions where Latin
 diacriticals are used, there is no acceptable transform of a surname to a
 form that does not use diacriticals.  Simply omitting the diacritical
 causes (at least to the inhabitants of those regions) a misspelling.

 This set of beliefs naturally biases how I approach the problem.  The
 problem statement must be free of bias, including mine.

 -- Mark --
 Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
 Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Mark Davis
Ok, I understand more about the context.

Based on what I've seen, I think it quite likely that people will want email
addresses in their native script, even if that means that outsiders can't
(easily) use those email address. After all, it is quite easy to have multiple
email addresses. Mr. Tanaka can have one with Latin letters and one with
Japanese (e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

We should remember that for a great many people in the world, Latin letters are
quite unnatural; it'd be a bit like if we had to use Greek letters in all email
addresses. And there are many projects underway in less-developed countries to
bring computers to masses of people that will even less familiarity with Latin


- Original Message - 
From: Mark Crispin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon, 2003 Oct 27 17:15
Subject: Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

 On Mon, 27 Oct 2003, Mark Davis wrote:
  I'm curious: why do you think that everyone would be satisfied with Latin
  characters only, and no non-Latin characters?

 I didn't say that.  I stated my belief that, for reasons of practicality,
 most individuals in regions which do not use Latin script accept the use
 of Latin script for multinational exchange.

 It does not work well for an individual in Japan with surname Tanaka to
 expect the overwhelming majority of non-Japanese individuals worldwide to
 know his surname is written with the Han characters for rice paddy and
 middle, or what those characters look like, or how to enter those
 characters on the computer.

 It does, however, work for him to expect that the overwhelming majority of
 individuals worldwide to know how to deal with the 6 Latin letters that
 form the romanization Tanaka.

 Nor is it very likely that this situation will change in the future.  I
 doubt that many individuals in the world are literate in all the world's
 active scripts.  Literacy in one's native script and basic Latin script is
 something that most computer users possess today.

 For domestic exchange only, that pair of Han characters are probably
 alright.  Within Western Europe, it's probably alright to use Latin
 characters with diacriticals.

 Perhaps the main problem that needs to be decided in any IEA effort is if
 it is alright to have email addresses that are only usable in limited
 areas of the world; or if not, how to represent internationalized email
 addresses in a usable fashion when (not if) the email address needs to be
 represented for a person and/or computer is illiterate in that script.

 A likely side issue is whether it is good enough to promote Latin
 characters with diacriticals to the same status of everybody must know
 how to do these that is required for ASCII.

 -- Mark --
 Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
 Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Mark Crispin
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003, Mark Davis wrote:
 I'm curious: why do you think that everyone would be satisfied with Latin
 characters only, and no non-Latin characters?

I didn't say that.  I stated my belief that, for reasons of practicality,
most individuals in regions which do not use Latin script accept the use
of Latin script for multinational exchange.

It does not work well for an individual in Japan with surname Tanaka to
expect the overwhelming majority of non-Japanese individuals worldwide to
know his surname is written with the Han characters for rice paddy and
middle, or what those characters look like, or how to enter those
characters on the computer.

It does, however, work for him to expect that the overwhelming majority of
individuals worldwide to know how to deal with the 6 Latin letters that
form the romanization Tanaka.

Nor is it very likely that this situation will change in the future.  I
doubt that many individuals in the world are literate in all the world's
active scripts.  Literacy in one's native script and basic Latin script is
something that most computer users possess today.

For domestic exchange only, that pair of Han characters are probably
alright.  Within Western Europe, it's probably alright to use Latin
characters with diacriticals.

Perhaps the main problem that needs to be decided in any IEA effort is if
it is alright to have email addresses that are only usable in limited
areas of the world; or if not, how to represent internationalized email
addresses in a usable fashion when (not if) the email address needs to be
represented for a person and/or computer is illiterate in that script.

A likely side issue is whether it is good enough to promote Latin
characters with diacriticals to the same status of everybody must know
how to do these that is required for ASCII.

-- Mark --
Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Mark Crispin
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003, Mark Davis wrote:
 Based on what I've seen, I think it quite likely that people will want email
 addresses in their native script, even if that means that outsiders can't
 (easily) use those email address.

