Just went through this mail chain, here are my 2 cents

1. Have a default Simias.config file (the etc/simias/bill/Simias.config can be 
extended to have the default values). SimiasServerSetup anyway takes care of 
recreating the whole file, so no code change is needed. This should be copied 
to the store location. Also Simias.log4net from etc/simias along with the 
modules directory in etc/simias/bill.

2. For apache, we can have soft links to the already existing conf files in 
etc/simias/default from the respective apache directories of the linux flavors. 
Only thing is to make mod_mono.conf to load before, but I assume this is 
handled in the discussion below.

 Or I would suggest have simias-server-setup --simple-setup kinda option, so 
that we need not do so many things in the %post section of RPM.


>>> Jan-Simon Möller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7/20/2007 11:44 AM >>>
I reviewed my ideas and put in some comments from tim, jony, srinidhi ...

Am Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2007 08:58:02 schrieb Jan-Simon Möller:
> I'll make a new thread for this topic.
> My proposals for a default config shipped with the rpms would be:
> Store in /var/lib/simias
> No Slave
> (No?) SSL  (as we don't know the SSL in apache is running ... no)
> admin/novell
> no recovery-cert
> and -> configure apache
> I understand that for any external client to connect to the server the IPs
> of the PC has to be used (no loopback).
> 3 possibilities:
> a) use simias-server-setup with some args in %post of the rpm (check for
> old install!) - what about "simias-server-setup --use-simple-defaults".

Atm. my favourite!
BUT: simias-server-setup has to be extended for other locations of the apache 
config files (fedora=/etc/httpd/, debian=..... ).
AND the old bootstrap code needs to be checked to remove the use of the old 

> b) use an template config and sed to pipe the ip of the system into a
> config.
Fast solution. Can be done without code-change. Problem is moved e.g. to the 
buildservice. script + sed to update configuration-template. ToDo: check if 
working also for recompiled src.rpms.

> c) remove all and kick the users to only use simias-server-setup (wanna
> answer all questions ? /me runs )
Same BUT: as in a)

Here we need to discuss what is possible at this time.

Without bugging the devs for now, i can implement  b)  in the buildservice 

a) and c) need some work on the code.

Hey, devs, what do you think ?  (/me runs ;) )

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