That may well be the case.

 We should remember that for a great many people in the world, Latin
 letters are quite unnatural; it'd be a bit like if we had to use Greek
 letters in all email addresses. And there are many projects underway in
 less-developed countries to bring computers to masses of people that
 will even less familiarity with Latin letters.

I am not convinced that it is possible to use a computer on the Internet
anywhere in the world without at least a basic acquaintance with Latin

I do not believe many individuals (other than primary school children) are
literate in their native language but are completely illiterate in Latin
script.  This does not mean being able to read or write the English
language; rather, this simply means knowing the Latin script alphabet.

Put another way, individuals who are completely illiterate in Latin script
are also likely to be illiterate in their native language script as well.

No other script on the planet has such international recognition.

There is undoubtably a *preference* for one's native script; and that
preference should be respected as much as possible.

-- Mark --
Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Abhijit Menon-Sen
At 2003-10-27 19:37:37 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I do not believe many individuals (other than primary school children) are
 literate in their native language but are completely illiterate in Latin
 script.  This does not mean being able to read or write the English
 language; rather, this simply means knowing the Latin script alphabet.


The number of people in India who can read and write only their native
language, but have no usable knowledge of Latin script, is much larger
than the tiny number who are familiar with both. I'm told that this is
true for many native speakers of Chinese and Arabic as well.

The use of local scripts is much more than just a preference for the
numerous localisation efforts in India which focus on making computing
more accessible to poor farmers and people in villages.

(I agree that it's currently nearly impossible to use computers if one
isn't familiar with the Latin script, of course.)

-- ams

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Arnt Gulbrandsen
Mark Crispin writes:
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003, Abhijit Menon-Sen wrote:
(I agree that it's currently nearly impossible to use computers if 
one isn't familiar with the Latin script, of course.)
Which probably makes the rest of this discussion academic, unless 
we're going to undertake solving *that* problem for Microsoft and the 
various UNIX/Linux vendors...
You're not appreciating the full complexity of the problem. ;)

Not only should the email standards permit MUAs and MTAs of the year 
2020 to solve the problem Abhijit mentions, but they should even permit 
such future programs to interoperate with latinate ones of the present 
and near future. And if it's too hard for latinate MUAs to implement 
the IEA standard, that won't happen.


Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Mark Crispin
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003, Abhijit Menon-Sen wrote:
 The number of people in India who can read and write only their native
 language, but have no usable knowledge of Latin script, is much larger
 than the tiny number who are familiar with both. I'm told that this is
 true for many native speakers of Chinese and Arabic as well.

I defer to your superior knowledge about India.

I do not believe that this is true for Chinese.  AFAIK, Chinese primary
school kids use Latin script with hanyu-pinyin as a stopgap prior to their
mastery of Han script (which takes many years).

 The use of local scripts is much more than just a preference for the
 numerous localisation efforts in India which focus on making computing
 more accessible to poor farmers and people in villages.

A poor farmer or villager in China is more likely to be totally illiterate
than to be literate in Han script but unable to recognize Latin script.

Note that when I say recognize Latin script, I mean the ability to
determine that dog is a three-letter word that has the letters d, o,
and g, each of which the individual recognizes and can name.  This does
not include the ability to recognize that this refers to a domesticated

 (I agree that it's currently nearly impossible to use computers if one
 isn't familiar with the Latin script, of course.)

Which probably makes the rest of this discussion academic, unless we're
going to undertake solving *that* problem for Microsoft and the various
UNIX/Linux vendors...

-- Mark --
Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Zefram
Mark Crispin wrote:
   In many regions where Latin
diacriticals are used, there is no acceptable transform of a surname to a
form that does not use diacriticals.  Simply omitting the diacritical
causes (at least to the inhabitants of those regions) a misspelling.

Ah, this one's easy.  Local parts aren't limited to Latin letters,
they can use all the ASCII printables.  Diacriticals are available
there, albeit in characters that are shared with other uses.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is a perfectly valid email address already.
It doesn't start to get tricky until we get into the eastern European
languages -- ASCII only intentionally provides western European

Cue the debate about whether the diacritic should go before or after
the base letter.


Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Marc Blanchet
it appears to me that this thread is not very different from the idn
considerations on usage of idn in the world. So what is really new in this


-- Tuesday, October 28, 2003 07:10:59 -0800 Mark Davis
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote/a ecrit:

  (I agree that it's currently nearly impossible to use computers if one
  isn't familiar with the Latin script, of course.)
 Which probably makes the rest of this discussion academic, unless we're
 going to undertake solving *that* problem for Microsoft and the various
 UNIX/Linux vendors...
 It is currently impossible to use the Internet without knowing the Latin
 script. However, the goal of most well-designed client software and
 operating systems is to permit the user to work entirely within their
 native language, with a fully localized system. This is reaching to India
 and other countries; Microsoft has introduced fully localized versions of
 Indic Windows just recently, and Linux vendors are hard at work to
 produce fully localized versions of their software.
 Email and Web addresses are the big remaining holdouts for most people.
 People should not be forced to use a script that they are unfamiliar
 with, just to use email addresses and sites in their own countries. Even
 if they are familiar with the Latin script, it is very often a very bad
 match for their languages, making it very difficult to figure out how
 native words would be spelled in it.

Marc Blanchet
tel: +1-418-266-5533x225
-- IPv6 connectivity

RE: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Margaret . Wasserman

Excuse me, but could you please constrain this
conversation to fewer than 9 (nine!) e-mail lists?

The BOF description lists [EMAIL PROTECTED] as the
discussion list, but this discussion is being
cc:ed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'd suggest that you
move this discussion to whichever of those lists
is actually correct.


Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread John C Klensin

--On Tuesday, October 28, 2003 11:12 -0500 Marc Blanchet

 it appears to me that this thread is not very different from
 the idn considerations on usage of idn in the world. So what
 is really new in this discussion?

See the draft.

Quick answer: DNS interfaces really exist at the protocol level,
and a large part of the hypothesis behind IDNA was that it would
be possible, after we had enough implementations, to prevent an
end-user from ever seeing an encoded domain name.  That story
just doesn't hold for a special encoding-based (aka MUA-only)
email local part implementation, and maybe not for email
generally.  For example, under current rules, an MTA is required
to stuff the name it actually sees in HELO/EHLO and the MAIL
command into various headers.  If it is expected to notice that
they have special encodings and decodes them, we've gone rather
far into the infrastructure is involved, even if the actual
on-the-wire transport is not impacted.  If it doesn't do that,
the encodings --both the IDNA domain parts and the special mail
encoding-- are going to be in the user's face, in the most
literal sense of that term.  

The similarity of that situation to the early IDN discussions is
the importance of the what problem are you solving question.
And it is very clear to me that, for email addresses, the answer
has got to user sees their own characters in their email
addresses and the email addresses of those whose languages they
speak/ recognize.  Users typically don't actually see envelopes.
But seeing, e.g., different forms/codings of an address in the
header From: field than appears in Return-path: or than
appears in a signature line in the message body, is going to
create real unhappiness.  Similarly as has been pointed out in
another context, seeing an address in different from when it
appears in a header than when it (and that header) are
encapsulated in a message/?? body part is just not going to
amuse any user to whom we've said ok, now you have i18n
strings, enjoy your new found local language capabilities.  And
I guess that tells you what I think the problem is that we need
to solve.  YMMD.


Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 17:39:32 PST, Mark Davis said:

 email addresses. Mr. Tanaka can have one with Latin letters and one with
 Japanese (e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

This gets interesting in the context of a reply all.

Apologies for breaking the UTF-8 in the quote, but it's illustrative - if the
breakage had been in the To/Cc lines, things would have broken even worse
unless whatever scheme we end up using is ASCII-transparent.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [idn] Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-28 Thread Dave Crocker

JCK If one is going to consider internationalization of email
JCK addresses in a way that permits them to move through the mail
JCK protocol in some traditional Unicode encoding  (e.g., UTF-8),
JCK then

...then we get to repeat the mime/esmtp debates all over again.  After all,
why should we even try to learn anything from 10 years of experience.  (And
no, John, I'm not directing my comment at you.)

To be specific: I am not suggesting that pure utf-8 is a bad goal -- although
the fact that utf-8 is, itself, a condensed representation of unicode should
strike folks as a just a tad ironic, with respect to these discussions.

Rather, I suggest that it be a _separate_ goal from near-term support of an
edge-only enhancement for Unicode support, the same as we did for mime and

We already have that support for domain names. That only leaves local-part.

It's fine to pursue a separate path for long-term 8-bit purity.  I'm sure we
will achieve it much sooner for addresses than we have for content.

JCK Again, the goal is that this should be natural for the user,
JCK using the user's script (or the script of the recipient), both
JCK in protocol transactions and in the case of My email address is

The business card representation of an email address is the classic example of
IETF work that very much _does_ directly involve the user interface.  However
we already dealt with this issue for non-ascii domain names.  We do not need
to rehash this issue yet again.

As for the protocol, I could have sworn that users do not type protocol data
units directly, or at least that they haven't for roughly 25 years.  (Another
jibe, citing the fact that utf-8 is, itself, a modification to raw unicode
is probably worth repeating, here.)

JCK in the body of a message... where the only parts of that
JCK sentence (appropriately translated) which are a ASCII characters
JCK are the @-sign and _maybe_ the TLD (whether the TLD can be
JCK non-ASCII is presumably an ICANN problem unless the user
JCK interface does something akin to draft-klensin-idn-tld-01.txt).

Indeed, representation of non-ascii addressing information within a text
segment is an interesting problem.  I'd guess it's identical to the business
card requirement.

And the current issue is no different than we have for IDN.

So perhaps the right thing to do is forget about IDN.  Pretend it never
happen.  Let's start all over.

Or, perhaps we could complete the design approach started by IDN, while
_separately_ pursuing the purist approach of end-to-end 8-bit.

JCK So please don't prejudge the question of what happens to the
JCK domain part (right hand side) of an email address in the
JCK charter: this set of issues should at lease be considered very
JCK carefully.

Indeed it should, including tidbits like adoption barriers, and the last
several years of IDN work.

 Dave Crocker dcrocker-at-brandenburg-dot-com
 Brandenburg InternetWorking
 Sunnyvale, CA  USA tel:+1.408.246.8253

Location of the IMAA list (was: RE: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA))

2003-10-28 Thread Paul Hoffman / IMC
At 11:54 AM -0500 10/28/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The BOF description lists [EMAIL PROTECTED] as the
discussion list, but this discussion is being
cc:ed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'd suggest that you
move this discussion to whichever of those lists
is actually correct.
It is [EMAIL PROTECTED], although because Patrik sent out the wrong 
address, I have made sure that both addresses work. An archive of the 
list, and links to the current versions of the drafts, can be found 

No more messages to all lists: that's what the IMAA list is for.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-27 Thread Dave Crocker

Thanks for putting this BOF together.

PF   Where should the IETF tackle it?

I am not sure I understand this question.  Please clarify.

PFWhat are the next steps for the IETF?

Would it help to have a draft charter for the meeting?  (I realize that the
presence of such different specifications makes a charter at least a bit
challenging, but it seems to help to have a draft, to make things concrete.)

 Dave Crocker dcrocker-at-brandenburg-dot-com
 Brandenburg InternetWorking
 Sunnyvale, CA  USA tel:+1.408.246.8253

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-27 Thread Keith Moore
 PFWhat are the next steps for the IETF?
 Would it help to have a draft charter for the meeting?  

let's back up a step further.

what problem are we trying to solve here?


Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-27 Thread Pete Resnick
On 10/27/03 at 10:52 AM -0500, Keith Moore wrote:

DC: Would it help to have a draft charter for the meeting?
As was mentioned in the draft agenda at, we want to simply start the 
discussion, not immediately attempt to charter a working group.

let's back up a step further.

what problem are we trying to solve here?
Please have a look at draft-hoffman-imaa, 
draft-klensin-emailaddr-i18n, and draft-duerst-iri. Certainly the 
first two have very explicit descriptions of the problem.

Pete Resnick
QUALCOMM Incorporated - Direct phone: (858)651-4478, Fax: (858)651-1102

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-27 Thread Marc Blanchet

-- Monday, October 27, 2003 10:52:22 -0500 Keith Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote/a ecrit:

 PFWhat are the next steps for the IETF?
 Would it help to have a draft charter for the meeting?  
 let's back up a step further.
 what problem are we trying to solve here?

to me, that (problem we are trying to solve) would be part of the
introduction in the charter...

so I guess some initial proposal for:
- what are we trying to solve
- what would be the way to solve it

would be a good starting point together with the state-of-the-art



Marc Blanchet
tel: +1-418-266-5533x225
-- IPv6 connectivity

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-27 Thread Keith Moore

Thanks for taking a stab at a problem statement.  I'd like to drill down
on this just a bit.

What is the source of the growing need?  Is it:

a. for users of many languages (particularly those not using Latin alphabets)
   email addresses are difficult to remember
b. for users of many languages (particularly those not using Latin alphabets)
   email addresses are difficult to transcribe or type
c. users want to use their names in email addresses
d. users are confused by apparently arbitrary restrictions on use of 
   characters in email addresses, and this leads to mistakes
e. on computer systems employing non-ASCII names for other purposes (e.g.
   login or account names) these do not map well to ASCII email addresses

or something else that I don't see?

 As presently constituted, email addresses are limited to the 26 Latin
 alphabetics, 10 digits, and a limited number of special characters in
 the ASCII character set.  There is a growing need to use additional
 characters, specifically Latin characters with diacriticals and
 non-Latin characters, in email addresses to better serve the needs of
 the multi-national Internet community.  However, the restrictions of
 ASCII email addresses have served as a lingua franca since everybody
 can enter ASCII email addresses, and there is an ongoing need for this
 as well.  The problem to be solved is the resolution of these two

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-27 Thread Mark Crispin
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003, Keith Moore wrote:
 what problem are we trying to solve here?

I agree with Keith.  This isn't to say that I dispute that there is a
problem to be solved -- indeed, I think that the problem is apparent to
all -- but we must have a problem statement that we all agree upon before
we even think about solutions.

I don't think that references to drafts of proposed solutions suffice as a
problem statement.  Leaving aside questions of possible bias (= present a
problem in such a way that this is the obvious best solution), having the
problem statement in a draft (which by its nature is an ephemeral
document) muddies the issues.

The problem statement should consist of a single paragraph (and preferably
in one or two sentences), separate from any proposed solution, and stated
in a charter which is approved by everyone.

Here's a start at such a statement:

As presently constituted, email addresses are limited to the 26 Latin
alphabetics, 10 digits, and a limited number of special characters in the
ASCII character set.  There is a growing need to use additional
characters, specifically Latin characters with diacriticals and non-Latin
characters, in email addresses to better serve the needs of the
multi-national Internet community.  However, the restrictions of ASCII
email addresses have served as a lingua franca since everybody can enter
ASCII email addresses, and there is an ongoing need for this as well.  The
problem to be solved is the resolution of these two needs.

-- Mark --
Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-27 Thread WJCarpenter
mc As presently constituted, email addresses are limited to the 26
mc Latin alphabetics, 10 digits, and a limited number of special
mc characters in the ASCII character set.  There is a growing need to

upper and lower case alphabetics
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (WJCarpenter)PGP 0x91865119
38 95 1B 69 C9 C6 3D 2573 46 32 04 69 D6 ED F3

Re: FYI: BOF on Internationalized Email Addresses (IEA)

2003-10-27 Thread Dave Aronson
On Mon October 27 2003 12:30, WJCarpenter wrote:

  mc As presently constituted, email addresses are limited to the 26
  mc Latin alphabetics, 10 digits, and a limited number of special
  mc characters in the ASCII character set.  There is a growing need
  upper and lower case alphabetics

Yes, but with either of those two sets (generally) considered equivalent 
to the other, boiling down to effectively 26 choices.

Dave Aronson, Senior Software Engineer, Secure Software Inc.
Email me at: work (D0T) 2004 (@T) dja (D0T) mailme (D0T) org